


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e otherwise difficult to predict without the comparative study.
2                       This was a descriptive comparative study.
3  placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel, comparative study.
4                                  Prospective comparative study.
5                Retrospective, nonrandomized, comparative study.
6  substituents has been brought to light by a comparative study.
7 s from pairwise and network meta-analysis of comparative studies.
8                        Only 3 of the 20 were comparative studies.
9  rubber tree Hevea, providing a resource for comparative studies.
10     This will need to be confirmed in direct comparative studies.
11 oit the rich biological diversity offered by comparative studies.
12                     We included quantitative comparative studies.
13 t and important confounders in heart failure comparative studies.
14 sing (2+) target cell lines were used in the comparative studies.
15 nostic odds ratio between noncomparative and comparative studies.
16 tudies ranked tests in the opposite order of comparative studies.
17 on ultrasound or MRI, as confirmed in recent comparative studies.
18 plant species combinations in the context of comparative studies.
19 studies often differs from that derived from comparative studies.
20 lergy, which need to be filled by systematic comparative studies.
21 85.7%) compared to no therapy based on three comparative studies.
22 ons and different proteins can be pooled for comparative studies.
23 ential inconsistencies among interlaboratory comparative studies.
24     In this prospective, cross-sectional and comparative study 38 migraine patients and 44 age and se
25        MATERIAL/METHODS: In this prospective comparative study, 40 patients with clinically suspected
26                       In this nonrandomized, comparative study, 99 patients of various ages (includin
27 ocesses in FTUs, are proposed as metrics for comparative studies across individuals, species or evolu
28 isting methods, and additionally facilitates comparative studies across models of different resolutio
29                Yet to date there has been no comparative study across tropical biomes to determine ra
30 our findings provide a framework for further comparative studies addressing the conserved roles of Sn
31                                           In comparative studies, aDNA may complement pollen and macr
32                               We carry out a comparative study against seven popular alternative meth
33         These data serve as a foundation for comparative studies aimed at elucidating the role of exo
34                                          The comparative study aims to explore the differences in the
35                                           In comparative studies alongside existent MNA techniques, S
36                                            A comparative study among 25 Camellia species revealed tha
37 e literature (randomised trials, exploratory comparative studies and case series) on the use of CMR i
38 egration supports the identification of VFs, comparative studies and hypothesis generation, which fac
39     This product will serve as a reagent for comparative studies and may represent a next-generation
40 st identified from different species through comparative studies and then overexpressed in E. coli an
41 he importance of elaborated in vitro/in vivo comparative studies and, when available, validation with
42 ed controlled trials, six were nonrandomized comparative studies, and 14 were single-arm cohort studi
43 that included randomized trials, exploratory comparative studies, and case series on cryptogenic stro
44                                Cross-species comparative studies are a powerful approach to understan
45 s and/or fusions, but similarly high quality comparative studies are lacking.
46 d diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, but further comparative studies are needed.
47 d diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, but further comparative studies are needed.
48  diagnosed primary CNS lymphoma, but further comparative studies are needed.
49  (MF) and Sezary syndrome (SS), but no large comparative studies are published.
50 mas compared with anatomic imaging; however, comparative studies are rare.
51                                    Long-term comparative studies are required to better understand th
52 tatic conditions highlight the importance of comparative studies as basis for implementation of micro
53                Thus, we conducted a detailed comparative study assessing the immune responses of huma
54 irtually precludes the possibility of making comparative studies between human voice and other animal
55  different, the use of these systems enables comparative studies between pathogenic, nonpathogenic, a
56 ue glycopeptides from 195 glycoproteins; the comparative studies between WT and TAC mice indicate the
57                                 We perform a comparative study between (conventional) single-pulse la
58  efficacy in phase II trials and there is no comparative study between different platinum salts.We as
59                                      Second, comparative study between T-PioDock and other state-of-t
60 ur results thus provide the first steps of a comparative study between the gauge color code and other
61                            Here, we report a comparative study between two laboratories on olive oil
62                                           In comparative studies, boosting of BCG-immunized mice with
63 ng for LT, there were only two nonrandomized comparative studies, both with a high risk of bias, whic
64 rs often analyze randomized trials and other comparative studies by separate analysis of changes from
65                              We propose that comparative studies can provide insight into four major
66 prospective, non-randomised, transversal and comparative study, carried out in INOVA Vision Institute
67                                          The comparative study, carried using a two-tailed T test, de
68                                        Large comparative studies comparing minimally invasive approac
69                        Disclosure of sex and comparative studies contribute to our understanding of t
70 ual-metric strategy by showing that previous comparative studies corroborate the performance evaluati
71 o our knowledge, it is the first time that a comparative study dealing with farming systems and orang
72                                        These comparative studies demonstrate that the monovalent, eng
73                                              Comparative studies demonstrated that the intron retenti
74                                            A comparative study demonstrates that the C2A domain is hi
75 s of acute infectious diseases, and rigorous comparative study designs and their associated quantitat
76 clones into ISL-1+/ChAT+ MNs and performed a comparative study during the differentiation process, ob
77                        We also noted any non-comparative studies, enabling us to give a comprehensive
78 duced in 1960s, there have not been in-depth comparative studies examining the five questions that ha
79                      Here, we attempt such a comparative study exploring a very large synthetic libra
80 and native species richness, and large-scale comparative studies finding a positive relationship.
81                                     However, comparative studies focusing on early/embryonic stages d
82 n are difficult to probe experimentally, and comparative studies for different structures of the same
83                                            A comparative study for 62 toxic chemicals based on the si
84          Eleven prospective observational or comparative studies fulfilled inclusion criteria and wer
85 een genetic diversity and population size in comparative studies has generated some skepticism over t
86                                    Thus, our comparative study has revealed a novel function for ICP2
87        Quantitative metrics for multi-sample comparative studies have been introduced to analyze deve
88                                              Comparative studies have been underpowered for mortality
89 istry and physiology of these responses, and comparative studies have clarified their evolutionary hi
90                                              Comparative studies have demonstrated that C4 grasses in
91            A few methods that exist for such comparative studies have focused on structural models de
92                                  Our ongoing comparative studies have led to several conclusions abou
93                                              Comparative studies have revealed a surprising conservat
94                            Recently, several comparative studies have revealed correlations between b
95                            However, previous comparative studies have tested these ideas using geogra
96                                          The comparative study helped decipher a partial consensus co
97                  Short-term experimental and comparative studies highlight the important ecological c
98                                         This comparative study illustrates that PIR-LAESI is an ion s
99                Our findings call for further comparative studies in a broad range of species for adva
100  addition to examining both animal and human comparative studies in an effort to allow clinicians to
101   These methods further pave the way for new comparative studies in animal communication or the analy
102 in nondiseased lungs provide a precedent for comparative studies in diseased lungs and potential targ
103  underlying rice stem NSC and informs future comparative studies in other agronomically vital grass s
104 (LC/MS) has been widely used for large-scale comparative studies in systems biology, including proteo
105 rowth factor-induced maturation to perform a comparative study in order to determine whether PRP can
106 gold coated surface, we have proposed here a comparative study in relation to the target size.
107                                      For the comparative studies included, the pooled weighted mean d
108                            This prospective, comparative study included 369 pediatric and adult patie
109                                       In the comparative study, increased DR severity was associated
110                                     However, comparative studies indicate that human brains follow th
111                                         Such comparative studies into the causes of the behavioral ag
112                  Evaluation in well-designed comparative studies is recommended including economic an
113                                   An overall comparative study is presented.
114                                            A comparative study is reported where folic acid (FA) and
115                                         This comparative study lays the groundwork for developing imp
116                                        Early comparative studies led to the hypothesis that plant che
117                                 A paucity of comparative studies limited exploration of direction in
118                                There were 12 comparative studies, most of which were retrospective co
119 ed, controlled trials (RCTs); nonrandomized, comparative studies (NRCSs); single-group studies; and s
120                                           In comparative studies of alkyne hydrosilylations, the [NDI
121                                              Comparative studies of antiquitin distribution were perf
122                                              Comparative studies of birds show a remarkable diversity
123  an important tool for birdsong research and comparative studies of brain organization and evolution.
124 ideally placed within the panicoid clade for comparative studies of C3 and C4 grasses.
125 his could serve as a harmonized standard for comparative studies of case series from different centre
126  It therefore offers an attractive model for comparative studies of CB1R functions.
127 etabolic pathways and the ability to perform comparative studies of chemical reactions based on these
128                                     Here, by comparative studies of chimeric channels between use-dep
129                                     However, comparative studies of closely related mouse species hav
130 scuss the implications of these findings for comparative studies of cognitive ability.
131 g and should be incorporated into all future comparative studies of comparative coronary revasculariz
132                                              Comparative studies of DBFI-T with its planar monomeric
133 ndent sHBV infection of HepaRG cells permits comparative studies of diverse clinical HBV isolates and
134 g multivariate statistics methods to perform comparative studies of essential dynamics over multiple
135                                              Comparative studies of filamentous fungal species have s
136                                    Combining comparative studies of floral pigmentation and geography
137                                       Recent comparative studies of gene expression imply that new st
138 rful prototyping platform is well suited for comparative studies of genetic regulatory elements, gene
139                           Here, we conducted comparative studies of genome-wide gene expression of va
140                      Currently, there are no comparative studies of invasive treatment.
141                                              Comparative studies of key aspects of fungal biology, in
142 mental genetic data are sparse in ferns, and comparative studies of lycophytes and seed plants have r
143  prospective or retrospective nonrandomized, comparative studies of medical therapy alone, carotid en
144                                              Comparative studies of morphologically different species
145 n these ideas will be facilitated by further comparative studies of multicellular animals, including
146         Accordingly, we propose that further comparative studies of MX proteins will help illuminate
147                              Through further comparative studies of neat regioregular polymers based
148                                 In addition, comparative studies of nonhuman apes also highlight impo
149                                              Comparative studies of outcomes have been performed betw
150                                     However, comparative studies of perfusion-weighted or diffusion-w
151 tional analysis of genes, and as a basis for comparative studies of plant embryogenesis.
152 ource can be used to conduct a wide array of comparative studies of plant metabolism.
153                        Here we review recent comparative studies of primary and metastatic tumors, in
154                                              Comparative studies of single-phase and two-phase anaero
155                                              Comparative studies of strategically chosen non-model sp
156 ndividual susceptibility to heat and broadly comparative studies of temperature-mortality relationshi
157  degrading enzymes, and other functional and comparative studies of the Asian longhorned beetle, Anop
158 tivity of the cation in 2 was illustrated by comparative studies of the corresponding cyclo-tetraphos
159 of the transport mechanism, as well as allow comparative studies of the different superfamilies invol
160                                No definitive comparative studies of the efficacy of 'awake' deep brai
161                                              Comparative studies of the mitochondrial proteome have i
162                                          The comparative studies of the photochromic characteristics
163                                              Comparative studies of the resonant transmission of ligh
164        To our knowledge, these are the first comparative studies of the role of RAR isoforms in CD8(+
165              Our results widen the basis for comparative studies of the vertebrate visual system, str
166 on across vertebrate species, thus hampering comparative studies of their functions.
167 e the relative obscurity of these organisms, comparative studies of them across eukaryotic diversity
168 late all available data for experimental and comparative studies of trawling impacts on whole communi
169                              Together, these comparative studies of two distinct SM proteins reveal c
170                                      Through comparative studies of two inhibitors of markedly varied
171 en 1990 and 2014 was searched for reports of comparative studies of vascular procedures.
172                                              Comparative studies of ZFN activity in a predetermined t
173                                       An NMR comparative study of 1,2,3-triazole and triazolium anion
174                                            A comparative study of 25 AMP databases reveals the overla
175                      This was a prospective, comparative study of 3 photography modalities.
176                                Retrospective comparative study of a consecutive cohort of patients.
177            In the present study, we report a comparative study of azacitidine (AZA) and decitabine (D
178 a significant step in the establishment of a comparative study of behavior.
179                                          The comparative study of cell types is a powerful approach t
180                                   Firstly, a comparative study of diabetic patients with different gr
181                               In addition, a comparative study of different computational DFT approac
182                                      In this comparative study of EBOV- and RESTV-infected human macr
183 s provide an unprecedented opportunity for a comparative study of epigenetic landscape.
184                                          The comparative study of FLIPs provides a unique basis to un
185  different species, we performed an in-depth comparative study of four divergent taxa, in dicots and
186                           Here, we present a comparative study of interchain cysteine linked IgG1 ADC
187                                    Through a comparative study of magnetotransport effects in LaBi an
188                 Consequently, we undertook a comparative study of metabolites in our transgenic sheep
189  vocabularies have been reconstructed by the comparative study of modern languages.
190                                            A comparative study of molecular balances by NMR spectrosc
191 romyces cerevisiae Msh2-Msh3 and performed a comparative study of Msh2-Msh3 and Msh2-Msh6 for mispair
192                                            A comparative study of nanostructured PuO2 and Pu colloids
193                              Additionally, a comparative study of OSCs profiles obtained by SPME coup
194  short- and long-germ development, ideal for comparative study of PRGs.
195                                              Comparative study of R52Q and wild-type PYP provides dir
196        Here we carried out a unique detailed comparative study of reproductive senescence in seven sp
197 nce in the fossil record turns difficult any comparative study of respiratory performance.
198                                              Comparative study of sensitive and resistant ALL showed
199                                            A comparative study of six different carbon nanomaterial-m
200                            We also present a comparative study of STO(001) and STO(110) bare surfaces
201                Here we report results from a comparative study of ten hot Jupiters covering the wavel
202                                 We perform a comparative study of the Anderson localization of light
203                                            A comparative study of the antioxidant capacity and polyph
204          This prompted us to make a detailed comparative study of the ApoA1 and nanodisc systems upon
205                                            A comparative study of the aroma (volatile composition and
206                                            A comparative study of the bioaccessibility of bioactive c
207                               Furthermore, a comparative study of the CO oxidation at the golden cage
208                              A computational comparative study of the corresponding CB[7] complex of
209 e impacts molecular properties, we perform a comparative study of the dynamics of nonpolar side chain
210 l and empirical networks, we give a detailed comparative study of the effects of the structural prope
211 e primary visual cortex, we have conducted a comparative study of the expression of m1AChRs by PV neu
212            Here, we present a systematic and comparative study of the HLA class I and II presented, n
213      Methods We performed a population-based comparative study of the incidence (2003-2011) and preva
214  molecular dynamics simulations to perform a comparative study of the ion distribution around (5'-CGC
215                         We present the first comparative study of the molecular composition of SOM fr
216                                 Our detailed comparative study of the PrP(Sc) conformers has revealed
217                                            A comparative study of the radiation-induced magnetoresist
218 l stretching modes (1800-1700cm(-1)) and the comparative study of the Raman-active CC (1660cm(-1)) an
219          Patients and Methods We conducted a comparative study of the relationship between patient ag
220 nts, catalysts, solvents or additives, and a comparative study of the stereochemical outcomes with re
221         In this article we present the first comparative study of the transient decay dynamics of pho
222                                    Through a comparative study of the use of root collars and stems o
223                          We have conducted a comparative study of these different types of custom-des
224 enes (IEGs) and this enables a comprehensive comparative study of these genes and their chromatin sta
225 for individual cancer types, a comprehensive comparative study of tumorigenic mutations across cancer
226                         Here, we performed a comparative study of two well characterized enzymes, the
227            Here, we have conducted the first comparative study of uptake of PEGylated particles by al
228                                  Single-site comparative study of UWF images and ETDRS photos.
229                                In this work, comparative studies on A-form DNA-RNA duplexes and B-for
230 in nuclei in other fishes, as well as future comparative studies on circuit organization and function
231                                         More comparative studies on functional status and quality of
232 e numerous applications: they can be used in comparative studies on genome evolution, or as a tool to
233 st map presented here can be used for future comparative studies on individual neuroblast lineages in
234 , we did a systematic review of all types of comparative studies on local treatment of metastases fro
235 We established a cell-culture model enabling comparative studies on RNA replication of HAV and HCV in
236  we provide establish a framework for future comparative studies on rosaceous evolution.
237                                     However, comparative studies on transcriptional changes that occu
238                                 We present a comparative study on the antioxidant activities of 76 Ic
239                                 We present a comparative study on the diversity of dust-borne bacteri
240 seful both in the veterinary setting and for comparative studies related to brain evolution.
241                These results are relevant to comparative studies related to the evolution of large br
242                   This detailed experimental comparative study represents a fundamental step to under
243                                       Such a comparative study requires analyses of entire ensembles
244                                              Comparative studies revealed a significant bridge depend
245                                              Comparative studies revealed that genes encoding the com
246                                              Comparative studies revealed the similar development of
247        This controlled clinical head-to-head comparative study revealed PET to exhibit the highest ac
248 y, the novel structure of NcLPMO9C enabled a comparative study, revealing that the oxidative regiosel
249                                              Comparative studies show sensor performance comparable t
250                                              Comparative studies showed that TSPAN9 depletion strongl
251                                         This comparative study showed that AVS procedures were associ
252                                          The comparative study showed that Sigoise from Relizane whic
253                                       In our comparative study, six donor-acceptor compounds were syn
254                                              Comparative studies suggest that binding of the amino ac
255                                 Results from comparative studies suggest these increased DOC concentr
256 tive studies that reported test accuracy and comparative studies that assessed clinical impact.
257                 Randomized and nonrandomized comparative studies that enrolled children and adolescen
258                               We also review comparative studies that have revealed several important
259        Especial emphasis is made on existing comparative studies that shed light on the effect of nan
260  as a medium to perform for the first time a comparative study that illustrated the impact of subtle
261                                 We show in a comparative study that this method is able to compete wi
262                                      In this comparative study, the administration of the preferentia
263                     For this cross-sectional comparative study, the following four groups were compos
264 rategies, which make them ideal subjects for comparative studies to address how mating systems evolve
265 and RBF, but there is a lack of high-quality comparative studies to support this statement.
266                                              Comparative studies using nutlin in the same cellular sy
267                                              Comparative studies using the probe compounds tert-butyl
268                                            A comparative study using NMR spectroscopy and designed to
269 e performed a well-controlled and systematic comparative study using quantification of monoclonal-ant
270     Materials and Methods This retrospective comparative study was approved by the local institutiona
271                                            A comparative study was carried out between two beef-like
272                                            A comparative study was carried out for proteases producti
273 e performed for optimization; in addition, a comparative study was carried out using two ultrasonic d
274          This single-center, cross-sectional comparative study was conducted at a tertiary referral u
275                                         This comparative study was done on individuals without diabet
276                                   Firstly, a comparative study was made of eight methods for the reco
277         MATERIAL/METHODS: This retrospective comparative study was performed on 95 children under 15
278 single-center, retrospective, observational, comparative study was performed.
279                                A prospective comparative study was undertaken.
280                               In the present comparative study, we conducted excised larynx experimen
281                                   In a blind comparative study, we evaluated microwave-accelerated me
282                             Here, in a broad comparative study, we test the prediction that the relat
283                                      In vivo comparative studies were conducted using free TCA as a p
284                More comprehensive, long-term comparative studies were done using mice with genetic di
285          Only randomized clinical trials and comparative studies were included for final analysis.
286 omized controlled trials and 3 nonrandomized comparative studies were included in this review.
287                                              Comparative studies were performed using both fluorescen
288   To elucidate the precise role of graphene, comparative studies were performed with carbon nanotube
289 rted on posttransplant survival rates and 10 comparative studies which reported on posttransplant rec
290                              There were five comparative studies which reported on posttransplant sur
291                                A large-scale comparative study will identify genomic determinants ass
292                                              Comparative studies with a related [SiP(iPr) 3 ]Fe(CNMe2
293                                              Comparative studies with alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) sh
294                                              Comparative studies with extracorporeal membrane oxygena
295                                 Notably, our comparative studies with fork structures containing temp
296                       This will allow future comparative studies with hemichordates to take into acco
297  the Hungarian Vizsla as a genetic model for comparative studies with human myositis.
298 , but because of methodological shortcomings comparative studies with uniform patient selection and m
299 ional reactivity of cisplatin, and present a comparative study with its previously described alkyne-f
300                                      Through comparative study with M(pro)s from other human CoVs (in

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