


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1                                                             Compared to drug therapy, a resurgence of interest in using d
2                                                             Compared to the benchmark Pt/C catalyst, the optimized Co@C-8
3                                                             Compared to the reference mitigation pathway, eradicating ext
4 tings yields 0.008 fewer QALYs per person, but saves US$204 compared to monitoring every 3 months.
5 yanin and gave at 120 degrees C the same yield within 30min compared to 16h by the conventional reflux method (P<0.05).
6 assessed using internal and external validation cohorts and compared to clinical assessment alone.
7 lso more abundant and tightly packed in the NCM of males as compared to females.
8               A two-order improvement in LOD is obtained as compared to the recently reported p-cresol sensor.
9    However, spine density is (a) greater in young ASD cases compared to age-matched TD controls (<18 years old) and (b) d
10 NF-kappaB, Bcl-2 and p53) in these NPs-treated cancer cells compared to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) treated cells.
11 ase, dynamic and stable interactions decreased considerably compared to G1-phase, but were resumed in G2-phase, indicatin
12 500 m) with 65-89% of each component degraded after 50 days compared to 0-47% degradation at 0 degrees C (1000 m), where
13 ignificantly larger (all P < 0.04) by up to 8.5-fold in +DD compared to -DD subjects.
14 ry different caries trajectory in their permanent dentition compared to their caries-free contemporaries.
15 terior substantia nigra was elevated in Parkinson's disease compared to controls across single- and multi-site cohorts, a
16 o 5,000 times increase in acceleration of a sliding droplet compared to a control tube depending on the inclination angle
17  promoted lipid oxidation in washed muscle more effectively compared to oxyMb (P<0.05).
18 e clones possess 100-140 fold enhanced catalytic efficiency compared to hASNase1.
19 surface NHE3, NKCC2, NCC, alpha-ENaC and cleaved gamma-ENaC compared to NSD.
20 he lungs A. alternata-challenged mice are cytokine-enriched compared to those from IL5tg mice, including 800-fold higher
21                Fold outgrowth was superior from LL explants compared to explants from the buccal mucosa (BM), HP, and tra
22 ied LLMs invaded erythrocytes by an increase of 10-300 fold compared to wild-type (WT) merozoites.
23                      Patient doses in this study was higher compared to previous research, suggesting that patients expos
24  growing in immunodeficient mice exhibited enhanced hypoxia compared to the original tumours in immunocompetent humans, a
25 70 nM, which corresponds to a 120-fold affinity improvement compared to the parent molecule.
26 nd cylinder (P < .001), independent of surgical indication, compared to PK over 5 years.
27 gnificantly higher number of detected cells in ET injection compared to IV and a slight increase in the mean number of de
28 sence of isotopes that give rise to more peaks to interpret compared to lower resolution instruments.
29 of expression of genes implicated in migration and invasion compared to commonly used, immortalized TB cell lines and pri
30                    WS cells exhibit shorter telomere length compared to normal cells, but it is not fully understood how
31 risk - documenting more future-oriented thinking among low- compared to high-SES groups.
32 se in the mean number of detected cells in irradiated lungs compared to control, although the latter did not reach statis
33 umber (PN) emissions were 28% and 17% higher with the PPS-M compared to the SMPS for LSHFO and MGO, respectively.
34 e in number was observed in ASD patients and family members compared to controls, there were no significant differences i
35 s toll-like receptors were overexpressed in SAH neutrophils compared to healthy neutrophils (P < 0.05).
36 eta-CD)-based polymer network with higher affinity for PFOA compared to powdered activated carbon, along with comparable
37 tified probably due to lower oscillator strength of plasmon compared to the coronene.
38 old longer reaction time and a 40-fold increase in pressure compared to standard PTR-TOF-MS.
39 and two orders of magnitude decrease in power-delay product compared to cutting-edge microprocessors.
40  intrathoracic anastomosis provides a lower 30-day POM rate compared to cervical anastomosis, and performing a thoracotom
41       MXF and LVX have higher granuloma sterilization rates compared to GFX; and MXF performs better in a simulated non-c
42 e increasing plant P uptake more with a pulsed water supply compared to a regular supply and increasing shoot N concentra
43 icantly earlier disease onset and reduced overall survival, compared to controls.
44 ive surface charge density by up to approximately 4-5 times compared to the monovalent cations.
45 severe underestimations by all models except JeDi and VISIT compared to observation-based average k), likely contributing
46 vity decreased slightly during exoskeleton-assisted walking compared to baseline, while knee flexor activity was elevated
47 strated higher antifouling and tensile stress (by 31%) when compared to pure PES membranes.
48  change in prostate cell proliferation in treated mice when compared to controls.
49 he classification of samples, and thus prioritization, when compared to the other evaluated approaches.
50 n this series, with initial activity that is slightly worse compared to the pristine metallic phase of MoS2.

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