


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 orted by small-angle x-ray scattering and by comparison of observed infrared absorption spectra with
2                                 Side by side comparison of the developed microfluidic biosensor with
3                                              Comparison of the transmembrane helix architecture with
4                                              Comparison of solid-state sodium cells with 1) solid ele
5  is ongoing, recently published intrapatient comparisons of (18)F-fluciclovine with (11)C-choline rep
6                                    Extensive comparisons of Discriminant-Cut with 13 existing methods
7 e for the ptau:ttau ratio was 0.916, and the comparison of ALS with 4-repeat tauopathy showed 92.0% s
8 city and optical activity is investigated in comparisons of heterocycles with 4n + 2 and 4n pi-electr
9                                            A comparison of Altona with a laboratory-developed BKV NAA
10                                        Cross-comparison of AmbO5 with a previously characterized alip
11                                 We find from comparison of EGFP molecular flow with a molecule that h
12 filing of Ccn6(fl/fl) mammary carcinomas and comparison of orthologous genes with a human metaplastic
13                                              Comparison of outcomes in patients with a relapsing vs n
14                                   Of note, a comparison of the CCHD/LD1 complex with a previously sol
15                                              Comparison of the current structure with a previous stru
16               Here, we describe a structural comparison of the isolated RH domain with a domain swapp
17                                              Comparison of the measurements with a theoretical model
18                                              Comparison of the palladacycles with a conventional pall
19 s of apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), followed by comparisons of cognitive function, with a particular foc
20 ed ejection fraction (EF) in the Prospective Comparison of ARNI with ACEI to Determine Impact on Glob
21                           In the Prospective Comparison of ARNI With ACEI to Determine Impact on Glob
22        In the PARADIGM-HF trial (Prospective Comparison of ARNI with ACEI to Determine Impact on Glob
23     We investigated these in the Prospective Comparison of ARNI With ACEI to Determine Impact on Glob
24                 The PARADIGM-HF (Prospective Comparison of ARNI With ACEI to Determine Impact on Glob
25 ost patients in the PARADIGM-HF (Prospective Comparison of ARNI With ACEI to Determine Impact on Glob
26                 The PARADIGM-HF (Prospective comparison of ARNi with ACEi to Determine Impact on Glob
27 zed patients in the PARADIGM-HF (Prospective comparison of ARNI with ACEI to Determine Impact on Glob
28 s randomized in the PARADIGM-HF (Prospective Comparison of ARNI With ACEI to Determine Impact on Glob
29 in either the PARADIGM-HF trial (Prospective Comparison of ARNI With ACEI to Determine Impact on Glob
30                                            A comparison of tumors with acquired resistance to HDM201
31                                 Head-to-head comparisons of conventional influenza vaccines with aden
32                               Our subsequent comparison of aging-related genes with age-related disea
33              RESOLUTE all-comers (Randomized Comparison of a Zotarolimus-Eluting Stent With an Everol
34 ark, Illinois) in the RESOLUTE (A Randomized Comparison of a Zotarolimus-Eluting Stent With an Everol
35                 The PARADIGM-HF (Prospective Comparison of ARNI With an ACE-Inhibitor to Determine Im
36                                    Moreover, comparison of CCM and NCM with an antibody array for 507
37                                 A structural comparison of holo-ScNsrR with an apo-IscR-DNA complex s
38                       In this framework, the comparison of the results with an independent measuremen
39                                 A structural comparison of the yeast CNC with an electron microscopy
40                              On the basis of comparison of this MDFF model with an earlier-derived cr
41                                 We show that comparison of transcriptome profiles correlates with ana
42                                              Comparison of days with and without particle formation e
43                                              Comparison of gnotobiotic Rag1-/- mice with and without
44 h a microbial symbiont requires experimental comparison of hosts with and without symbionts.
45 fects were clinically insignificant based on comparisons of models with and without the effects, resu
46                                           In comparisons of persons with and without cataract, person
47 tures in neurological conditions that allows comparison of human gait with animal models would be of
48 a from randomization groups 1 and 2, and the comparison of oral anticoagulation with antiplatelet the
49                                   Structural comparison of the bithionol complex with apo-sAC and oth
50  propeptide were measured in the Prospective Comparison of ARNI With ARB on Management of Heart Failu
51                                              Comparisons of the North Indian record with both Antarct
52                                     Adjusted comparisons of patients with BRONJ versus controls used
53 al tests, both in model selection and in the comparison of results with Burke et al.
54                               The structural comparison of AsCpf1 with Cas9, a type II CRISPR-Cas nuc
55                                              Comparison of AQY(330) with CDOM spectral signatures sug
56                       Live-dead staining and comparisons of Fe-EC with chemical coagulation controls
57                                   Structural comparisons of HDAC6-inhibitor complexes with class I HD
58  our knowledge the first large-scale genomic comparison of SBA with colorectal cancer and gastric car
59  8442 patients randomized in the Prospective Comparison of Angiotensin Receptor-Neprilysin Inhibitor
60                   Dose, route, duration, and comparison of pharmacological strategies are reviewed, w
61 veloped methodology was used, relying on the comparison of removal efficiency predictions (obtained w
62                                              Comparison of the redox array with conventional proteomi
63                                          The comparison of trials with correct (Hits) versus incorrec
64                                              Comparison of control and intervention clusters with cov
65                                              Comparison of the experimental results with crystal-fiel
66                                              Comparison of platelet eQTLs with data from the Genotype
67                                              Comparison of simulations with data from H3N2 and H1N1 v
68                                              Comparison of the Hadza data set with data collected fro
69                                   Finally, a comparison of the present results with data obtained wit
70                                   Subsequent comparisons of data from 2003-2004 with data through 201
71                Interestingly, a head-to-head comparison of mice with deletion of Adora2b in the myelo
72  absolute configuration has been assigned by comparison of the experimental ECD spectra with DFT and
73                                              Comparison of PO diets with diets rich in stearic acid,
74                                              Comparison of PO-rich diets with diets rich in trans fat
75 nt affects the fusion mechanism as well as a comparison of fusion behavior across viruses with differ
76              The super-SILAC approach allows comparison of binding to multiple peptides with differen
77                             We conclude that comparison of fluorescence on materials with different n
78  are active and colour vision derives from a comparison of signals in cones with different visual pig
79                                    Moreover, comparisons of the reactivities with different recombina
80 ears) were recruited into the TOMMY trial (A Comparison of Tomosynthesis with Digital Mammography in
81                                              Comparisons of gene essentiality with drug sensitivity d
82  The accuracy of the model is evaluated by a comparison of measured voltage changes associated with e
83                              A comprehensive comparison of Chimira with each of these tools is provid
84                                              Comparison of these structures with each other, as well
85 d graft biopsy (index biopsy, IBx), allowing comparison of risk of DCGF associated with early events
86                                            A comparison of the interaction network with elastase comp
87                                            A comparison of this work with emission rates from differe
88 e the first time to our knowledge, real-data comparison of contemporary fisheries models with equival
89                                              Comparison of PDTX with ex vivo tumor cultures and arsen
90                                            A comparison of the generated LCI with existing data revea
91                                              Comparisons of the model with existing methods indicate
92                                              Comparison of the theory with experiments is excellent f
93                                              Comparison of synaptic results with fast glutamate appli
94                                              Comparison of the Indian record with faunal records from
95                                              Comparison of purely topological characteristics with fl
96                                          The comparison of settled dust with floor dust revealed no s
97                                              Comparison of SPRi with flow cytometry showed similar Ep
98                                              Comparison of fundus photographs with fluorescein angiog
99                                           By comparison of the spectra with Franck-Condon simulations
100                                            A comparison of F-actin with G-actin reveals the conformat
101 e identification of twenty-six components by comparison of their mass spectra with GC-MS library data
102 bsets of pangenomes are selected, as well as comparisons of individual genomes to pangenomes with gen
103 investigations, allowing for the unambiguous comparison of strains with global coverage.
104                                Transcriptome comparisons of SOX9+ cells with GLT1+ cells showed that
105 comparison of standard repair with mesh, and comparison of standard repair with graft.
106                                 Furthermore, comparison of our RNA-seq data with Gro and RNA polymera
107 In a multistate model, the hazard ratios for comparisons of physical activity with health education w
108                                              Comparison of this data set with high-resolution seed an
109  that target 4E-T to P-bodies was enabled by comparison of vertebrate proteins with homologues in Dro
110                                              Comparison of i.m. vaccinations with HSV2-gD27 versus gD
111                                              Comparison of cells with identical oocyte-derived nuclea
112 of TF diversification, we performed detailed comparisons of yeast C2H2 ZF proteins with identical can
113 ient, 3D models of vascularized tissues, and comparison of predictions with in vivo or in vitro exper
114                                            A comparison of this structure with inactive- and active-s
115                                              Comparisons of climate model hindcasts with independent
116                                   Structural comparison of DNA-bound MepR with 'induced' apoMepR reve
117                                            A comparison of deposition data with industrial production
118 of solvent dynamics, and it permits a direct comparison of simulation results with infrared spectrosc
119                                              Comparison of STA obtained with inputs at various dendri
120                                              Comparison of the viral complex with its human counterpa
121                                              Comparison of our results with kinetic and structural st
122                                            A comparison of EBNA3 binding sites with known transcripti
123                                              Comparison of Sabin-like virus recombinants with known N
124                                              Comparison of EME-MS with LC-MS for drug metabolism anal
125                This could have resulted in a comparison of fit statin users with less fit nonstatin u
126                                    Moreover, comparisons of fins with limbs have been limited by a re
127 s was based on deconvoluted mass spectra and comparison of linear retention indices (LRI) with litera
128      This Tric-LUC reporter allowed a direct comparison of luciferase activity with locomotor activit
129       Based on these results, a head-to-head comparison of rivaroxaban with long-term low-molecular-w
130 follow-up range: 5-24 y), pooled RRs for the comparison of the highest with lowest categories of tota
131 tivariable-adjusted RRs (95% CIs) of GDM for comparisons of highest with lowest quartiles were 1.27 (
132                                              Comparison of LC-MS with MA revealed that MA inaccuratel
133 ed of a randomized clinical trial design and comparison of the ICD with medical therapy (control) in
134                                   Structural comparison of TgALD1 and TgDPA with members of their res
135 wn about whether these patterns exist in the comparison of young women with men.
136 igned to one of the three treatment options, comparison of standard repair with mesh, and comparison
137                                              Comparison of full-field ERG recordings with microfiber
138                                            A comparison of experimental data with model simulations s
139                                          The comparison of our neutron spectroscopy data with model s
140                                              Comparison of our experimental findings with molecular d
141                                    Moreover, comparison of multiple alignment with motif analysis sho
142                                              Comparison of our proteomic data with mouse and human da
143 and interactions by allowing observation and comparison of ligand interactions with multiple proteins
144                                              Comparison of this statistics-based description with new
145                                              Comparison of these results with Nkd function in Drosoph
146                                              Comparison of the RDC-selected ensemble with NMR spin re
147                     We performed a case-case comparison of emm32.2 iGAS cases with non-emm32.2 contro
148 s, and the lack of standardization, make the comparison of ion channel models with one another and wi
149                                              Comparison of this map with one derived from the unimpai
150                                            A comparison of DNA constructs with or without GQ in the o
151 pancy in positive and negative controls, and comparisons of estimated site occupancy with orthogonal
152                                           On comparison of cases versus controls with OSSN, HIV-posit
153                                              Comparison of 2014 funding levels with other malignancie
154                                 A structural comparison of FnCas9 with other Cas9 orthologs revealed
155                                            A comparison of NPR Scythian mtDNA linages with other cont
156                                              Comparison of our approach with other integrative approa
157                                          The comparison of pathogen risk with other potential impacts
158                                            A comparison of the Little Darby stromatolites with other
159                                              Comparison of the proposed method with other ones demons
160      Finally, we have performed a systematic comparison of the RECQL5 structures with other RecQ fami
161 e absolute configurations were determined by comparison of their ECD spectra with other experimental
162                                              Comparisons of gene diversity with other aquatic habitat
163                                              Comparison of the current XN structure with our previous
164                               In the overall comparison of patients with pancreatic cancer and diabet
165                                              Comparison of aril juices with peel and seed extracts is
166  fracture connectivity is determined through comparison of fracture parameters with permeability.
167                             However, data on comparisons of these methods with PET methods to determi
168                                              Comparisons of changes of cardiac genes with phenotypic
169                                    Moreover, comparison of SSR-based data with phenylpropanoid molecu
170  well as host-cell adhesion by Acinetobacter Comparisons of genomic and structural data with pilin pr
171                                   Structural comparison of PilM with PilM.PilN(1-12) revealed that up
172                                      For the comparison of clonidine with placebo, patients were rand
173  the 5-mg dose with placebo; P<0.001 for the comparison of the 10-mg dose with placebo); the rate was
174  the 5-mg dose with placebo; P<0.001 for the comparison of the 10-mg dose with placebo); the score ch
175 ith 33% in the placebo group (P=0.01 for the comparison of the 5-mg dose with placebo; P<0.001 for th
176  -0.18 in the placebo group (P=0.006 for the comparison of the 5-mg dose with placebo; P<0.001 for th
177 he 52-week prednisone taper (P<0.001 for the comparisons of either active treatment with placebo).
178 cotherapy and psychotherapy trials, indirect comparisons of their effect sizes compared with placebo
179 ry much improved" or "much improved"), and a comparison of rates of augmentation with pregabalin and
180                            A recovery ratio (comparison of postoperative with preoperative mJOA score
181                                              Comparison of probit model results with previous results
182 ffects of temperature on productivity, and a comparison of results with previous published modeling a
183                                              Comparison of the changes observed here with previous re
184                                        After comparison of these results with previous similar studie
185 led atmospheric and fluvial Hg fluxes, and a comparison of this work with previous measurements indic
186 mbining a linear-time algorithm for implicit comparison of all pairs of models with profile hashing t
187 tions meant that 40-89% were non-replicable; comparisons of protocols with publications showed that m
188                                 Based on the comparison of our results with published data, we propos
189                                       Direct comparison of simulations with published experimental da
190                                              Comparison of the overall associations with published re
191                                    In direct comparison of pure rPH with pure iPH, severe cerebral WM
192                                     Finally, comparison of dPCR with qPCR results on clinical samples
193                                            A comparison of the new temperature reconstruction with ra
194                                              Comparison of ECRP with reduction potentials measured po
195 e this trend via simulations of plasmidomes, comparisons of predictions with reference data for isola
196                                              Comparison of land movement with relative sea-level rise
197                                            A comparison of our data with reported methylome changes i
198                                          The comparison of persistent with resolved MetS and MUO did
199  DeltaFM than to DeltaFFM; however, a direct comparison of the 2 indexes with respect to change in th
200  the ENC, and we focused our analysis on the comparison of the ENC domain with respect to its wild ty
201                                              Comparison of PARE peaks in strains with RNase III prese
202                                              Comparison of CSG with RSI detected a highly significant
203                                              Comparison of vertical accretion rates with RSLR rates a
204                                              Comparison of in situ fluorescence lifetimes with satell
205                                 We include a comparison of PMS8 with several state of the art algorit
206                                              Comparison of the experimental images with simulations a
207                   Benchmarking the method by comparison of average peptide PFs with site-resolved NMR
208                                              Comparison of this model with SIV-infected non-CD8(+) ly
209                                 A structural comparison of SaCas9 with SpCas9 highlighted both struct
210                                              Comparison of the cell spectra with spectra of trehalose
211 dvanced-stage EAC: in a stratified analysis, comparison of 189 cases with stage 0-1 EAC to 520 contro
212                                              Comparison of monocular BEFIE tests with standard conven
213 on/accurate mass measurement of Orbitrap and comparison of the retardation factors with standards.
214 n trees from tandem mass spectra, and on the comparison of these parameters with standards.
215                                              Comparison of cocrystal structures with structure-activi
216                                 A structural comparison of SULT1A3 with SULT1A1 (its immediate evolut
217                                            A comparison of the model results with surface observation
218                                            A comparison of median scores of participants with symptom
219                                              Comparison of the crude fungal extract with synthetic ru
220                                              Comparison of Lmo2-/- with Tal1-/- Flk-1+ cells further
221                                              Comparison of combined intervention with TAU, and of int
222                                              Comparison of TP4-binding with Tau aggregation reveals t
223                                              Comparison of air-water fluxes with temperature suggeste
224 m Thrombolysis) trial was a randomized (1:1) comparison of thrombolysis with tenecteplase versus plac
225 ssion levels in modern maize is supported by comparisons of relative protein levels with teosinte as
226                                          The comparison of the experimental diffusion-profile with th
227 7 template, we were able to perform a direct comparison of catalytic activity with that of the less a
228                                              Comparison of our data with that compiled in budding yea
229                                              Comparison of our structure with that of a previously re
230                                              Comparison of our structure with that of HIV RT explains
231                                           By comparison of SFTSV Gc with that of the prefusion struct
232                                 Importantly, comparison of the alkylation fingerprint with that gener
233                                              Comparison of the reactivity of 2 with that of a more el
234                                              Comparison of Y704A mRNA synthesis with that of the wild
235  comprehensive study provide a framework for comparison of complex adult populations with the early b
236                                              Comparison of formate production with the ingestion of d
237                                              Comparison of Galpha with the small G protein Ras reveal
238                                   Finally, a comparison of IRAB-B with the IR antagonist S961 shows d
239 P) in the action of ISO on HPC expansion and comparison of ISO with the current standard of care, N-a
240                          We recommend direct comparison of means between groups with the use of basel
241 rigorous statistical method for quantitative comparison of multiple ChIP-seq datasets with the consid
242                                              Comparison of observer's scores with the area-based dens
243  in 20 gene families were identified through comparison of P. xylostella genome with the genomes of o
244                                            A comparison of peptide oxidation levels with the values o
245                          This allowed direct comparison of present transcriptomic data with the earli
246                              Consistently, a comparison of published morphant defects with the Sanger
247                                              Comparison of reaction outcomes with the same reactions
248 dentify 18,210 structural variants by direct comparison of the assembly with the human reference, ide
249                                         In a comparison of the baseline period with the EOS calculato
250                                              Comparison of the dCON group with the MCI group revealed
251 aningfulness of chirality were determined by comparison of the distribution of enantiomers with the e
252                                              Comparison of the edited with the original spectrum sign
253 s spectrometry (MS) is generally achieved by comparison of the experimental mass spectra with the the
254                                 Based on the comparison of the observed transient spectra with the on
255                                              Comparison of the octamer with the hexadecamer structure
256                                            A comparison of the proposed method with the existing lite
257                                              Comparison of the structure with the unrelated H3.3-spec
258                                            A comparison of the STSIS technique with the SIS technique
259                                              Comparison of the UV-detected MWD with the MWD of the "b
260                                              Comparison of the wild type with the capsule-switching m
261  Pho84 was used to study the release of Pi A comparison of this conformation with the model for Pi re
262                                              Comparison of this structure with the closed-state struc
263                                Comprehensive comparisons of RegLRSD with the state-of-the-art algorit
264 e alignments of 1,10- and 1,11-synthases and comparisons of X-ray crystal structures with the homolog
265                                   Structural comparison of C2c1 ternary complexes with their Cas9 and
266                                 Nonetheless, comparison of colorectal carcinomas with their adjacent
267 rochemical studies is usually undertaken via comparison of the experimental results with theory based
268       The experimental data were analyzed by comparison of the observed scattering profiles with thos
269            2D NMR spectroscopic analysis and comparison of (13)C chemical shifts with those of the co
270                                              Comparison of adapted populations with those found on le
271 bjects were also evaluated in this study for comparison of biomarkers with those seen in asthmatic pa
272                                              Comparison of observed cross sections with those obtaine
273                                          The comparison of our results with those obtained under conv
274 ssful analysis of the IgE in human serum and comparison of results with those from a commercial kit.
275                                              Comparison of ROX crystal structures with those of other
276                                              Comparison of tcp20 mutants with those of nlp7 mutants,
277                                              Comparison of the apo-FluPol structure with those of pro
278              We furthermore provide a direct comparison of the capabilities of LDA with those of the
279                                              Comparison of the PPHD structures with those of HIF and
280 y analysis of reference material (RM) and by comparison of the results with those obtained using conv
281                                              Comparison of the results with those obtained via tradit
282                                              Comparison of these results with those from other classe
283                                          The comparison of these results with those from other verteb
284 d CCG258748) in complex with GRK2-Gbetagamma Comparison of these structures with those of analogous b
285                                              Comparisons of modern human brains with those of chimpan
286 ctra exist for reference hydrocarbons making comparisons of reference spectra with those of the unkno
287                                              Comparisons of this structure with those from bacterial
288                                            A comparison of our model with traditional and simpler MLR
289                                              Comparison of mice infected with two scrapie strains (22
290                                              Comparisons of 3-Ni with two further U-Ni complexes XU(I
291                                              Comparison of our computational Viral RPs with UniProt's
292                                              Comparison of reactants with various substitution groups
293                                   Structural comparison of VP24 with VP26 and VP28 reveals opposite e
294 he presence of any VHD did not influence the comparison of dabigatran with warfarin.
295                                              Comparison of the ChIP-seq profile with whole-transcript
296                                              Comparison of the alignment quality with widely used alg
297                                              Comparison of dKO mice with wild-type (Wt) and single kn
298                                              Comparison of these animals with wild-type mice demonstr
299                                              Comparison of these mice with wild type and globally MeC
300                                           By comparison of Tim22 Cys --> Ser mutants with wild-type T

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