


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nd spanning more than 30 pKa units, has been compiled.
2 ce alignments of homologous sequences can be compiled.
3 since 2010 ( approximately 300 ILs) has been compiled.
4 potential antiviral or anticancer agents are compiled.
5 n oxidation state map of the sample could be compiled.
6 ion dataset, based on EuroFIR standards, was compiled.
7  for which a large genomic data set has been compiled.
8                         We have successfully compiled 23,677 profiles into a comprehensive quality at
9                        This generic database compiling 279 metrics will allow the simultaneous evalua
10                                     Here, we compile 5,671 microbial cell and virus abundance estimat
11                                Therefore, we compiled 779 features and developed a pattern discovery
12                                           We compiled 943 QTL from all available species [lake whitef
13 ration generates sufficient localizations to compile a 3D model of the SC with nanometer precision.
14 bute to reduction of manual work required to compile a bilingual sydictionary of clinical terms.
15 ouse driver lines will facilitate efforts to compile a cell type parts list, build a Cortical Cell At
16                                      Here we compile a comprehensive database of economic costs of in
17                  The aim of this study is to compile a comprehensive database on color range and colo
18 g the worms to various stimuli allowed us to compile a comprehensive functional map of the sensory sy
19  of the German National Cohort will serve to compile a comprehensive image repository, will provide i
20 )Cs) in various honey samples, as well as to compile a data base for radioactivity levels in that reg
21                            Here, the authors compile a database of 293,362 children in 35 countries a
22 nd experimental studies, we used the CNSs to compile a gene regulatory network in Arabidopsis thalian
23                                     Here, we compile a global breeding-system database of 1,752 angio
24                                     Here, we compile a global database of 108753 trees for which stem
25 rganization requested each member country to compile a national elimination report.
26                         In addition, we also compile a new DTI dataset for increasing the diversity o
27  progenitor collection of 39,918 mutants, we compile a quality-controlled knockout collection of the
28 iversity between any number of databases and compile a set of non-redundant sequences.
29                                     Here, we compile a unique pan-tropical dataset of 360 plots locat
30                                           We compiled a catalogue of the mutations associated with HP
31                  In a secondary analysis, we compiled a comparison cohort of patients with mild head
32                                           We compiled a comprehensive data set of early folding resid
33                                     Here, we compiled a continental dataset on the distributions of A
34 his hypothesis across all marine animals, we compiled a data set of body sizes for 17,208 genera of m
35                              Accordingly, we compiled a database of 203 RNA and DNA human viruses and
36 ions between land cover and childhood DD, we compiled a database of 293,362 children in 35 countries
37                                      We have compiled a database of DSL characteristics globally.
38                                           We compiled a dataset from the World Bank, WHO, Institute f
39                                           We compiled a global data set for carbon and helium isotope
40                                           We compiled a global data set of 651 published marine speci
41                                           We compiled a global database for leaf, stem and root bioma
42                                           We compiled a global database of C, N, P, and S concentrati
43                          To address this, we compiled a globally-representative database of visits to
44                        With ChIP-Array 2, we compiled a library containing regulatory networks of 18
45                                           We compiled a list of 102 genes in pathways targeted by mar
46                     The Duke Echo Laboratory compiled a multidisciplinary CQI team including 4 senior
47                                           We compiled a multifaceted dataset to quantify coastal tren
48 ing of C dynamics of pantropical forests, we compiled a new database, the Tropical Forest C database
49                                           We compiled a new pan-continental tree-ring width database
50            To benchmark MetaPred2CS, we also compiled a novel high-quality training dataset of experi
51                                     Here, we compiled a proteomic characterization of the human TPC i
52                    Using this novel line, we compiled a reference for myofibrillar microarchitecture
53                                      We have compiled a series of the challenges and the proposals of
54 se-related annotation; (vi) Additionally, we compiled a SNP-drug response association dataset for 650
55                                Patients also compiled a subjective evaluation questionnaire.
56                                           We compiled a unique data set from state-required wastewate
57                                      We have compiled a user-friendly, open-access database of mRNA m
58                                              Compiling a comprehensive list of cancer driver genes is
59  survey the phosphoproteome of this species, compiling a list of 2636 phosphosites.
60   These results provide a starting point for compiling a mammalian nervous system connectome that cou
61 ating existing compositional data which were compiled according to international standards.
62 ly on matrices of trait and performance data compiled according to logical associations with five bas
63 d regional-scale EF5r estimates required for compiling accurate national greenhouse gas inventories.
64 conducted between mid-2008 and mid-2012 were compiled across all 23 districts in Telangana and Andhra
65                                           We compile algorithms into a fully connected set of gate op
66              The purpose of this study is to compile all available treatment modalities and to provid
67                                           We compiled all available data on soil organic carbon (OC)
68                                           We compiled all credible repeated lion surveys and present
69 n, leading to a more diverse composition and compiling all possible toxic chemicals.
70                                           By compiling all the theoretical and experimental data, a K
71               Finally, we have used ADAPT to compile an unbiased description of a "typical" bleb form
72  26 healthy siblings, and their parents), we compiled an atlas of 29,719 SV loci (5,213/genome), comp
73              Based on these results, we have compiled an Eterna100 benchmark of 100 secondary structu
74              To investigate this problem, we compiled an extensive database of ENMs transport experim
75                                     Here, we compiled an integrative resource for predictions from ei
76  paper describes the methodology applied for compiling an "international end-user" folate database.
77 sorders and assess the underlying biology by compiling an archive of 684 genes discovered in studies
78 ometry-based proteomic studies have aimed at compiling an inventory of protein compounds present in a
79    The metabolomic approach was exploited to compile analytical information on changes in the metabol
80                                      CATNAP (Compile, Analyze and Tally NAb Panels) is a new web serv
81                        Website name: CATNAP (Compile, Analyze and Tally NAb Panels).
82                                      Here we compile and analyze planktonic foraminiferal size-specif
83                                  We aimed to compile and compare data from symptomatic participants i
84                     In the present review we compile and critically assess the literature on the chem
85                            In this study, we compile and evaluate a comprehensive curated stoichiomet
86            Therefore, FAO/INFOODS decided to compile and publish a user databases for fish and shellf
87   Consensus-building across expert groups to compile and rank the entire list of potential IAS.
88                                           We compiled and analysed nationwide case-based meningitis s
89                                           We compiled and analysed surveillance data for nine countri
90                                           We compiled and analyzed a database of natural history and
91 is volume model as a common 3D framework, we compiled and analyzed the spatial distributions of more
92 tmospherically relevant functional groups is compiled and analyzed to quantify the influence of numbe
93                          These findings were compiled and assessed for any association between genoty
94  BC emissions from GDI and PFI vehicles were compiled and BC emissions scenarios were developed to ev
95                     A PBPK knowledgebase was compiled and developed from existing PBPK-related articl
96           Anonymized votes and opinions were compiled and discussed.
97                 Research findings need to be compiled and made readily accessible to users for policy
98                                     LRGs are compiled and maintained by the National Center for Biote
99 Maps, KEGG), a list of compounds (41474) was compiled and potential adducts and isotopes were calcula
100                                      We then compiled and reviewed publications of subsequent phase I
101                                  This review compiles and dissects the key findings for this importan
102                       We address this gap by compiling and analyzing 240 estimates of influenza trans
103 to track the global transport of e-wastes by compiling and constraining existing estimates of the amo
104               Since 2007, our group has been compiling and updating a FA fortified food composition d
105              The central aim of htsint is to compile annotation information from one or more taxa in
106                                   The review compiles artificial cascades involving enzymes with a fo
107 om January 1, 1998 through December 31, 2013 compiled at the National Taiwan University Hospital.
108                                           We compiled Australian Modification-International Classific
109                                     Here, we compiled available field data on CH4 and N2 O emissions
110                                        After compiling available data for European butterflies (5782
111                          Source code and pre-compiled binaries (Windows, OSX and Linux) are hosted on
112 nteraction database assembled using MySQL by compiling BioGrid, BIND, DIP, and Intact databases was q
113                     Life history tables were compiled by collecting weekly data on mortality and fecu
114                             The data set was compiled by the Delaware Atmospheric Deposition Network
115 urine hematopoietic gene expression profiles compiled by the Immunological Genome Project.
116 pation of subsequent taxonomic changes being compiled by the Journal of Clinical Microbiology on a bi
117 in 45 states and the District of Columbia as compiled by the North American Association of Central Ca
118 tained from FluNet, the surveillance network compiled by the the World Health Organization.
119          National electronic medical records compiled by the Veterans Health Administration were used
120 tries and regions downloaded from the FluNet compiled by the World Health Organization, from January
121                                    Data were compiled by using a frequentist approach (conventional c
122 putationally intensive to generate, but once compiled can be applied efficiently to annotate and prio
123 tilised the latest socioeconomic datasets to compile China's 2012 multiregional input-output (MRIO) t
124                                      We then compiled climatic, geographical, and demographic informa
125                                           We compiled clinical and laboratory data from 11 patients w
126                                           We compiled clinical characteristics of PCSK9 GOF mutation
127                             Specifically, we compiled comparative and quantitative data essential to
128                                    First, we compiled CRC-related miRNAs, CRC-related genes, and huma
129                                     Here, we compile data from ~90 culturally impacted European lakes
130                                      Here we compile data on ontogenetic growth for extant and fossil
131                                           We compiled data for the 12 month prevalence of partner vio
132                                           We compiled data from 132 studies, including 1290 reported
133 he Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study 2010 compiled data from 1990 to 2010 on 291 diseases and inju
134 For this adjusted retrospective analysis, we compiled data from a range of sources (eg, WHO reports a
135                                      Here we compiled data from global rivers and lakes in the United
136 d abortion data from government agencies and compiled data from international sources and nationally
137                                           We compiled data from studies measuring free-living N fixat
138                        To test the model, we compiled data on diets of 794 predators (mammals, snakes
139                                     From the compiled data we identified two patterns: (1) energy den
140 us referencing of data contributing to their compiled data.
141                                     CollecTF compiles data on experimentally validated, naturally occ
142 38%) antibiograms specified methods used for compiling data and exclusion of duplicates.
143 n accordance with this trend, three recently compiled databases that have been selected by NAR review
144 rient density and partitioning using a newly compiled dataset including 372 forest stands.
145                                   Across our compiled dataset, free-living N fixation is suppressed b
146                            The raw data were compiled, descriptive analyses were performed, and resul
147 ates provide an unprecedented opportunity to compile different levels of human brain evolution into a
148                                           To compile DMH maps for the autonomic cold defense and for
149  distribution of pelagic animals detected by compiling echo-soundings from ships around the world, an
150                                       I also compile evidence from laboratory evolution experiments a
151                                   Further, I compile evidence regarding astrocyte glutamate release a
152 ns, yet the field lacks an effective tool to compile experimental data or access the network and stru
153                                              Compiled folate values were concurrently standardised in
154                                     Here, we compile folding information for every base pair of the g
155 tive was to develop a general methodology to compile food metrics describing diet sustainability dime
156 eased capacity development in generating and compiling food composition data, a food composition data
157                                    Data were compiled for 456 food entries on insects in different de
158 al, genomic, and molecular phenotypes can be compiled for adaptive learning between precision medicin
159 tion landscape of nuclear RNAs has yet to be compiled for any organism.
160  health claims for medical and drug expenses compiled for approximately 90.1 million patients in cale
161                     Data were abstracted and compiled for descriptive analyses and metaanalyses.
162                       The source code can be compiled for execution on popular platforms (Windows, Ma
163 or Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows and can be compiled for Linux.
164                Our dataset, the largest ever compiled for sea turtles, has 9690 growth increments fro
165 5 independent measurements of river incision compiled from 14 sites.
166 lasses is based on a UV-vis spectral library compiled from 146 flavonoid reference standards and a no
167 he Hamann-Todd collection of human skeletons compiled from 1912 to 1938, and 15 individuals contempor
168 ts from this laboratory experiment with data compiled from 210 soils representing multiple, independe
169                    Data were retrospectively compiled from 8 institutions for all (90)Y glass microsp
170 RDT status for children younger than 5 years compiled from all nationally available representative ho
171 ases of directly measured biased expression, compiled from allele-specific RNA-seq and genotyping arr
172 e model is based on a comprehensive database compiled from diverse public sources, and estimates dire
173      Spatially referenced activity data were compiled from federal and state databases and combined w
174                     Using the rate constants compiled from literature for contaminants and relative m
175  based on the median half-life in a data set compiled from literature-reported hydrolysis rates.
176 gRNA and its surrounding region using models compiled from multiple large-scale studies.
177                          Meanwhile, evidence compiled from numerous studies suggests that longer DUP
178 inear regression models were built with data compiled from previously published studies (n approximat
179  fusion genes with manual curation that were compiled from public resources of fusion genes with expe
180 arge data sets of normal expression profiles compiled from public sources, in regard to the extent to
181  used NHP models and additional RNA-seq data compiled from related projects.
182    Instead, reference spectral libraries are compiled from the blood of multiple host species by usin
183  Standard of Knowledge in general toxicology compiled from the experience and opinions of 889 certifi
184                                          AQY compiled from the literature and unpublished studies ran
185 us types of wetlands using a global database compiled from the literature.
186                     Time-lapse video imaging compiled from the optical screening images revealed unex
187   Insurance status, race, and ethnicity were compiled from the study record for each patient.
188             Data describing emissions to air compiled from two official sources result in simulated c
189                                   We present compiled geochemical data of young (mostly Pliocene-pres
190 on are reasonably consistent with a recently compiled global data set at the biome level.
191                            The most recently compiled global inventories of integrated (all-time) ant
192 e regulation, how these proteins interact to compile GRN topological structures, and how these topolo
193                                           We compiled groundwater chemical data from three aquifer re
194                                           We compiled growth data of the 14 most dominant tree specie
195 ically preferred directions similar to those compiled herein for Earth rock cracks found in mid-latit
196                            In this study, we compiled historical LULCC and PAs data to explore these
197                                           We compile how numbers of neurons and glial cells in the ad
198 agenomics, and probeBASE, as well as a newly compiled Human Pan-Microbe Communities database.
199                            Documentation was compiled in a confluence wiki format provided for each c
200 od are that the openly available data can be compiled in a standardized and transparent approach that
201  "Standard of Knowledge" for the profession, compiled in a transparent fashion from current practitio
202             Comparison of our data with that compiled in budding yeast reveals conservation of SUMO t
203 based experiments, and collated outputs were compiled in summary receiver operator curve characterist
204                                 The evidence compiled in the target article demonstrates that the ass
205 ehensive and unique toxicology resource that compiles individual and summary animal data from the Nat
206                                      Here we compile information for 117 epidemics that affected 59 d
207  sequence data, democratizing the ability to compile information on large amounts of genetic variatio
208 uture application of exposure biomarkers, we compiled information about relevant cohort studies.
209                                      Here we compiled information about root and leaf traits for > 60
210  To discriminate between these hypotheses we compiled information from 18 chimpanzee communities and
211 f computational tools and resources, we have compiled information on all experimentally annotated cha
212 of quantum error correction, and the need to compile into discrete gate sets, the necessary computati
213                                The data were compiled into a comprehensive database, which can be use
214  production in tumor tissue is strategically compiled into a H2O2-responsive camptothecin (CPT) polym
215 ins, metabolites, and microbiota that can be compiled into a multiplex of cancer detection markers.
216                      The final shortlist was compiled into a standard set.
217 ransducers and receptors that can be readily compiled into defined signaling networks.
218 ty system are parallelized and automatically compiled into efficient C code.
219                            All the data were compiled into LNCediting, a user-friendly database.
220                The magnetoresistance curves, compiled into so-called domain wall magnetoresistance st
221                                     Here, we compile inventories for aquatic metazoans extant in or t
222  still incomplete and no consistent database compiling its properties is available.
223                                         This compiled knowledgebase provides a chemical structure-bas
224 ya, Aotus azarae, and Callicebus moloch) and compiled LGN volumes for an additional 26 mammals were a
225                              To that end, we compiled lists of direct radiocarbon dates on paleontolo
226 diac arrests, and trauma-related deaths were compiled; mean (+/-SE) age of victims was 46.7 +/- 12.4
227  system performance was good (F-measure is a compiled measure of system's accuracy=92.7%), with best
228  respiratory infection were characterized to compile molecular typing data spanning 37 years (1978-20
229 irst bacterial meningitis global database by compiling monthly incidence data as reported by country-
230 ases track law-enforcement-related deaths by compiling news media reports and provide an opportunity
231                                           We compiled NO2 data from fixed-site monitors, chemical tra
232 em and propose potential approaches both for compiling non-English scientific knowledge effectively a
233                      Based on an analysis of compiled observations, we estimate global present-day Hg
234 ined from 16 eyes of 8 infants with ROP were compiled on a secure web site.
235     While a wealth of observations have been compiled on ammonite form, and several functional interp
236 n is implemented in ANSI C and can be easily compiled on any system; the parallel version is implemen
237                      As larger databases are compiled, opportunities will emerge to explore new metho
238                              Source code and compiled package are freely available for download at ht
239  It is the only web-based database available compiling peer reviewed publications and case studies on
240                                           We compiled publicly available genome-wide genotype data on
241 resent across the northern boreal forest, we compiled published carbon isotope data from 14 high-lati
242                                           We compiled published data on field-scale measurements of g
243                With specified exclusions, we compiled registry data from patients enrolled in the IMP
244  hindered by lack of comprehensive databases compiling relevant food metrics.
245 dentifying these repeats, they require a pre-compiled repeat library-which is not always available.
246 ent work explores different opportunities to compile representative inventories of toxic emissions.
247                                          The compiled results contribute to further elucidate pathway
248                                          The compiled results strongly suggest that the reduction of
249 s in North America, Europe, and Australia to compile retrospective data on patients who have undergon
250                                      The EPA compiled RfVs and OSFs using six governmental and interg
251                                           It compiles SBML-specified models directly into native mach
252                                          The compiled scale is a useful tool for further basicity stu
253                                      Here we compile seismic data from subduction zone forearcs exhib
254 blicly available data from 1994 to 2012 were compiled showing trends in US and international research
255 ss briefly the roles of hLDH isoforms and to compile small hLDH5 inhibitors into groups based on thei
256                                          The compiled study of the bandstructure and the magnetotrans
257 try of cases presenting for FCI, intended to compile technical and outcome data from a multicenter co
258 d from routine NMR experiments and easier to compile than laborious assignments of non-solvent-exchan
259                          This review aims to compile the current knowledge on the functions of ErbB r
260         This Review attempts to exhaustively compile the existing literature on sour gas sweetening a
261                                      Here we compile the largest contemporary database for both speci
262                                           We compile the largest database of global nodulating plant
263                                           We compile the largest isotopic methane source signature da
264                                  We aimed to compile the pathophysiology of acute encephalopathies in
265                                   Efforts to compile the phenotypic effects of drugs and environmenta
266 article, we have tried to explore as well as compile the role of graphene-based nanomaterials in the
267 iologists from North America and Europe have compiled the following position statement to provide gui
268                                           We compiled the full rosters of invited speakers over the l
269                                 Here we have compiled the published expression of iGluR subunits in t
270                                  This review compiles the expanding body of research on D. gallinae a
271                   The present review article compiles the major knowledge surfaced on the subject sin
272                                   This study compiles the onset and duration of hypoxia recorded in s
273 since founder alien populations start small, compiling the largest dataset yet of global herpetologic
274                                     Here, we compile thermal-tolerance limits of ectotherms across a
275  for computational CRISPR targeting tools to compile these rules and facilitate target selection and
276 tes to create possible reaction matrices and compiled these data into a browsable database named Pren
277            Large-scale online databases have compiled these observations and their associated meta-da
278 g interactions, an approach is proposed that compiled these time series networks to a single dynamic
279                           This simple marker compiles these different factors into an indicator worth
280 g platforms rely on knowledge bases manually compiled through a labor-intensive process or automatica
281 abase that stores chromatin interaction data compiled through comprehensive literature curation.
282 for finite support distributions, and can be compiled to a restricted class of CRNs that at steady st
283 53 mutation carriers from 294 pedigrees were compiled to assess genetic anticipation patterns (Intern
284             Binocular sensory maps were also compiled to delineate the portions of the visual scene p
285 ata from two multicenter cohort studies were compiled to examine the unique contribution of nutrition
286 se values in a 9-residue sequence window are compiled to predict the epitope/non-epitope state of the
287                                       We are compiling transcriptional regulator-target gene relation
288 ive assay, MSK-IMPACT, through which we have compiled tumor and matched normal sequence data from a u
289                                           We compiled two sets of AMP and non-AMP peptides, separated
290 ractices based on AHRQ's recommendations and compiled under 3 domains: (1) data interpretation (inter
291 f predicted C. burnetii T4BSS substrates was compiled using bioinformatic criteria, such as the prese
292                                    Data were compiled using descriptive statistics.
293 First, the full hybrid performance matrix is compiled using genomic prediction.
294 egnant CYP2D6-humanized (tg-CYP2D6) mice was compiled via microarray experiments followed by real-tim
295 cturing in the Bakken from 2008 to 2012; (2) compiling volume estimates for maintenance water, or bri
296 argest sample of vascular plant species ever compiled, we found that occupancy of six-dimensional tra
297              Neuroimaging abnormalities were compiled when available.
298 ice where complete datasets are difficult to compile with the continuous evolution of diseases and em
299 ntegrase sequences and demographic data were compiled with paired protease-reverse transcriptase (PR-
300 S into the gel, allowing SDS molecules to be compiled within the focused bands.

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