


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 reaction centre-light-harvesting photosystem complex.
2 ation process, producing a eta(1) isonitrile complex.
3 d complex with Munc18 into the ternary SNARE complex.
4 mbly protein 40 (AtMIA40), forming a protein complex.
5  formation of a tripartite Snail/HOTAIR/EZH2 complex.
6 iates IL-37 binding to the TGF-beta receptor complex.
7 nd did not perturb stability of the MCM-MeaB complex.
8 D, forms part of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex.
9 rect recruitment of the CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex.
10  a subunit of the tRNA splicing endonuclease complex.
11 ate that is rarely seen for transition-metal complexes.
12 ool designed to help researchers study these complexes.
13 the formation of 1:1 stoichiometric sandwich complexes.
14 TA(+) making pi-contact with cyanostar-anion complexes.
15 y be an important target in the mechanism of complex 1-deficient vision loss.
16 s dependent on mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1.
17 l for the cross-sectional strain analysis of complex 1D nanostructures.
18 duction in the levels of polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2)-mediated H3K27 trimethylation (H3K27me3
19 orresponding mu-1,1-hydroperoxo dicopper(II) complex 2, while 3 itself is able to abstract H-atoms fr
20 e PCO group, the unprecedented [L2 Ge-GeL2 ] complex 3 in 54 % yields bearing the Ge2(2+) ion with Ge
21                         After harvesting the complex, 3' overhang regions of the TRs were labeled wit
22 illin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus clonal complex 398 (LA-MRSA CC398) is causing an increasing num
23 licate Enterobacter isolates (102 E. cloacae complex, 41 E. aerogenes) were tested, including 136 col
24 ent of the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, a rate-controlling tricarboxylic acid cycle enz
25 on reaction mediated by the iron dipyrrinato complex ((Ad) L)FeCl(OEt2 ) provided a model for diaster
26  binding breaks the six-fold symmetry of the complex, allowing five of the six VAT subunits to constr
27 re toxic because they first bound to the Bam complex, an essential heteroligomer that catalyzes the m
28 ed treatment among patients with and without complex anatomy.
29 biarylphosphine-supported palladium(II)-aryl complex and a weak base, lysine amino groups underwent C
30 e between synaptotagmin-1 and both the SNARE complex and complexin.
31                     Constituents of the ERAD complex and its role in neurodegeneration are not yet fu
32  between allergy and autoimmune disorders is complex and poorly understood.
33 dent of formation of the terminal complement complex and provide in vivo evidence for contributions o
34 FAF1 at Ser 582, which disrupts the FAF1-VCP complex and reduces FAF1 at the plasma membrane.
35  both to directly stabilize the A1-GpIbalpha complex and to indirectly destabilize the complex throug
36 ous, but there was a correlation between NET complexes and both microbiota diversity (P = .009) and d
37      Crystal structures of the muPA:nanobody complexes and hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrome
38 pecific organic and inorganic bonds in metal complexes and minerals and therefore, has been employed
39 gnals recruitment of other noncanonical PRC1 complexes and of PRC2, the latter leading to deposition
40 n extraction of the SDS from the protein-SDS complexes and refolding of betaLG, BSA, and lysozyme, wh
41 raph, with nodes corresponding to junctional complexes and with edges corresponding to spectrin tetra
42      This species is a low-spin Fe(iii) d(5) complex, and emission occurs from a long-lived doublet l
43 emplified by the alpha-GID:alpha4beta2 nAChR complex, and is extendable to other toxin peptides and i
44 investigating the development of the central complex, and tools for characterizing early-born neurons
45 ylation, signaling recruitment of other PRC1 complexes, and PRC2.
46 the network, participation in supramolecular complexes, and regulatory interactions) using CellDesign
47 oligomeric p53 is challenging because of its complex architecture and multiple highly flexible region
48                 Building on this foundation, complex architectures were achieved through copolymeriza
49                                No known iron complexes are considered photoluminescent at room temper
50              These data support that SMN:HuD complexes are essential for normal motoneuron developmen
51 ct molecular mechanisms of their function in complexes are largely unknown.
52 at the composition and stoichiometry of Hrd1 complexes are strongly influenced by Hrd1 expression lev
53 ated scaffold that modulates receptor kinase complex assembly.
54 mple, the Wnt enhanceosome is a multiprotein complex associated with Wnt-responsive enhancers through
55 n ZSM-5 and the localized hydrogen-bonded pi-complex at Bronsted acid sites, -36 kJ/mol.
56 ds on the recognition of MHC class I-epitope complexes at the cell surface.
57           Behavioral deficits in integrating complex audiovisual stimuli in humans are also observed
58               We show that FC-A stabilizes a complex between 14-3-3 and the stress response regulator
59                              The Ctk1 kinase complex binds RNA in vitro, consistent with direct EF-RN
60 al for extracting important information from complex biochemical data sets.
61  systems biology approach for characterizing complex biological processes using a unique multidimensi
62 l signal visualization and quantification of complex biological structures.
63 al but also nonlesional skin and blood, more complex biomarker models of AD are needed.
64 omyces cerevisiae, the ten-subunit Dam1/DASH complex bridges the interaction between kinetochores and
65  phosphorylated by Mps1, recruits checkpoint complexes Bub1-Bub3 and BubR1-Bub3 to unattached kinetoc
66 arget DNA gyrase by stabilizing DNA-cleavage complexes, but their clinical utility has been compromis
67          We also solve the structure of this complex by negative stain electron microscopy, demonstra
68 a initiates the formation of death signaling complexes by mediating RIP1 dissociation from TNF recept
69 ting and stabilizing specific 14-3-3 protein complexes by small molecules, peptide mimetics, and natu
70                                  We show the complex can selectively electrocatalyze CO2 reduction to
71 sis begins when a network of pigment-protein complexes captures solar energy and transports it to the
72            Signaling properties of G protein complexes carrying mutant Gbeta1 subunits were further a
73 pha) and eIF2alpha to assemble a phosphatase complex catalyzing eIF2alpha dephosphorylation and resum
74  key regulator of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, caused a profound cell growth inhibition in tum
75           The application of pressure to the complex causes its time-dependent dissociation and the l
76  inducing membrane damage and exhibited more complex cell-killing activity, probably because of two d
77 nts with this disorder is complicated by the complex cellular abnormalities and challenges in achievi
78 oteins interact with other macromolecules in complex cellular networks for signal transduction and bi
79 action of Ara h 6 (a peanut allergen) from a complex chocolate-based food matrix was optimized by tes
80 isease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), are complex chronic inflammatory conditions of the gastroint
81 ognition of peptide-major histocompatibility complex class I (p-MHC I) proteins displayed by antigen-
82                     Major histocompatibility complex class I molecules (MHC I) help protect jawed ver
83 ntiated way (ie, to dissect and stratify the complex clinical phenotype into more homogeneous subgrou
84 addition, IR further elevated PAK4/PPARgamma complex co-recruitment to Nox1 promoter, and increased N
85  leukemia (APL) is commonly complicated by a complex coagulopathy.
86 nd Fe) and their ligands and by mixing these complexes, coatings with a wide range of colors can be a
87  activity of the chromatin modifying COMPASS complex (complex proteins associated with Set1) to ensur
88 ugh a membrane-associated regulatory protein complex composed of beta-Arrestin1, ARHGAP21 and Cdc42.
89 d that FDCs took up and retained self-immune complexes composed of ribonucleotide proteins, autoantib
90       Here, we demonstrate that the FX/SR-AI-complex comprises a third protein, pentraxin-2 (PTX2).
91 e the 2.3A resolution crystal structure of a complex containing Sac3 residues 60-550 that indicates t
92             NACK is recruited to the ternary complexes containing Maml1 and Maml3, but not Maml2.
93                                The CCR4-NOT1 complex contains two key components, CCR4 and CAF1, whic
94 ion, which advances our understanding of the complex contribution of CtsB to angiogenesis.
95                    The chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) is a conserved, essential regulator of cel
96                                     A copper complex, [Cu(I)(tmpa)(MeCN)](+), effectively reductively
97 cargo reaches endosomes, where it encounters complexes dedicated to opposing functions: recycling and
98 ly conserved heterotrimeric membrane protein complex denoted Sec61 in eukaryotes and SecYEG in bacter
99 ur analysis provides tools for understanding complex dependencies in the collision probabilities of m
100 elopment in order to identify key genes in a complex developmental process.
101  a high-fat challenge, carriers in the Amish Complex Disease Research Program cohort exhibited signif
102 idely collected and analyzed in the study of complex diseases in quest of improving human health.
103 hes outlined here offer researchers studying complex diseases renewed opportunities to discover new o
104 been profiled to understand the mechanism of complex diseases.
105 er effect sizes, such as those that underlie complex diseases.
106 ineate the full genetic architecture of rare complex diseases.
107                                 Although the complexes display considerable diversity in their compos
108 s in culture, the FLI-matured cumulus-oocyte complexes display distinctly different kinetics of MAPK
109     However, due to their ancient origin and complex diversity, many tectiviral proteins are ORFans o
110 c and dynamic hetero-vesicle assemblies with complex DNA nano-scaffolds.
111                                              Complex DNA sequences are difficult to detect and profil
112                          A novel 3D Co-Nx |P-complex-doped carbon grown on flexible exfoliated graphe
113 d by association of dynein and its accessory complex dynactin with dynamic microtubule plus ends.
114                                              Complex economic systems can often be described by a net
115                                          How complex ecosystems (termed anchialine) thrive in this gl
116 gins of instability in financial systems and complex ecosystems has been pointed out: in both cases,
117 ntifier), to identify the strains present in complex environmental samples.
118 ty of derived pliosaurids and reveals a more complex evolutionary history than their iconic represent
119 y define the mechanisms of selection in this complex evolutionary process.
120 tly acquired BGCs can be functional and that complex evolutionary processes shape the micro-diversity
121  to quantify the relative contribution of OC-complexed Fe to the total sediment iron and reactive iro
122 as a primary recovery method for BLIS from a complex fermentation broth.
123 s in the ribosome-EF-Tu-GDP-Pi-Lys-tRNA(Lys) complex following GTP hydrolysis by EF-Tu.
124 o detect several species of crab spiked into complex food matrices at levels ranging from 0.1 to 10(5
125 copper in the presence of ammonia to promote complex formation.
126 g to the RecA homology search before ternary complex formation.
127 sociations, subcellular localization, and co-complex formation.
128 ve localized spatially in the cell different complexes formed between RIG-I, TRIM25, and MAVS, in the
129 ion to the phycobiliprotein light harvesting complexes from cryptophyte algae.
130 characterizing early-born neurons in central complex function.
131  loss- and gain-of-function datasets reveals complex gene networks which control drug response and il
132 variants in candidate genes; therefore, more complex genetic and epigenetic methodologies are now bei
133 imed at 'detecting and genotyping simple and complex genetic variants in an individual or population'
134  However, generation of datasets from large, complex genomes has been constrained to laboratories.
135  double-strand break (DSB) repair results in complex genomic rearrangements (CGRs) in many cancers an
136 horylated only on the Golgi and only if in a complex-glycosylated form.
137  a better understanding of this functionally complex group of neurons.
138      ATP-competitive inhibitors against this complex have been recently advanced in the clinic and ha
139       DFT calculations to determine the both complexes have free rotation around the CPh-B1 bond.
140                                          For complex, highly specialized procedures, hospital market
141                                         mTOR complex I (mTORC1) is a central growth regulator that se
142 ld thermodynamically drive proton pumping in complex I.
143 t with coalescence of the 5 and 3 sites in a complex (I, initial), but if this cannot form the compon
144 and uptake of allergen-containing IgG immune complexes (Ig-ICs) by gut dendritic cells (DCs).
145     We fed KD to mice with respiratory chain complex III (CIII) deficiency and progressive hepatopath
146 novel mechanism by which antimycin-inhibited complex III generates significant amounts of ROS in the
147  by stigmatellin, indicating its origin from complex III, and by piericidin, demonstrating the import
148 ctivation and the function of the PABP-eIF4G complex in translation initiation.
149 ces, pointing to a select role of BRD4S-BRG1 complexes in genomic silencing of invasive retroelements
150 itial segments, and form channel-transporter complexes in vitro and in vivo KCNQ2/3 coexpression prot
151  that identification of PRC1-Br140 "bivalent complexes" in fly embryos supports and extends the bival
152 ion activity and elevated levels of MutSbeta complex, indicating that MutSbeta abundance drives expan
153 putational identification of the region of a complex inorganic phase field that contains them.
154  including a C2B surface implicated in SNARE complex interaction that is required for rapid synchroni
155 c diversity and population structure reflect complex interactions among a diverse set of processes th
156 impacts immunity requires the elucidation of complex interactions among sex hormones, sex chromosomes
157 nvasion from primary tumors is mediated by a complex interplay between cellular adhesions, actomyosin
158 s working in similar circumstances with such complex interventions.
159  are poorly defined, and their regulation is complex, involving post-translational modifications and
160  we show that the presence of SOS1/EPS8/ABI1 complex is critical for sustained EMT traits of ovarian
161 strated that the cytosolic Hsc70-SGTA-Hsp105 complex is tethered to the ER membrane, where Hsp105 and
162 f COP1, but their exact role in the COP1/SPA complex is thus far unknown.
163 tions in the formation of lysozyme/LM pectin complexes is discussed in relation to the overall struct
164  exhibit frequent mitotic errors and possess complex karyotypes, recapitulating a common feature of h
165 ten varies across ontogeny in organisms with complex life cycles.
166 type lectin receptor langerin for simple and complex ligands augmented by structural insight into mur
167  protein and the host IRF2, FAM111A, and RFC complex likely form an interaction network that influenc
168                                        These complexes limit intracellular vesicular trafficking and
169  a significant advance in the development of complex macromolecule synthesis, where a high level of m
170                                    The L(OH) complex maintains its SOD activity in the presence of (*
171 from half-filling, towards a regime in which complex many-body states are expected, and find that str
172 plore its suitability for analysis of ENM in complex matrices by measuring ENM agglomeration and sedi
173                   Because tumorigenesis is a complex mechanism, the regulatory architecture of the im
174 covering BACE-1-targeted compounds with more complex mechanisms of actions and improved efficacy.
175 ells could potentially help to elucidate the complex mechanisms of the disease and lead to the develo
176 lization of energy and relies on a series of complex metabolic processes to achieve this normal funct
177       The mammalian Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) region contains several gene families char
178 between the TCR and major histocompatibility complex (MHC).
179                         This suggests a more complex microbial management role of the innate immune s
180 tal cancer originates within immunologically complex microenvironments.
181                     Fish can be exposed to a complex mixture of chemical contaminants, including phar
182 potential of PI for hydrocarbons, base oils, complex mixtures of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbo
183                                         When complex mixtures of the amine reactants are employed in
184 ipotency and development.Polycomb repressive complexes modify histones but it is unclear how changes
185                         Our studies reveal a complex molecular network that defines and restricts plu
186 elial cell class II major histocompatibility complex molecules by small interfering RNA targeting of
187 d before the age of 10 years, the disease is complex, multifactorial, and lifelong, and affects nutri
188                     These results revealed a complex network of transcriptional regulators and pathwa
189    Finally, we generate time-lapse movies of complex neural arborization through automated image regi
190 chanism by which a single lesion can cause a complex neuropsychiatric syndrome based on that lesion's
191                           Here we identify a complex, nutrient-rich organic coating on co-composted b
192 uI formed the unique, neutral Cu2 I2 (L(.) ) complex of a ligand-centered radical, whereas reaction w
193 oth proteins co-migrated in native gels in a complex of approximately 200 kDa that also contained bet
194   We discovered that RSV infection induces a complex of bromodomain containing 4 (BRD4) with NF-kappa
195  that is catalyzed, for the first time, by a complex of earth-abundant iron.
196 idase (COX), the terminal electron-accepting complex of the mitochondrial respiratory chain.
197 ent stabilities between the classical alkyne complexes of Pt(II) and their drastically more reactive
198                             The synthesis of complex oligosaccharides is often hindered by a lack of
199 dent on the multimerization of Dnmt3a/Dnmt3L complexes on the DNA.
200       The gastrointestinal tract is a highly complex organ in which multiple dynamic physiological pr
201 ing the central metal ion of the polypyridyl complexes (Os, Ru, and Fe) and their ligands and by mixi
202 hene field-effect devices, fabricated on the complex-oxide heterostructure LaAlO3 /SrTiO3 , exhibit q
203 mer allows for rapid and robust synthesis of complex particles, and the latter can be used to assembl
204 ve and together can lead to the emergence of complex patterns of control.
205 uggest the ubiquity of pleiotropy, i.e. many complex phenotypes sharing common genetic bases.
206 ways to break the causal chain between these complex phenotypes, which could inform and prevent disor
207      Advancements in the development of more complex pluricellular physiological platforms that incor
208               Iterative transformations of a complex pool of oligonucleotides rapidly produced large
209 led by brainstem neurons in the preBotzinger complex (preBotC) and the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN),
210 organic ligands demonstrated that Fe(II) was complexed primarily by carboxyl functional groups in red
211                  Muscle differentiation is a complex process in which muscle progenitor cells undergo
212 tractive for incorporation into systems with complex, programmable responses to different sets of sti
213  of the chromatin modifying COMPASS complex (complex proteins associated with Set1) to ensure that ch
214 eages in the snapping shrimp Alpheus lottini complex, rarely recognized in ecological studies, reveal
215 ructures in the cytoplasm called replication complexes (RCs).
216                                   For such a complex reaction with membranes, it has been difficult t
217                 The remaining 6 genomes were complex recombinants of 2 or more subtypes, including su
218 del in which kinetochores mature through Ska complex recruitment and that this is required for improv
219 of regions, interacting with each other in a complex, recursive manner.
220  present a generalised method for extracting complex refractive indices of aqueous solutions in the m
221                             Multiple protein complexes regulate the Rag GTPases in response to amino
222                         Thus, vasohibin/SVBP complexes represent long-sought TCP enzymes.
223 n a neurabin homo-oligomer to form a ternary complex, representing a novel mode of regulation of G pr
224                In contrast, the TRPP3-PKD1L3 complex responds to low pH and was proposed to be a sour
225 rn1, and members of the CCR4-Not deadenylase complex, restored mRNA levels for a class of downregulat
226 us sulfate compared with iron polysaccharide complex resulted in a greater increase in hemoglobin con
227  to prove that disruption of the FBXW7-DISC1 complex results in a stabilization of DISC1.
228 l Vbeta8.1(+) TCR-H-2D(b)-GAP5040-48 ternary complex revealed that germline-encoded complementarity-d
229 for rapid and accurate structure modeling of complex RNAs.
230      The (meta)stability of this diamagnetic complex (S=0) is striking if one considers that it has e
231 nt the crystal structure of the SNX5-PX:IncE complex, showing IncE bound to a unique and highly conse
232 mparison of holo-ScNsrR with an apo-IscR-DNA complex shows that the [4Fe-4S] cluster stabilizes a tur
233 sive structural analyses of antigen-antibody complexes.Single-particle electron cryomicroscopy (cryoE
234 offers opportunities for the construction of complex stackings used to introduce or tune functionalit
235 trough viscosity values of the amylose-lipid complexed starches were significantly lower than that of
236                                              Complex states in glasses can be neatly expressed by the
237 g site and provide new insights into GB1:IgG complex structure that amend and revise the current mode
238 velopment, since genetic ablation of the HIR complex subunit Hir1 decreases sensitivity to morphogene
239 ties for their biocatalytic use in preparing complex synthetic scaffolds.
240                                            A complex system can be represented and analyzed as a netw
241            Injection of Cas9-guide RNA-lipid complexes targeting the Tmc1(Bth) allele into the cochle
242 ognition component of an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, targets DMRT1 for degradation and thereby contr
243                     Being able to focus on a complex task and inhibit unwanted actions or interfering
244 oxins (C3a, C5a) and the terminal complement complex (TCC) that together contribute to organ failure
245 als through the IFNgamma receptor, a protein complex that mediates downstream signaling events.
246           Mediator is a multi-unit molecular complex that plays a key role in transferring signals fr
247 romeres nucleate kinetochores, multi-subunit complexes that capture spindle microtubules to promote c
248  proteins associate with each other in large complexes that contain no other detectable protein subun
249 the molecular architecture of the TFIIH core complex, the detailed structures of its constituent XPB
250  binding site for the Scc2/4 cohesin loading complex, thereby directing cohesin loading to centromere
251 adband mixing are found, as well as the more complex three-component configurations wherein symmetric
252 ha complex and to indirectly destabilize the complex through the N-terminal linker.
253 ponents of the hair cell mechanotransduction complex, TMC1 and TMC2, and these interactions are disru
254 ificant conformational changes in the needle complex to provide the symmetry adaptation required for
255 fically to the pyranine moiety, enabling the complex to traverse the cell membrane.
256 enerated at an accelerating rate, but can be complex to visualize.
257 ng RNAs, guide Argonaute-containing effector complexes to complementary nascent RNAs to initiate hist
258             In this context, we consider the complex topic of defining resolution for this imaging mo
259 elucidate the contributions of the Cas10-Csm complex toward maturation and explore roles of non-Cas n
260  find evidence for a shift in vector species complex towards increased zoophilic behavior in recent y
261 rogeneity in genetic architecture underlying complex traits and diseases, while broadly acknowledged,
262 icting the number of alleles associated with complex traits in each locus.
263  allele sharing may be useful for studies of complex traits in founder populations, where hidden rela
264 he contribution of low-frequency variants in complex traits, demonstrate the advantage of including p
265  questions about the genetic architecture of complex traits, such as allele frequency and effect size
266 ive trait nucleotides (QTNs) associated with complex traits.
267 rapid and highly processive, with individual complexes traveling an average distance of >/=10 kilobas
268 nsported to the Golgi apparatus, where those complexes trigger Galphai3-mediated ERK signaling.
269 isorders (ASD), including tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC).
270 ybdate to form the ammonium phosphomolybdate complex under acidic conditions.
271 e dissociation rate constants of the ternary complexes varied dramatically with the guest structure a
272 ory responses, suggesting the involvement of complex viral mechanisms of immune evasion.
273                  The molecular weight of the complex was calculated from small-angle X-ray scattering
274 that the output dynamics are controlled in a complex way by the concentration of the unbounded transc
275  proteins of the Merozoite Surface Protein 1 complex were differentially acquired between the cohorts
276 ts, electron transfer capable cytb 5 - cyt c complexes were formed in the presence of bicelles and na
277                                          The complexes were nontoxic to either bacterial or mammalian
278 recruitment is initiated by the PCGF3/5-PRC1 complex, which catalyzes chromosome-wide H2A lysine 119
279 quires the conserved microtubule-binding Ska complex, which enriches at attachment sites prior to ana
280 me, the overall architecture of the MCM-MeaB complex, which exhibits a 2:1 stoichiometry.
281 oles in assembling the functional polymerase complex, which is essential for the replication and tran
282 n structure of melon (Cucumis melo) eIF4E in complex with a melon eIF4G peptide and propose the first
283 A polymerase and ribosomes form a one-to-one complex with a micromolar dissociation constant.
284 de abstraction was observed in the analogous complex with a pincer-type mer-C,N,S ligation, emphasizi
285 se surfaces allow ASF1A to form a quaternary complex with both sNASP and H3-H4.
286                       Furthermore, the MtHDH complex with His and NAD(+) displays the cofactor molecu
287  crystal structure of a sigma(N) fragment in complex with its cognate promoter DNA, revealing the mol
288 alyzes the transit of syntaxin from a closed complex with Munc18 into the ternary SNARE complex.
289  We obtained the crystal structure of FNO in complex with NADP(+) at 1.8 A resolution, providing the
290 e report the structures of a TRBV9(+) TCR in complex with the HLA-E molecule presenting the two pepti
291                            Vps13p must be in complex with the small calcium-binding protein Cdc31p to
292 alysis and computational studies of MalA' in complex with three substrates revealed that the enzyme r
293        A third crystal structure of LmFBPase complexed with its allosteric inhibitor AMP shows an ina
294 ous crystal structures of cytochrome P450cam complexed with its redox partner, putidaredoxin (Pdx), s
295 munoprecipitations indicated that TCTP forms complexes with Rad51 in vivo, and the stability maintena
296                                    Designing complexes with sufficiently long values of T2 requires a
297       The crystal structures of apo PllA and complexes with three different ligands revealed the mole
298 eory, that a six-porphyrin nanoring template complex, with a diameter of 2.4 nanometres, is antiaroma
299      Moreover, the integration of the ND-Dex complex within GelMA hydrogels allowed a higher retentio
300 oduced 16 SCO-active [Fe(II)(bpp(X,Y))2](Z)2 complexes (Z = BF4 or in one case PF6) in (CD3)2CO solut

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