


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ated scaffold that modulates receptor kinase complex assembly.
2 aximises substrate access while facilitating complex assembly.
3 cal multimeric species that chaperones SNARE-complex assembly.
4 s15/Vps34 heterodimer, suggesting a path for complex assembly.
5 erved that competitive interactions restrict complex assembly.
6      These motifs were further used to guide complex assembly.
7 e nucleotide binding in the D1 ring promotes complex assembly.
8 racts with IKK subunits, and facilitates IKK complex assembly.
9 uction of all AP-4 subunits and loss of AP-4 complex assembly.
10 involves the inhibition of BRCA1-PALB2-BRCA2 complex assembly.
11 rect orientation and register for subsequent complex assembly.
12 e factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE)-complex assembly.
13 ling adopt different mechanisms for receptor complex assembly.
14 t the MTA proteins act as scaffolds for NuRD complex assembly.
15 hesion-independent functions in synaptonemal complex assembly.
16 on-synonymous mutations could disrupt NADPHO complex assembly.
17 remodel chromatin and regulate transcription complex assembly.
18 e model that is uniquely deficient for DREAM complex assembly.
19  blocking MLL1-WDR5 interaction and thus the complex assembly.
20 l presynaptic plasticity by regulating SNARE-complex assembly.
21 f the viral terminase, but not for terminase complex assembly.
22 enomic occupancy of GR as well transcription complex assembly.
23 mission, can either promote or inhibit SNARE complex assembly.
24  the stabilization of the gamma-tubulin ring complex assembly.
25 have consequences in the overall multienzyme complex assembly.
26 pc110 facilitates higher-order gamma-tubulin complex assembly.
27 Y to promote rapid and stable cpSRP54.cpFtsY complex assembly.
28 omains and function as scaffolds for protein complex assembly.
29  PX domains function as scaffolds in protein complex assembly.
30 are suggestive of prematurely terminated LH1 complex assembly.
31  the Mis18 complex, and CDK inhibiting Mis18 complex assembly.
32  transition of closed-to-open Syx1a in SNARE complex assembly.
33 regions of cpTatC were defective in receptor complex assembly.
34 ibutable to a dramatic rearrangement in mTOR complex assembly.
35 either during or after RNA-induced silencing complex assembly.
36 romoter elements and directing preinitiation complex assembly.
37 nd syntaxin, probably preparing it for SNARE complex assembly.
38  defective in substrate binding and receptor complex assembly.
39 MCM2-7 double hexamer formation, we analysed complex assembly.
40 d preventing the initiation of ternary SNARE complex assembly.
41  that NLRC3 might inhibit NALP3 inflammasome complex assembly.
42 f evolutionary selection for ordered protein complex assembly.
43 ) blocked transcription during preinitiation complex assembly.
44 t affect its physiological function in SNARE-complex assembly.
45 oordinates cytochrome b synthesis with bc(1) complex assembly.
46 biquitination at the initiation of ESCRT-III complex assembly.
47 NA packaging and an impairment of initiation complex assembly.
48 tion and protein folding, and macromolecular complex assembly.
49 Munc18c-syntaxin 4 dissociation and in SNARE complex assembly.
50  directly monitoring the efficiency of bc(1) complex assembly.
51 er in G(1) that may regulate pre-replicative complex assembly.
52  causes neurodegeneration by impairing SNARE-complex assembly.
53 atopoiesis via control of RUNX1 multiprotein complex assembly.
54  C terminus of CmRBP50, are critical for RNP complex assembly.
55 g membrane binding, which could hinder SNARE complex assembly.
56 e first glimpse of the requirements for AT1R complex assembly.
57 ndent protein interfaces and dynamic protein complex assembly.
58 es by impeding the LT-biosynthetic 5-LO/FLAP complex assembly.
59 , together with Munc18-1, orchestrates SNARE complex assembly.
60 hat HerA-NurA is activated by substrates and complex assembly.
61 PS is required in this assay for rapid SNARE complex assembly.
62 terminase subunit plays the dominant role in complex assembly.
63 ons into the regulation of human presynaptic complex assembly.
64 cal to those needed for de novo nuclear pore complex assembly.
65 may be related to regulation of proper SNARE complex assembly.
66       This region is needed for normal SNARE complex assembly.
67 Pch2 and is directly coupled to synaptonemal complex assembly.
68 paxillin Ser273 phosphorylation and paxillin complex assembly.
69 (+) channels are nucleation points for SNARE complex assembly.
70      However, Syt-7-KD did not disrupt SNARE complex assembly.
71 op controls syntaxin-1A and subsequent SNARE complex assembly.
72 complete membrane merging by promoting SNARE complex assembly.
73 rhomolog adhesion by regulating synaptonemal complex assembly.
74 ion competence, probably by initiating SNARE complex assembly.
75  DNA missegregation but not the lack of ATOM complex assembly.
76    Each motif was mutated, and the impact on complex assembly, activity, and substrate docking was mo
77 ge of chromatin remodeling and transcription complex assembly after binding of androgen receptor to t
78 of carbohydrates could lead to tantalizingly complex assembly algorithms, but these attributes simult
79 nfection and NS5A expression augmented eIF4F complex assembly, an indicator of cap-dependent translat
80  are an invaluable resource for carrying out complex assemblies and other downstream bioinformatics a
81 ormulate a model of Rad1/Rad10/Saw1 nuclease complex assembly and 3' tail removal in recombination.
82 h and function by increasing gamma-secretase complex assembly and activity and, consequently, enhanci
83 he common theme and functional plasticity in complex assembly and activity regulation of MLL family m
84  hydrophobic residues of CD1 mediate the HMW complex assembly and affect the catalytic activity, incl
85 Beclin 1, and thus plays a key role in ATG14 complex assembly and autophagy initiation.
86 ve and continuous assessment of pre-cleavage complex assembly and CEC stability.
87 nts, as they are indispensable for gamma-TuC complex assembly and cell division, whereas the other th
88 ex proteins, thereby promoting DNA synthesis complex assembly and cell proliferation.
89 unique and shared functions in transcription complex assembly and chromatin structure regulation.
90 ontrolled by a competition between decapping complex assembly and Dcp2 degradation.
91 s illustrate the dynamic nature of the INO80 complex assembly and demonstrate for the first time that
92 omain of the yeast SF3a complex required for complex assembly and determined its crystal structure.
93 suggesting multiple rounds of pre-initiation complex assembly and disassembly before productive elong
94 neate the choreography of importin-alpha/CAS complex assembly and disassembly in permeabilized cells,
95 e overcome, directionality is established by complex assembly and disassembly.
96 d dynamics of human RAD52 during presynaptic complex assembly and disassembly.
97 PA (hRPA) and human RAD51 during presynaptic complex assembly and disassembly.
98 ty, we now report rapid rates of protein/RNA complex assembly and dissociation for two IRE-RNAs with
99 hat involves rRNA methylation for proper 80S complex assembly and efficient translation initiation.
100 nteractions with XRCC4 or DNA also disrupted complex assembly and end joining.
101 et, which can favor the productive catalytic complex assembly and enhance the dGTP misincorporation e
102 with WRAD, but the roles of the Win motif in complex assembly and enzymatic activity remain unexplore
103 tions for the order of events during RAG-DNA complex assembly and for the stabilization of sequence-s
104 balanced ATFS-1 accumulation promoted OXPHOS complex assembly and function, our data suggest that ATF
105                       MFPs are necessary for complex assembly and have been hypothesized to play an a
106 ntly it is unclear what mechanisms restricts complex assembly and how DDK can overcome this inhibitio
107  TCF/Lef, thus allowing beta-catenin-TCF/Lef complex assembly and initiation of a Wnt-specific transc
108 lusters involved in protein quality control, complex assembly and intracellular trafficking.
109  (TBP) plays a central role in transcription complex assembly and is regulated by a variety of transc
110 activation of NFATc2 disrupts this repressor complex assembly and local heterochromatin formation, re
111 uble NSF attachment protein receptor (SNARE) complex assembly and may also perform other functions; p
112 embrane as a critical prerequisite for SNARE complex assembly and membrane fusion.
113 hanced to examine the relation between SNARE-complex assembly and neurotransmitter release.
114                                        Thus, complex assembly and passive retention, rather than cont
115 gene expression in eukaryotes: preinitiation complex assembly and polymerase pausing.
116 lated protein is implicated in preinitiation complex assembly and postpolymerase recruitment events i
117  proteins that are known to regulate protein complex assembly and protein folding.
118 asmic reticulum that may function in protein complex assembly and protein folding.
119 th HS chains that is critical for junctional complex assembly and regulating the flow response.
120 g inhibitor blebbistatin suppressed adhesome complex assembly and SM contraction without inhibiting N
121      These findings provide insight into SMN complex assembly and specificity, linking snRNP biogenes
122  has critical functions in telomeric protein complex assembly and telomerase recruitment and regulati
123  dynamics probably are important for ternary complex assembly and that N381 may not be a direct bindi
124 ntaxin complex, followed by productive SNARE complex assembly and vesicle priming.
125 undancy in using host factors in replication complex assembly and virus replication.
126 ys a key role in the dynamics of trans-SNARE complex assembly and/or stabilization, a process that is
127 ory proteins are believed to assist with Clp complex assembly and/or to promote complex stability.
128  A14 in the regulation of differential Pol I complexes assembly and subsequent promoter association.
129 hereby Munc18-1 acts as a template for SNARE complex assembly, and autoinhibition of synaptobrevin bi
130 n, to block activin receptor-ligand binding, complex assembly, and downstream signaling.
131 lents, in part by attenuating focal adhesion complex assembly, and prevented and reversed experimenta
132 e factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) complex assembly, and second, it boosts spike-evoked pre
133 difications mark the completion of a protein complex assembly, and sensitize the local chromatin for
134  and its implications for protein targeting, complex assembly, and septin biology.
135 mplex, the early rate-limiting step in SNARE complex assembly, and stimulates membrane fusion.
136 dy reveals an activation mechanism for SNARE complex assembly, and uncovers a role of the exocyst in
137 itope mutability and accessibility to immune complex assembly are important attributes to consider wh
138 s involved in Sec1p/Munc18 control and SNARE complex assembly are not well understood.
139                   Autophagy and inflammasome complex assembly are physiological processes that contro
140 ic vesicle docking, priming, and trans-SNARE complex assembly are the respective morphological, funct
141               Ternary complex (TC) and eIF4F complex assembly are the two major rate-limiting steps i
142 nscription of the operon and alters CsoR:DNA complex assembly as determined by DNase I footprinting a
143 actin-binding protein that promotes cadherin complex assembly as well as binding many other cell adhe
144 con offers a unique way to study replication complex assembly, as it enables improved composite polyp
145 t only myosin VIIa is indispensable for USH2 complex assembly at ankle links, indicating the potentia
146          HOPS was essential to mediate SNARE complex assembly at physiological SNARE concentrations.
147 A motifs (cis-elements) underlies regulatory complex assembly at specific chromatin sites, and theref
148 onstrate that alpha-synuclein promotes SNARE complex assembly at the presynaptic plasma membrane in i
149 a-Synuclein physiologically chaperones SNARE-complex assembly at the synapse but pathologically misfo
150 atients' fibroblasts displayed impaired GINS complex assembly, basal replication stress, impaired che
151 n of cpSRP54 both accelerates and stabilizes complex assembly between cpSRP54 and cpFtsY.
152 localization, is not only essential for ATOM complex assembly but also for segregation of the replica
153 essential function of TFIIF in preinitiation complex assembly, but also that Mediator can actually fa
154 e alpha-synuclein promotes presynaptic SNARE-complex assembly, but its molecular mechanism of action
155  for the vacuolar SNAREs and catalyzes SNARE complex assembly, but the order of their assembly into a
156  monomeric, and whether chaperoning of SNARE complex assembly by alpha-synuclein involves its cytosol
157 e transduction complex and the regulation of complex assembly by alternative splicing is likely criti
158 act at the level of beta-catenin destruction complex assembly by binding Axin.
159 er for ORC assembly and then pre-replication complex assembly by binding to mitotic chromosomes, foll
160  an essential prerequisite for exon junction complex assembly by the splicing machinery.
161            Current models suggest that SNARE-complex assembly catalyzes membrane fusion by pulling th
162 re of an elongation complex in which the tip complex assembly composed of FimC, FimF, FimG and FimH p
163                   Global analyses of protein complex assembly, composition, and location are needed t
164                                        SNARE complex assembly constitutes a key step in exocytosis th
165 lobin disrupts cdB3-based regulatory protein complex assembly, creating vulnerability to oxidative st
166 ss different DNA specificities, control over complex assembly directly discourages recombination at u
167  main approaches used to study multi-protein complex assembly/disassembly dynamics.
168                 We show that enhancing SNARE-complex assembly dramatically increases the speed of evo
169 lex assembly, indicating that impaired SNARE-complex assembly due to decreased SNAP-25 levels is the
170  is essential for intraflagellar transport A complex assembly during ciliogenesis.
171 oteins, we also quantified adherens junction complex assembly dynamics during epithelial monolayer fo
172 tem cells are defective in integrin adhesion complex assembly, epiblast elongation, and lineage diffe
173 ER stress did not activate mRNA surveillance complex assembly, ER stress did induce SMG6 expression,
174 UFAF6 encodes NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex assembly factor 6, also known as C8ORF38.
175 o regulating mitochondrial chaperone, OXPHOS complex assembly factor, and glycolysis genes, ATFS-1 bo
176 2+)-CaM regulation of V100 may control SNARE complex assembly for a subset of synaptic vesicles that
177  SNARE-protein chaperone that promotes SNARE-complex assembly for neurotransmitter release.
178 erization may be coupled to oligomeric SNARE complex assembly for vesicle docking and priming.
179 ins and is proposed to promote SNARE protein complex assembly for vesicle docking and priming.
180 ediates protein quality control, respiratory-complex assembly, gene expression, and stress responses
181 tes nucleosome positioning and transcription complex assembly >300 bp away and how coregulation coevo
182 eir extracellular domain, the TLR4-TLR6-CD36 complex assembly has been suggested to be induced by int
183  protein unbinding associated with the SNARE complex assembly immediately after vesicle priming.
184 o learn how different modes of preinitiation complex assembly impact transcriptional activity.
185 ites on VAMP721, one also required for SNARE complex assembly, implies a well-defined sequence of eve
186 functions as a scaffold to promote shuttling complex assembly in a multistep process.
187 ighlights key residues in BoNT that regulate complex assembly in a pH-dependent manner.
188 Munc13s open Syntaxin-1, orchestrating SNARE complex assembly in an NSF-SNAP-resistant manner togethe
189 nd whirlin, function synergistically in USH2 complex assembly in cochlear hair cells.
190 plex and characterized mutations that affect complex assembly in functional assays.
191 nd whether USH1 proteins play a role in USH2 complex assembly in hair cells.
192 curs via distinctive mechanisms for receptor complex assembly in mice.
193 owever, myosin VIIa is not required for USH2 complex assembly in photoreceptors.
194 and quantify multi-protein adherens junction complex assembly in situ using light microscopy and Fluo
195 n of Vam7tm is indispensible for trans-SNARE complex assembly in SNARE-only reactions.
196                  Quantifying multi-molecular complex assembly in specific cytoplasmic compartments is
197 IV, consistent with a defect in mitochondria complex assembly in the aged CPCs.
198 que in its ability to detect single-molecule complex assembly in the bulk phase, free from external f
199  defined the kinetics of neuron-specific BAF complex assembly in the formation of induced neurons fro
200     We demonstrate: minimal cadherin-catenin complex assembly in the perinuclear cytoplasm and subseq
201 ction to catalyze R-, Qa-, Qb-, and Qc-SNARE complex assembly in trans, as well as SNARE engagement b
202 ex, we mapped the binding sites that mediate complex assembly in vitro and in vivo.
203 e for SEC/MUNC18 proteins in promoting SNARE-complex assembly in vivo and suggest that STXBP2 R65 mut
204 tructures and facilitating RNA-protein (RNP) complex assembly in vivo.
205   We discuss multiple mechanisms controlling complex assembly, including cooperative DNA binding, com
206                   SBI-756 impaired the eIF4F complex assembly independently of mTOR and attenuated gr
207 ve phenotype precisely correlated with SNARE-complex assembly, indicating that impaired SNARE-complex
208  A mutation in Slx9 that impairs Crm1-export complex assembly inhibits 40S pre-ribosome export.
209 ms of nucleic acid recognition and signaling complex assembly involving the AIM2 (absent in myeloma 2
210 a model for the cooperativity of CRM1 export complex assembly involving the long-range allosteric com
211 mation on the variable arrangements of these complex assemblies is a challenge.
212    In this manner, a strict order of protein complex assemblies is attained.
213 ue oriC locus, comprises the pre-RC, but how complex assembly is choreographed to ensure precise init
214 -1 is rendered constitutively open and SNARE-complex assembly is enhanced to examine the relation bet
215 copic interaction study demonstrate that the complex assembly is independent of the c-ring size.
216   However, in the absence of S-phase kinases complex assembly is inhibited, which is unexpected, as t
217                                          The complex assembly is modulated by YknW but proceeds in th
218                 Spontaneous quaternary SNARE complex assembly is very slow.
219 lear and mitochondrial genomes occurs at the complex assembly level.
220                                              Complex assembly likely occurs at the stereociliary bund
221 novel lipid-interacting protein in the SNARE complex assembly machinery.
222  and equilibrium aspects of DNA-intercalator complex assembly may allow optimization of DNA binding f
223                           After Cdc45-Mcm2-7 complex assembly, Mcm10 promotes origin melting by stimu
224                                        SNARE-complex assembly mediates synaptic vesicle fusion during
225 ain in the p120-catenin.p190RhoGAP signaling complex assembly, membrane targeting, and stimulation of
226 ew structure provided a basis to test switch complex assembly models.
227        We also found that during presynaptic complex assembly, most of the RPA and RAD52 was displace
228 ation products, as well as defects in OXPHOS complex assembly observed in MTO1 deficient mice further
229  microscopy data support the conclusion that complex assembly occurs at specific areas of the ER befo
230                         Cells are made up of complex assemblies of cytoskeletal proteins that facilit
231   Borromean rings or links are topologically complex assemblies of three entangled rings where no two
232                      It is notable that this complex assembly of interdependent events is ultimately
233          The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a complex assembly of structural proteins that provides ph
234                                              Complex assembly of the mRNA cap protein, eukaryotic tra
235 that Mia40 is involved in the biogenesis and complex assembly of Tim22.
236             In the absence of the Fld1/Ldb16 complex, assembly of LDs results in phospholipid packing
237 ons appear to play a guiding role in protein-complex assembly on chromatin.
238 ISGs, acting at the point of transcriptional complex assembly on target gene promoters.
239 derstanding the mechanism of the FVIIIa-FIXa complex assembly on the activated platelet surface in th
240 O decreases SNAP-25 levels and impairs SNARE-complex assembly; only the latter but not the former is
241  abrogates RNA binding without affecting MLL complex assembly or catalytic activity.
242  on chromatin, absent significant changes in complex assembly or integrity.
243  mTOR or Pim kinases, translation initiation complex assembly, or eIF4A function.
244                                            A complex assembly pathway conducts their initial synthesi
245 ch eIF4G is at the core of a multi-component-complex assembly pathway.
246           Developing an understanding of the complex assembly pathways employed by ring-like structur
247 r work forms the basis for understanding the complex assembly pathways of stacked rings like the prot
248 ed from fully sequenced genomes onto protein complex assembly pathways, we demonstrate evolutionary s
249 ap shows that this entire 14-MDa Nup82-Nup84 complex assembly positions the cytoplasmic mRNA export f
250 action in vitro inhibits splicing and blocks complex assembly prior to formation of the prespliceosom
251  phagolysosome maturation and peptide:MHC-II complex assembly proceeded normally in pearl DCs, peptid
252 ovides a powerful platform for studying this complex assembly process and the effects of other factor
253 nt role of Psb27 as a gate-keeper during the complex assembly process of the oxygen-evolving centers
254 similar as carbonyl or methylene groups in a complex assembly process.
255 relying on the others, suggesting four-SNARE complex assembly rather than direct binding of each to H
256 n domain and was necessary for NADPH oxidase complex assembly, reactive oxygen species production, an
257 ch membrane regions could facilitate protein complex assembly remains largely unclear.
258 e of the N-peptide in Munc18a-mediated SNARE complex assembly remains unclear, our results demonstrat
259                                         Core complex assembly requires interaction of WDR5 with the M
260 ough the individual domains bind DNA poorly, complex assembly requires oligomerization and cooperatio
261 actome; we furthermore showed that the motor complex assembly requires two Myo4pShe3p heterotrimers,
262 conjugates that drive protein degradation or complex assembly, respectively.
263 ites, interacts with menin, and inhibits MLL complex assembly, resulting in decreased H3K4me3 and tra
264  solutions, but it is rarely applied to more complex assembly shapes.
265 est a new model in which Sec6 promotes SNARE complex assembly, similar to the role proposed for other
266 ones induced subtle alterations in RDS/ROM-1 complex assembly, specifically resulting in the formatio
267 -performance mass transport nanosystems, and complex assembly structures.
268 mall number of tile types to assemble large, complex assemblies that can retain nanoscale resolution.
269 we generated a structural model for the Dam1 complex assembly that advances our understanding of its
270                  We report an assay of SNARE complex assembly that does not rely on fusion and for wh
271 s the initiator of sequential ESCRT III-Vps4 complex assembly that facilitates scission and repair of
272  work reveals a specificity in AMPA receptor complex assembly that is dynamic in both space and time.
273  distinguished two pathways of 80S:CrPV IRES complex assembly that produce elongation-competent compl
274 ite (ABS3) in talin is required for adhesion complex assembly, the central ABS2 is essential for foca
275         We detail the mechanisms of receptor complex assembly, the interrelated nature of these recep
276 antified various stages of adherens junction complex assembly, the multiprotein complex regulating ep
277  and in its activity, suggesting a defect in complex assembly; the activity of the other oxidative ph
278 e factor activating protein receptor (SNARE) complex assembly, thereby clamping fusion in the absence
279 , in turn, promotes mitochondrial DNA repair complex assembly, thereby enhancing mitochondrial DNA re
280        Thus, Vps33 appears to catalyze SNARE complex assembly through specific SNARE motif recognitio
281 n trap, and can now probe the intact protein complex assembly, through its constituent subunits, to t
282 vesting complex II than control cells, while complex assembly, thylakoid membrane ultrastructure, and
283 ereby mTORC1 and CK2 coordinate TC and eIF4F complex assembly to stimulate cell proliferation.
284 Pases regulate vesicular traffic and protein complex assembly to stimulate oxidative, autophagic, mem
285 tes direct DnaA-DnaA interactions and couple complex assembly to the availability of active DnaA-ATP.
286                  Munc18-1 orchestrates SNARE complex assembly together with Munc13-1 to mediate neuro
287 oned four USH1 proteins in the cochlear USH2 complex assembly using USH1 mutant mice.
288                      DNA damage can initiate complex assembly via ATM phosphorylation of the PIDD dea
289 f eIF2beta and simultaneously bolsters eIF4F complex assembly via the mTORC1/4E-BP pathway.
290 le in substrate ubiquitination from the core complex assembly, we analyzed a series of mutations with
291 transduction pathways regulating mRNA export complex assembly, we used fluorescence recovery after ph
292        Added N-domain can even promote SNARE complex assembly when Vam7 still bears its own N-domain.
293 trong and weak cooperative coupling of SNARE complex assembly where each mode implicates different in
294              Thus, we propose a model of MET complex assembly where Tomt and the Tmcs interact within
295 Hop2 and Mnd1 co-operate to mediate synaptic complex assembly, whereas ssDNA binding by the Hop2 C-te
296 y is likely derived from a defect in the ETC complex assembly, which can be partially rescued by incr
297 s to produce density maps of larger and more complex assemblies with multiple protein components of m
298 y involve a new regulatory mechanism linking complex assembly with forward trafficking and provide ne
299                       Putative partial SNARE complex assembly with the SNARE motif mutant Stx1A(AV) (
300 es based on time-lapse TALM images (pcTALM), complex assembly within dynamic submicroscopic zones was

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