


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  of binding of DGL and ConA to a biantennary complex carbohydrate.
2 ng of the above two groups of lectins to the complex carbohydrate.
3 n variants contained approximately 20 kDa of complex carbohydrate.
4 hosphatase activity against a phosphorylated complex carbohydrate.
5 that provides the same amount of energy from complex carbohydrates.
6 and reduced by 30 to 73% on other simple and complex carbohydrates.
7 A) sugars from small-molecule conjugates and complex carbohydrates.
8  possess different binding specificities for complex carbohydrates.
9 hydrates, but lower affinity for biantennary complex carbohydrates.
10  from simple sugars with fats, proteins, and complex carbohydrates.
11  +/- 7.4% from simple and 22.6 +/- 6.2% from complex carbohydrates.
12 nlike ConA, DGL does not bind to biantennary complex carbohydrates.
13 icities for larger N-linked oligomannose and complex carbohydrates.
14 achines dedicated to the depolymerization of complex carbohydrates.
15 or the separation and structural analysis of complex carbohydrates.
16 d has a broad application to a wide range of complex carbohydrates.
17 acids, are also important components in some complex carbohydrates.
18 a critical way to profile the composition of complex carbohydrates.
19 y quantitative and/or qualitative changes in complex carbohydrates.
20  synthesis, is a powerful approach to obtain complex carbohydrates.
21 enzoate ester (AZMB) for the construction of complex carbohydrates.
22  free GalNAc derived from the degradation of complex carbohydrates.
23 d with a galactosyltransferase to build more complex carbohydrates.
24                                      Several complex carbohydrates (6-16) were also displayed in micr
25 multiple genes encoding proteins involved in complex carbohydrate acquisition and utilization pathway
26  the majority of the receptor protein lacked complex carbohydrates, an indication of an improperly pr
27 how that laforins and SEX4 dephosphorylate a complex carbohydrate and form the only family of phospha
28                           The recognition of complex carbohydrates and glycoconjugates as mediators o
29                      When fed a diet high in complex carbohydrates and low (5%) in fat, these animals
30  is suitable for the phosphorylation of more complex carbohydrates and molecules of biological intere
31  us to promptly access glycopeptides bearing complex carbohydrates and offer potential synthetic appl
32             Noncovalent interactions between complex carbohydrates and proteins drive many fundamenta
33 chanisms for detection of salts, acids, fat, complex carbohydrates, and water have also been proposed
34  binding to certain deoxy analogs and to the complex carbohydrate are different from that of ConA.
35 iet low in plant and animal fats and high in complex carbohydrates are at a reduced risk of endometri
36              Currently, the vast majority of complex carbohydrates are characterized using mass spect
37 n addition, the hydrolysis patterns of these complex carbohydrates are discussed.
38                                              Complex carbohydrates are highly polymorphic macromolecu
39                   Surface-presented glycans (complex carbohydrates) are docking sites for adhesion/gr
40 e in its ability to utilize a phosphorylated complex carbohydrate as a substrate and that this functi
41 n important role in health and disease, uses complex carbohydrates as a major source of nutrients.
42 istent with the utilization of plant-derived complex carbohydrates as a major substrate by both organ
43            The human gut microbiota utilizes complex carbohydrates as major nutrients.
44                 The human gut microbiota use complex carbohydrates as major nutrients.
45 ivatized surfaces to capture and concentrate complex carbohydrates as well as microorganisms from sam
46 the presence of mono-, bi-, and triantennary complex carbohydrate, as well as fucosylation of all typ
47 similarity to glycosyltransferases and other complex carbohydrate biosynthetic enzymes.
48 odel, that sharing the breakdown products of complex carbohydrates by key members of the microbiota,
49                                Metabolism of complex carbohydrates by the Bacteroides genus is orches
50  on the saccharification and fermentation of complex carbohydrates by the massive microbial community
51 conclusive data to support the production of complex carbohydrates by the organism.
52                  Bacterial pathogens produce complex carbohydrate capsules to protect against bacteri
53 entified genes encoding proteins involved in complex carbohydrate catabolism as participating in path
54                In cattle, on the other hand, complex carbohydrates constituted only about 20% of the
55 ammalian cells under conditions that limited complex carbohydrate content greatly increased SB virus
56 lated soybean protein supplements per day or complex carbohydrate control for 12 weeks; 91.4% complet
57 rats were fed either with (HF/RC) or low fat/complex carbohydrate diet (LF/CC) starting at post-natal
58 , and polyunsaturated fatty acids; intake of complex carbohydrates; dietary cholesterol; plasma triac
59 pes may respond differently to low-fat, high-complex-carbohydrate diets, and the response is further
60  zebrafish system to analyze the function of complex carbohydrates during development by down-regulat
61                To better define the roles of complex carbohydrates during vertebrate embryogenesis, w
62 nomeric form of D-galactose, when present in complex carbohydrates, e.g., cell wall, glycoproteins, a
63 t sites inhabited by this pathogen represent complex carbohydrate environments.
64 ficant problem in structure determination of complex carbohydrates, especially for bacterial polysacc
65  diets are low in energy density and high in complex carbohydrate, fiber, and water, which may increa
66                               Diets based on complex carbohydrates, fibers, red wine, fresh fruit and
67 ng solution for the large-scale synthesis of complex carbohydrates for biotechnological purposes.
68  of carbohydrates, from simple sugars to the complex carbohydrates found in plant cell walls.
69                     Our understanding of how complex carbohydrates function during embryonic developm
70 olonic symbiont that degrades many different complex carbohydrates (glycans), the identities and amou
71                            The presence of a complex carbohydrate group at this critical site could i
72  trials, the substitution of free sugars for complex carbohydrates had no effect on blood pressure or
73 raditionally, access to structurally defined complex carbohydrates has been very laborious.
74 ically, the study of bacterial catabolism of complex carbohydrates has contributed to understanding b
75       Dietary monounsaturated fat (MUFA) and complex carbohydrates have different effects on triglyce
76 e late stage of the syntheses provided these complex carbohydrates in a concise manner.
77 icles, which sense the presence of available complex carbohydrates in bacterial suspension.
78 pectic polysaccharides are arguably the most complex carbohydrates in nature.
79 rein we review new insights into the role of complex carbohydrates in streptococcal host-pathogen int
80 tegrity on the basis of the specific lack of complex carbohydrates in the cytosol.
81                                      Fat and complex carbohydrates in the distal bowel activate "brak
82 the bacterium's ability to sense and degrade complex carbohydrates in the gut.
83                              Distribution of complex carbohydrates in the peripheral and central nerv
84 es is the ability to decode the functions of complex carbohydrates in various biological contexts.
85                      The myriad functions of complex carbohydrates include modulating interactions be
86 ism that degrades a wide range of simple and complex carbohydrates including pectin and produces ferm
87 a is involved in the biosynthesis of several complex carbohydrates, including alginate, lipopolysacch
88 tanol, by anaerobically degrading simple and complex carbohydrates, including cellulose and hemicellu
89 sence of intracellular deposits of insoluble complex carbohydrates known as Lafora bodies.
90 ted fatty acid (HMUFA) diet; a low-fat, high-complex carbohydrate (LFHCC) diet supplemented with long
91 ic role of gut microbes is to digest dietary complex carbohydrates, liberating host-absorbable energy
92 des a convenient and powerful way to prepare complex carbohydrate ligands for clustered receptors.
93                                      After a complex carbohydrate mixture was obtained by solid-phase
94 se that synthesizes H-type structures on the complex carbohydrate modifications of some proteins and
95                                          The complex carbohydrate molecule globo H hexasaccharide has
96        When free sugars were substituted for complex carbohydrates, no significant increases were det
97 detes phylum and are key to the digestion of complex carbohydrates, notably by the human gut microbio
98         Researchers have long predicted that complex carbohydrates on cell surfaces would play import
99  of the effects of free sugars compared with complex carbohydrates on selected cardiovascular disease
100 o demonstrate that MT1-MMP contains O-linked complex carbohydrates on the Thr(291), Thr(299), Thr(300
101 to induce IFN-alpha/beta is due to a lack of complex carbohydrates on the virion rather than the acti
102   The replacement of 7-8% of fat intake with complex carbohydrates over 6 y was not associated with c
103 etabolites, as well as in the degradation of complex carbohydrate polymers.
104 nteractions are in part mediated by N-linked complex carbohydrates present on gp120, but experimental
105 ion of a C-terminal dilysine motif prevented complex carbohydrate processing and demonstrated that pr
106      Exit from the endoplasmic reticulum and complex carbohydrate processing in the Golgi was promote
107 hydrate (r = -0.40, P < 0.001), but not with complex carbohydrate (r = -0.02).
108 he most abundant substances being a group of complex carbohydrates referred to as human milk oligosac
109 les completely abolishes activity with large complex carbohydrates, reflecting the presumed function
110 iscriminates against binding the biantennary complex carbohydrate relative to ConA.
111 otic gut microorganisms recognize and attack complex carbohydrates remain largely undefined.
112  While enteric LPS contains some of the most complex carbohydrate residues in nature, the full-length
113 formation was largely due to the presence of complex carbohydrate side chains.
114 cells and patients, and supplementation with complex carbohydrates stabilizes blood glucose.
115 he identification of the cyclopentyl chelate complex [carbohydrate structure-see text] as the catalys
116 olation of the palladium cyclopentyl chelate complex [carbohydrate structure-see text] in 26% yield a
117 Bacterial capsular polysaccharides (CPS) are complex carbohydrate structures that play a role in the
118 hnical difficulty of chemically synthesizing complex carbohydrate structures.
119 main is densely covered with highly branched complex carbohydrate structures.
120  virus GPs containing more high-mannose than complex carbohydrate structures.
121  monosaccharide compositions of a variety of complex carbohydrates such as different glycosaminoglyca
122 array of metabolites by utilizing simple and complex carbohydrates, such as cellulose, as well as CO2
123 nhibitors, glycomimetic scaffolds, and other complex carbohydrate systems.
124 rk for application to biologically important complex carbohydrate systems.
125 polyphosphomonoester core polysaccharide), a complex carbohydrate that mimics the natural L-selectin
126 ectodomain generates a secreted protein with complex carbohydrate that neutralizes autoantibodies in
127                          Human milk contains complex carbohydrates that are important dietary factors
128       Mild acid hydrolysis, which transforms complex carbohydrate to monomeric residues, abrogated th
129                   Therefore, the addition of complex carbohydrates to the Ly-49 family of receptors m
130                   The structural analysis of complex carbohydrates typically requires the assignment
131         Our discovery that GAS virulence and complex carbohydrate utilization are directly linked thr
132 ed in growth maintenance, bile tolerance and complex carbohydrate utilization in L. acidophilus.
133 ting mechanisms for regulating and effecting complex carbohydrate utilization.
134 subunits, mature single-chain receptors with complex carbohydrate were also present on the cell surfa
135 f the core trimannoside and to a biantennary complex carbohydrate were determined by isothermal titra
136 ly active gp91-PLB cells, demonstrating that complex carbohydrates were not required for epitope reco
137 tion to food portion size and content of non-complex carbohydrates which are essential for weight los
138 surfaces of epithelial cancer are covered by complex carbohydrates, whose structures function in mali
139 throughout the day and a late-night snack of complex carbohydrates will help minimize protein utiliza
140                  Heparin, a cell-impermeable complex carbohydrate with high affinity for Group V PLA2
141 ntially reduced affinities for a biantennary complex carbohydrate with terminal GlcNAc residues, whil
142 could be glycosylated stereoselectively with complex carbohydrates without hydroxyl protection or act

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