


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 utamate and serine/threonine in zinc-peptide complexation.
2  surface-site blockage and/or organic Fe(II) complexation.
3 he complex and, DSC studied demonstrated the complexation.
4 hanced formation of reactive surface hydroxo complexation.
5 H)3 without irreversible polyhistidine-RG-II complexation.
6 h the change in solvent accessible area upon complexation.
7  competition between inner- and outer-sphere complexation.
8  TCs and Fe(II) and Fe(III) induced by their complexation.
9  retained than via outer-sphere kaolinite-CA complexation.
10 hanges and aggregation induced by host-guest complexation.
11  carbon-carbon bonds of the phenyl ring upon complexation.
12 s and relevancy of the light-regulated CB[8] complexation.
13 with differing formation constants of Cu(II) complexation.
14 hich the cysteine rotamers change upon metal complexation.
15 on of reactive species rather than via thiol complexation.
16 iation, which in turn is highly dependent on complexation.
17 y of conarachin I and arachin fractions upon complexation.
18 stance to salts known to inhibit polypeptide complexation.
19 hile elution was influenced by eluent cation complexation.
20 ay key roles in driving protein-carbohydrate complexation.
21 dynamic driving force for the organo-mineral complexation.
22 usion of a significant hydrophobic area upon complexation.
23 ating material properties in polyelectrolyte complexation.
24 tment (60 degrees C, 10 min) enhanced BLG-LA complexation.
25 inhibits Hg methylation due to strong Hg-DOM complexation.
26 ms of radical generation and mineral surface complexation.
27 hich undergo conformational change or ligand complexation.
28 bility of linalool by cyclodextrin inclusion complexation.
29 cement in adsorption associated with ternary complexation.
30 lity of protein and vitamin A as affected by complexation.
31 n be produced through two different types of complexations.
32  surface in a lateral fashion to satisfy the complexation [2 + 2] valency and thereby give stable two
33   Following its resolution by diastereomeric complexation, 5,5',6,6'-tetrahydroxy-3,3,3',3'-tetrameth
34 s treated by steaming and metal-chlorophylls complexations against combined acid-heat was compared wi
35  how microbial metabolism and organo-mineral complexation alter amino acid and organic carbon fluxes
36 rtant organic matter functions such as metal complexation and association with mineral surfaces.
37                              They enable the complexation and co-crystallization of otherwise non-cry
38 e and evolutionary conservation of J-protein complexation and cooperation in disaggregation.
39                  Parameters which affect the complexation and extraction (pH, DDTC, and Triton X-100
40 anionic HA biopolymer led to efficient ionic complexation and formation of homogenous liposome-polyme
41 I) from remediation products via both ligand complexation and increased solid solubility.
42 h stimuli as light, electrochemical voltage, complexation and mechanical modulation.
43 fect DOM-trace metal interactions, including complexation and metal-containing particle precipitation
44 ses contributing to the rates and extents of complexation and redox reactions between these important
45 uggesting that dissolution proceeded through complexation and removal of oxidized surface uranium ato
46                                Exploiting co-complexation and trans-metal-trapping strategies with lo
47 spray drying, antisolvent, amylose inclusion complexation, and nano-emulsification are introduced in
48 sses: solution complexation, ternary surface complexation, and surface site competition.
49 tent was significantly lowered after beta-CD complexation, as revealed by thermogravimetric (TG) anal
50 d in toxicity experiments by cysteine-silver complexation at the EC50.
51                                              Complexation between a water-soluble calix[4]pyrrole and
52 rate selection is further tuned by transient complexation between different classes of J-proteins, wh
53                                          The complexation between L1 and Cu(2+) or Zn(2+) was delinea
54                          Direct inner-sphere complexation between OC and iron oxides (Fe-O-C) is resp
55                                          The complexation between Ru(2+)-dimer and Fe(2+) demonstrate
56 hydrogen-bonding interactions promote strong complexation between substrates and a rigid beta-turn ca
57 ork, for the first time, reports the surface complexation between sulfate and plagioclase that can oc
58                                              Complexation by CB7 led to a 12 mV anodic shift, while C
59                                          ANS complexation by cyclodextrins or bovine serum albumin (B
60 on of flavour compounds related to inclusion complexation by dispersed native high amylose maize star
61 REEQC) with and without implementation of Hg complexation by dissolved organic matter (DOM).
62 the precipitation of U minerals as well as U complexation by Fe/Mn phases at our field site, and sugg
63  analogous peptide segments likely direct RS complexation by LS cages in other bacterial species.
64             Our data indicates that U(IV/VI) complexation by natural organic matter prevents the prec
65 (2+), data and modeling indicate that Ca(2+) complexation by NOM neutralizes some of the negative org
66 periments have established the importance of complexation by organic ligands in determining the bioav
67 C and free copper ion concentration owing to complexation by predominantly organic ligands.
68                        The modeling of metal complexation by the biotic ligand has received little at
69  proposed detoxification responses involving complexation by thiol groups from peptides.
70                           Importantly, metal complexation can be accomplished in situ and is found to
71                                        Metal complexation can be used to render gelatin derivatives a
72        By moving from methanol to water, the complexation changed from entropy driven to entropy oppo
73 ilable ligand families, an overview of their complexation chemistry, and an examination of their appl
74 N-NMR experiments exhibited signal loss upon complexation consistent with the formation of high-molec
75 strong dependence on pH and temperature: The complexation constant (KF) decreased as the pH and tempe
76                          The apparent Cu(2+) complexation constant (logK; Cu(2+) + L(-) <--> CuL(+))
77 modeling, it was shown that the NA-magnetite complexation constant does not vary with Fe(II)/Fe(III)
78 how the different interactions influence the complexation constant.
79                           Taking (i) surface complexation constants determined for Eu(III)-illite int
80 oichiometry in all the cases studied but the complexation constants were strongly dependent on the ty
81 ich is rooted in the field of fluoride anion complexation/coordination chemistry, has led to the deve
82           This study suggests that phosphate complexation could enhance the reductive removal of vana
83 elical conformational switching triggered by complexation/decomplexation.
84 w sorption of ligands coupled with strong Pu complexation decreased Pu sorption at pH 5 and 7, relati
85 ugh an intramolecular P horizontal lineO...B complexation directed by proximal alpha- or beta-hydroxy
86 rovide a powerful approach to studying metal complexation directly at the biotic ligand.
87 derstanding of the structure and pathways of complexation-driven assemblies, and raise intriguing pro
88 ual micelles is prevented in polyelectrolyte complexation-driven assembly of triblock copolyelectroly
89 Sensors based on the Pfeiffer effect rely on complexation-driven asymmetric transformation of the fir
90 hown to be more stable in the case of MA but complexation efficiency was greater for OA.
91  neutral, hydrophilic polymer and subsequent complexation enables the formation of nanoscale coacerva
92 has focused on a group of promising methods; complexation, encapsulation, and hot melting.
93                    It is noteworthy that the complexation exerted by a monosaccharide (glucose or met
94                                              Complexation extends the radical lifetimes from 2 h to o
95 sid assembly, which involves recruitment and complexation, followed by allosteric growth of the prote
96 and changes from reductive elimination to pi-complexation for arenes bearing strongly electron-withdr
97 hat the prochiral reagent can sample several complexation geometries during the lifetime of a complex
98 cture-specific, highly selective, host-guest complexation has experienced rapid development.
99 menting the bidentate-binuclear inner-sphere complexation identified in the present study.
100                               Fluoride anion complexation impacts a number of areas ranging from sens
101                      Selective ion-ionophore complexation in a polymeric membrane is crucial to vario
102 rectly associated to OC through inner-sphere complexation in coastal sediments, as much as four times
103                            We observe Cu(II) complexation in real-time using five ligands with differ
104 y products by microwave assisted extraction, complexation in situ by ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDT
105 e complex with endogenous HG through calcium complexation in situ, confirming a recently suggested th
106 hanced solubility of QU due to the inclusion complexation; in addition, the stoichiometry of QU/beta-
107 s to Pu(IV) hydrolysis competing with ligand complexation, increasing sorption.
108  experiments were carried out to measure the complexation-induced shifts on the half-wave potentials
109                                              Complexation inhibits endopeptidase activity and cell wa
110         Spatial and temporal coordination of complexation, inversion and setting fostered rapid ( app
111                          The free energy for complexation is almost completely entropic over all salt
112              We demonstrate that berkelium's complexation is analogous to that of californium.
113                              Polyelectrolyte complexation is critical to the formation and properties
114                                  Trace metal complexation is difficult to characterize in dynamically
115  various complexes with soluble hematin, but complexation is insufficient to suppress heme detoxifica
116 the ability to accurately predict As surface complexation is limited by the lack of molecular-level u
117      Regulation of enzymes through metal ion complexation is widespread in biology and underscores a
118                                         From complexation isotherms built at different total Eu(III)
119 ed with the assistance of penicillamine as a complexation ligand.
120 the negative organic charge and minimizes Fe complexation, making Fe species available for hydrolysis
121 hite (9.1-9.4), and an additional OA surface complexation mechanism at the (010) plane.
122 rth a new understanding on utilizing surface complexation mechanisms between the reactants and earth
123     Increasing the pH and temperature of the complexation media tended to improve the complexation pr
124 :9.5 (104.9mg TTO/g beta-CD) was used in all complexation methods.
125 rm model, and a diffuse double layer surface complexation model (DLM) was developed to describe metal
126 at high supersaturation and that a classical complexation model is sufficient to reproduce measured r
127               A diffuse double layer surface complexation model was developed for surface-functionali
128 uctor can be readily understood with our 2:2 complexation model, corresponding to a parallel conducta
129 , quantum chemical calculations, and surface complexation modeling (SCM), we have shown that sulfate
130 uminescence spectroscopy (TRLS), and surface complexation modeling (SCM).
131 ts were modeled simultaneously using surface complexation modeling (SCM).
132 cular structure allows more reliable surface complexation modeling of recent and future macroscopic d
133                                Using surface complexation modeling, it was shown that the NA-magnetit
134 king, potentiometric titrations, and surface complexation modeling.
135                                While surface complexation models can be modified to account for these
136                                      Surface complexation models use experimental adsorption measurem
137 tions are not yet accounted by the different complexation models.
138 frared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy and multisite complexation (MUSIC) modeling were used to monitor OA bi
139   Flavour composition also influenced starch complexation; no flavour complexes were reported with li
140 ioselectivity in the previously communicated complexation of (+/-)-trans-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane.
141             Cucurbit[8]uril (CB[8])-mediated complexation of a dicationic azobenzene in water allows
142                                              Complexation of a suitably derivatized beta-, gamma-, or
143                                          The complexation of aptamers with AuNPs protects the nanopar
144  that may also influence As mobility include complexation of As by dissolved humic substances, and co
145                                          The complexation of BChE with the microgel was found to be s
146  size of BChE results in a predominant outer complexation of BChE within the dangling chains of the m
147 is unique phenomenon is based on the surface complexation of benzyl alcohol (BnOH) with the Bronsted
148 sphonate calix[4]pyrrole counterparts in the complexation of both tetramethylphosphonium and octylamm
149 m cation that induces reversible solid-state complexation of Br2/Br3(-).
150 lteration of its surface charge suggesting a complexation of C3G molecules in the internal casein str
151 th Fe/CA molar ratios from 2 to 0.5, ternary complexation of CA to kaolinite via a five-coordinated F
152 e propose that FO biofouling was enhanced by complexation of calcium ions to bacterial EPS.
153  eukaryote-specific signature for interclass complexation of canonical J-proteins.
154  been shown to be suitable for the effective complexation of chloride, nitrate, bicarbonate and sulfa
155 iation of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) was achieved by complexation of Cr(III)-TTA and the total Cr was measure
156  and Ni(0), with ethylene and other olefins, complexation of d(10) Zn(II) to simple olefins is too we
157          Co-crystal structures reveal Bd3460 complexation of dual targets, binding a conserved epitop
158  site occurred at the lower pH range and the complexation of Eu(III) to sulfonate site are more signi
159 n these dose-limited systems without Ca(2+), complexation of Fe species by NOM appears to be the mech
160 ion, possibly combined with enhanced surface complexation of Fe(II) cations promoted by anionic As(V)
161                    The reaction started with complexation of Fe(II) with TC followed by oxidation of
162 eriments with Fe(II) and TCs showed that the complexation of Fe(II) with tetracycline (TTC), oxytetra
163 riments with Fe(III) and TCs showed that the complexation of Fe(III) with TC could generate oxidized
164 to investigate domains and residues enabling complexation of IFN-beta to IFNAR1.
165                                          The complexation of iron(III) with oxalic acid in aqueous so
166 scopic studies show that condition-dependent complexation of ketone to LiHMDS occurs in trialkylamine
167                                          The complexation of L by La(3+) was shown by absorption spec
168 ive to the modeling of organic and inorganic complexation of metals in solution.
169 d interferences were interpreted by modeling complexation of Nic and, separately, each of the interfe
170                                  The surface complexation of O2 with Al2O3 also activates the adsorbe
171                                          The complexation of OA and MA with alpha- beta-, gamma-, HP-
172           The capsule shell is formed by the complexation of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes at t
173                                              Complexation of particular diol groups by the boronic ac
174                   It has been known that the complexation of protein and DNA involves mutual conforma
175  target as well as on the stabilization upon complexation of some of the mutated RNA sequences associ
176                                              Complexation of such syndiotactic vinyl-functionalized p
177 peciation calculations that predicted strong complexation of Tb(3+) by citrate.
178                                              Complexation of the acylated oxazolidinone by n-Bu2BOTf
179                                       Strong complexation of the alcoholic oxygen with Mg(II)bisporph
180 mination from Ar-Au(X)-Ar and lead to the pi-complexation of the arene by Ar-AuX2 becoming the turnov
181 regation between oxide particles and surface complexation of the dissolved Al ions with MnO2 .
182 density in the porphyrin dimers 3 and 4 upon complexation of the first C60 molecule, in good agreemen
183                                              Complexation of the Nic molecules by the MIP cavities wa
184                                          The complexation of the phenylboronic acid and cis-diol grou
185 have observed trace level Fe(III) and Cu(II) complexation of the protein fractions of peanut at pH 4.
186                    Predesigned complementary complexation of two 2,2':6',2''-terpyridine-based ligand
187 ipitation of U-bearing mineral(oid)s and the complexation of U by a vast range of (in)organic surface
188 rcular dichroism (CD) analysis confirmed the complexation of unmodified and NOTA-modified somatropin
189 ormation pertaining to the degree of acetate complexation of uranyl ion (UO2(2+)) is assessed as a fu
190 we investigated isotope fractionation during complexation of Zn(2+) with the phytosiderophore 2'-deox
191 was developed using 5-Br-PAPS to examine the complexation of Zn(II) and Cu(II).
192 important contribution of Fe-bridged ternary complexation on CA retention.
193  at pH 7, and investigated the effect of NOM complexation on Fe(II) redox stability.
194 A reduction in extent of inner-sphere Fe(II) complexation on silica-ferrihydrite confers a decreased
195 ssay was performed to identify the effect of complexation on the solubility of carotenoids.
196 on = 0.49 +/- 0.06 per thousand for specific complexation onto edge sites.
197 o various substrates whereupon electrostatic complexation, phase inversion, and rapid setting were si
198 degrees C and 150 degrees C, attributed to a complexation phenomenon.
199 lar ratios </=0.5, kaolinite-Fe(III)-citrate complexation preferentially occurred, but less CA was re
200  examples including both aqueous and surface complexation problems illustrate the parameter estimatio
201 e binding constants (Ka) associated with the complexation process leading to the formation of the [2]
202 ium constants for the tartrazine-BSA and HSA complexation process were evaluated to be (1.92 +/- 0.05
203 the complexation media tended to improve the complexation process with triterpenic acids.
204 evaluate the thermodynamic parameters of the complexation process, dissecting the entropic and enthal
205 ying substrate modulation on the cyt b5-P450 complexation process.
206  various purposes due to the versatile metal complexation properties of the TPA unit.
207 y a combination of molecular recognition and complexation properties with vital implications for host
208 y a combination of molecular recognition and complexation properties with vital implications for host
209 polyethers and evaluation of their metal ion complexation properties.
210  coupled to homogeneous chemical equilibria (complexations, protonations, ion associations, ...) that
211 nic MOP architecture and plug-and-play CB[n] complexation provides a potent new platform for drug del
212 nylboronic acid derivatives with unique diol complexation rates, 4-carboxyphenylboronic acid, and o-a
213                                          The complexation reaction with Au(I) ions spontaneously asse
214  the time-dependent responses in the case of complexation reactions occurring in the ion-selective me
215 , terrestrially derived FAs promote As-Fe-FA complexation reactions that may enhance As mobility.
216  of HPEP, pH 9.5 and 10 min after mixing the complexation reactions were completed.
217                             Besides the fast complexation reactions, diffusion-limited processes, esp
218 in neutralization, precipitation, redox, and complexation reactions, with a multichannel pipet for ad
219 nd time of color formation for completion of complexation reactions.
220  could mitigate As mobilization with surface complexation reactions; (2) dissolution of available cal
221                                          The complexation-reduction mechanism is illustrated with the
222 efficiency for stripping Pu(IV), through the complexation-reduction mechanism, is suitable for use in
223 v) to determine the solvent influence on the complexation selectivity.
224  in that bonding is expected to be ionic and complexation should not substantially alter the electron
225 ct was MbetaCD (KF=606.65+/-30.18M(-1)), the complexation showing a strong dependence on pH and tempe
226 cussion of processes (redox transformations, complexation, sorption, precipitation, dissolution, evap
227 t of fractionation seems proportional to the complexation stability constant.
228  DOSY and HOESY analyses that illuminate the complexation state and H-bonding in solution.
229            We predict theoretically that the complexation stoichiometry affects not only the peak cur
230 ermine the binding constants and suggest 1:1 complexation stoichiometry for the ionophore I with chlo
231                                          The complexation stoichiometry is needed to yield the format
232               This technique also provided a complexation stoichiometry similar to those obtained by
233               Herein, we disclose a nitrogen complexation strategy that employs a strong Bronsted aci
234 ienediyne to be obtained via RCM; the alkyne complexation strategy therefore provides one valid techn
235 t manner to better understand solubility and complexation structure/activity function in process-rele
236                                              Complexation studies by NMR, in the presence of sodium t
237                                              Complexation studies revealed that fullerenes promote th
238 derstand the mechanism of the CPE procedure, complexation study of the TSIL with U was carried out by
239 operative or competitive processes: solution complexation, ternary surface complexation, and surface
240 o short-range interactions--intraparticulate complexation--, there might be interactions at longer ra
241 100 concentration, vortex agitation time and complexation time) were optimized in a univariate way.
242 ) has been functionalized with NOTA to allow complexation to (68)Ga ((68)Ga-NOTA-UBI).
243 with subnanomolar affinity, was selected for complexation to (99m)Tc via multiple spacers.
244 res of the water hydrogen-bonding network by complexation to BPL indicate that water clusters adopt s
245     The SCM indicated that Eu(III) and U(VI) complexation to carboxylate functional group is the main
246                                              Complexation to CB[7] increased the pKa for 4H(+) (pKa =
247 his study is to investigate the potential of complexation to encapsulate nisin (5g/L concentration) u
248                                          Its complexation to oligonucleotides determines a singular a
249 tation (i.e., "new" particle formation), and complexation to particulate matter.
250 in mechanism for their sorption to GO; their complexation to the sulfonate site occurred at the lower
251 BP produced a strong signal with and without complexation to U or Pu, but, in negative ion mode, no T
252 rous adhesive resulting from polyelectrolyte complexation triggered by solvent exchange.
253 ted tractable rates, reveals a rate-limiting complexation via a transition structure with a complicat
254                               Flavour-starch complexation was dependent on the flavour compound hydro
255                            The extent of the complexation was evaluated by differential pulse voltamm
256                                       Hg-DOM complexation was modeled using three approaches: binding
257                                              Complexation was shown to be more stable in the case of
258                               Carbon dioxide complexation was undertaken into solid matrices of amorp
259                   Both pre- and on-capillary complexations were employed to obtain stable metal-Phen
260 t-structured hydrogel assemblies via polyion complexation when mixed in aqueous media.
261  powerful tool for studying real-time Cu(II) complexation, which is essential speciation information
262 The self-assembly is mediated by the PNA-DNA complexation, which results in the formation of hydrophi
263  demonstrates enrichment of Cr(VI) after its complexation with 1,5-diphenylcarbazide.
264                                         Upon complexation with a divalent cation, the accessible conf
265 of the adduct with a "water finger" prior to complexation with an ionophore at the membrane/water int
266 t minutes of simulated intestinal digestion, complexation with beta-CD allowed anthocyanins degradati
267                                              Complexation with beta-CD showed a thermal stabilization
268  across the backbone can be achieved through complexation with BF2, as observed by (1)H NMR analysis
269 peroxidase activity of cyt c gained upon its complexation with cardiolipin in the presence of reactiv
270 this phase, CTLA4 surface expression and its complexation with CD80/CD86 cause internalization and de
271 e the L1 exhibited spherical particles, upon complexation with Cu(2+), it exhibits chain like morphol
272                  MOP 3 undergoes noncovalent complexation with cucurbit[n]urils to yield MOPs 4-6 wit
273  obtained the highest score (5/8) along with complexation with cyclodextrin suggesting that these met
274 ing-closing metathesis reactions followed by complexation with dicobalt octacarbonyl.
275                                    Following complexation with Gd, this PTPmu-targeted molecular cont
276 n of aggregation-prone tau as induced by the complexation with heparin is accompanied by large change
277 hat appeared in several reports on fullerene complexation with hosts containing the 1,3-dithiolyliden
278                                     Notably, complexation with HSA did not hinder the activity of sil
279 chromatography (SEC) demonstrated functional complexation with human growth hormone binding protein (
280 jugation and consequent purification through complexation with immobilized metal affinity chromatogra
281     Indeed, domain reorientation by c-di-GMP complexation with MrkH, which leads to a highly compacte
282 tion state, which are strongly influenced by complexation with natural organic matter (NOM).
283    Radical organic ions can be stabilized by complexation with neutral organics via interactions that
284 roposed anti-iminometalation of alkyne by pi-complexation with Ni(0) and subsequent attack by the N-H
285                                              Complexation with Ni(II) of the major regioisomer led to
286 -5-yl)phenyl)amine (L); which upon selective complexation with Pd(II) ions resulted in the formation
287 g spray-drying technique and to evaluate how complexation with pectin or alginate (2g/L concentration
288       Structural changes of nisin induced by complexation with pectin or alginate and spray-drying we
289                      The results showed that complexation with pectin or alginate preserved nisin str
290                                              Complexation with phytosiderophores is a key reaction an
291 of 8-hydroxyquinoline (8HQ) following Ca(2+) complexation with PLD-generated PA.
292                                   Dihydrogen complexation with retention of the H-H bond, once an exo
293 mately 10% of the CTD residues are free from complexation with RNA, resulting in partially exposed CT
294 nt correlation spectroscopy showed effective complexation with siRNA as well as its release upon part
295  to encapsulate tea tree oil (TTO) by direct complexation with solid amorphous beta-cyclodextrin (bet
296 d by mutations that reproduce the effects of complexation with the alpha-subunit.
297 d 0.15 M Mg(ClO4)2 due to the protonation or complexation with the Lewis acid of the pyridine nitroge
298          Collectively, our data suggest that complexation with the polymer chain is rate-limiting for
299 sence of humic acid appeared to be driven by complexation, with (208)Pb and UV254 size-exclusion chro
300                  This study investigated the complexation yield and physicochemical properties of sol

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