


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 t have a unique and specific requirement for complexin I.
2                                              Complexin is a conserved SNARE-binding protein that has
3                                     Synaphin/complexin is a cytosolic protein that preferentially bin
4                                              Complexin is a molecular clamp involved in exocytosis, a
5 cies now show that the region containing the Complexin-I accessory helix and preceding N-terminal seq
6                NMR studies now show that the complexin-I accessory helix does not insert into synapto
7 ing or decreasing the negative charge of the complexin-I accessory helix inhibits or stimulates relea
8 complex weaker when the N-terminal region of complexin I (amino acids 1-26) is removed.
9                          The distribution of complexin I and II was consistent with the data on mice,
10 n the observation of simultaneous binding of complexin-I and a fragment containing the synaptotagmin-
11                                              Complexin-I and synaptotagmin-I have been shown to be ke
12                                 We show that complexins I and II are found in acrosome-intact mature
13                                              Complexins I and II are highly related cytosolic protein
14  Sperm are unusual because they express both complexins I and II but have a unique and specific requi
15                   Interestingly, full-length complexin-I binds more tightly to membrane-anchored SNAR
16 ion and that synaptotagmin-I can release the complexin-I blockage in a calcium-dependent manner.
17  In the recently solved crystal structure of complexin I bound to the synaptic SNARE complex, complex
18 data on mice, with predominant expression of complexin I by inhibitory neurons, and complexin II by e
19                    Many studies suggest that complexin-I can arrest the fusion reaction and that syna
20                                     Although complexin-I-deficient sperm acrosome-react in response t
21               Complexin II is present in the complexin-I-deficient sperm and its expression is increa
22 ent sperm and its expression is increased in complexin-I-deficient testes.
23 omplexin-I inhibitory helix without inducing complexin-I dissociation, thus relieving the inhibitory
24 sical techniques, here we show that C2AB and complexin-I do not bind to each other but can indeed bin
25               The C-terminal domain (CTD) of complexin is essential for its inhibitory function and h
26 nd/or phospholipids increase the affinity of complexin-I for the SNARE complex, hindering dissociatio
27                     A crystal structure of a Complexin-I fragment bearing a so-called 'superclamp' mu
28 py experiments show that C2AB can displace a complexin-I fragment containing its central SNARE-bindin
29                                   Therefore, complexin I functions in exocytosis in two related but m
30 tron microscopy demonstrated the presence of complexin I/II in horizontal cell processes postsynaptic
31                          Strong labeling for complexin I/II, proteins that regulate a late step in ve
32                              The presence of complexin I/II, syntaxin-1, and synapsin I in rabbit hor
33 the cellular and subcellular distribution of complexin I/II, syntaxin-1, and synapsin I in rabbit ret
34                     The N-terminal domain of complexin is important for activation, but its molecular
35 ect those predicted from the distribution of complexin I in the brain.
36 ling cooperation between synaptotagmin-1 and complexin-I in triggering release.
37 mp' mutations that enhanced or decreased the complexin-I inhibitory activity in cell-cell fusion assa
38  or indirectly causes a rearrangement of the complexin-I inhibitory helix without inducing complexin-
39 suggested that an 'accessory' alpha-helix of Complexin-I inhibits release by inserting into the C-ter
40                                              Complexin is involved in a Ca(2+)-triggered exocytotic p
41             In mice, the presynaptic protein complexin I is a marker of axosomatic (inhibitory) synap
42                           Our data show that complexin I is essential not only for normal motor funct
43 the SNARE core when the N-terminal region of complexin I is present.
44     The membrane-proximal accessory helix of complexin is necessary for clamping, but its mechanism o
45 racterized the minimal functional domains of complexin-I necessary to couple calcium and synaptotagmi
46 n vivo experiments postulate that domains of complexin-I produce different effects on neurotransmitte
47                                The amount of complexin I protein was unchanged in schizophrenia, but
48  For both mRNA and protein, the complexin II/complexin I ratio was lower in schizophrenia, confirming
49          One possible interpretation is that complexin is required for the stabilization of docked ve
50 f N-terminal and central domain fragments of complexin is sufficient to activate Ca(2+)-triggered rel
51                       In synaptic terminals, complexin is thought to have inhibitory and activating r
52 These data suggest that the main function of complexin is to maintain the docked state both by inhibi
53 her with NMR data, suggests that the role of complexin is to stabilize the SNARE complex as it forms
54 actions of N- and/or C-terminal sequences of complexin-I with the SNARE complex and/or phospholipids

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