


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ess a 30x whole-genome BAM file on a desktop computer.
2 classical computer to the power of a quantum computer.
3 titution or even off the primary developer's computer.
4 published tools that requires only a desktop computer.
5 ication of organisms to the file system on a computer.
6 of large genomes using SMS reads on a single computer.
7 erformed in reasonable time on small quantum computers.
8 me spent in direct patient care versus using computers.
9 rograms that can analyze GBS data on desktop computers.
10 ithms for problems inaccessible to classical computers.
11 nications and interconnecting future quantum computers.
12 or implementation using medium-sized quantum computers.
13  a reasonable time frame on standard desktop computers.
14 that obeys similar restrictions to universal computers.
15 curated knowledge for use by both humans and computers.
16 fast, powerful and efficient general-purpose computers.
17 arning that is faster than that of classical computers.
18                                              Computer adaptive learning method reinforced learning by
19 d participant strategy during game play with computer agents that simulated aspects of ToM or fixed s
20 n automated screening and the development of computer aided diagnosis tools in the future.
21 ufacturing (AM) alias 3D printing translates computer-aided design (CAD) virtual 3D models into physi
22 nd implant-supported fixed restorations from computer-aided design (CAD)/computer-aided manufacturing
23                                          The computer-aided design and manufacture (CAD/CAM) techniqu
24                                 We present a computer-aided diagnosis system (CADx) for the automatic
25                                      We used computer-aided drug design to target small molecules to
26 AV proteins and to evaluate the potential of computer-aided drug design to target this family of prot
27                                        Using computer-aided drug discovery coupled with in vitro kina
28 yme inhibitors and to benchmark a variety of computer-aided drug discovery methods under identical ex
29                                              Computer-aided drug repositioning is a cheaper and faste
30 estorations from computer-aided design (CAD)/computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)-fabricated high-stren
31                                              Computer-Aided Nodule Assessment and Risk Yield (CANARY)
32               Scaffold hopping refers to the computer-aided search for active compounds containing di
33 apy and randomly assigned them (1:1) using a computer algorithm (for dynamic randomisation) to guadec
34        We randomly allocated patients with a computer algorithm, with a fixed block size of three, in
35 ust data analysis was achieved by developing computer algorithms carried out using R.
36 operations in disaster zones, and to genetic computer algorithms exploring parameter spaces.
37 veloped new terminology, classification, and computer algorithms for automatic detection of numerical
38 ative genomics analyses executed by powerful computer algorithms have successfully been used to uncov
39                                              Computer algorithms typically do not do this, but perhap
40 ted from images by humans and image-analysis computer algorithms, as well as the electronic health re
41 s quantified using fully-automated validated computer algorithms, separately from three sequential DC
42 nt, were randomly assigned (1:1), via remote computer allocation, to receive either one-to-one pelvic
43                                              Computer analyses of antigen structures reveal stereoche
44 g novel data with established knowledge, for computer analyses, and for educational purposes.
45     The primary interface between a wearable computer and a user is often a near-eye display.
46                                          Our computer and quantitative tools provide novel insight in
47 pletely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) by generatively segmenting c
48 r-body motion for operating devices, such as computers and wheelchairs.
49 ed on a 3D-printed mainframe, a Raspberry Pi computer, and high-definition camera system as well as A
50     Randomisation was completed by a central computer, and participants were allocated to treatment n
51  of 1.7 hours with patients, 5.2 hours using computers, and 13 minutes doing both.
52 ing atoms, such as atomic clocks and quantum computers, and control over the interaction between atom
53 ed and space values of the F-actin molecular computers are discussed.
54                                              Computers are now essential in all branches of science,
55 ule Out Myocardial Infarction/Ischemia Using Computer Assisted Tomography) comparing an initial coron
56                                            A computer-assisted 3D reconstruction was used to analyze
57                             Using predictive computer-assisted algorithms, we identified 10 potential
58                  We describe and implement a computer-assisted approach for accelerating the explorat
59 with dementia and support caregivers using a computer-assisted assessment determining a personalized
60 rability of a therapist-supported method for computer-assisted cognitive-behavioral therapy (CCBT) in
61                                          The computer-assisted design was focused on the bioisosteric
62    BI-RADS classification was as accurate as computer-assisted methods for discrimination of patients
63                                  An enhanced computer-assisted procedure for the determination of the
64 thm gives results comparable to the standard computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) system.
65 of the molecular constitution using standard computer-assisted structure elucidation (CASE) and is fo
66 ructure proposals or structures generated by computer-assisted structure elucidation.
67 ake interview, transvaginal ultrasonography, computer-assisted telephone interview, and follow-up ass
68 iteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) via tablet computers at 5 successive clinic visits.
69 ted in the tropical rainforest, bats visited computer-automated flowers with simulated genomes that e
70 t in the pursuit of an all-microwave quantum computer based on propagating photons.
71                            We designed a new computer-based algorithm that quantitatively computes th
72                                  By use of a computer-based algorithm, men were randomly assigned (1:
73                         The dissemination of computer-based cognitive behavioral therapy and improved
74 e merits of intervention modalities, such as computer-based cognitive training, physical exercise tra
75 ndard teaching with or without postdischarge computer-based education (CBE) at home.
76                                          The computer-based health-education tool 'The Vicious Worm'
77                                              Computer-based randomisation with sequence generation de
78                                      As in a computer-based robotic system, does the brain use some e
79                                              Computer-based simulation allows assessment of benefits
80                                              Computers can be compromised by encoding malware in DNA
81 d computational kernel installed on a remote computer cluster.
82             Here, a microfluidic system with computer controlled compound perfusion is presented that
83                                              Computer-controlled additive manufacturing (AM) processe
84 led the constant-distance imaging mode via a computer-controlled closed-feedback loop.
85 y motions as they practiced the control of a computer cursor to perform different tasks and games.
86 ces after adding a T2D module to an existing computer decision support system.
87 ely using radiologist-defined "semantic" and computer-derived "radiomic" features, respectively.
88 s paradigm to a dodecahedral viral capsid, a computer-derived nucleotide sequence is evolved de novo
89 will be completely broken once large quantum computers exist.
90  analyzer (VNA) for signal measurement and a computer for system control.
91  per session) of dichoptic training with the computer game Diplopia Game (Vivid Vision) run in the Oc
92                                   Two-photon computer generated holography (2P-CGH) recently demonstr
93  healthy Thai adults aged 18-49 years with a computer generated randomisation sequence (blocks of six
94 isation was by minimisation with a web-based computer generated system.
95                            Randomisation was computer generated with a block size of three at each si
96 r who were randomly assigned (1:1) through a computer-generated adaptive biased coin design to either
97                                            A computer-generated allocation schedule stratified random
98 mly assigned (1:1), centrally according to a computer-generated allocation schedule, to receive ozane
99 icipants were randomly assigned (1:1), via a computer-generated allocation sequence (block size of fo
100 ere randomly assigned (1:1), with a sequence computer-generated by a minimisation process, to interve
101                  The allocation sequence was computer-generated centrally and concealed to all person
102                            Randomisation was computer-generated centrally in blocks of four, stratifi
103 were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio, via a computer-generated code, to receive lacosamide monothera
104 tory Thrombosis Outcomes Study (CANTOS) used computer-generated codes to randomly allocate 10 061 men
105  effects, patients were randomly assigned by computer-generated codes to three canakinumab doses (50
106     Quantitative evaluation on 300 realistic computer-generated image sequences demonstrated the effi
107                         Randomisation was by computer-generated interactive web-response system and s
108 fied by hospital according to a pre-existing computer-generated list in a 1:1 ratio to receive SAP ea
109 , healthy adults were randomly assigned by a computer-generated list to receive 5 mug ZPIV or saline
110 ractices were randomly assigned (1:1), via a computer-generated list, to provide either a weight mana
111 rticipants were randomly assigned (1:1) by a computer-generated minimisation method to receive closed
112              We did the randomisation with a computer-generated minimisation system.
113 ons of these variables to the performance of computer-generated models for predicting polio transmiss
114           An external biostatistician used a computer-generated permuted block randomisation method,
115                    Randomisation was done by computer-generated permuted block randomisation, with a
116 icipants were randomly assigned (3:1), via a computer-generated random number sequence integrated int
117 gned (1:1), via remote survey software using computer-generated random numbers, to receive either an
118 igned by a clinical trials unit (CTU) (using computer-generated random numbers, with allocation conce
119  Patients were randomly allocated (1:1) by a computer-generated random permuted block method (block s
120                                              Computer-generated random permuted blocks (mixed sizes o
121 Patients were randomly assigned (1:1:1) by a computer-generated random sequence to receive a subcutan
122 th off (the order of testing was chosen by a computer-generated random sequence, assigned by independ
123              We did the randomisation with a computer-generated random-sequence and interactive voice
124 ously polio vaccinated, were allocated after computer-generated randomisation by block-size of four,
125 rticipants were randomly assigned (2:1) by a computer-generated randomisation list and interactive vo
126 stician to vaccine groups or placebo through computer-generated randomisation lists.
127                                            A computer-generated randomisation procedure was used to s
128 PS), or control meningococcal vaccine with a computer-generated randomisation schedule (block size 6)
129 Participants were randomly assigned 1:1 by a computer-generated randomisation schedule prepared by th
130 Falpha treatment, and randomly assigned by a computer-generated randomisation schedule to receive a s
131 cist prepared the randomisation code using a computer-generated randomisation schedule with a block s
132 erlands were randomly assigned (1:1, using a computer-generated randomisation schedule) by site staff
133 teractive web or voice response system and a computer-generated randomisation schedule, prepared by a
134  to either aspirin or rivaroxaban based on a computer-generated randomisation schedule.
135 Patients were randomly assigned (1:1) with a computer-generated randomisation scheme to active treatm
136                                      Using a computer-generated randomisation sequence we randomly as
137                         Randomisation was by computer-generated randomisation sequence, with variable
138 rolled trial with raters masked to an online computer-generated randomisation system assessing 1 y ou
139 ns were randomly assigned (1:1) by an online computer-generated randomisation system to receive eithe
140 rticipants were randomly assigned (1:1), via computer-generated randomisation with permuted blocks (s
141                                            A computer-generated randomization list was used to alloca
142 eb response system to assign patients with a computer-generated schedule, with stratification (presen
143 s done at the level of the individual with a computer-generated sequence and was stratified by centre
144 domly assigned via the study website using a computer-generated sequence to continue MDI or switch to
145 3-5 days), participants were assigned with a computer-generated sequence with permuted block randomis
146  Patients were randomly assigned (1:1) via a computer-generated sequential randomisation list to rece
147            The randomisation was achieved by computer-generated tables with block stratification acco
148                            Randomisation was computer-generated with stratification by HIV-1 RNA (<50
149                         Block randomisation (computer-generated, electronic allocation) was used to a
150 ive voice response system and a centralised, computer-generated, permuted-block design of block size
151              We based the randomisation on a computer-generated, permuted-block schedule stratified b
152 ed by viral hepatitis B or C coinfection and computer-generated.
153                                           In computer graphics, raster graphics encodes images on a s
154  sequence at once, resulting in the need for computer hardware with large shared memory.
155                         Even though personal computers have become more powerful, data transfer times
156 le blueprint for scalable spin-based quantum computers in silicon.Quantum computers will require a la
157 l be paramount in successfully using quantum computers in the future.
158 riendly electronic system that enables human-computer interaction (HCI) for swallowing training in dy
159 xt and on the failure of neuroelectric brain-computer interface (BCI) communication attempts in CLIS,
160                                        Brain-computer interface (BCI) controlled prosthetic arms are
161        Recent advances in non-invasive brain-computer interface (BCI) technologies have shown the fea
162        Neuroprosthetics that combine a brain computer interface (BCI) with functional electrical stim
163 tical signals through an intracortical brain-computer interface (iBCI).
164        We trained monkeys to operate a brain-computer interface in both two- and three-dimensional vi
165                                        Brain-computer interface-assisted motor imagery (MI-BCI) or tr
166                                        Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have the potential to restore
167  likely distinct capacities to control brain-computer interfaces.
168 imulation performed with Bidirectional Brain-Computer-Interfaces (BBCI) can artificially strengthen c
169 test social reward preference using a tablet computer (iPad), where two differently coloured buttons
170 rge-scale simulations on the special-purpose computers Janus and Janus II.
171                                          The computer model also predicts powerful effects of perturb
172                   In silico analysis using a computer model of ventricular tissue incorporating these
173                                              Computer model simulations support the hypothesis that D
174                                      Using a computer model we investigated whether top-down induced
175                                              Computer modeling under the framework of a local-enhance
176 ched material, degradation, derivatives, and computer modeling.
177                In laboratory experiments and computer modelling we uncovered patterns of the foraging
178                                              Computer models can make transcranial electric stimulati
179                                              Computer models of increasing sophistication have predic
180                                    Petri net computer models were shown to be an effective method for
181 cluded are mobile phones, desktop and laptop computers, monitors, cathode ray tube and flat panel dis
182  of NEURON and a simple interface on a local computer or a mobile device.
183 aw data via any web browser using a personal computer or mobile device.
184 er and flexibility to be resident on a local computer or serve as a web-based environment, enabling e
185 sence of a patient or colleague and use of a computer or telephone during each activity was recorded.
186  and can be read either by a standard laptop computer or through our previously developed NutriPhone
187 mption that the attacker has a large quantum computer; post-quantum cryptosystems strive to remain se
188                        Fuelled by increasing computer power and algorithmic advances, machine learnin
189 put RDF/eXtensible Markup Language (XML) for computer processing or display the HTML information on a
190                      SimGen is a stand-alone computer program that reads a script of commands to repr
191                                          Our computer program-MIDcor written in the R programming lan
192  have made its electro-mechanical design and computer programme available online.
193 cil Clinical Trials Unit, where staff used a computer programme that implemented a minimisation algor
194                                    Through a computer-programmed virtual partner, we demonstrate adap
195  packages and sometimes further scripting or computer programming.
196 t be addressed algorithmically using various computer programs and available software, or manually.
197                                      Several computer programs have now been designed to predict RNA
198           Geneticists need new user-friendly computer programs that can analyze GBS data on desktop c
199 r, for they require testing all the possible computer programs that could produce the sequence to be
200 eadable, the size of most BMRB entries makes computer readability and explicit representation a pract
201                  To bridge this gap, quantum computers require appropriate software to translate and
202  user-friendly and informative way, both for computer-savvy and non-expert users.
203 cuit solves this problem with a variant of a computer science algorithm (called locality-sensitive ha
204  to collaboration networks in statistics and computer science and to Wikipedia networks.
205 tenure-track faculty in all 205 PhD-granting computer science departments in the United States and Ca
206 try, biology, physics, material science, and computer science that have often required programmed spa
207 quivalence, building on approaches rooted in computer science to minimize basic models of computation
208 present the confluence of materials science, computer science, biology, and engineering.
209 g field that has emerged from the synergy of computer science, statistics and biology.
210 udied in a variety of fields from biology to computer science, still little is known about the impact
211 duals per species found in some sample), and computer scientists study the distribution of files per
212                               Finally, using computer simulation and cell culture systems, we provide
213                                         Both computer simulation and in vivo dynamic voltage clamp of
214 isture levels were made using experiment and computer simulation based on measured dielectric propert
215 ry (BPT) and on Greaves et al.'s agent-based computer simulation derived from that theoretical model.
216 aser spectroscopy techniques and advances in computer simulation methods.
217                                     To use a computer simulation model based on Petri nets to evaluat
218                                              Computer simulation of an electrolyte current density wa
219                                              Computer simulation of molecular systems enables structu
220                            Here, we study by computer simulation the dynamics of an unstructured drop
221 ehl et al. have combined empirical data with computer simulation to demonstrate that RAG-2 mice intra
222  reconstruct real-world visual field data by computer simulation to evaluate the time required to det
223 o a 'naive' data analysis approach, by using computer simulation, evaluation of differential site occ
224 ydrophobe (e.g., air/water) interfaces, both computer simulations and experiments have shown that cha
225                                              Computer simulations can aid in understanding how collec
226            This study thus demonstrates that computer simulations can now bridge the gap between meas
227 t will these striking properties observed in computer simulations carry over to hardware implementati
228 copy experiments on the recovered sample and computer simulations confirm its tetrahedral amorphous s
229                                              Computer simulations demonstrated invasive, acid-produci
230 g the existence of 2D crystals-and the first computer simulations foretelling 2D crystals (at least i
231   For the case of calcite (CaCO3 ) in water, computer simulations have been used to map the complex t
232                                    Combining computer simulations in APs with numerical calculations
233                          Our molecular-scale computer simulations indicate that this alignment arises
234                                   The use of computer simulations is also not viable since it would t
235                               Here we use 3D computer simulations of a microscopic model to reveal th
236                                        Using computer simulations of a ventricular myocyte model, we
237                                              Computer simulations of species-specific whole-muscle mo
238                              We also perform computer simulations of SVs near the PM at resting activ
239 arthropods to test predictions obtained with computer simulations on whether dispersal ability influe
240                                          The computer simulations reproduced positive cooperativity i
241 he solvent energy drives ion adsorption, our computer simulations reveal that direct ion/graphene int
242         Together, our human imaging data and computer simulations show a fundamental connection betwe
243                                 Furthermore, computer simulations showed that the speed of judgment p
244          This task suits the capabilities of computer simulations techniques, which allow to easily s
245         We demonstrate experimentally and in computer simulations that magnetic microfloaters can sel
246             Furthermore, we demonstrate with computer simulations the logarithmic increase of displac
247 microbalance with dissipation monitoring and computer simulations to quantify the interaction of poly
248                                              Computer simulations utilizing primary data explored UF'
249 sed NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, computer simulations, and isothermal titration calorimet
250 transition measurements as well as molecular computer simulations, and thermodynamic modeling were pe
251                            In agreement with computer simulations, low dispersal ability species gene
252             By combining activity clamp with computer simulations, the present study provides a poten
253                                        Using computer simulations, we evaluate the effects of genetic
254       In combination with cell labelling and computer simulations, we propose a novel model of heart
255 tificial chemical evolving system outside of computer simulations.
256  Retinal microvasculature was measured using computer software (Singapore I Vessel Analyzer, SIVA ver
257  exposes critical factors of scaling quantum computers, such as qubit connectivity and gate expressiv
258 ve glioma patients was highly accurate using computer-supported predictive models based on in vivo, e
259 d (1:1), in blocks by site, by a centralised computer system to receive oral acarbose (50 mg three ti
260     Conclusion An automated machine learning computer system was created to detect, anatomically loca
261             Purpose To create and validate a computer system with which to detect, localize, and clas
262 oup allocation was concealed using a central computer system.
263 n a fully unbiased manner using eye-tracking computer systems.
264 the ultimate limit being a universal quantum computer that can solve general classes of hard problems
265     A quantum simulator is a type of quantum computer that controls the interactions between quantum
266 ast parallel search tool for a heterogeneous computer that couples CPUs and GPUs, to accelerate BLAST
267 re not yet large enough to eclipse classical computers, this experiment exposes critical factors of s
268      Participants were randomly allocated by computer to either the quadpill or matching placebo for
269 an reliably compare the power of a classical computer to the power of a quantum computer.
270 he imprinted surface interfaces readily with computers to display images as well as video.
271  of the cases (eg, staff forgetting to bring computers to patients at visits), patients feeling "too
272 mentation, anterior segment OCT, ultrasound, computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging
273 l devices (magnetic resonance imaging, X-ray computer tomography), and medical therapies (photochemot
274                                   Innovative computer-training regimes for executive functions have m
275                                              Computer-tutored birds exhibited unexpectedly strong her
276 o identify genetic contributions to tempo we computer-tutored juvenile Bengalese finches (Lonchura st
277 ft activities (HR, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.57-0.90), computer use (HR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.57-0.85), and social a
278 ranscriptomics provides access to non-expert computer users and small research groups to a scalable s
279 e essential in visual search, and argue that computer vision - especially deep learning - may offer a
280      I reviewed 187 existing applications of computer vision and divided articles into ecological des
281  The algorithm improves upon shortcomings of computer vision by effectively recognizing seals in aggr
282 nt objects classes in scenes from a standard computer vision data set (the PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset).
283                In this paper, we introduce a computer vision method to measure changes in the physica
284 ucture, we match theory and experiment using computer vision methodologies to determine the flexoelec
285                 Here we present an automated computer vision pipeline to reliably track populations o
286                    Using deep learning-based computer vision techniques, we determined the make, mode
287       I provide a brief primer on ecological computer vision to outline its goals, tools and applicat
288                                              Computer vision uses image features, such as colour, sha
289 ual search and combine object detectors from computer vision with a recent model of peripheral poolin
290 uccess in image, video and audio processing, computer vision, and speech recognition, their applicati
291                                We describe a computer vision-based mosaicking method for in vivo vide
292 n per gene by OrthoReD executed on a desktop computer was <15 min even for the largest dataset tested
293                           Time spent using a computer was scattered throughout the day, with the heav
294 be simultaneously run and viewed on a laptop computer while simulating large systems of over 20,000 o
295         Our results demonstrate that quantum computers will be able to tackle important problems in c
296 n-based quantum computers in silicon.Quantum computers will require a large network of coherent qubit
297 iologists, formed as a synergy of human plus computer, will provide interpretations using data extrac
298 rithm is a hallmark application of a quantum computer with a well-known speedup over classical search
299 a prototype for a coherent adiabatic quantum computer with all-to-all Ising interactions and, therefo
300 anging with the increased power and speed of computers, with the "big data" revolution having already

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