


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 llular calcium, allowing the generation of a concentration response curve.
2 his resulted in a leftward shift of the Ca2+ concentration-response curve.
3 homeostasis and pathology on a steep agonist concentration-response curve.
4 r leftward shifts of the acetylcholine (ACh) concentration-response curve.
5 eptor can alter the EC(50) value of the 5-HT concentration-response curve.
6  and 3) allow the measurement of single-cell concentration-response curves.
7 higher concentrations, producing bell-shaped concentration-response curves.
8 hibition, as determined from single chemical concentration-response curves.
9 agonists caused rightward shifts in the PGE2 concentration-response curves.
10 ply through the analysis of their respective concentration-response curves.
11 old to the right the 8-iso-PGE and 8-iso-PGE concentration-response curves.
12 lent cations did not significantly alter ATP concentration-response curves.
13 sthetized male C57BL/6J mice (3 months old), concentration-response curves (10(-9) m to 10(-5) m, 0.5
14 not result in a lateral shift in the agonist concentration-response curve and are unlikely to involve
15 of the high ACh-sensitivity component of the concentration-response curve and contribute directly to
16                          Analysis of the CHA concentration-response curve and inhibition of the CHA-i
17        The parameter is derived from agonist concentration-response curves and comprises the maximal
18                                Acetylcholine concentration-response curves and maximum function were
19 eceptor tyrosine phosphorylation had similar concentration-response curves and were inhibited by the
20 t 10 to 100 microM, it shifts mGluR5 agonist concentration-response curves approximately 2-fold to th
21         The slope of the underlying in-vitro concentration-response curves contributes as well.
22                               The shape of a concentration-response curve (CRC) is determined by unde
23 ntra- and interinhibitor comparisons of dose/concentration response curves demonstrated the absence o
24                          Analysis of the CHA concentration-response curves demonstrated that this inc
25                              Conversely, the concentration-response curve describing the enhancement
26 Incubation with 3.5 mM Ca2+ shifted the 5-HT concentration-response curve downward and to the right,
27                                   Whole-cell concentration-response curves enabled the agonists to be
28 ed method for quantifying biomarkers wherein concentration-response curves estimated using samples of
29 and efficacious constrictor, with a biphasic concentration-response curve, followed by vasopressin, s
30  two- to threefold shift to the right in the concentration response curves for arachidonic acid relea
31 n a rightward shift in both the PS- and Ca2+-concentration response curves for PKCalpha membrane asso
32  caused a shift to the right in the collagen concentration response curves for protein tyrosine phosp
33 42A/C296A exhibited no additive shift in the concentration-response curve for 2-MeSADP.
34 ontrast to the wild type A(2A) receptor, the concentration-response curve for agonist-induced cAMP ac
35                                          The concentration-response curve for alphabeta-MeATP had an
36                                          The concentration-response curve for ATP on human P2X4 in th
37      RA-2 at 100 nM right-shifted the KCa3.1 concentration-response curve for Ca(2+) activation.
38  trials, has been shown to induce a biphasic concentration-response curve for down-regulating protein
39 -/-)) platelets display an inhibition in the concentration-response curve for GPVI-specific agonist-i
40                      Compared with AuIB, the concentration-response curve for inhibition of alpha3bet
41 er than that of ethanol and the slope of the concentration-response curve for isoflurane less steep t
42                  The serotonin (2-30 microM) concentration-response curve for LTP was bell shaped as
43                                          The concentration-response curve for myocyte shortening by t
44  several days with VDH, exhibited a U-shaped concentration-response curve for neuroprotection against
45 ors, Con G produced a rightward shift in the concentration-response curve for NMDA, providing support
46                         The flexible ambient concentration-response curve for O3 showed evidence of n
47                                          The concentration-response curve for oxo-M was shifted to th
48     In preparations from untreated rats, the concentration-response curve for PAD in response to 0.1-
49 uced an apparent noncompetitive shift in the concentration-response curve for spermine potentiation o
50 e pore was supported by a right shift in the concentration-response curve for tetraethylammonium; sim
51 with the enzyme pyruvate kinase, to generate concentration-response curves for >60,000 compounds in a
52                                          The concentration-response curves for 5-HT and Ang II were s
53           EC(50) values were determined from concentration-response curves for a range of agonists.
54          In the presence of betaAR blockade, concentration-response curves for AR agonists suggest th
55 he Ca(2+), phorbol ester, and diacylglycerol concentration-response curves for Cdc42-induced activati
56 isoforms showed a rightward shift in agonist concentration-response curves for eliciting calcium rele
57                                          The concentration-response curves for enhancement of steady-
58 ity between these compounds, we examined the concentration-response curves for ethanol and isoflurane
59                   Both compounds shifted the concentration-response curves for extracellular Ca2+ to
60               For alpha1beta1delta subunits, concentration-response curves for GABA were displaced la
61          In the contraction experiments, the concentration-response curves for histamine-induced cont
62 hyl acetate leads to rightward shifts in the concentration-response curves for inhibition of [(125)I]
63 ole-cell recording was used to determine the concentration-response curves for lanthanum for the thre
64                                      Glycine concentration-response curves for NMDARs containing NR2A
65                                Comparison of concentration-response curves for presynaptic and postsy
66                                              Concentration-response curves for reduction in Cmpk by s
67                            Comparison of the concentration-response curves for the effects of isoflur
68           IC(50) values were determined from concentration-response curves for three commonly used pu
69 dicated by a parallel rightward shift of the concentration response curve from an EC(50) of 2.7 +/- 0
70                                          The concentration response curves generated for these end po
71                                          The concentration-response curves generated by application o
72 TP currents at 100 microM was < 0.1, the ATP concentration-response curve had an EC50 of 56 microM an
73                                   The Ang II concentration response curves in abdominal aorta and fem
74 atory subunit of the channel, shifts the ATP concentration-response curve into a range in which the c
75 actor for the slope of a quantal, population concentration-response curve is individual variability.
76 SUR2B currents by MgATP explains how the ATP concentration-response curve is shifted to the right in
77           Propofol (3 microM) increased GABA concentration-response curve maximal currents similarly
78 tive-gating modulator and shifts the calcium-concentration response curve of KCa3.1 to the left.
79                                            A concentration response curve of this blocking agent reve
80         ADP receptor antagonists shifted the concentration-response curve of collagen- or CRP-induced
81 ium chelator 5,5'-dimethyl-BAPTA shifted the concentration-response curve of convulxin-induced platel
82  nonequilibrium conditions we found that the concentration-response curve of pyramidal GABAA receptor
83 124183 caused a marked leftward shift of the concentration-response curve of the A3 receptor agonists
84 s surmountable antagonist rightward-shifting concentration-response curves of all three agonists in a
85                   BPTU rightward shifted the concentration-response curves of both 2-methylthioadenos
86 pH (to 8.5) or lowering (to 6.5) shifted the concentration-response curves of GABA to the left or rig
87                                              Concentration-response curves of intracellular cyclic GM
88                                              Concentration-response curves of isoproterenol-stimulate
89 s, all of which are based on the analysis of concentration-response curves of ligands according to cl
90                                         Drug concentration-response curves of neural activity were id
91                           Data obtained from concentration-response curves of the volatile anesthetic
92 e rising phase of the glutamate steady state concentration-response curve overlapped with the wildtyp
93                              Whole-cell GABA concentration--response curves performed with and withou
94 .2 mM) produced a downward shift of the 5-HT concentration-response curve, reducing the maximal respo
95                                  Equilibrium concentration-response curves revealed a lower potency f
96                                       Ca(2+) concentration-response curves revealed that differences
97  Furthermore, cyanopindolol shifted the 5-CT concentration-response curve rightward, increasing the E
98 ng culture media, was complex, with the GABA concentration-response curves shifting laterally with re
99                                  Equilibrium concentration-response curves showed that recombinant hu
100 gers or ADP receptor antagonists shifted the concentration-response curve slightly to the right at lo
101            Initial estimates based on fitted concentration response curves suggested that maximal inh
102 orrelated with the EC(50) values of the 5-HT concentration-response curves, suggesting that these mut
103 alveolar concentration curve is a population concentration-response curve that describes the relation
104 channels exhibited a monophasic steady state concentration-response curve that simply plateaued at hi
105 lso produced a sinistral displacement of the concentration-response curves that described the augment
106 luK2/GluK4 and GluK2/GluK5 have steady state concentration-response curves that were bell-shaped in r
107 M PGE2 was without significant effect on the concentration response curve to exogenously added acetyl
108 sed GABAA receptors and in shifting the GABA concentration-response curve to lower concentrations.
109           Transfection with bcl-2 shifts the concentration-response curve to NCS but does not change
110  as His and Trp produced a shift of the GABA concentration-response curve to the left, whereas replac
111 slower closing rates, thus shifting the GABA concentration-response curve to the left.
112 T1B autoreceptor but shifted the sumatriptan concentration-response curve to the right (P < 0.05).
113 ncentration of 100 nM, shifted the muscarine concentration-response curve to the right by around 50-f
114 concentration of Waglerin-1 shifted the GABA concentration-response curve to the right in a parallel
115            Zn2+ (100 microM) shifted the ATP concentration-response curve to the right in a parallel
116           IL-2 (2 ng/ml) shifted the kainate concentration-response curve to the right in a parallel
117 dditionally, IL-2 (1 ng/ml) shifted the NMDA concentration-response curve to the right, significantly
118 e channel opening rate and shifting the GABA concentration-response curve to the right.
119                                              Concentration-response curves to 5-HT2C agonists were fi
120 al pressure on the diameter was assessed and concentration-response curves to different constrictor a
121 r in a video-monitored perfusion system, and concentration-response curves to phenylephrine and acety
122 was also observed to a greater extent on the concentration-response curves to selective hmGluR2/3 ago
123                 No obvious difference of the concentration-response curve was found among three group
124 ted group, a non-saturating 5-HT-induced PAD concentration-response curve was generated.
125                                     The GABA concentration-response curve was shifted to the left by
126 sin; the maximal response was lower, and the concentration-response curve was shifted to the right in
127                                              Concentration-response curves were classified to rapidly
128                                              Concentration-response curves were constructed and compa
129                                   Cumulative concentration-response curves were constructed for Ang I
130                                         GABA concentration-response curves were depressed in a mixed/
131 r 30 min, and after a 60-min washout period, concentration-response curves were determined for the ad
132                                     The GABA concentration-response curves were enhanced (pH 5.4) or
133                       Using Optimul and LTA, concentration-response curves were generated for arachid
134                            The slopes of the concentration-response curves were more shallow than bef
135                                      Agonist concentration-response curves were similar for all 12 fu
136                                          ERC concentration-response curves were used across multiple
137 nduce parallel rightward shifts in the VU-29 concentration-response curve, whereas 5MPEP inhibits CPP
138 beta2 nAChRs, as evidenced by monophasic ACh concentration-response curves, whereas injections with 1
139 itive antagonist hybrids produce bell-shaped concentration-response curves, whereas the agonist-compe
140  produced a rightward shift in the CP 93,129 concentration-response curve, while spiperone had no aff
141 sthetic concentrations but there was a sharp concentration-response curve with only minimal effects o
142                                              Concentration-response curves with Gsalpha suggested the
143 onist-competitive antagonist hybrids produce concentration-response curves with reduced but plateaued
144 roposed approach performed well for 14-point-concentration-response curves with typical levels of res
145        CMPI produced a left shift of the ACh concentration-response curve without altering ACh effica
146 produced a 4-fold rightward shift in the ACh concentration-response curve without altering maximum AC
147  (Emax) of the nACh alpha 7 receptor agonist concentration-response curve, without significantly affe

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