


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 se tamoxifen resistance, but not all studies concur.
2 with the external environment having only to concur.
3 , neurologists and medical directors largely concur.
4 in vivo and in vitro maximal rates generally concur.
5  on the use of Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) concur.
6 ntroversial, given that other studies do not concur.
7 cetylation and transcriptional dysregulation concur.
8 eactions for the species, and ARDRA profiles concurred.
9 ter worry among patients; far fewer patients concurred (12% to 16%).
10      In cases in which all neuroradiologists concurred, a score was assigned that indicated the sibli
11 xperimental and ethnographic evidence do not concur and highlight some difficulties in measuring whet
12 r time, 2D-EXSY NMR, and molecular modeling) concur and show that guest exchange rates tend to first
13 roach is that it can automatically deal with concurring as well as conflicting evidence in a data-dri
14                              The simulations concurred broadly with the experimental data, though the
15 ur suppliers over a 3-yr period demonstrated concurring calibration measurements at both 775 x 70 and
16 RE MR imaging and histopathologic assessment concurred for MVS (P<.0001) and MVD (P<.0001).
17 aticus culture and H. hepaticus-specific PCR concurred (i.e., both positive and negative results) in
18 ibution, turbidity, calorimetry, and 31P-NMR concur in showing that bilayers in the gel state (at lea
19 e (CDK) activities, and experimental results concur in showing that progression through both G1/S and
20 urements and molecular dynamics calculations concur in showing that this alternative path of release
21  complex etiology in which different factors concur in the generation and maintenance of autoreactive
22 ever, genetic studies of hybrid vigor do not concur in their interpretations of the relative roles of
23 rd to nodule localization; three of the four concurred in an additional 17% (10 of 58).
24 es, and protection from solvent exchange all concurred in detecting transient structure located in mo
25                            All these methods concurred in indicating that low-pH protonation stabiliz
26       Professional and carer views generally concurred in relation to family involvement, indicating
27 nce microscopy of giant unilamellar vesicles concurred in showing that equimolar mixtures of linear a
28 nt stimuli such as odors to select them over concurring information.
29                                These results concur largely with observations in patients with IBS, p
30  atoms around the P(III) centers in 5 (or 4) concur limited/no steric influence, but yet the phosphin
31    Intervention families were more likely to concur on limiting treatments than controls.
32 als, in which morphological and genetic data concur on species differences.
33     The quantitative and qualitative studies concur on the importance of flexible working conditions
34                                  Respondents concurred on the use of radiation therapy for margins po
35 five members of the Court wrote or joined in concurring opinions that took a more liberal view.
36 more, the results from different methods may concur or conflict in parts.
37 eters: shape, reflectivity, homogeneity, and concurring photoreceptor layer/retinal pigment epitheliu
38       The experimental and database analyses concur regarding preferred vertical combinations, which
39 t that oestrogen and dofetilide blockade can concur simultaneously in the hERG channel pore.
40 time lapse recordings in live intact embryos concur that cell rearrangements in ventral mesoderm and
41 myocyte experiments and Luo-Rudy simulations concur that I(Ca,L) elevation promotes EADs and is an im
42  Community residents and government agencies concur that relocation is the only adaptation strategy t
43 ibited by replicative DNA polymerases (pols) concur that ternary complexes formed with incorrect dNTP
44                    Recent systematic reviews concur that the evidence supporting the use of orthotics
45 d multivariable logistic regression analysis concurred that even a single episode of severe hypoglyce
46 tion microscopy, and cell fractionation, all concurred that exogenous rSPARC was not able to localize
47  with male age, all three statistical models concurred that no PLCzeta-related parameter was associat
48                               The ASCO panel concurred that the recommendations are clear, thorough,
49       The ASCO ad hoc guideline review panel concurred that the recommendations are clear, thorough,
50    The ASCO ad hoc OA guideline review panel concurred that the recommendations are clear, thorough,
51 d hoc prostate cancer guideline review panel concurred that the recommendations are clear, thorough,
52 also re-examine the empirical evidence base, concurring that it is equivocal and only partially suppo
53                          Nicotine and stress concur to induce long-lasting cellular adaptations withi
54     How these two neurofunctional predictors concur to modulate cochlear implant (CI) performance rem
55                    The present findings thus concur to reconceptualise the structure-function relatio
56 ifference in their initial conformations, or concur to reflect the similarity in the final conformati
57 ode for COPII components, this element could concur to the coordinated expression of these proteins d
58 ongoing validation of novel laboratory tools concur to update and improve the diagnosis of allergic b
59  direct and displacement binding experiments concurred to define the following binding order in the a
60 he 15-fold decrease of the dissociation rate concurs to stabilize the pentameric complex.
61 es for seven species from four families that concur with a priori predictions and the spatio-temporal
62                                These results concur with a recent prospective dietary analysis, which
63                       While all observations concur with a slowdown of water dynamics relative to the
64                    These biochemical changes concur with anatomical data on the spatial and temporal
65 y in the pedunculopontine nucleus region and concur with animal data suggesting that the caudal subre
66  the inflammatory responses that precede and concur with collagen deposition, we used three models of
67 NMR properties revealed that chemical shifts concur with effective charges on sp-carbon atoms in para
68 mulberries are clonally propagated, our data concur with expectations of Taiwan as the Austronesian h
69                           Cholinergic bursts concur with facilitated action potential firing, elevate
70                                  Our results concur with findings from experimental models and the cu
71                        In this commentary we concur with Frost's view of the centrality of universal
72                           These observations concur with our previous suggestions, from analyses of H
73                            In some cases, we concur with past conclusions, but in other important are
74                                  Our results concur with previous findings of increased synthesis of
75                                These results concur with previous primate studies in suggesting that
76 synaptic density among cortical regions that concur with previous regional data in humans.
77 rinophostin (6) and 2-aminopurinophostin (7) concur with previous reports that the 6-NH2 moiety contr
78                                   These data concur with prior mutational experiments showing that ET
79                                These effects concur with reductions in Mzb1, an endoplasmic reticulum
80                               These findings concur with reports of cofactor involvement with disease
81                                These results concur with RXRalpha functioning as obligatory heterodim
82 eference to head and body size, results that concur with scaling patterns across a diversity of taxa,
83 wounds to the cervical spine most frequently concur with serious injuries to the spinal cord and cerv
84                        The sigma(EL) results concur with the behavior of UV-vis surface plasmon adsor
85                                            I concur with the broad strokes of the theory they set out
86 t particles within their dispersing vehicles concur with the complementary color chart.
87                                     While we concur with the concept of pre-emptive coagulation facto
88 ng reward representation in the striatum and concur with the effects of novelty processing as predict
89       Although the C. elegans data generally concur with the human patterns, we identified fewer intr
90              Lesion and neuroimaging studies concur with the importance of these regions for attachme
91                 These structural differences concur with the kinetic data.
92                                           We concur with the main conclusion of a previous study, nam
93                Taken together, these results concur with the notion that the T-->D mutation in RETW a
94 ection and that quantitative T2 mapping will concur with the pathological and clinical findings of ac
95                                These results concur with the prevalence of geometrical motifs featuri
96 trengthened by noninvasive interventions and concur with theories proposing that the human brain has
97 ective United States multisite study did not concur with these findings.
98       However, practicing physicians may not concur with these views, and physicians' clinical backgr
99 ces for the Rh(2)(OAc)(2)(9-EtG)(2) isomers, concur with those derived from the H8 (1)H NMR resonance
100                               These findings concur with trends in pollinator diversity, which declin
101 FpEF), atrial fibrillation (AF) may predate, concur with, or develop after HFpEF diagnosis.
102  patients the areas of decreased anisotropy, concurred with abnormalities identified on visual inspec
103                                 The criteria concurred with all 30 of the reviewers' recommendations
104 red fruit the induction was very limited and concurred with an increase of fruit susceptibility to fu
105 ts of analysis of baseline-matched subgroups concurred with cohort analysis (P = .009 for comparison
106 nt differences in two patients, one of which concurred with electroclinical seizure localization.
107                  The enhanced AMPAR function concurred with increased spine density and decreased len
108 ines after reperfusion and 24 hours after LT concurred with intragraft-deregulated molecular pathways
109 cing and phenotypic assessment of resistance concurred with molecular assay results.
110  that 14-3-3sigma-mediated cell cycle arrest concurred with p27(Kip1) upregulation and Akt inactivati
111                                         This concurred with postoperative clinical improvement.
112                             This switch also concurred with reduced host lymphoproliferative response
113 Generally, restricted spectratyping patterns concurred with repetition of in-frame complementary-dete
114                        The enzyme inhibition concurred with S-glutathionylation of the Cys-454, -458,
115                               The WES result concurred with that of targeted sequencing of known deaf
116                      A number of metabolites concurred with the (1)H-NMR fingerprint of mCRC, offerin
117 old from days 0 to 20 after infection, which concurred with the absence of viral early and late messe
118 s in patients in whom final applied strategy concurred with the angiography-based a priori decision (
119                               The ASCO Panel concurred with the CCO recommendations and recommended e
120  delay constant, led to progress curves that concurred with the data.
121 ynergistic tumor suppression by FUS1 and p53 concurred with the FUS1-mediated down-regulation of muri
122 2-3 unit repeats internal to the HSV-tk gene concurred with the literature: Pol delta4 >> Pol kappa o
123 of these, the areas of increased diffusivity concurred with the localization of epileptiform EEG abno
124 alysis-derived HCV genotype frequencies also concurred with the national estimates.
125 expression differences among the homeologues concurred with the previous observations about Ph1 gene
126 f HIF-1alpha on the proximal leptin promoter concurred with the recruitment of p300, the major HIF co
127 nalysis and/or quantitative real time RT-PCR concurred with the transcript ratios determined by the a
128                            Most commentators concurred with the validity of these conclusions.
129 s were analyzed in a blind study and results concurred with their diabetes multidosing regimes.
130                                          One concurred with TLR2, affected activation/induction of in
131  25% of sites were repolarized, 288+/-26 ms) concurred with Tp.
132 responders and 43% in sustained R (P =.061), concurring with a previous study involving hepatitis C p
133  block comprised over 80% common haplotypes, concurring with a previous study of 14 genes that showed
134 wer than those to the color components, thus concurring with color-opponent processing.
135                                              Concurring with Gervais & Fessler, we suggest that many
136 tion factor Cdc6 occurred early after stress concurring with p53 induction, and was followed by a dec
137 nctions in isolated macrophages and T cells, concurring with previous observations that adiponectin i
138 ed an LTP of intrinsic excitability (LTP-IE) concurring with synaptic LTP.
139 ates the proliferation of LNCaP cells, which concurs with a decreased cellular PAcP activity as well
140              Androgen-stimulated cell growth concurs with a down-regulation of cellular PAcP, an elev
141                               The model also concurs with a recent report that the magnitude of the o
142     This androgen stimulation of cell growth concurs with an increased tyrosine phosphorylation of a
143  with HF as determined by RBCV status mainly concurs with diagnosis based on [Hb] and presents negati
144 red by age or treatment with cortisol, which concurs with effects on response inhibition rather than
145 ral and peripheral regions of Persea flowers concurs with elements of a previous hypothesis for devel
146                Third, gamma rhythm typically concurs with irregular firing of single neurons, and the
147                               This targeting concurs with its high disinfectant rate constants and su
148  Duplication or deletion of a C4 gene always concurs with its neighboring genes serine/threonine nucl
149 ur analyses of St Kilda Soay sheep data thus concurs with our cross-study review that, while natural
150                                    The model concurs with recent observations of two metal ions bound
151 ycolysis suggests greater excitotoxicity and concurs with reports of worse functional outcome and mor
152                                 This finding concurs with results of earlier pharmacological manipula
153  organization of these forebrain projections concurs with some of the known hormone sensitivities of
154 T cell migration on VCAM-1, VLA-4 activation concurs with spatial redistribution of chemokine recepto
155  the complex glycan mixture, and the profile concurs with that obtained by using electrospray mass sp
156 y and NMR indicate that the formation of InP concurs with that of tetra(oleylamino)phosphonium chlori
157 total number of fibres tested, a number that concurs with the percentage of fibres positive for the N
158 holine and detergent in the PMCA preparation concurs with the quenching resulting from anesthetic bin
159        This difference in coordination modes concurs with the suggestion that a possible reason for t

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