


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1      Recommendations were rated as strong or conditional.
2 ons are strong, whereas the remaining 17 are conditional.
3  slices from mice of either sex with genetic conditional ablation of Hdac1 in CA1 hippocampal neurons
4                                              Conditional ablation of Jarid2 in pancreatic progenitors
5                                              Conditional ablation of Raptor in the male germline caus
6                        Here we use mice with conditional ablation of Stim1 and/or Stim2 to investigat
7                                Unlike in the conditional adult Runx1 null models, megakaryocytic matu
8                                      Using a conditional allele for Braf(V600E) , a mutation observed
9                 SOD1(G37R) mice expressing a conditional allele of an ALS-linked SOD1 mutation were c
10 trap cassette, enabling the establishment of conditional alleles in zebrafish by generating intronic
11                                              Conditional analyses distinguished six secondary signals
12                                              Conditional analyses identified a second signal near CD1
13  GWAS catalog SNPs identified as eQTL in the conditional analyses increases with 24% as compared to u
14 ) of the independent cis eQTLs identified in conditional analyses were not significant in uncondition
15       By incorporating related traits into a conditional analysis framework, we observed significant
16 ration research, genetic techniques enabling conditional analysis of gene function are limited.
17                                              Conditional analysis on known index single nucleotide po
18                                              Conditional and gene-based testing was undertaken, and v
19                                              Conditional and haplotype analyses demonstrated a comple
20 hat Easi-CRISPR generates correctly targeted conditional and insertion alleles in 8.5-100% of the res
21  in genome-wide association studies (GWASs), conditional and joint multiple-SNP analysis (GCTA-COJO)
22                                     One-year conditional and relative conditional survival up to 10 y
23 ting 16,970 genes with genetically barcoded, conditional and reversible mutations.
24             It is versatile, generating both conditional and targeted insertion alleles.
25                                 We performed conditional anterograde tracing using mice that express
26 18,000 single parasite transcriptomes from a conditional AP2-G knockdown line and NF54 wild-type para
27             However, the importance of these conditional APCs is unknown.
28     Based on a previous theoretical result a conditional asymptotic distribution for the KAT is intro
29                Three Bayesian spatiotemporal conditional autoregressive models were fitted at the pos
30                                            A conditional betaENaC MG knockout (KO) mouse model was ge
31                    Here the authors generate conditional BRCA2 loss in a non-transformed human mammar
32  osteoblasts to HCS osteopenia, we created a conditional-by-inversion (Notch2(COIN) ) model in which
33 ral control of CRISPR/Cas9 activity based on conditional Cas9 destabilization.
34  mutated in human cancers into the brains of conditional-Cas9 mice resulted in tumors that recapitula
35                                        Using conditional cell reprogramming, we generated a stable ce
36                         We provide an online conditional cis eQTL mapping catalog for whole blood, wh
37                      We created a mouse with conditional Cx26 knock-out (Cx26 cKO) in DCs and PCs tha
38 elop such tools, we generated mice bearing a conditional DC-specific mutation in the sec22b gene, a c
39                                  Conversely, conditional deficiency of the master regulator Bcl6 in C
40              Here, we explored the impact of conditional deletion of Bmal1 in endothelium and hematop
41 dy, we generated a compound mouse model with conditional deletion of both Dicer and Bim, to determine
42                                  Strikingly, conditional deletion of both mPot1a and p53 in mouse mam
43                     Here, we identified that conditional deletion of canonical NF-kappaB signaling (p
44 mproves atrioventricular conduction, whereas conditional deletion of connexin 43 in macrophages and c
45                                              Conditional deletion of cytochrome c oxidase, the termin
46 es of microRNAs in glial function, we used a conditional deletion of Dicer1 (Dicer-CKOMG) in retinal
47 Knockdown of Sirt1 in endothelial cells, and conditional deletion of endothelial Sirt1 in mice, promo
48                                              Conditional deletion of IL-10 specifically in CD11c-expr
49 thecal delivery of a miR-21-5p antagomir and conditional deletion of miR-21 in sensory neurons reduce
50                                              Conditional deletion of Mof in a mouse model of MLL-AF9-
51                                              Conditional deletion of Npas4 in the NAc significantly r
52                          Here, we found that conditional deletion of Oxtr from forebrain (Oxtr(-/-))
53                                              Conditional deletion of PD-L1 on ILC2s impaired early Th
54 ersely, overactivation of the SHH pathway by conditional deletion of Ptch1 in RP progenitors leads to
55                                              Conditional deletion of Smarca4 in SOX10 expressing cell
56                                              Conditional deletion of T-bet from B cells impaired the
57 a series of mutant mouse models with induced conditional deletion of TGF-beta signaling in the entire
58 TORC2 signalling in macrophages by selective conditional deletion of the adaptor molecule Rictor inhi
59               Here, we report that mice with conditional deletion of the essential autophagy protein
60     We demonstrated in an earlier study that conditional deletion of the microRNA (miRNA)-processing
61                            Here we show that conditional deletion of the mouse protocadherin alpha (P
62 s or selectively in dopaminergic neurons via conditional deletion of the Ndufs4 gene, a subunit of th
63                    Enhancing neurogenesis by conditional deletion of the pro-apoptotic gene Bax in st
64                         We exposed mice with conditional deletion of the Tnfaip3 gene in either myelo
65               HIF activation was achieved by conditional deletion of the von Hippel-Lindau tumor supp
66 on imaging of telomeres in mouse cells after conditional deletion of TRF1, TRF2, or both, the latter
67                     We used lineage tracing, conditional deletion, mosaic analysis and ligand stimula
68 in human protein complexes we learn a sparse conditional dependency graph from approximately 3,000 CF
69                                              Conditional depletion of Foxp1 in bone marrow MSCs led t
70                                              Conditional depletion of satellite cells attenuates reco
71 model (Pax7(CreER) -DTA) that allows for the conditional depletion of satellite cells in skeletal mus
72 o APYS1, however, neither overexpression nor conditional depletion of wag31 impacted M. tuberculosis
73 he Food and Drug Administration (termed "MRI-conditional" devices).
74                                  To evaluate conditional disease-free survival (CDFS) for patients wh
75              We generated a mouse model with conditional disruption of ANK3 in pyramidal neurons of t
76                                              Conditional disruption of Pten in the mouse prostate lea
77 use facial nerve crush model and adult-onset conditional disruption of the CNTF receptor alpha (CNTFR
78                              Altogether, the conditional Drd2 knockout model studied here revealed th
79                  We crossed these drivers to conditional DREADD mouse lines to further characterize t
80 odel of dystroglycanopathy (ISPD(L79*) ) and conditional dystroglycan mutants of both sexes, we show
81                                 We generated conditional EHD1/3/4 knockout mice using CD4-Cre and cro
82                                 We performed conditional eQTL analysis in 4,896 peripheral blood micr
83        It utilizes two steps to estimate the conditional essentiality for each gene in the genome.
84  of transposon mutant libraries to determine conditional essentiality of a gene under an experimental
85                                              Conditional excision of PMIX revealed its crucial role i
86 ssian process priors to learn changes in the conditional expectation of a network-valued random varia
87 neural progenitors and (ii) incorporating TF conditional expression in a developmental-based protocol
88                                              Conditional expression of diphtheria toxin receptor (DTR
89                                              Conditional expression of mutant SPOP in the prostate dr
90                         To this end, using a conditional expression system, here we generated Plk1 tr
91 ed by placing the RL13 and UL128 genes under conditional expression.
92 ied a recently developed genetic pleiotropic conditional false discovery rate (cFDR) approach to disc
93 g tools, relative enrichment score (RES) and conditional false discovery rate (FDR).
94 ation studies from multiple phenotypes using conditional false discovery rate analysis provides incre
95                   Genetic loci identified by conditional false discovery rate analysis.
96 ve potential novel ALS-associated loci using conditional false discovery rate analysis.
97 ndependent significant SNPs were identified (conditional FDR < 0.05).
98                                  Here, SNP's conditional FDR was estimated given its RES based on SNP
99                                     The mean conditional fixation time of a mutant is an important me
100                                              Conditional fixed-effects logistic regressions were used
101               By considering the appropriate conditional fragment probabilities, and adopting improve
102                                      Using a conditional gain-of-function mouse model, we recently de
103 mber of samples [Formula: see text], where a conditional Gaussian mixture in a high-dimensional subsp
104 l nonlinear turbulent dynamical systems with conditional Gaussian structures, which contain many stro
105 gineering a floxed Alpl allele, allowing for conditional gene ablation (conditional knockout [cKO]) w
106                                              Conditional gene deletion showed a cell-intrinsic requir
107 ined these probabilities with information on conditional gene essentiality in the reference K-12 stra
108 in Nagarkar-Jaiswal et al. (2015) to perform conditional gene inactivation in Drosophila.
109                                              Conditional gene knockdown reveals that inhibition of RO
110 on of these Hoxa5 expression domains using a conditional gene targeting approach.
111 lt cardiomyocytes in vivo, Cre-loxP-mediated conditional gene targeting in adult mice was used.
112                                              Conditional gene targeting of the catalytic subunit of g
113                         Hepatocyte-specific, conditional genetic deletion and/or transgenic overexpre
114                                 We show that conditional genetic deletion of BRIT1 in mice leads to a
115                             Furthermore, the conditional genetic deletion of GSK-3alpha/beta reduced
116  have systematically analyzed the effects of conditional genetic deletions of all major neuroligin is
117                                We found that conditional genetic deletions of neuroligins caused no c
118                                     Further, conditional genetic mapping analysis for GYD given its t
119 urons restored contextual fear learning in a conditional Girk2 (-/-) mouse line, GIRK2a also enhanced
120 O signaling inhibition, we studied mice with conditional global or epithelium-specific Smo deletions
121  representation was used to modify Pavlovian conditional goal-approach responses according to the rew
122                            Strikingly, these conditional gp96-null mice developed spontaneous colitis
123     The Gfi1(Cre) mouse is commonly used for conditional hair cell-specific gene deletion/reporter ge
124        Genome-wide transcriptome analyses of conditional heart-specific p53 knockout mice were perfor
125  with a dopamine transporter (Slc6a3)-driven conditional heterozygous (cHET) reduction of Gls1 in the
126                             According to the conditional hypothesis for the study, only nsSNPs that s
127 verter-defibrillator (ICD) that was "non-MRI-conditional" (i.e., not approved by the Food and Drug Ad
128 to the switch loop of RF1, which enables its conditional inactivation during cell lysis.
129                                              Conditional inactivation experiments previously demonstr
130                                 Heterozygous conditional inactivation of Setd2 in a murine model decr
131                           Further, mice with conditional inactivation of Xpr1 in the renal tubule exh
132 e control exposure with 2 key properties: 1) conditional independence of the negative control and the
133 ted approximation to the exact finite sample conditional inference.
134 m provides a strategy for the development of conditional "kill switches" for live vaccines or enginee
135                                      Using a conditional knock-out approach to knock out Nedd4L in mi
136                                       Ric-8b conditional knock-out mice display impaired olfactory gu
137 hermore, behavioral analyses show that PRMT8 conditional knock-out mice exhibit impaired hippocampal-
138                                  We then use conditional knock-out mice to eliminate FMRP only in the
139                                              Conditional knock-out of ARPP-16/19 is associated with i
140                                     Finally, conditional knock-out of Cav1.2 in dopamine D1 receptor
141                     We therefore generated a conditional knock-out of the NADPH-P450 oxidoreductase (
142 mous roles for ARL15 were investigated using conditional knockdown of Arl15 in murine 3T3-L1 (pre)adi
143  the subventricular zone of both FIP200hGFAP conditional knockout (cKO) and FIP200;p53hGFAP 2cKO mice
144                                  Here Gpr124 conditional knockout (CKO) in the endothelia of adult mi
145 Cnr2 gene in midbrain DA neurons of DAT-Cnr2 conditional knockout (cKO) mice.
146                                              Conditional knockout (cKO) of FGFR1 in the DT (FGFR1(DT-
147  is perinatal lethal in mice, we generated a conditional knockout (cKO) of Fst in the uterus using pr
148 me (APC/C) ubiquitin ligase in neurons [Cdh1 conditional knockout (cKO)], disrupts dendrite arborizat
149        A novel cardiac myocyte-specific Speg conditional knockout (MCM-Speg(fl/fl)) model revealed th
150                    Oocyte-specific Gdf9-iCre conditional knockout (Setd1b(Gdf9) cKO) ovaries develop
151 l TEC-defective (resulting from FoxN1-floxed conditional knockout [cKO]) and naturally aged mouse mod
152 ele, allowing for conditional gene ablation (conditional knockout [cKO]) when crossed with Cre recomb
153  or recombinases) or gene replacement (e.g., conditional knockout alleles containing exons flanked by
154                           Clones bearing the conditional knockout cassette are recovered at frequenci
155 or adipogenesis in culture and in vivo Using conditional knockout mice and derived white and brown pr
156                                              Conditional knockout mice and transgenic mice expressing
157 ucture-related gene expression, whereas Tsc1 conditional knockout mice exhibited changes in genes reg
158 mice, whereas hepatocyte and macrophage Bmp6 conditional knockout mice exhibited no iron phenotype.
159                                       Raptor conditional knockout mice showed decreased extracellular
160                                              Conditional knockout mice utilized a new iCre driven by
161 n2 expression, surgical transplant and novel conditional knockout mice were super-ovulated and analyz
162     In our current study, we crossed our Lpd conditional knockout mice with a mouse line expressing C
163                                        Using conditional knockout mice, we examined the electrophysio
164                Using a genetic approach with conditional knockout mice, we identified IECs as the dom
165                             Here, using dual conditional knockout mice, we show that genetic redundan
166 pment, we generated forebrain-specific Foxp1 conditional knockout mice.
167 ferentiation and development by generating a conditional knockout mouse in which the protein is deple
168 ent using Wnt5a(-/-) and Nestin-Cre mediated conditional knockout mouse models.
169                                    Using two conditional knockout mouse strains and derived cells, we
170 e model of pancreatic adenocarcinoma-whereas conditional knockout of another RCP cargo, alpha5 integr
171                                          The conditional knockout of MYPT1 or the knock-in mutation T
172                Therefore, using HBC-specific conditional knockout of Notch receptors and overexpressi
173    Here, we report that in vivo knockdown or conditional knockout of the autism-linked ubiquitin liga
174                                              Conditional knockout of TRF2 in post-mitotic immature ne
175  (X-box binding protein-1) floxed mice (XBP1-conditional knockout), with antibody-mediated depletion
176 these CDK10 germline mutations, we generated conditional-knockout mice.
177       We previously generated an Ikbkap/Elp1 conditional-knockout mouse model that recapitulates the
178                        Further, CD4-specific conditional knockouts showed that 2B4 functions on CD4(+
179 , all of which are upregulated in Hand2 limb conditional knockouts.
180 ither individually or in combinations, using conditional knockouts.
181 s, we generated podocyte-specific (pod) GC-A conditional KO (cKO) mice.
182  both MOR flox and MOR-Nav1.8 sensory neuron conditional KO mice.
183 estored antitumor immunity in miR-155 T cell-conditional KO mice.
184                                              Conditional KO of Prlr from neuronal subpopulations expr
185        Conversely, genetic or shRNA-mediated conditional KO/knockdown of GSK3beta reduced inhibitory
186                    We showed previously that conditional La knockout (La cKO) from mouse cortex neuro
187 ains and expose this motif restore growth to conditional-lethal MCM10 mutant cells.
188                                   Effects of conditional Lis1 inactivation in excitatory pyramidal ne
189  calculated matched odds ratios (mORs) using conditional logistic regression adjusted for maternal ag
190 functional pathway abundances and risk using conditional logistic regression adjusting for BMI, smoki
191                                 We conducted conditional logistic regression analyses adjusted for bo
192                                      We used conditional logistic regression analyses to estimate odd
193                                            A conditional logistic regression analysis was performed t
194 adjusting for unbalanced covariates, we used conditional logistic regression and a repeated measures
195                                              Conditional logistic regression and matched concordance
196 hing statistical analysis was performed with conditional logistic regression for binary outcomes and
197               For each outcome, we estimated conditional logistic regression models adjusting for rac
198                                              Conditional logistic regression models adjusting for ris
199                                              Conditional logistic regression models adjusting for ser
200                                      We used conditional logistic regression models to evaluate expos
201                                              Conditional logistic regression models were used to asse
202                                              Conditional logistic regression models were used to esti
203                                Multivariable conditional logistic regression models were used to esti
204 fidence intervals (CI) were calculated using conditional logistic regression models with adjustment f
205  of differences in percent effect changes in conditional logistic regression models with and without
206 ence intervals (CIs) were estimated by using conditional logistic regression stratified according to
207 ed crude and adjusted odds ratios with exact conditional logistic regression to determine the associa
208                                      We used conditional logistic regression to estimate odds ratios
209 articipants from 3 prospective cohorts using conditional logistic regression to evaluate pre-diagnosi
210 nt among case patients versus controls using conditional logistic regression with results from the 2
211             Fracture risk was estimated from conditional logistic regression, with adjustment for ski
212 ortality were identified using multivariable conditional logistic regression.
213       Odds ratios (OR) were calculated using conditional logistic regression.
214 er-April) in a case-crossover analysis using conditional logistic regression.
215 s ratios were calculated using multivariable conditional logistic regression; vaccine effectiveness (
216                                              Conditional loss of endothelin receptor A in granulosa c
217  leukemia by performing RNA-sequencing after conditional loss of the PAFc subunit Cdc73.
218  moderate- to high-dose vasopressor therapy (conditional, low quality of evidence).
219 score at 7 mo postconception (zwt+7 mo), and conditional measures that represented the change from th
220  knocking-down of 5-HTT or endothelial cells conditional medium (EC-CM).
221                                              Conditional melanoma-specific survival (MSS) estimates u
222 y exerted on pyramidal cells were reduced in conditional mice lacking ErbB4.
223 f cancer, which demonstrated the dynamic and conditional miRNA regulation during cancer progression.
224 aO2/FiO2 < 200 and within 14 days of onset) (conditional, moderate quality of evidence).
225                Adjusted effect estimates for conditional mortality were larger for severe hyperoxia t
226                                      Using a conditional mouse genetic approach to disable nonredunda
227  the MyD88-binding domain of TACI, or B-cell-conditional mTOR deficiency interrupts TACI signaling vi
228          We found that, compared to stepwise conditional multiple-SNP analysis, SOJO provided better
229   Consistent with this, the lytic cycle of a conditional mutant of TgPEPCKmt in the glycolysis-impair
230         Isotope-resolved metabolomics of the conditional mutant revealed defective flux of glutamine-
231                         Infarct sizes of the conditional mutants were compared with litter-matched co
232  new method for the more general creation of conditional mutations for functional genomic analysis in
233 hted turbo spin-echo pulse sequences, and MR-conditional needles, diagnostic MR neurography-guided GF
234 , however, will depend on several subsequent conditional neurobiological modifications, including mye
235 havioral and functional changes in inducible conditional neuroplastin-deficient mice.
236 cible oncogenic Kras allele (Kras(mut) ) and conditional null alleles of Apc and Trp53 (iKAP).
237 ntrol, we constructed germline and inducible-conditional Oct1-deficient ESC lines.
238  the most likely phase of observed genotypes conditional on constraints imposed by the genotypes of o
239 ial by exposure, some bias was observed; IPW conditional on exposure and covariates failed to correct
240 th the E14R and A20F double ISD mutation was conditional on expression of the ecotropic envelope rece
241                      The enstrophy transport conditional on flow topologies in turbulent premixed fla
242 on, we demonstrate individual performance is conditional on group composition, indicating how social
243 rom a population, dispersal propensity being conditional on individual phenotypic traits and local co
244 osity on future periodontitis progression is conditional on proinflammatory IL-1 genetic variations.
245               One-year conditional survival, conditional on surviving the first month, was 92% in thi
246 that ethylene shortens the circadian period, conditional on the effects of Suc and requiring GI These
247 D regulation of ABA-deficient mutants may be conditional on the initial pretreatment stomatal conduct
248 ay a specific treatment-outcome association, conditional on the measured covariates.
249 used Dlx5/6-mediated recombination to create conditional Oprm1 mice in gamma-aminobutyric acidergic f
250                                              Conditional osteoblastic deletion of Cyp27b1 caused lowe
251                             Floxed mice with conditional pan-neuronal (Synapsin-Cre) but not those wi
252 s we generated conventional (Cdc73(+/-)) and conditional parathyroid-specific (Cdc73(+/L)/PTH-Cre and
253                      We therefore introduced conditional, Pdx1-Cre-mediated, pancreatic PAK4 gene dep
254                                          The conditional pioneer activity observed with Sox2 at a sub
255 ing using in vitro and in vivo bone-specific conditional PKD1-knockout (PKD1-KO) mice models.
256  lost brush-evoked nocifensive responses and conditional place aversion.
257                                    We used a conditional Poisson regression to estimate incidence rat
258  are considered and related via hierarchical conditional probability assumptions.
259  algorithm to predict missing links based on conditional probability estimation and associated, node-
260 ble logistic regression model to compute the conditional probability of dysplasia status.
261 nor failures in the 8-14d PT group, with the conditional probability of failure after the first month
262 eral framework of constraints in the form of conditional probability statements.
263  for tuberculosis, Xpert MTB/RIF, received a conditional programmatic recommendation from WHO.
264 croRNA interactions reflects the dynamic and conditional property of microRNA-mediated gene regulatio
265 odels, and estimated cumulative hazards with conditional proportional hazards models.
266                                              Conditional Q-Q and fold enrichment plots were used to v
267  identify eQTLs that are associated with the conditional quantile functions of gene expression.
268  a comprehensive Python library implementing conditional random fields (CRFs), a class of probabilist
269 in adult patients with sepsis without shock (conditional recommendation, moderate quality of evidence
270 gic, or serologic), the guideline panel made conditional recommendations against making a clinical di
271                The guideline panel also made conditional recommendations for offering pleurodesis aft
272                           Five-year relative conditional rendered similar results.
273 n a genetically transmitted adaptation and a conditional response to the environment, and from the el
274                                           In conditional RIM1alphabeta deletion mice, preNMDAR upregu
275 tly the representation of formally identical conditional rules belonging to different levels of a cog
276 iatal activity and pupil size reflected task-conditional salience of old and new stimuli, but, unexpe
277                                  Analyzing a conditional shha mutant generated using an epicardium-sp
278 O) caused early embryonic lethality, whereas conditional Ssb1/Ssb2 double knockout (cDKO) in adult mi
279  for providing a noninvasive window into the conditional state of transplant tissue.
280 nteractions, reciprocity, local dispersal or conditional strategies that require information on other
281 e of information regarding others' traits or conditional strategies, such mixing may inhibit assortme
282 re probably maintained by a combination of a conditional strategy and a genetic polymorphism.
283 t month, was 92% in this group, and relative conditional survival (relative to the general population
284 ival to S2P) was calculated using parametric conditional survival analysis.
285                                              Conditional survival is an alternative, dynamic assessme
286                                     Relative conditional survival provides a comprehensive picture of
287 I disease conveyed a worse prognosis at each conditional survival time point.
288            One-year conditional and relative conditional survival up to 10 years post-percutaneous co
289 ntly worse MSS outcomes for up to 2 years of conditional survival, after which males and females had
290                                     One-year conditional survival, conditional on surviving the first
291                                      Using a conditional targeting approach, we ablated the major CLP
292          Despite this, many nonprofits offer conditional thank-you gifts, such as mugs or tote bags,
293 e was genetically shown in C. albicans using conditional TOR1 alleles.
294                    The Tet-On/Off system for conditional transgene expression constitutes state-of-th
295 ey driver of breast cancer metastasis in two conditional transgenic mouse models of PyMT-induced brea
296                                              Conditional truncation of RhopH3 substantially reduces i
297 m involving ultrasonography (US) followed by conditional unenhanced magnetic resonance (MR) imaging f
298 this transition are not determinate, and the conditional use of GA-ATHB5-mediated hypocotyl growth un
299 for the development of fibrotic phenotype in conditional Vhlh knockout mice.
300              Focusing on weight change, only conditional zwt+7 mo was associated with SGA and only in

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