


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  that previously obtained with an inducible, conditional lethal A30L mutant.
2 cation of BBP1 in a suppressor screen with a conditional lethal allele of SPC29.
3 and bub3 as well as a limited subset of tub1 conditional-lethal alleles.
4 al single and double mutations are lethal or conditional lethal and cause a block before the first st
5 , seven were recessive-lethal and three were conditional-lethal and caused severe actin organization
6 ent to suppress the growth phenotype of both conditional-lethal and null S. pombe crm1(-) mutant stra
7                           A single copy of a conditional lethal C. neoformans NMT allele was introduc
8                           Cells carrying the conditional lethal cdc28-P8 mutation divide once and arr
9                   Previously, we described a conditional lethal Deltahgprt/Deltaxprt mutant of L. don
10  living world should make streptavidin-based conditional lethal designs applicable to a broad range o
11 on, could complement a temperature-sensitive conditional lethal dnaE mutation.
12  judged by their abilities to complement the conditional lethal E. coli birA mutant.
13 y of the enzyme and potential use as a novel conditional lethal gene in plants are discussed.
14 l utility of the pehA gene as a heterologous conditional lethal gene in plants is discussed.
15 ester hydrolase was evaluated in plants as a conditional lethal gene useful for cell ablation and neg
16 proaches that included use of sterile males, conditional lethal genes, translocations, compound chrom
17                         We have introduced a conditional lethal genetic element into HIV-1 and simian
18 ce complex stability and result in lethal or conditional lethal growth defects.
19  vaccinia virus genes are often studied with conditional-lethal inducible mutants.
20  in viral assembly or infectivity, we made a conditional-lethal inducible recombinant vaccinia virus.
21           The serendipitous discovery of the conditional lethals is also described.
22 ains and expose this motif restore growth to conditional-lethal MCM10 mutant cells.
23 dy (SPB) component Cut12 both suppresses the conditional lethal mitotic commitment defect of cdc25.22
24 report of the generation of a B. burgdorferi conditional lethal mutant equivalent by tetracycline-con
25 f the putative I7 protease, we constructed a conditional lethal mutant in which the I7L gene was regu
26                     The phenotype of the L5R conditional lethal mutant is identical to that of recent
27           Phenotypic characterization of the conditional lethal mutant showed that at permissive grow
28                                            A conditional lethal mutant virus was constructed by placi
29 rder to study the role of the G7L protein, a conditional lethal mutant was made by replacing the G7L
30 the A30L protein, we constructed a stringent conditional lethal mutant with an inducible A30L gene.
31                                            A conditional lethal mutant, in which A21L gene expression
32                                      Using a conditional-lethal mutant allele of SUP45 (sup45-2) and
33                           Incubation of this conditional-lethal mutant at the nonpermissive temperatu
34 asibility of using chemical rescue to make a conditional-lethal mutant of the cytomegalovirus (CMV) m
35                                            A conditional-lethal mutant was isolated as having a flage
36         The pathway was defined by analyzing conditional lethal mutants and effects of cysteine to se
37           Thus, it is now possible to create conditional lethal mutants and study the terminal phenot
38                          The phenotype of L2 conditional lethal mutants and the localization of L2 su
39                                        These conditional lethal mutants arrest with unsegregated chro
40  conditions would enable the construction of conditional lethal mutants in essential genes, and permi
41                          Eighteen lethal and conditional lethal mutants were genetically and biochemi
42                                          The conditional lethal mutants, bearing cold-sensitive (cs)
43                 In addition, a mutant with a conditional lethal mutation in lpxC, an essential gene r
44 ntragenic suppressors of LG4, a virus with a conditional lethal mutation in the gene encoding ICP27.
45           This plant carries a semidominant, conditional lethal mutation that confers constitutive ex
46                       We have isolated a new conditional-lethal mutation, ndc10-2, in the NDC10/CBF2/
47 genome wide dosage suppressor analysis of 53 conditional lethal mutations in cell division cycle and
48 Here we describe new myo2 alleles containing conditional lethal mutations in the COOH-terminal tail d
49                                              Conditional lethal mutations inserted into mosquito geno
50      Here, we use temperature-sensitive (ts) conditional lethal mutations of the S. cerevisiae POL2 a
51                            Early screens for conditional lethal mutations that affected rRNA expressi
52 gate its functions, a series of absolute and conditional lethal mutations were generated.
53                   Classes of mutants include conditional lethal mutations, conditional auxotrophs, an
54 ne-scanning mutagenesis was used to generate conditional-lethal mutations in hitherto-uncharacterized
55                                           In conditional lethal nud1-2 cells, the MEN component Tem1p
56                                 Studies with conditional-lethal null mutants indicated that the viral
57 ultaneous absence of BamB and BamE confers a conditional lethal phenotype and a severe beta-barrel ou
58 between shm1-1 and shm1-2 displayed the same conditional lethal phenotype as shm1-1.
59 ong-chain fatty acids and suppression of the conditional lethal phenotype by high sucrose and NaCl co
60 perone activity of HflB and reveals that the conditional lethal phenotype for hflB is cold sensitivit
61  isolated three multicopy suppressors of the conditional lethal phenotype of a prc (tsp) null strain
62 e demonstrated its ability to complement the conditional lethal phenotype of an S. cerevisiae cdc9 mu
63                      We demonstrate that the conditional lethal phenotype of bimG11 strains is due to
64                                The synthetic conditional lethal phenotype of Delta cpxR in mutant Bam
65 ression suppresses the temperature-sensitive conditional lethal phenotype of smc2-6, but not smc2-8 o
66 er, neither of these defects can explain the conditional lethal phenotype of the ski6-100 strain.
67 echocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 resulted in a conditional lethal phenotype with a pleiotropic effect o
68 erations, DeltaRGF, AAA, and AGA, produced a conditional lethal phenotype, concomitant with severely
69 y, we constructed an inducible mutant with a conditional lethal phenotype.
70 ia coli lac operator/repressor system, had a conditional lethal phenotype.
71 e mutant was constructed and shown to have a conditional lethal phenotype: H7 expression and infectio
72          The recombinant virus, vA32i, has a conditional lethal phenotype: infectious virus formation
73 ading frame can completely suppress the acpS conditional, lethal phenotype upon overexpression of the
74 ere able to rescue the temperature-sensitive conditional-lethal phenotype of VDAC-deficient yeast, wh
75                       The mutant exhibited a conditional-lethal phenotype, as cell-to-cell virus spre
76 like a previously described L1 mutant, had a conditional-lethal phenotype: plaque formation and repli
77 ning gene essentiality and creating specific conditional lethal phenotypes.
78 pressed specifically inhibit the growth of a conditional lethal prp38-1 spliceosome assembly mutant i
79                                            A conditional lethal recombinant vaccinia virus, vA28-HAi,
80 y the construction and characterization of a conditional lethal recombinant virus with an inducible c
81                             We constructed a conditional-lethal recombinant vaccinia virus with an in
82 ions identified are three suppressors of the conditional lethal rho allele, rho201.
83 roclivity for copper uptake, we developed a "conditional lethal" screen to identify compounds whose c
84 , as the C. albicans gene can complement the conditional lethal sec65-1 mutation in S. cerevisiae.
85 a monomer, and it was unable to complement a conditional-lethal secA mutant, was inactive for in vitr
86                           Moreover, although conditional lethal spc24-2 and spc25-7 cells form a mito
87 of Srp40p, the yeast Nopp140 homologue, in a conditional lethal strain induces the loss of box H/ACA
88 e inner membrane of either htrB null or msbA conditional lethal strains.
89  thus avoiding the problem of constructing a conditional lethal system.
90  t and produce a strong r phenotype, whereas conditional-lethal t alleles produce the classical t phe
91                                            A conditional lethal, temperature-sensitive mutant in one
92 marily limited to embryos heterozygous for a conditional lethal transgene combination.
93                                  We generate conditional-lethal (ts) alleles of C. albicans ESS1 and
94 uman HepG2 cDNA library was transformed into conditional-lethal yeast sec7 mutants.
95                                              Conditional lethal YidC mutants have been isolated to de

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