


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ibit Cas9 function spatially, temporally, or conditionally.
2 he imRNASSP14 was driven by a PIIsnR and was conditionally 3'-extended to produce an mRNA.
3             Using pharmacogenetic methods to conditionally ablate adult neurogenesis in transgenic mi
4                 Using the Cre/loxP system to conditionally ablate APC from the oligodendroglial linea
5 d the Wnt1(Cre) and Wnt1(Cre2SOR) drivers to conditionally ablate both Yap and Taz in the CNC of mice
6 erized Cre-expressing Tbx18 knock-in line to conditionally ablate Enpp2 in embryonic DP precursors.
7                 Here, using a mouse model to conditionally ablate FRCs, we demonstrated their indispe
8 y, we use the Postn-Cre transgenic allele to conditionally ablate Hand2 (H2CKO).
9                                Therefore, we conditionally ablated Calr in male and female germ cells
10 unction of CTLA-4 on mature T cells, we have conditionally ablated Ctla4 in adult mice.
11  mTORC1 or mTORC2 during CNS myelination, we conditionally ablated either Raptor or Rictor in the oli
12  we developed a mouse model in which PDK1 is conditionally ablated in activated CD4 T cells, regulato
13 Cd4-cre Il6st(fl/fl) mice, in which gp130 is conditionally ablated in T cells, with acute lymphocytic
14  and delayed T cell recovery when miR-205 is conditionally ablated in TECs.
15                                     Csn8 was conditionally ablated in the cardiomyocytes of adult mic
16 ancer of zeste homologs 1 and 2 (Ezh1/2) are conditionally ablated in the embryonic epidermal progeni
17 n autochthonous mouse model in which Apc was conditionally ablated in the intestinal epithelium.
18 role of Stat3 in uterine function, Stat3 was conditionally ablated only in the PR-positive cells (PR(
19                              To this end, we conditionally ablated recombination signal binding prote
20                                           We conditionally ablated the tuberous sclerosis complex 1 (
21 ole of TrkB signaling in newborn neurons, we conditionally ablated TrkB-FL in mice via Cre expression
22                            In this study, we conditionally ablated uterine ALK5 using progesterone re
23 n mice in which both BMP1 and TLL1 have been conditionally ablated, including malformed periodontal l
24 ining isoforms of Nrg1 (types I and II) were conditionally ablated, leaving the type III Nrg1 intact.
25               Here, we examine this issue by conditionally ablating a key transcription factor Forkhe
26                                We found that conditionally ablating Dgcr8 in Schwann cells (SCs) duri
27 s study, we investigated the consequences of conditionally ablating p53 in the highly relevant Lgr5(+
28   We examined the behavioral significance of conditionally ablating TRPM8-expressing neurons in adult
29 Nevertheless, the use of Cre/loxP systems to conditionally activate or inactivate the expression of g
30 idation of split-protein kinases that can be conditionally activated by an added small molecule chemi
31  of D-2HG, we generated transgenic mice with conditionally activated IDH2(R140Q) and IDH2(R172K) alle
32 h and division processes, which include both conditionally activated mechanisms and constitutive, har
33      These findings are reminiscent of other conditionally activated polymerization processes, such a
34 oma, in which the expression of Rac1b can be conditionally activated specifically in the lung.
35 c antibody, HER2-TDB, which targets HER2 and conditionally activates T cells.
36                          Here, we describe a conditionally active mouse MX1 variant that only exerts
37                                              Conditionally active proteins regulated by a physiologic
38 urkholderia colonization may be considered a conditionally adaptive trait because it can confer an ad
39  show that defects in tRNA thiolation can be conditionally advantageous, conferring resistance to end
40                             Experiments with conditionally AhR-deficient mouse lines identified kerat
41           Using a unique genetic approach to conditionally and selectively knockout notch 1 in the po
42 ng space-time random effects in an intrinsic conditionally autoregressive model within a Bayesian fra
43                     In vitro, S. gordonii is conditionally auxotrophic for arginine in monoculture bu
44 sefulness of synthetic lethal screening of a conditionally BCL6-deficient Burkitt lymphoma cell line,
45  present in only some lines are enriched for conditionally beneficial functions (e.g., defense and de
46            However, a later mutation that is conditionally beneficial may interact with a deleterious
47                          The distribution of conditionally beneficial mutations throughout the domain
48         When RA receptor-alpha signaling was conditionally blocked in platelet-derived growth factor
49                   Trihalomethanes (THMs) are conditionally carcinogenic compounds formed during chlor
50 NA charging fidelity, allowing the enzyme to conditionally charge tRNA(Leu) with methionine.
51 integrated biclustering algorithm identifies conditionally co-regulated modules of genes (biclusters)
52 mperature-sensitive mitf zebrafish mutant to conditionally control endogenous MITF activity.
53 tone induction and Cre-loxP recombination to conditionally control the expression of oncogenic kras(V
54                                           By conditionally controlling expression of Ngn3 in the panc
55                     Second, cooperation is a conditionally cooperative reaction to correct beliefs th
56                         Humans routinely use conditionally cooperative strategies when interacting in
57                                   Using mice conditionally deficient in both Rap1a and Rap1b and mice
58                                         Mice conditionally deficient in Muc5b displayed exaggerated e
59                                Primary cells conditionally deficient in Rad50 or lacking CARD9 conseq
60                                        Using conditionally deficient mice in which ID2 is deleted fro
61  germline-deficient mice, chimeric mice, and conditionally deficient mice.
62      Importantly, surviving septic mice with conditionally deficient NFI-A myeloid cells were able to
63 ss this issue we have generated a toolkit of conditionally degradable or stabilisable orthologous dCa
64  this, we developed a transgenic strategy to conditionally delete alpha-CaMKII from neural progenitor
65 ock-in mouse will help to reliably track and conditionally delete C3aR expression in experimental mod
66 els of acute and chronic inflammation and to conditionally delete C5aR1 in immune cells.
67 ock-in mouse will help to reliably track and conditionally delete C5aR2 expression in experimental mo
68                      Here, we use Shh-Cre to conditionally delete Gpr177 (the mouse ortholog of Droso
69 ty we used Tie2CRE-mediated recombination to conditionally delete Id1 against global Id3 ablation (Id
70 e used an intersectional genetic strategy to conditionally delete Lhx2 in posteroventral hypothalamic
71  compared them with two existing models that conditionally delete Tcf4 Our data identify a set of ove
72 dult mice in which the EC expressed TRPM2 is conditionally deleted (Trpm2(iDeltaEC) ).
73  a marked reduction of antiviral response in conditionally deleted adults.
74 ystem whereby endogenous wild-type Mre11a is conditionally deleted and disease-associated MRE11 mutan
75                                           We conditionally deleted Atoh1 at different points in hair
76                                     Here, we conditionally deleted Bcl-xL in the brain and found that
77 n adult female mice carrying an OPC-specific conditionally deleted beta-catenin gene, there is reduce
78 y angiocrine Bmp2 signaling in the liver, we conditionally deleted Bmp2 in LSECs using EC subtype-spe
79                                           We conditionally deleted canonical NF-kappaB members p65 an
80 n blot analysis of final tumors derived from conditionally deleted E2f3(-/loxP) mammary glands reveal
81 Through detailed genetic analysis of strains conditionally deleted for FcgammaRIIB on defined cellula
82                            In this study, we conditionally deleted FOXA2 in the adult mouse uterus us
83 d ER stress repressor chaperone Grp78 can be conditionally deleted from the intestinal epithelium.
84 o present in mice in which the Oxtr gene was conditionally deleted from the mPFC and in control mice
85 some inactivation (XCI) in early embryos, is conditionally deleted from Xi in somatic cells (Xi(Xist)
86                                           We conditionally deleted Gabpa, the DNA-binding component o
87 ing in p53(-/-) mice in which Mcl-1 could be conditionally deleted had been selected for retention of
88 olled by Hdac3 during T cell development, we conditionally deleted Hdac3 using the Lck-Cre transgene.
89                                   Notch1 was conditionally deleted in adult Notch1(flox/flox), K14-Cr
90 mouse models in which the human APOE gene is conditionally deleted in astrocytes, neurons, or GABAerg
91 in the bone marrow, Spi1 (encoding PU.1) was conditionally deleted in B cells by Cre recombinase unde
92 t mice in which the gene encoding Set7/9 was conditionally deleted in beta cells (Set(Delta)beta).
93  in the Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway, was conditionally deleted in cells expressing the MF-associa
94  severely impaired in mice in which Irf4 was conditionally deleted in mature B cells, after immunizat
95 t to report that mice in which TAK1 has been conditionally deleted in osteoclasts develop osteopetros
96 subunit of the epithelial sodium channel was conditionally deleted in taste buds (alphaENaC knockout)
97  activin-like kinase 3 (Alk3; or Bmpr1a) was conditionally deleted in the epicardium and EPDCs using
98 test whether LepR regulates SSC function, we conditionally deleted Lepr from limb bone marrow stromal
99 c stem cells (HSCs) in which Dnmt3a had been conditionally deleted markedly overexpress the histone 3
100    To specifically investigate such role, we conditionally deleted Nemo from osteoclast and myeloid p
101                  To test this hypothesis, we conditionally deleted Numb on a Numbl mutant background
102                      In this study, Tbx1 was conditionally deleted or over-expressed in the oral and
103  in murine hematopoiesis and in leukemia, we conditionally deleted p110alpha in HSCs using the Cre-lo
104                                 We therefore conditionally deleted Rargamma in Nes- or Osx-expressing
105                                           We conditionally deleted Rb1 in neuronal lineage with Nes-C
106  Atoh1 expression in hair cell maturation we conditionally deleted the gene in the inner ear at vario
107                         To this end, we have conditionally deleted the HIF-alpha dimerization partner
108 t of MEF2 factors in muscle regeneration, we conditionally deleted the Mef2a, c, and d genes, singly
109                                     Here, we conditionally deleted the MHC-II beta-chain from myelina
110 ts of endothelial CXCR7 in breast cancer, we conditionally deleted this receptor from vascular endoth
111 ing of the role of VHL in chondrogenesis, we conditionally deleted VHL in mesenchymal progenitors of
112 nit Exosc3 of the RNA exosome complex can be conditionally deleted.
113 ch both Ssb1 and Ssb2 were constitutively or conditionally deleted.
114                   To further investigate, we conditionally-deleted Hif1alpha from mesoderm, vasculatu
115 ed Bmp signaling in mouse OFT development by conditionally deleting both Bmp4 and Bmp7 in the second
116                                              Conditionally deleting Notch1 or administering gamma-sec
117                                              Conditionally deleting one copy of FGF receptor 2 (FGFR2
118 tion of mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling by conditionally deleting Raptor causes severe defects in i
119                                              Conditionally deleting Sox2 from the population of nasce
120                                              Conditionally deleting the essential mTORC2 subunit Rict
121 ndochondral ossification of the epiphyses by conditionally deleting the Phd2 gene in osteoblasts and
122    Using the "anchor away" (AA) technique to conditionally deplete select subunits within Mediator an
123 lated the severity of tissue injury, Id1 was conditionally depleted in the endothelium of mice, which
124 Experiments with granulocyte-specific CXCL12 conditionally depleted mice and a CXCR4 antagonist revea
125 lication decreases in the intestines of mice conditionally depleted of microfold (M) cells.
126                 Here we describe a model for conditionally depleting FRCs from LNs based on their exp
127                        In this paper, we use conditionally destabilized reporters that undergo misfol
128                               The ability to conditionally direct antibodies is a potentially powerfu
129                                              Conditionally disordered proteins can alternate between
130 ental evidence for the direct involvement of conditionally disordered regions in unfolded protein bin
131                       Using a mouse model to conditionally disrupt a critical regulator of the dendri
132 decipher the role of ERK1/2 in RPE cells, we conditionally disrupted the Erk1 and Erk2 genes in mouse
133                                           We conditionally disrupted the Rb gene in mouse germ cells
134  CGI methylation regulates transcription, we conditionally disrupted two major DNA methyltransferases
135                                              Conditionally disrupting Hh signaling in MFs of bile-duc
136                  When Scribble expression is conditionally eliminated in the myelinating glia of tran
137 tion of mice in which the Tspo gene has been conditionally eliminated.
138             Our analysis identified 16 genes conditionally essential for GBS survival in blood, of wh
139                  We propose that c-di-AMP is conditionally essential for metabolic changes that occur
140 hat rescue Escherichia coli cells in which a conditionally essential gene has been deleted.
141 ribe a new, efficient method for identifying conditionally essential genes in Tn-Seq experiments with
142 a role in brain development, 3) carnitine, a conditionally essential nutrient with an important role
143                 On the contrary, a subset of conditionally essential proteins identified by Tn-seq we
144        Among the non-cps genes identified as conditionally essential was relA, which encodes an enzym
145                  Dividing cells rely on the "conditionally essential" amino acid glutamine (Q) as an
146 chondrial citrate, cancer cells rely on the 'conditionally essential' amino acid glutamine (Q) as an
147 course of dynamic network inputs, provides a conditionally exact and several orders-of-magnitude fast
148   To this end, we generated a mouse model to conditionally express a membrane-bound self-antigen on F
149 y targeting adult neural precursor cells, we conditionally express an activated form of an FGF recept
150 kappaB kinase beta transactivated) mice that conditionally express an activator of the NF-kappaB path
151        We generated SRF-VP16iHep mice, which conditionally express constitutively active SRF-VP16 in
152 ere, we generated human ES cells designed to conditionally express heterozygous and homozygous STXBP1
153  this system to trace lymphocyte fate and to conditionally express oncogenes or silence tumour suppre
154                Here, we engineered mice that conditionally express the E2A-PBX1 fusion oncogene, whic
155 amoxifen-regulated Cre recombinase system to conditionally express the HPV oncogenes E6 and E7 as wel
156 11 signaling in vivo, we generated mice that conditionally express the human DLBCL-derived CARD11(L22
157              To examine this possibility, we conditionally expressed APOL1-G0 (reference), -G1, and -
158  We employed mice with an inducible Cre, and conditionally expressed DTA to deplete or GFP to track S
159                                  Whereas the conditionally expressed ERF-VII genes enable effective f
160 stly euchromatic chromosome arms to suppress conditionally expressed genes involved in flowering or D
161                    To model this disease, we conditionally expressed Idh1(R132H) in the subventricula
162 mate-sensing fluorescent reporter (iGluSnFR) conditionally expressed in On-Off DSGCs showed that glut
163                                              Conditionally expressed short hairpin RNA targeting thes
164 nous EWSR1 promoter and, importantly, can be conditionally expressed using Cre recombinase.
165                  To test this hypothesis, we conditionally expressed WT human APOL1 (G0), the APOL1 G
166 H2(Y646F) in human; Ezh2(Y641F) in mouse) is conditionally expressed.
167        Here, we generated a mouse model that conditionally expresses a Med12 missense variant (c.131G
168           We report a novel mouse model that conditionally expresses the most common human NPM1 mutat
169 vascular integrity by using nondiabetic mice conditionally expressing a diphtheria toxin receptor in
170 present study, we investigated the impact of conditionally expressing a FLAG-tagged version of IncD i
171 entify new SAR regulatory proteins in plants conditionally expressing AvrRpm1.
172                  We produced transgenic mice conditionally expressing Foxa3 in airway epithelial cell
173                                We found that conditionally expressing mutant Kras, using Rag1-Cre, ga
174          Moreover, by engineering cell lines conditionally expressing various TRIM56 mutants, we demo
175                                              Conditionally Gata3-deficient mice had no lymph nodes an
176                     We used constitutive and conditionally gene-targeted mice to investigate which pr
177 duced epigenetic changes are associated with conditionally heritable adaptive phenotypic stress respo
178 of a genome to accumulate mutations that are conditionally hidden and only reveal phenotype-altering
179 ively (i.e., in a continually "ON" state) or conditionally (i.e., in response to a specific transcrip
180  cells can be used along with Flt3 ligand to conditionally immortalize early hematopoietic progenitor
181 oned medium was shown to induce and maintain conditionally immortalized cells, which was accompanied
182 ) signaling molecules were evaluated for two conditionally immortalized fetal NSC lines derived from
183 High-concentration thrombin directly injured conditionally immortalized human and rat podocytes.
184      Here, we devised a strategy to generate conditionally immortalized human beta cell lines based o
185                                      We used conditionally immortalized human glomerular endothelial
186 Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments in conditionally immortalized human podocytes and gel shift
187 hich moreover allows genetic manipulation of conditionally immortalized progenitors.
188 ytosis and the role of CLC-5, we established conditionally immortalized proximal-tubular epithelial c
189                      Myeloid progenitors are conditionally immortalized using Hoxb8 in the presence o
190                                              Conditionally immortalized, young adult mouse colonic (Y
191 ck down Insr or its substrates Irs1 and Irs2 conditionally in 3T3-L1 murine preadipocytes/adipocytes
192 s in which ERK1/2 activation was upregulated conditionally in a graded manner.
193 e generated a mouse that over-expresses Rai1 conditionally in forebrain neurons (I-Rai1).
194                         Mice lacking mPGES-1 conditionally in myeloid cells (Mac-mPGES-1-KOs), vascul
195 inase kinase directly downstream of ZPK/DLK, conditionally in neurons did not have excess facial moto
196 enetic silencing of PLD4, either globally or conditionally in proximal tubular epithelial cells, prot
197                                      Using a conditionally inactivatable transgene to rescue vri deve
198                            The capability to conditionally inactivate gene function is essential for
199                                           To conditionally inactivate genes in the retinal pigment ep
200                Moreover, using Olig2(cre) to conditionally inactivate Gsx2 throughout the ventral tel
201                                      When we conditionally inactivated FAM20B (Family with sequence s
202                       Here we show that mice conditionally inactivated for Snf2h in neural progenitor
203                                      We have conditionally inactivated Gata4 in the septum transversu
204 ial behavioral impairments in mice with Pten conditionally inactivated in dopaminergic neurons that a
205                                     Ptch was conditionally inactivated in mice (to achieve constituti
206 mice, namely C3 mice in which c-Jun had been conditionally inactivated in Schwann cells (C3/Schwann c
207                                   We develop conditionally inactivated LINC complexes in which the co
208 ne the in vivo function of menin in bone, we conditionally inactivated Men1 in mature osteoblasts by
209 nants in which both EBNA3A and EBNA3C can be conditionally inactivated or using virus completely lack
210  To investigate Pitx2 postnatal function, we conditionally inactivated Pitx2 in the postnatal atrium
211                      To address this gap, we conditionally inactivated the Ctcf gene at early stages
212 ect of its loss on outcomes in the brain, we conditionally inactivated the murine Pten gene in neonat
213                      To investigate this, we conditionally inactivated the two H3K27Me3 demethylases,
214 ouse model in which the hepcidin gene can be conditionally inactivated.
215 nhancers by the bromodomain inhibitor JQ1 or conditionally inactivating an EBV oncoprotein or NF-kapp
216 e, we modeled critical telomere attrition by conditionally inactivating Pot1a, a component of the she
217 n and keep the dual-partner defensive system conditionally inactive.
218 SC70 RNAi depletion and could be restored by conditionally increasing HSC70 abundance.
219                                  Neurons are conditionally independent given the stimulus and the att
220 , partitioning strategies involve estimating conditionally independent models of molecular evolution
221                            We identified 307 conditionally independent single-nucleotide polymorphism
222 indicating that spiking in the population is conditionally independent.
223                                     Here, we conditionally induce beta-catenin loss of function in re
224 SPC-rtTA(+/-)TetoCre(+/-)LoxP-VEGF-A(+/+) to conditionally induce VEGF-A isoform deletion specificall
225                                      Using a conditionally inducible Notch3-CreERT2(SAT) transgenic m
226 protein 1-mediated mitochondrial fission was conditionally interrupted in cardiac myocytes, we propos
227            Spp1, a homolog of human CFP1, is conditionally involved in this crosstalk.
228                                 We therefore conditionally knocked down retinal Par2 with shRNA-Par2-
229 pmental processes, such as axon guidance, we conditionally knocked out Celsr3 in the hippocampus 1 we
230 ss, which is essential for Wnt secretion, is conditionally knocked out in the floor plate.
231 in epidermal development and homeostasis, we conditionally knocked out SRF in epidermal keratinocytes
232  signaling in bladder cancer progression, we conditionally knocked out the Tgfbr2 in mouse model afte
233 enic mice with Zbtb20 floxp mice to generate conditionally knockout mice (cKO) in which Zbtb20 was sp
234 from ET(flox/flox);Tie2-Cre( + ) mice, which conditionally lack ET-1 in hematopoietic stem cells and
235                         Moreover, obese mice conditionally lacking GRIP1 in macrophages develop massi
236                                Mouse embryos conditionally lacking Tgif1 and Tgif2 have holoprosencep
237                                         Mice conditionally lacking UPF3A exhibit "hyper" NMD and disp
238                                         Mice conditionally lacking Zeb2 in CD11c(+) cells had a cell-
239 or sequences that function in vivo to rescue conditionally lethal mutants of Escherichia coli (auxotr
240          Aedes aegypti mosquitoes carrying a conditionally lethal transgene have recently been used t
241 nes for safety and efficacy and is currently conditionally licensed for use for veterinary purposes i
242 uated vaccine for RVF, the MP-12 vaccine, is conditionally licensed for veterinary use in the United
243 is a live-attenuated MP-12 vaccine, which is conditionally licensed.
244 receptor (GR)-based fusion protein system to conditionally localize GR-UVR8 to the nucleus, we have d
245 The Kv2.1 voltage-gated potassium channel is conditionally localized to large PM clusters that repres
246 /PTEN-deficient human cancers while p110beta conditionally mediates PI3K/AKT signaling only upon HER2
247 n important site of NST when BAT function is conditionally minimized in mice.
248              Targeted mice were generated to conditionally misexpress Hoxc8 from the Rosa locus using
249                 In analyzing two independent conditionally mutant ES cell clones, we found that delet
250 XBP1-mutant human neurons derived from these conditionally mutant ES cells.
251        Our data demonstrate that NilD RNA is conditionally necessary for mutualistic host colonizatio
252  power of our multiyear study to distinguish conditionally neutral QTL from those that reflect fitnes
253                                 Bones of the conditionally null mice are dramatically weakened and br
254 -descent mutants in the sample, again tested conditionally on the number of forward mutations mapped
255 origenesis when the remaining Kras allele is conditionally oncogenic, there is a moderate imbalance o
256 53 peptide reporter, JP1-R, which fluoresces conditionally only upon Mdm2 binding.
257 e, as of 2015, no other RVF vaccine has been conditionally or fully licensed for use in the United St
258 equence variant data can be generated either conditionally or unconditionally on pedigree members' qu
259 an exploit these ecological interactions and conditionally outgrow producers.
260                      HT transgenic mice that conditionally overexpress H-2K(b) in muscle were bred to
261 model (TNF-alpha(glo)) that could be used to conditionally overexpress TNF-alpha.
262 test this hypothesis, we generated mice that conditionally overexpressed human hyaluronidase 1 (HYAL1
263 a Notch gain-of-function transgenic mouse by conditionally overexpressing the Notch1 intracellular do
264 a new and widely applicable tool to generate conditionally phosphorylated proteins to identify those
265 emented within the network itself but can be conditionally provided by extrinsic neuromodulatory inpu
266                                    Recently, conditionally rare taxa (CRTs)--those taxa that are typi
267                                           We conditionally recommend the use of in-hospital beta-bloc
268             A recent international guideline conditionally recommended the use of antacid therapy (pr
269 its generate and maintain these signals that conditionally regulate behavior.
270 nal landmarks that direct Rsr1p to bud sites conditionally regulated the fMAPK pathway, corresponding
271 provides significant insights into how light conditionally regulates plant growth through controlling
272                      In the present study we conditionally removed a key component of complex IV, pro
273                                           We conditionally removed both genes in postmitotic mDA neur
274  which, to our knowledge, is a novel finding conditionally replicated by using an independent sample.
275 e constructed a serotype 5/3 adenovirus that conditionally replicates in tumor cells expressing MDA-7
276 tential to decrease the fitness of HIV-1 and conditionally replicative lentiviral vectors have a prom
277                We have previously designed a conditionally replicative oncolytic adenovirus (CRAd) na
278 inations were tested in primary cultures and conditionally reprogrammed cells generated from nasal br
279                       Thus, the induction of conditionally reprogrammed cells is mediated by a combin
280                         These cells, termed "Conditionally Reprogrammed Otic Stem Cells" (CR-OSC), ar
281     Consistent with results obtained using a conditionally rescued mpk3 mpk6 double mutant generated
282 ge, neonates acquire immune tolerance to the conditionally responsive luciferase reporter.
283 has been developed to replace protamine as a conditionally reversible, nucleic acid condensing agent.
284                    UVR8 fusion proteins were conditionally sequestered in the endoplasmic reticulum,
285 e of Htt in synaptic connectivity in vivo by conditionally silencing Htt in the developing mouse cort
286    Thus, growth-independent fermentation can conditionally stabilize or destabilize a mutualism, indi
287 of cytotoxic drugs covalently attached via a conditionally stable linker to monoclonal antibodies (mA
288            Bradyrhizobium japonicum Irr is a conditionally stable transcriptional activator and repre
289 e AC isoform, Gbetagamma subunits can either conditionally stimulate or inhibit cAMP synthesis.
290 genesis in disrupted rats using oxytocin and conditionally suppressing the production of new neurons
291 ndent RNA substrate, a signal amplifier that conditionally synthesizes long fluorescent strands only
292          We used Cre/loxP transgenic mice to conditionally target InsRs in fetally derived placental
293 , we have used technology that enables us to conditionally target K-RasG12D expression in Surfactant
294                       In this study, we have conditionally targeted in B cells FAK, and found that th
295 of leptin signaling in the immune system, we conditionally targeted LepR in T cells.
296                                           By conditionally targeting Sox9 in adult HF-SCs, we show th
297  spikelets transmitted through gap junctions conditionally trigger postjunctional spikes, depending o
298 tion, LIG4 mainly expressed in the crypts is conditionally upregulated in ISCs, accompanied by Wnt/be
299 l axis of the sea urchin embryo is specified conditionally via a regulated feedback circuit involving
300 mutant lacking both of these proton pumps is conditionally viable and retains significant vacuolar ac

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