


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s cocaine infusions paired with a light/tone conditioned stimulus.
2 ing session and may reflect attention to the conditioned stimulus.
3 t was resistant to disruption by an aversive conditioned stimulus.
4 learning when measured in the absence of the conditioned stimulus.
5  used in place of an external (e.g., a tone) conditioned stimulus.
6 nonreinforced preexposure (PE) of the future conditioned stimulus.
7 did not generalize to an explicitly unpaired conditioned stimulus.
8 s track perceptual similarity gradients to a conditioned stimulus.
9 h a faster latency to freeze to the auditory conditioned stimulus.
10  seeking was still suppressed by an aversive conditioned stimulus.
11 dy classical conditioning using light as the conditioned stimulus.
12  are affected by an acoustic, fear-arousing, conditioned stimulus.
13 discrete or contextual stimulus is used as a conditioned stimulus.
14 ated nonrein-forced preexposure to the to-be-conditioned stimulus.
15 n unconditioned stimulus in the absence of a conditioned stimulus.
16 itioning with either an auditory or a visual conditioned stimulus.
17 but not in conditioning to a phasic auditory conditioned stimulus.
18 s represent different approaches towards the conditioned stimulus.
19 ons occurring in the presence of a cue-light conditioned stimulus.
20 ence of a rewarded (CS+) or unrewarded (CS-) conditioned stimulus.
21 tered concurrently with exposure to the fear conditioned stimulus.
22 valuation or to the influence of a pavlovian-conditioned stimulus.
23 us in the direction away from the unrewarded conditioned stimulus.
24    Mice were trained using two coterminating conditioned stimulus (30 s; 85 dB white noise)--uncondit
25 asal inhibition modulates CR expression, the conditioned stimulus-activated inhibition is required fo
26 ear conditioning, and were re-exposed to the conditioned stimulus after amphetamine injection had sig
27 nalis in a single conditioning trial using a conditioned stimulus, amyl-acetate, paired with a salien
28 radual decrease in freezing responses to the conditioned stimulus and a gradual increase in amygdala
29 0 trials per day training using a 3 kHz tone conditioned stimulus and airpuff unconditioned stimulus.
30  classical eyeblink conditioning with a tone conditioned stimulus and an air puff unconditioned stimu
31 iving explicitly unpaired presentations of a conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus did n
32 ying how the temporal relationship between a conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus is re
33 , persistent responses that begin during the conditioned stimulus and persisted into the trace interv
34  SNr inhibition facilitates avoidance to the conditioned stimulus and suffices to drive avoidance wit
35  were independent of the presentation of the conditioned stimulus and were therefore not related to e
36 sically conditioned eyeblinks to an auditory conditioned stimulus and whether they were able to perfo
37 ve memory involves convergence of the odors (conditioned stimulus) and the electric shock (unconditio
38 ng either visual or auditory modality as the conditioned stimulus, and that the reduction was specifi
39 eurons potentiate their response to the tone conditioned stimulus, and that this potentiation is requ
40 hat reduce the fear aroused by the Pavlovian conditioned stimulus are reinforced through instrumental
41 al nucleus of the amygdala, but not in other conditioned stimulus areas located in the auditory thala
42  can induce hippocampally mediated losses in conditioned stimulus associability (learning rate parame
43  exhibited prospective information about the conditioned stimulus associated with the environment.
44 enula neurons was most strongly excited by a conditioned stimulus associated with the most unpleasant
45 y identified units that are inhibited by the conditioned stimulus, called CEl(off) units.
46     In classical conditioning to an auditory conditioned stimulus, cerebellar patients failed to acqu
47                The electrical responses to a conditioned stimulus (click CS) and an unconditioned sti
48  abuse are known to reduce intake of a taste conditioned stimulus (conditional stimulus, CS), a behav
49 rly age, but eyeblink conditioning to a tone-conditioned stimulus (conditional stimulus; CS) paired w
50 lusion that delay conditioning (in which the conditioned stimulus CS and unconditioned stimulus US ov
51 ear conditioning procedure in which one tone conditioned stimulus (CS +) was always paired with an av
52 centrations of FGF2 and fear expression to a conditioned stimulus (CS) (a stimulus paired with a shoc
53 oustic startle reflex in the presence of the conditioned stimulus (CS) (CS-noise trials) and also in
54 he memory is reactivated with an extinction [conditioned stimulus (CS) alone] or a reinforced trial (
55 s the presentation of a behaviorally neutral conditioned stimulus (CS) and a behaviorally salient unc
56 l conditioning paradigm, using a tone as the conditioned stimulus (CS) and a corneal air puff as the
57 that requires the association of an auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) and a shock unconditioned stim
58 that requires the association of an auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) and a shock unconditioned stim
59 ed or unpaired training with a tone or light conditioned stimulus (CS) and a unilateral periorbital s
60 ia the experience of contingencies between a conditioned stimulus (CS) and an aversive unconditioned
61 red or unpaired presentations of an auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) and an electric shock uncondit
62 es as evidence that an association between a conditioned stimulus (CS) and an unconditioned stimulus
63 coding the predictive relationship between a conditioned stimulus (CS) and an unconditioned stimulus,
64 quires learning of the association between a conditioned stimulus (CS) and an unconditioned, aversive
65 duced responding during presentations of the conditioned stimulus (CS) and during the interstimulus i
66 then received paired presentations of a tone-conditioned stimulus (CS) and eye-shock unconditioned st
67 iment 1, rats were given pairings of a light conditioned stimulus (CS) and footshock after preexposur
68 l auditory thalamic sensory responses to the conditioned stimulus (CS) and learning-related activity
69 0 ms delay eyeblink conditioning with a tone conditioned stimulus (CS) and one of three co-terminatin
70 conditioning of the reflex with a siphon tap conditioned stimulus (CS) and tail shock unconditioned s
71 ent period elapses between the offset of the conditioned stimulus (CS) and the delivery of the uncond
72 is interposed between the termination of the conditioned stimulus (CS) and the onset of the unconditi
73 y tested for conditioning to the white noise conditioned stimulus (CS) and the training context.
74 onditioning in which the presentation of the conditioned stimulus (CS) and the unconditioned stimulus
75  studies used delay procedures, in which the conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (UC
76 ays used for classical conditioning, such as conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (US
77  convergence from pathways responsive to the conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (US
78 anging the temporal relationship between the conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (US
79  preparations from turtles by pairing a weak conditioned stimulus (CS) applied to the auditory nerve
80 sion of fear-potentiated startle to a visual conditioned stimulus (CS) but not to an olfactory CS.
81  trained to respond defensively to a neutral conditioned stimulus (CS) by pairing it with an aversive
82 lysia can be elicited by training in which a conditioned stimulus (CS) delivered to one side of the s
83 rtion of cerebellar neurons responded to the conditioned stimulus (CS) during CeA inactivation.
84 the hippocampus stores a memory trace of the conditioned stimulus (CS) during the stimulus-free perio
85 is hypothesized that amphetamine facilitates conditioned stimulus (CS) effects by selectively enhanci
86        For conditioning, we used a tone as a conditioned stimulus (CS) followed 250 ms later by a 100
87        For conditioning, we used a tone as a conditioned stimulus (CS) followed by an air puff as an
88                Eyeblink conditioning using a conditioned stimulus (CS) from one sensory modality (e.g
89 nditioning in which a time gap separates the conditioned stimulus (CS) from the unconditioned stimulu
90 wed faster inhibitory learning about a light conditioned stimulus (CS) if it had previously been an i
91 re tested for their fear to the extinguished conditioned stimulus (CS) in either the extinction conte
92                      MBs integrate olfactory conditioned stimulus (CS) inputs with neuromodulatory re
93 mental context in which a discrete Pavlovian conditioned stimulus (CS) is experienced can profoundly
94  male mice are trained on a trial in which a conditioned stimulus (CS) is presented alone and followe
95         During Pavlovian fear conditioning a conditioned stimulus (CS) is repeatedly paired with an a
96 gn-trackers) come to approach and engage the conditioned stimulus (CS) itself - a lever - more and mo
97                  We recently reported that a conditioned stimulus (CS) memory retrieval-extinction pr
98        In Pavlovian eyeblink conditioning, a conditioned stimulus (CS) must precede the unconditioned
99 olved 1 day of either 40 preexposures to the conditioned stimulus (CS) or no preexposure.
100 , adult rats were trained with a 150-ms tone conditioned stimulus (CS) paired with a periorbital shoc
101                                 The auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) pathway that is necessary for
102 n isolated and intact sensory neurons of the conditioned stimulus (CS) pathway.
103  a trace-conditioning task in which a visual conditioned stimulus (CS) predicted a food reward after
104 t a consequence of retrieval in unreinforced conditioned stimulus (CS) presentation but the mere perc
105                           In the test stage, conditioned stimulus (CS) presentations enhanced instrum
106 culus) were conditioned after 8 days of tone conditioned stimulus (CS) presentations or 8 days of con
107 ement (fixed-ratio 1, FR1) with a 20-s light conditioned stimulus (CS) presented contingently upon ea
108                                       A tone conditioned stimulus (CS) previously paired with a grid
109  Whether this is due to an alteration of the conditioned stimulus (CS) representation in the lateral
110 ng caused most CeM neurons to increase their conditioned stimulus (CS) responsiveness.
111                        Exposure to the taste conditioned stimulus (CS) resulted in a marked induction
112  light conditional stimulus (S+/S-) and tone conditioned stimulus (CS) separated by a 1-s trace.
113                     Before conditioning, the conditioned stimulus (CS) taste does not induce c-Fos in
114 duced Pavlovian-instrumental transfer when a conditioned stimulus (CS) that had been paired with a no
115                   The authors examined how a conditioned stimulus (CS) that included species-typical
116 specific recovery of fear to an extinguished conditioned stimulus (CS) that occurs following independ
117 eutral sensory stimulus can become a fearful conditioned stimulus (CS) through conditioning.
118 itioning task were variably motivated to the conditioned stimulus (CS) through different levels of wa
119 d be changed by introducing an auditory fear-conditioned stimulus (CS) to a previously neutral enviro
120 activated by sensory information to link the conditioned stimulus (CS) to the conditioned behavior.
121 es and send integrated information about the conditioned stimulus (CS) to the mushroom bodies.
122 r, this effect was significant only when the conditioned stimulus (CS) was 500 rather than 100 ms in
123 ive Pavlovian conditioning task in which the conditioned stimulus (CS) was either localized (a light
124  a trace-conditioning task in which a visual conditioned stimulus (CS) was followed by a delay period
125 nditioning task in which the duration of the conditioned stimulus (CS) was increased nearly twofold,
126  amount of liquid reward associated with one conditioned stimulus (CS) was manipulated by changing th
127  acquisition regardless of whether the taste conditioned stimulus (CS) was novel or familiar.
128 erstimulus intervals (ISIs) in which a short conditioned stimulus (CS) was paired with a US to the le
129                        On Day 1, a 30-s tone conditioned stimulus (CS) was paired with an electric sh
130                 In Experiment 1, an auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) was paired with footshock, exc
131 ve preparation in which presentations of one conditioned stimulus (CS) were immediately followed by f
132          Rats decrease intake of a saccharin conditioned stimulus (CS) when followed by: (1) the admi
133 take of a normally preferred 0.15% saccharin conditioned stimulus (CS) when it is paired with an aver
134          Rats suppress intake of a saccharin conditioned stimulus (CS) when it is paired with an aver
135          Rats suppress intake of a saccharin conditioned stimulus (CS) when paired with a drug of abu
136  rats are first trained to associate a light conditioned stimulus (CS) with a food outcome, and then
137  Rabbits were initially trained using a tone conditioned stimulus (CS) with a relatively long ISI to
138 Pavlovian conditioning, pairing of a neutral conditioned stimulus (CS) with a reward leads to conditi
139 ntal subjects learn to associate an auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) with an aversive unconditioned
140 ning task that involves the association of a conditioned stimulus (CS) with an unconditioned stimulus
141 safety by negatively correlating an auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) with aversive events (US).
142  memory through the presentation of the cue (conditioned stimulus (CS)) only interferes with the memo
143 m in mice to condition footshock to an odor (conditioned stimulus (CS)).
144 first-order Pavlovian discrimination where a conditioned stimulus (CS)+ predicted food, and a control
145 lls are active at different times during the conditioned stimulus (CS), and (2) responding is not onl
146 an ethanol-associated light cue, acting as a conditioned stimulus (CS), effectively reinstated exting
147 e and unpaired training sessions with a tone conditioned stimulus (CS), light CS, and periorbital sti
148 quisition of fear conditioned to an explicit conditioned stimulus (CS), the extent to which the hippo
149                                      Given a conditioned stimulus (CS), the model amygdala and latera
150  eyeblink response in rats was tested with a conditioned stimulus (CS)-alone extinction test and 2 se
151  reactivation of a well-learned memory for a conditioned stimulus (CS)-cocaine association, abolishes
152             Acetylcholine (ACh) mediated the conditioned stimulus (CS)-elicited excitation of B51 in
153         Two days later, rats were tested for conditioned stimulus (CS)-elicited freezing behavior in
154 monstrate that extinction does not erase the conditioned stimulus (CS)-US association.
155 e processing of nicotine as an interoceptive conditioned stimulus (CS).
156 gnaled shocks to reinstate fear to the light conditioned stimulus (CS).
157 the palatability of the taste serving as the conditioned stimulus (CS).
158 ere given 20-min access to a 0.15% saccharin conditioned stimulus (CS).
159 eexposures or no preexposures to an auditory conditioned stimulus (CS).
160 form is determined by characteristics of the conditioned stimulus (CS).
161 of the associative strength activated by the conditioned stimulus (CS).
162 livery of reward following presentation of a conditioned stimulus (CS).
163 l was evoked in the PAG by the auditory fear conditioned stimulus (CS).
164 ted in lysates of the pathway supporting the conditioned stimulus (CS).
165  suppress eating when presented with a tone [conditioned stimulus (CS)] that was previously paired wi
166 ize one was paired with mild electric shock [conditioned stimulus (CS)], while the others, safety cue
167 tinction, an animal learns that a previously conditioned stimulus (CS+) no longer predicts delivery o
168  during intermittent presentations of a free conditioned stimulus (CS+) sucrose cue.
169  conditioning sessions in which one auditory conditioned stimulus (CS+) was paired with 15% ethanol a
170 zation of fear from an aversively reinforced conditioned stimulus (CS+, a conditioned danger cue) to
171               The next day, the extinguished conditioned stimulus (CS+E) was re-presented to assess e
172 with two paired presentations of an auditory conditioned stimulus (CS, 30 seconds, 85 dB white noise)
173 S+) was paired with 15% ethanol and a second conditioned stimulus (CS-) was not.
174 + (paired with shock) and as a nonreinforced conditioned stimulus (CS-, a conditioned safety cue), an
175  rats were either conditioned to attend to a conditioned stimulus (CS; 1-s, 7-dB increase in white no
176 conditioning trials consisted of an auditory conditioned stimulus (CS; 3 sec) and a fear-producing sh
177            A mid-sized rectangle served as a conditioned stimulus (CS; 50% electric shock probability
178               For example, a food-predictive conditioned stimulus (CS; an illuminated lever) becomes
179 that experienced an explicitly unpaired (EU) conditioned stimulus (CS; saccharin, SAC) and unconditio
180 s the presentation of a behaviorally neutral conditioned stimulus (CS; whisker stimulation) from a be
181 tailed study of neural responses to unpaired conditioned-stimulus (CS-) can therefore indicate whethe
182 task, an animal learns to associate a taste (conditioned stimulus [CS]) with the experience of malais
183                       Consequently, stimuli (conditioned stimulus, CS) associated with pain onset (un
184 d Form rats were given odor (orange oil, the conditioned stimulus, CS) paired with footshock (PRD) an
185 cedures wherein the presentation of a lever (conditioned stimulus, CS) was followed by the response-i
186 nhanced motor response to a visual stimulus (conditioned stimulus, CS) when it is paired with touch (
187 ed by pairing an initially neutral stimulus (conditioned stimulus, CS; e.g., a tone) to an unconditio
188                      Exposure to lemon odor (conditioned stimulus, [CS]) paired with intraoral milk i
189 uired when an animal consumes a novel taste (conditioned stimulus; CS) and then experiences the sympt
190 ats acquired a strong aversion to saccharin (conditioned stimulus; CS) and then underwent CTA extinct
191 ditioned stimulus; US) and their predictors (conditioned stimulus; CS).
192 wn, however, whether the convergent auditory conditioned stimulus (CSa) pathways interact with each o
193 seeking behavior reinstated by exposure to a conditioned stimulus cue.
194 S replay of stimuli, which differed from the conditioned stimulus, did not affect conditioned stimulu
195 ymmetric, thus providing a mechanism for the conditioned stimulus discrimination during fear behavior
196 t dPAG and vPAG both encoded the time of the conditioned stimulus during early extinction and display
197  cortex was associated with lower SCR to the conditioned stimulus during extinction recall (i.e., gre
198 ncreased behavioural surprise signals to the conditioned stimulus during subsequent re-learning, and
199 g of hippocampal theta-band responses to the conditioned stimulus early on during conditioning predic
200 fear conditioning trials and were tested for conditioned stimulus-elicited freezing 24 hr later.
201                                 Accompanying conditioned stimulus-evoked heart rate slowing was atten
202 ion with increased discharge and also showed conditioned stimulus-evoked increases in discharge durin
203                                   Therefore, conditioned stimulus-evoked persistent responses remain
204  In addition, fear to an explicit, Pavlovian conditioned stimulus (fear-potentiated startle) was enha
205 mulus (US) when tested in the absence of the conditioned stimulus following classical conditioning.
206 n because they receive information about the conditioned stimulus from the basolateral amygdala (BLA)
207 ulated by the feature cue and its associated conditioned stimulus in a manner consistent with an occa
208 dent decrease in freezing in response to the conditioned stimulus in all age groups.
209 the gradient of perceptual similarity to the conditioned stimulus in healthy individuals, whereas cli
210 ndicate that music can serve as a contextual conditioned stimulus in rats and influence drug-seeking
211 rther assess the effectiveness of music as a conditioned stimulus in rats, to determine rats' prefere
212 esulting from the repeated presentation of a conditioned stimulus in the absence of the unconditioned
213 ion gradient was displaced from the rewarded conditioned stimulus in the direction away from the unre
214 sis, operant lever pressing for sucrose, and conditioned stimulus-induced feeding.
215                  These findings suggest that conditioned stimulus-induced reinstatement in B6 mice is
216 aine priming; however, they exhibited robust conditioned stimulus-induced reinstatement.
217 amygdala projections, conveying the acoustic conditioned stimulus information to the amygdala during
218 ans suggest that multiple representations of conditioned stimulus inputs may exist in local populatio
219 lum interactions in which the amygdala gates conditioned stimulus inputs to the cerebellum through a
220 lled fear conditioning occurs when a neutral conditioned stimulus is paired with an aversive uncondit
221 s beyond the training context, even when the conditioned stimulus is presented in an environment that
222              During extinction training, the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented in the abse
223       Repeated presentations of a previously conditioned stimulus lead to a new form of learning know
224 ed parallel fiber synaptic array (coding the conditioned stimulus) leads to long-term depression (LTD
225  tone or with mossy fiber stimulation as the conditioned stimulus learn responses that approach targe
226 s trained on Postnatal Day (PD) 18 expressed conditioned stimulus learning on PD 19 in freezing but n
227 rom the conditioned stimulus, did not affect conditioned stimulus memory strength but induced general
228 a disrupted fear-potentiated startle in both conditioned stimulus modalities.
229 etermined the role of the dorsal striatum in conditioned-stimulus modulation of instrumental respondi
230  general excitatory influence of a Pavlovian conditioned stimulus on instrumental performance.
231 h fixed-duration intervals of 1-16 s between conditioned stimulus onset and reward.
232 ecting the cardiac-orienting response to the conditioned stimulus or the cardiac-unconditioning respo
233 lience onto a specific reward cue (pavlovian conditioned stimulus, or CS).
234 went threat (fear) conditioning using a tone-conditioned stimulus paired with an electric shock to th
235 an adults underwent threat conditioning to a conditioned stimulus paired with an electrical shock.
236 ian conditioned responses evoked by a visual conditioned stimulus paired with food were examined in r
237 orylation of a 24 kDa protein referred to as conditioned stimulus pathway phosphoprotein (Csp24).
238 ioning also regulates the phosphorylation of conditioned stimulus pathway phosphoprotein 24 (Csp24),
239 eracting with the hippocampus in the context conditioned stimulus pathway, for example, the amygdala,
240 nsory neurons, type B photoreceptors, of the conditioned stimulus pathway.
241 ormation of fear memory by gating LTP in the conditioned stimulus pathways.
242  discriminated approach behavior to a visual conditioned stimulus predictive of food reward.
243 ponse was reinforced by a cocaine-associated conditioned stimulus presentation.
244             In rats trained with tone as the conditioned stimulus, presentation of the tone during th
245      These studies examined the ability of a conditioned stimulus previously paired with footshock to
246                                              Conditioned stimulus properties of nicotine may contribu
247          Nicotine has both unconditioned and conditioned stimulus properties.
248 stimulation or natural quinine (0.1 mM) as a conditioned stimulus, rats specifically generalized the
249 aining, ITC cells could reduce the impact of conditioned-stimulus-related BLA inputs to the CEA by me
250  primary visual cortex (V1) relate operantly conditioned stimulus-reward intervals with modulated pat
251  or nonreinforcement disrupts maintenance of conditioned stimulus salience.
252  avoid shock by shuttling during an auditory conditioned stimulus showed increased expression of the
253 that music serves as an effective contextual conditioned stimulus, significantly increasing both musi
254 ss through which the ability of a previously conditioned stimulus, such as a conditioning context, to
255 ere trained sequentially to acquire discrete conditioned stimulus-sucrose conditioning, followed by s
256 mulation of mossy fibers substitutes for the conditioned stimulus, suggesting that changes take place
257 n stimulation of the whisker pad was used as conditioned stimulus, suggesting that tDCS modulates the
258                  Presentation of an aversive conditioned stimulus suppressed drug seeking in rats wit
259 frequency of a conditioned response when the conditioned stimulus that elicits it is repeatedly nonre
260 ing under conditions of food satiation, by a conditioned stimulus that had been paired with food whil
261 lenge, relative to vehicle, in response to a conditioned stimulus that predicted delivery of reward.
262 nondeprived rats after the presentation of a conditioned stimulus that previously signaled meal acces
263      In mammals, repeated presentations of a conditioned stimulus that was previously paired to a nox
264 food was available during presentations of a conditioned stimulus that was previously paired with foo
265 ed stimulus (US; tail shock), while a second conditioned stimulus (the CS-), delivered to a different
266 cedures that varied in the use of a discrete conditioned stimulus, the number of trials administered,
267  odor or tone, but when odor was used as the conditioned stimulus, the RND group also partially reins
268 ry nerve presynaptic boutons that convey the conditioned stimulus to abducens motor neurons.
269 d long-lasting deficit in the ability of the conditioned stimulus to be learned about or control fear
270 raining context in the absence of the target conditioned stimulus to reactivate the training memory.
271 ed reinforcement refers to the capacity of a conditioned stimulus to support instrumental behavior by
272  that conveys information about the auditory conditioned stimulus to the lateral nucleus of the amygd
273 ditioned HR deceleration can generalize from conditioned stimulus to US as a function of conditioning
274                       During each trial, the conditioned stimulus (tone) and the unconditioned stimul
275           Neuronal responses elicited by the conditioned stimulus typically increased before behavior
276 leaving presynaptic activation by the paired conditioned stimulus + unchanged.
277 C) neurons participate in the measurement of conditioned stimulus-unconditioned stimulus (CS-US) time
278 bbian plasticity that stores memories of the conditioned stimulus-unconditioned stimulus association,
279 immunoreactivity (FLI) in subjects acquiring conditioned stimulus-unconditioned stimulus associations
280  a variable band of 3-12 Hz depending on the conditioned stimulus-unconditioned stimulus intervals (1
281 on on patterns of neuronal activation during conditioned stimulus-unconditioned stimulus pairing were
282 injections exhibited normal reactions to the conditioned stimulus-unconditioned stimulus pairings in
283 was expressed in FPS on PD 25 when nontarget conditioned stimulus-unconditioned stimulus training occ
284 ipants demonstrated greater retention of the conditioned stimulus/unconditioned stimulus association
285 bellar cortex in eyeblink conditioning under conditioned stimulus?unconditioned stimulus intervals kn
286                                          The conditioned stimulus was an auditory tone, while the unc
287                    This was true whether the conditioned stimulus was odor or tone, but when odor was
288 y eyeblink conditioning task in which a tone conditioned stimulus was paired with a periorbital stimu
289 y eyeblink conditioning task in which a tone conditioned stimulus was paired with a periorbital stimu
290     Following fear conditioning in which one conditioned stimulus was paired with shock (CS+) and ano
291 r (an index of learned fear) to the auditory conditioned stimulus was suppressed in the extinction co
292 of the mEP emerged with the acquisition of a conditioned stimulus, was extinguished following changes
293  blocked detection of a low salience whisker conditioned stimulus (WCS) in an active avoidance task,
294 active avoidance to detect a salient whisker conditioned stimulus (WCS) that signals an aversive even
295 Concomitant heart rate changes evoked by the conditioned stimulus were also assessed.
296 ns yielded significant learning to a blocked conditioned stimulus, which otherwise should not have be
297 eyeblinks to a mild vibrissal airpuff as the conditioned stimulus while injections of the glutamate a
298 tic vesicle release elicited by the unpaired conditioned stimulus -, while leaving presynaptic activa
299                           Pairing of an odor-conditioned stimulus with an electric shock-unconditione
300 th predictive or incentive properties of the conditioned stimulus, with a crucial involvement of the

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