


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 eurons and reduced fear expression in a fear-conditioning paradigm.
2 n learning and memory in the contextual fear-conditioning paradigm.
3 lay (Experiment 1) or a trace (Experiment 2) conditioning paradigm.
4 nce or learning in either a delay or a trace conditioning paradigm.
5 measured by performance in a contextual fear-conditioning paradigm.
6 arning using a combined trace and delay fear conditioning paradigm.
7 behavior to the tone was increased in a fear-conditioning paradigm.
8 od approach in mice trained with a Pavlovian conditioning paradigm.
9 essed greater associative learning in a fear conditioning paradigm.
10 l dopamine in the striatum using a Pavlovian conditioning paradigm.
11 ormance in an open-field and contextual fear-conditioning paradigm.
12 ibe a simple, unrestrained associative place-conditioning paradigm.
13 isition than extinction, validating the fear-conditioning paradigm.
14 h an aversive air-puff to the eye in a trace-conditioning paradigm.
15 uice reward with a visual cue in a classical conditioning paradigm.
16 test, and cognition, using a contextual fear conditioning paradigm.
17 ng the hippocampal-dependent trace eye-blink conditioning paradigm.
18 opamine, we used a food-reinforced Pavlovian conditioning paradigm.
19 patory activity in a D1R-dependent Pavlovian conditioning paradigm.
20 pathways used to detect the CS depend on the conditioning paradigm.
21 ved to a food-sated state in an instrumental conditioning paradigm.
22 ere trained in an unsignaled contextual fear conditioning paradigm.
23 rm association memories in a contextual fear conditioning paradigm.
24 ehavior and hippocampal plasticity in a fear-conditioning paradigm.
25  exhibit facilitated learning in a Pavlovian conditioning paradigm.
26 st, on ethanol's rewarding effect in a place conditioning paradigm.
27  a single test session in a modified operant conditioning paradigm.
28 g associative learning using classical delay conditioning paradigms.
29 tracortical microstimulation or by classical conditioning paradigms.
30 irement observed in most mammalian classical conditioning paradigms.
31 er, are the age differences in the different conditioning paradigms.
32  has been dominated by pavlovian and operant conditioning paradigms.
33 ceptors in memory processes in fear and drug conditioning paradigms.
34 les in the description of numerous classical conditioning paradigms.
35 esions and both signaled and unsignaled fear conditioning paradigms.
36 as assessed through contextual and cued fear conditioning paradigms.
37 haracterized by a deficient response to fear-conditioning paradigms.
38 ired stimulus reinforcement and instrumental conditioning paradigms.
39  POR or PER were tested in 2 contextual fear conditioning paradigms.
40 e rats were trained using the trace eyeblink conditioning paradigm, an associative learning task that
41 ors promotes memory consolidation in several conditioning paradigms, an effect primarily associated w
42 s measured using delayed eye blink classical conditioning paradigm and results were compared with the
43 or LA/BA nuclei in rats in a contextual fear conditioning paradigm and unconditioned fear to a predat
44 raining in the Drosophila aversive olfactory conditioning paradigm and we used mutants to define the
45 inbred mice in two different contextual fear conditioning paradigms and transitive inference to test
46 duced CPP was established using an eight day conditioning paradigm, and expression of CPP was tested
47 of the eyeblink EMG response in this general conditioning paradigm are considered.
48 amework whereby the temporal features of the conditioning paradigm are critical in determining the ab
49 ior analysis in the cued and contextual fear conditioning paradigm, as well as immunohistological and
50                                      In this conditioning paradigm, asymptotic performance is reached
51                                 Using a fear-conditioning paradigm called the AX+, BX- discrimination
52 of a variety of drugs after training in fear-conditioning paradigms can impair consolidation of fear
53                                 In classical conditioning paradigms, conditioned stimuli trigger a tr
54             The authors applied a novel fear conditioning paradigm consisting of socially relevant un
55 an subjects were trained in a Pavlovian fear conditioning paradigm during functional magnetic resonan
56 ins are required for associative learning in conditioning paradigms, e.g., two-way active avoidance a
57  This indicates that, under the current fear conditioning paradigm, early-life FGF2 has protective ef
58 To test this prediction, we developed a fear conditioning paradigm for mice based on gap detection.
59 etic resonance imaging (fMRI) and an operant conditioning paradigm for the discrete delivery of small
60      Recently, in a classical Pavlovian fear conditioning paradigm, Gruene and colleagues described a
61                                         This conditioning paradigm has been used to show that the hip
62 in the hippocampus-dependent contextual fear-conditioning paradigm in adulthood.
63 de details for a novel context threat (fear) conditioning paradigm in humans using a commercially ava
64           However, the use of a single-trial conditioning paradigm in Lymnaea solves this problem.
65                               We used a fear-conditioning paradigm in mice to condition footshock to
66  show that training with a single pulse in a conditioning paradigm in vivo does not result in learnin
67                            We used a classic conditioning paradigm in which 3 neutral stimuli (differ
68               Here, we developed a classical conditioning paradigm in which 6- to 8-d-old larvae deve
69 n the acquisition of a novel contextual fear conditioning paradigm in which a unimodal (olfactory) cu
70        We designed a human parallel aversive conditioning paradigm in which different Pavlovian visua
71 bjected rats to a differential auditory fear conditioning paradigm in which one conditioned auditory
72 , nondependent volunteers (N=90) completed a conditioning paradigm in which they received a moderate
73  being systematically examined with eyeblink conditioning paradigms in nonprimate mammalian animal mo
74 oned responses (CRs) in both delay and trace conditioning paradigms in the rabbit (Oryctolagus cunicu
75 e response topography formed under a complex conditioning paradigm, involving 2 randomly alternating
76                     The trace version of the conditioning paradigm is a particularly good system to e
77                                 The eyeblink conditioning paradigm is used to describe a neural mecha
78 mical circuitry underlying the auditory fear-conditioning paradigm is well characterized.
79 campus could not learn a standard trace fear-conditioning paradigm, lesioned rats trained on CTC show
80  ablation abolished learning in an olfactory conditioning paradigm, MB-ablated males were able to lea
81  learning and memory formation of an operant conditioning paradigm occur better during the day than d
82                                  A classical conditioning paradigm (P3-P4) showed that the learning g
83   Using separate single-cue and differential conditioning paradigms, participants were fear condition
84 the region during blocks of a trace eyeblink conditioning paradigm performed in two environments and
85                                    In a fear-conditioning paradigm, PPEKO mice significantly increase
86 bital shock as both the CS and US in a US-US conditioning paradigm previously shown to be effective i
87 el of forebrain dependence between these two conditioning paradigms should produce a differential blo
88                                 In the trace conditioning paradigm, significant conditioning deficits
89 behaving mice during training in a cued fear-conditioning paradigm slowed the extinction of learned f
90  area stimulation with a sound in a backward conditioning paradigm specifically reduced representatio
91                                         This conditioning paradigm stimulated the cortical site for a
92                                    Classical conditioning paradigms, such as trace conditioning, in w
93                                 An olfactory conditioning paradigm tested the hypothesis that newborn
94           We also describe a novel courtship conditioning paradigm that established long-term memory,
95  and report behavioral results using a trace conditioning paradigm that is sensitive to hippocampal d
96                            Collapsing across conditioning paradigms, there is a general tendency for
97 tion of motor cortex and eye blink classical conditioning paradigm, to test whether dystonia symptoms
98 , subjects were trained in a delay classical conditioning paradigm using a tone conditioned stimulus
99 mphetamine as a reinforcer and in an operant conditioning paradigm using sucrose reinforcement.
100    Rabbits were trained in a delay classical conditioning paradigm, using a tone as the conditioned s
101      The first experiment assessed whether a conditioning paradigm, using clearly visible cues for hi
102 use, or domestic violence), completed a fear conditioning paradigm utilizing blue and yellow bells as
103 ulus), whose performance in a delay eyeblink conditioning paradigm was compared with that of intact c
104                      A discriminable context conditioning paradigm was developed that demonstrated bo
105              A forelimb-withdrawal classical conditioning paradigm was used in awake cats (n = 4) to
106                          A second-order fear-conditioning paradigm was used to test whether the dopam
107 l discrimination in trace and delay eyeblink conditioning paradigms was investigated.
108                             Using an operant conditioning paradigm, we demonstrated that rats cannot
109                                      Using a conditioning paradigm, we investigated how directly and
110 s the hind-paw formalin model with the place-conditioning paradigm, we measured a learned behavior th
111                          By using an operant conditioning paradigm, we show that CNGA4-null mice are
112 r for sucrose in a progressive ratio operant-conditioning paradigm when administered peripherally.
113 ablished a Pavlovian serial feature-negative conditioning paradigm, where male mice are trained on a
114 aired with cocaine, as measured by the place conditioning paradigm, whereas blockade of IRS-2 activit
115 fMRI) in an olfactory version of a classical conditioning paradigm, whereby neutral faces were paired
116  and quinine paired with cues in a classical conditioning paradigm while the electrophysiological act
117 ulation as a CS in the well studied eyeblink conditioning paradigm will facilitate characterizing sen
118                      Using an unbiased place-conditioning paradigm with two doses of cocaine (10 mg/k

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