


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  in rods, followed about 1 week later by M&L cone opsin.
2 e opsin and suppressing short-wavelength (S) cone opsin.
3 sin than like a classical vertebrate rod-and-cone opsin.
4 ctive cone pigment and constitutively active cone opsin.
5 eceptors expressing recoverin, rhodopsin, or cone opsin.
6 ons labeled with biotinylated PNA and anti-S cone opsin.
7 essed L/M cone opsin, and some coexpressed S cone opsin.
8  are positive for TULP1, recoverin, and blue cone opsin.
9 ULP1-reactive and some are positive for blue cone opsin.
10 or TULP1 and many are reactive for red/green cone opsin.
11  antiserum to short (S) -wavelength specific cone opsin.
12 re suppressed expression of short wavelength cone opsin.
13 tor-specific genes such as rhodopsin and red cone opsin.
14 ificant effect on the activity of human blue cone opsin.
15 te signal termination by phosphorylating the cone opsins.
16 f 11-cis-retinal, the chromophore of rod and cone opsins.
17 ion, are essentially invariant in rod versus cone opsins.
18 g of mCAR to light-activated, phosphorylated cone opsins.
19 fic genes in vivo, such as rhodopsin and the cone opsins.
20 he chromophore residing in rhodopsin and the cone opsins.
21 f the batho-shifted intermediates of rod and cone opsins.
22 sitive (S) and long wavelength-sensitive (L) cone opsins.
23 istently co-localizes with S- and M-types of cone opsins.
24 al organization and transcription of rod and cone opsins.
25 d normal subcellular compartmentalization of cone opsins.
26  presumably because of the mistrafficking of cone opsins.
27 dium-wavelength (M) and short-wavelength (S) cone opsins.
28 cis-retinol inactivates expressed salamander cone opsins, acting an inverse agonist.
29 ery similar G protein receptors, the rod and cone opsins, activates one and deactivates the other, co
30 rylated and that CAR binds to phosphorylated cone opsins after light activation.
31        Triple labeling using TUNEL, anti-M/L cone opsin and anti-rod opsin showed that hyperoxia had
32  cones whose outer segments stained for blue cone opsin and avoided cones that did not.
33 ra to long/medium (L/M) -wavelength specific cone opsin and cone-specific alpha-transducin detected a
34 S) or long/medium (L/M) wavelength-sensitive cone opsin and either a structural protein (peripherin)
35 companied by a progressive downregulation of cone opsin and melanopsin expression.
36 tinin, and then used antibodies against blue cone opsin and red-green cone opsin to identify the indi
37 ne viability, corrected mis-trafficking of M-cone opsin and restored cone PDE6 expression.
38 antibodies to short (S)-wavelength-sensitive cone opsin and rod opsin.
39  in mice by activating medium-wavelength (M) cone opsin and suppressing short-wavelength (S) cone ops
40 nts identified the primary component as a UV cone opsin and the two minor components as the short wav
41 retinal thickness, and expression of rod and cone opsins and causes specific loss of photoreceptors.
42 ation of cone-specific genes, including both cone opsins and cone tranducin alpha subunit in Rpe65-/-
43 mistry was performed with antibodies against cone opsins and kinases GRK1 and GRK7 in postmortem norm
44  produce dramatic variations in the ratio of cone opsins and pRGCs across the retina.
45 isingly, precedes both the expression of the cone opsins and the formation of synaptic contacts in th
46 responses initiated by either rhodopsin or S-cone opsin, and 3) exhibited similar light-activated tra
47 clic nucleotide-gated cation channel-3, blue-cone opsin, and beta-6-PDE) was evaluated by immunocytoc
48 cleotide-gated cation channel-3 [CNG3], blue-cone opsin, and cGMP phosphodiesterase [PDE]); were eval
49  photoreceptors expressing rod opsin and red cone opsin, and decreased the number of photoreceptors e
50 avel to the outer segments, co-localize with cone opsin, and form tetrameric complexes.
51 fish ultraviolet opsin, goldfish ultraviolet cone opsin, and goldfish rod opsin.
52 brillary acidic protein (GFAP), rhodopsin, S-cone opsin, and M/L-cone opsin were performed, as were a
53          Only 15% of the cones expressed L/M cone opsin, and some coexpressed S cone opsin.
54 ates were immunostained for calbindin or for cone opsins, and labeled cells and outer segments were c
55 -retinol with expressed human and salamander cone opsins, and to determine by microspectrophotometry
56                                            S cone opsin appears last, and all opsins reach the retina
57           Like rhodopsin, the folding of the cone opsins appears to be dependent on the formation of
58                         Without chromophore, cone opsins are mislocalized and cones degenerate rapidl
59  the first time in a mammalian species, that cone opsins are phosphorylated and that CAR binds to pho
60                     Our results suggest that cone opsins are the 'culprit' linking 11-cis-retinal def
61                                     Although cone opsins are transcribed earlier than rhodopsin durin
62  the expression of melanopsin, rhodopsin and cone opsin, as well as other retinal markers (tyrosine h
63 ith the hypothesis that the dual gradient of cone opsins assists achromatic contrast detection agains
64 , the photochemical excitation of the violet cone opsin at 425 nm generates the batho intermediate at
65          Extended illumination of the violet cone opsin at 75 K, however, generates a red-shifted pho
66                                Expression of cone opsins began approximately 10 hours after rod opsin
67 he ER is important for normal folding during cone opsin biosynthesis.
68            In contrast, the short-wavelength cone opsins, blue and violet, were not detected until 2
69 t al as zebrafish ultraviolet opsin is not a cone opsin but is likely to be a rod opsin.
70 ifferent from those of the classical rod and cone opsins but matching the standard profile of an opsi
71 omophore, which functions as a chaperone for cone opsins but not rhodopsin.
72  At the early stage of degeneration, rod and cone opsins, but not peripherin/RDS, exhibited prominent
73 lacking chromophore to exploit the fact that cone opsins, but not R-opsin, require chromophore for pr
74 , multi-site phosphorylation of both S and M cone opsins by in situ phosphorylation and isoelectric f
75                          Consistent with the cone opsin changes, the cone transducin alpha-subunit mR
76                                      (2) The cone opsin classes have class-specific sites compared to
77 one cell survival was determined by counting cone opsin-containing cells on flat-mounted P30 retinas.
78 al modeling suggesting that Pro-205 in green cone opsin could prevent entry and binding of 11-cis-6mr
79 d by regeneration, were hybridized with blue cone opsin cRNA for quantitative analysis of the blue co
80 aining with antibodies to rod opsin, S and M cone opsins, cytochrome oxidase, synaptophysin, glial fi
81  that either GRK7 or GRK1 may participate in cone opsin desensitization, depending on the expression
82                                 The mouse UV cone opsin does not fit this trend, and we conclude that
83 ngth appear to result from mistrafficking of cone opsins due to impaired delivery of retinaldehyde ch
84 cterized by functional loss of both L- and M-cone opsins due to mutations in the OPN1LW/OPN1MW gene c
85 tion, and apoptosis, plays a central role in cone opsin expression and patterning in the retina.
86         In contrast, TH affected both single-cone opsin expression and visual pigment absorbance in t
87 served that Pias3 directly regulated M and S cone opsin expression by modulating the cone-enriched tr
88 f pRGCs are spectrally tuned by gradients in cone opsin expression depending on their location in the
89 ofluorescence demonstrated the total loss of cone opsin expression in B. mysticetus, whereas light mi
90 nvestigate the action of TH and RA on single-cone opsin expression in juvenile rainbow trout, zebrafi
91 tal expression of RXRgamma was examined, and cone opsin expression in RXRgamma-null mice was analyzed
92 e null mutation leads to altered topology of cone opsin expression in the retina, with aberrant S-ops
93  resulted in a decrease in rhodopsin and red cone opsin expression levels in Xenopus retinas.
94               The temporal order of onset of cone opsin expression was red, then green, then blue, th
95                      The order of subsequent cone opsin expression was related to the relative positi
96 described the developmental pattern of human cone opsin expression, nor has the existence of human co
97 et-sensitive and medium-wavelength-sensitive cone opsin expression, produce dramatic variations in th
98 pears to be independent of its regulation on cone opsin expression.
99 echoing the topographic gradient in S- and M-cone opsin expression.
100 r degeneration with early mislocalization of cone opsins, features resembling those of Rpgr-null mice
101                         Two short-wavelength cone opsins, frog (Xenopus laevis) violet and mouse UV,
102  opsin and red, green, blue, and ultraviolet cone opsins from goldfish (Carassius auratus).
103 nce of their natural ligand, 11-cis-retinal, cone opsin G-protein-coupled receptors fail to traffic n
104                       Mutations in the LW/MW cone opsin gene array can, therefore, lead to a spectrum
105            The disease locus encompasses the cone opsin gene array on Xq28.
106 this would indicate that this rod-like green cone opsin gene, although absent in mammals, is common i
107 hort but not the medium wavelength-sensitive cone opsin gene.
108         The batho intermediate of the violet cone opsin generated at 45 K has an absorption maximum a
109  and in elucidating the relationship between cone opsin genes and their photopigment products.
110                                      Rod and cone opsin genes are expressed in a mutually exclusive m
111 enetic clade with the rod and rod-like green cone opsin genes from other vertebrate species.
112              Selective expression of retinal cone opsin genes is essential for color vision, but the
113  and medium-wavelength-sensitive (MW, green) cone opsin genes that segregated with disease.
114                        Genomic DNA for seven cone opsin genes was sequenced and the structure of the
115                                          For cone opsin genes, the rhodopsin-like (Rh2) and long-wave
116 esampled after 19 y to test for selection on cone opsin genes.
117                    Missense mutations in the cone opsins have been identified as a relatively common
118 roretinogram (ERG), optomotor responses, and cone opsin immunohistochemistry.
119 ural abnormalities, as well as a decrease in cone opsin immunoreactivity.
120 at Rx is co-expressed with rhodopsin and red cone opsin in maturing photoreceptors and demonstrate th
121 ssed at levels approaching that of red/green cone opsin in the macula.
122 ult of ancestral losses of middle-wavelength cone opsins in early snake evolution.
123 otoreceptors exhibit ectopic localization of cone opsins in the cell body and synapses and rod photor
124 etermine whether the same effects on rod and cone opsins in the Rpe65-/- mouse are also present in th
125     The genes for the rod and rod-like green cone opsins in two avian species, the budgerigar, Melops
126 this deficit using mice expressing human red cone opsin, in which rod-, cone-, and melanopsin-depende
127  were performed on Crx target genes, rod and cone opsins, in developing mouse retina.
128 rsial whether the same requirement holds for cone opsin inactivation.
129                  FTIR spectroscopy of violet cone opsin indicates conclusively that the chromophore i
130 t lag between their expression and that of S cone opsin indicates that phototransduction proteins are
131 f the rate of thermal isomerization of mouse cone opsins, indicating that nonopsin sources of noise d
132  immunohistochemistry demonstrated a lack of cone opsin labeling in cRPGRIP1(Ins/Ins) dogs.
133                                              Cone opsin levels increased to near wild-type levels.
134 hemically with cone-specific antibodies, and cone opsin levels were obtained by quantitative RT-PCR.
135 her cone photoreceptor cell number, improved cone opsin localization, and enhanced cone ERG signals w
136                    Photoreceptor morphology, cone opsin localization, expression of GFAP (a marker fo
137 mouse cone cells leads to mislocalization of cone opsin, loss of photopic electroretinogram (ERG) res
138  cone membrane-associated proteins including cone opsins (M- and S-opsins), cone transducin (Galphat2
139 vel and enzymatic activity of RPE65, causing cone opsin mislocalization and early cone degeneration i
140 intenance of photoreceptor function and that cone opsin mislocalization represents an early step in X
141                       In addition to rod and cone opsin mislocalization, there was early rod neurite
142                                 In addition, cone opsin mislocalized to the outer nuclear layer and t
143                        Although both M and S cone opsins mistrafficked as reported previously, misloc
144                                              Cone opsin mistrafficking in both models was arrested on
145 ongenital amaurosis and that the destructive cone opsin mistrafficking is caused by the lack of 11-ci
146                       Onset of expression of cone opsin mRNA followed a phenotype-specific sequence:
147 derived from long-wavelength sensitive (LWS) cone opsin mRNA identified several mutations in the opsi
148  the decrease in the middle-wavelength (MWL) cone opsin mRNA occurred relatively later in age.
149 in 3 days of cell birth, while expression of cone opsin mRNA required at least 7 days.
150                   The short-wavelength (SWL) cone opsin mRNA was markedly decreased at 2 weeks of age
151 tion, but maintenance of non-photosensitive, cone opsin mRNA-expressing cells in the retina.
152 sity and a 50% increase in medium-wavelength cone opsin mRNA.
153                      Levels of rhodopsin and cone-opsin mRNA were measured by quantitative real time
154 ese results suggest that ventral and central cone opsins must be regenerated with 11-cis-retinal to p
155 ation of vision loss associated with various cone opsin mutations.
156  vitamin A derivative bound to rhodopsin and cone opsins of retinal photoreceptors.
157 elength-sensitive cone pigment [S-pigment or cone opsin (OPN1SW)] nor encephalopsin (OPN3).
158 -long/medium wavelength-sensitive (anti-L/M) cone opsin or anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP
159 mbined with labeling by either antibodies to cone opsins or biotinylated PNA, a consistent relationsh
160  retinas there was no evidence for any other cone opsins or pigments, rods, rod opsin expression, or
161 letion of 16 N-terminal amino acids in green cone opsin partially restored the binding of 11-cis-6mr-
162                  We previously reported that cone opsin patterning requires thyroid hormone beta2, a
163 RXRgamma cooperates with TRbeta2 to regulate cone opsin patterning, the developmental expression of R
164   To elucidate the potential role of GRK1 in cone opsin phosphorylation, we created Nrl and Grk1 doub
165     Absorption of a photon by a rhodopsin or cone-opsin pigment isomerizes its 11-cis-retinaldehyde (
166 of the retinaldehyde chromophore in a rod or cone opsin-pigment molecule.
167                 Our results demonstrate that cone opsins play a major role in determining the degener
168 nd violet-sensitive cone and green-sensitive cone opsin positive cells were present.
169                             When rod and red cone opsin probes were combined, the number of labeled c
170  but further identification based on rod- or cone-opsin probes failed, suggesting the utilization of
171 ve transducin-stimulating activity, the free cone opsin produces an approximately 2-fold desensitizat
172  rAAV5-hCNGB3 with a long version of the red cone opsin promoter in younger animals led to a stable t
173 herapy with different forms of the human red cone opsin promoter led to the restoration of cone funct
174 trate that Rx binds to the rhodopsin and red cone opsin promoters in vivo.
175                                              Cone opsin protein levels were assayed with immunoblots,
176 und the fovea at fetal day 66, 1 week before cone opsin protein.
177 photobleaching pathway of a short-wavelength cone opsin purified in delipidated form (lambda(max) = 4
178 aevis genes, Prph2 (also called RDS) and red cone opsin (RCO) using a polymerase chain reaction-based
179  which to investigate this issue, containing cone opsins red, green, blue, and violet, as well as the
180                          The long-wavelength cone opsins, red and green, were first detected in a sma
181  opsins include rod opsin and four different cone opsins: red, green, blue, and ultraviolet.
182       Several lines of evidence suggest that cone opsins regenerate by a different mechanism.
183                             Thus, vertebrate cone opsins represent a class of tools for understanding
184 old reductions in the mRNAs for M-cone and S-cone opsin, respectively, whereas there was no significa
185  mouse cone arrestin (mCAR) or mouse S and M cone opsins revealed specific binding of mCAR to light-a
186 n, medium-to-long wavelength-sensitive (M/L) cone opsin, rod opsin, excitatory amino acid transporter
187 , transgenically, short-wavelength-sensitive cone opsin (S-opsin) in rods and also lacking chromophor
188 c mice with rods expressing mouse short-wave cone opsin (S-opsin) to test whether cone pigment can su
189                 In this paper, we report the cone opsin sequences from two nocturnal South American m
190                We established two vertebrate cone opsins, short- and long-wavelength opsin, for long-
191                           Immunolabeling for cone opsins showed the presence of both middle-to-longwa
192          In both dichromats and trichromats, cone opsin signals are maintained independently in cones
193 of photoreceptors expressing the blue and UV cone opsins, suggesting targeted effects of RA on photor
194 fore they are reactive for blue or red/green cone opsin suggests an important role for TULP1 in devel
195     In contrast, a rod opsin (RH1) and three cone opsins (SWS2, RH2, and LWS) were expressed in postm
196 s suggest that the ligand is required during cone opsin synthesis for successful opsin trafficking an
197 ine loss of function mutations in rhodopsin, cone opsins, the V2 vasopressin receptor, ACTH receptor,
198 bodies against blue cone opsin and red-green cone opsin to identify the individual cone types.
199 ever, this substitution did not enable green cone opsin to regenerate with 11-cis-6mr-retinal.
200 al, with evidence of early redistribution of cone opsin to the inner segment.
201 ammals such as mice use graded expression of cone opsins to extract visual information from their env
202 ects were associated with mislocalization of cone opsins to the nuclear and synaptic layers and reduc
203 nal before P25 led to increased transport of cone opsins to the outer segments and preserved cones an
204 lso as a chaperone for normal trafficking of cone opsins to the outer segments.
205 e intra-retinal differences in rhodopsin and cone opsin trafficking.
206 e3 enhances rhodopsin, but represses S- or M-cone opsin transcription when interacting with Crx.
207                               Xenopus violet cone opsin (VCOP) and its counterion variant (VCOP-D108A
208 biochemically by expressing a Xenopus violet cone opsin (VCOP) cDNA in COS1 cells and assaying the li
209  3 in the Xenopus short-wavelength sensitive cone opsin (VCOP, lambda(max) approximately 427 nm).
210                 In contrast, green-sensitive cone opsin was demonstrated in the retina both by immuno
211       Only one opsin, of type RH2 (a "green" cone opsin), was expressed in premetamorphic (developing
212 Our results suggest that subtle changes in L-cone opsin wavelength absorption may have been adaptive
213                          In inferior retina, cone opsin weights agreed qualitatively with relative pi
214                          In superior retina, cone opsin weights agreed quantitatively with relative p
215        For both species, only two classes of cone opsin were found, an SWS1 and an LWS sequence, and
216  the intracellular distribution of red/green cone opsin were observed as early as P80.
217 ein (GFAP), rhodopsin, S-cone opsin, and M/L-cone opsin were performed, as were axon counts of the op
218 t P25, cone density and transcript levels of cone opsins were drastically reduced, but a minute cone
219                                      Rod and cone opsins were localized by immunohistochemical method
220 s, a substantial percentage of C150S-Rds and cone opsins were mislocalized to different cellular comp
221        Confocal microscopy revealed that the cone opsins were mislocalized, suggesting that their tra
222 he retina of these mice, the light-activated cone opsins were neither phosphorylated nor bound with m
223 imilar to C57BL/6 (wild-type) mice, and both cone opsins were properly localized to the cone outer se
224 rominent downregulation of middle wavelength cone opsin, whereas Rpe65(-)/(-) mice displayed more sup
225 termines the regeneration of mammalian green cone opsin with chromophore analogues such as 11-cis-6mr
226 the regenerative properties of rod and green cone opsins with 11-cis-6mr-retinal and demonstrated tha
227     By selectively stimulating the two mouse cone opsins with green and UV light, we assessed whether
228 n spectra conformed to the spectrum of green cone opsin, with a main sensitivity peak at 510 nm and a

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