


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 zyme in visual excitation pathway in rod and cone photoreceptors.
2 cells, and horizontal cells rather than into cone photoreceptors.
3 ondarily to the non-cell autonomous death of cone photoreceptors.
4 put from short wavelength-sensitive ("blue") cone photoreceptors.
5 ) channels regulate Ca(2+) influx in rod and cone photoreceptors.
6 rized by the degeneration of retinal rod and cone photoreceptors.
7 ds and their most closely related cell type, cone photoreceptors.
8 nctional differences between retinal rod and cone photoreceptors.
9 oth alpha-subunit genes expressed in rod and cone photoreceptors.
10 leads to the premature death of both rod and cone photoreceptors.
11 y, by phototransduction signaling in rod and cone photoreceptors.
12 glion cells that also receive input from rod-cone photoreceptors.
13 tric measure of light intensity relevant for cone photoreceptors.
14 (2)(+) dynamics and their (dys)regulation in cone photoreceptors.
15 tional view that mammalian HBCs only contact cone photoreceptors.
16  also act locally at the level of individual cone photoreceptors.
17 ns, which form direct synaptic contacts with cone photoreceptors.
18 ffecting the density of their afferents, the cone photoreceptors.
19 lpha-tubulin (tdEOS-tubulin) specifically in cone photoreceptors.
20              Prominin-1 expresses in rod and cone photoreceptors.
21  segments, cell bodies, and axons of rod and cone photoreceptors.
22 ogically by progressive loss of rod and then cone photoreceptors.
23 al model to develop gene therapy directed to cone photoreceptors.
24 rection allows for routine imaging of foveal cone photoreceptors.
25 d for the proper functioning and survival of cone photoreceptors.
26 is understood regarding the role of AIPL1 in cone photoreceptors.
27 hibits complete degeneration of both rod and cone photoreceptors.
28 jection for in vivo delivery of retinoids to cone photoreceptors.
29 tinas, which represent an enriched source of cone photoreceptors.
30 ve disorders that solely or primarily affect cone photoreceptors.
31 induced proliferation or the regeneration of cone photoreceptors.
32        ZBED4 mRNA was found to be present in cone photoreceptors.
33 rd early adequate delivery of chromophore to cone photoreceptors.
34 gh-resolution daylight vision is mediated by cone photoreceptors.
35  developed retinal abnormalities and loss of cone photoreceptors.
36 d is critical for the health of both rod and cone photoreceptors.
37 rest the progressive degeneration of rod and cone photoreceptors.
38 or no effect on the survival and function of cone photoreceptors.
39 are extremely long-lived proteins in rod and cone photoreceptors.
40 cover accurate input pathways from surviving cone photoreceptors.
41  biochemical and functional role of CNGB3 in cone photoreceptors.
42 ion/amacrine cells at the expense of rod and cone photoreceptors.
43 n the visual transduction cascade in rod and cone photoreceptors.
44 NGA3 ACHM for clinical trials for therapy of cone photoreceptors.
45 the retinal circuit is provided primarily by cone photoreceptors acting as band-pass filters, but the
46 sitive, but also receive inputs from rod and cone photoreceptors, acting as the primary sensory condu
47                          The retina contains cone photoreceptors and ganglion cells that contain the
48 and functionally distinct from classical rod/cone photoreceptors and have unique properties, includin
49 Sall3 is prominently expressed in developing cone photoreceptors and horizontal interneurons of the m
50  to be present only in the outer segments of cone photoreceptors and may correspond to a homotrimer o
51 dings demonstrate nonredundant roles for rod-cone photoreceptors and melanopsin in mediating pupillar
52 ut of Gnb3 in mice results in dysfunction of cone photoreceptors and ON-bipolar cells and a naturally
53                                 Expressed in cone photoreceptors and ON-bipolar cells, Gbeta3 is esse
54  synaptic contact with both L/M as well as S-cone photoreceptors and only minimal contact with rod ph
55 uronal pathways process signals from rod and cone photoreceptors and support vision over a wide range
56 ith an expression pattern that covaried with cone photoreceptors and that was differentially expresse
57  of complete functional connectivity between cone photoreceptors and the four major types of ganglion
58 t regulates terminal differentiation of both cone photoreceptors and their postsynaptic partners.
59 nal synapse by signaling between the rod and cone photoreceptors and two general classes of bipolar c
60 e, visual stimulation targeted at individual cone photoreceptors, and a hierarchical computational mo
61 mong different cell classes, as with rod and cone photoreceptors, and adapt by shifting their dynamic
62 e rd1 mutation also prolongs the survival of cone photoreceptors, and partially restores visual funct
63 ral architecture of the visual system inputs-cone photoreceptors-and visual perception and have impli
64 icanthis niloticus) has a high proportion of cone photoreceptors ( approximately 30-40%) compared wit
65                                    Strips of cone photoreceptors, approximately 12 degrees x 1.8 degr
66 nowing how signals from the three classes of cone photoreceptor are combined in the cortex.
67                                              Cone photoreceptors are assembled by unknown mechanisms
68      In old world primates including humans, cone photoreceptors are classified according to their ma
69                                      Rod and cone photoreceptors are coupled by gap junctions (GJs),
70 he elephantnose fish (Gnathonemus petersii), cone photoreceptors are grouped together within reflecti
71                                      Rod and cone photoreceptors are highly similar in many respects
72 ng cone, cone-rod, and macular dystrophies), cone photoreceptors are more severely affected than rods
73  electroretinogram responses of both rod and cone photoreceptors are normal in knockout mice at 1 mon
74                                              Cone photoreceptors are the primary initiator of visual
75                             In bright light, cone-photoreceptors are active and colour vision derives
76                              Retinal rod and cone photoreceptors arguably represent the best-understo
77 sult of testing-induced damage to the rod or cone photoreceptors, as ERG amplitudes and ONL thickness
78 sents evidence regarding the role of rod and cone photoreceptors, as well as the role of recently dis
79 e immunostained with antibodies specific for cones photoreceptors, bipolar cells, mitochondria, Mulle
80                           Vertebrate rod and cone photoreceptors both release vesicles at synaptic ri
81 sis with its accumulation and aggregation in cone photoreceptors but without proteostatic impairment
82 hotoentrainment can be maintained by rod and cone photoreceptors, but their functional contributions
83 lase isozymes (RetGC1 and RetGC2) in rod and cone photoreceptors by calcium-sensitive guanylyl cyclas
84 a unique and stereotypic wiring pattern with cone photoreceptors by gaining synapses with specific ph
85                                In vertebrate cone photoreceptors, Ca(2+) controls photoresponse sensi
86 as performed in combination with markers for cone photoreceptors (calbindin, XAP-1) and ON bipolar ce
87                                              Cone photoreceptors carry out phototransduction in dayli
88  Stat3 and Ascl1a proteins following rod and cone photoreceptor cell apoptosis.
89 roid and retinal pigmented epithelium, early cone photoreceptor cell death, and reduced lengths of ro
90 a leucine zipper) is critical for rod versus cone photoreceptor cell fate choice during retinal devel
91 ranscription factor that dictates rod versus cone photoreceptor cell fate in the mammalian retina.
92 te-induced cell death in 661W cells, a mouse cone photoreceptor cell line, shown to express both estr
93        In addition, there was a reduction in cone photoreceptor cell number and cone b-wave amplitude
94 PE65 and raised in constant dark have higher cone photoreceptor cell number, improved cone opsin loca
95 phodiesterase gene Pde6beta and lose rod and cone photoreceptor cells (PRC) within the first 6 wk of
96 nterneurons that receive synaptic input from cone photoreceptor cells and provide the output of the f
97 inal tumor that expresses several markers of cone photoreceptor cells has been described earlier.
98 hotoactivation of visual pigments in rod and cone photoreceptor cells of the retina.
99 vide additional visible light to the rod and cone photoreceptor cells, and thereby improve the visual
100 Muller cells and maintenance of some rod and cone photoreceptor cells, as identified by vimentin, rec
101     To understand the importance of AIPL1 in cone photoreceptor cells, we transgenically expressed hA
102  middle to long wavelength-sensitive (M/LWS) cone photoreceptor cells.
103 e regeneration of visual pigments in rod and cone photoreceptor cells.
104 itive to loss of insm1a expression than were cone photoreceptor cells.
105 e under conditions that fully bleach rod and cone photoreceptor cells.
106 rdigitate with the outer segments of rod and cone photoreceptor cells.
107                                              Cone photoreceptors cells can use 11-cis-retinal from th
108 S) and medium/long-wavelength-sensitive (ML) cone photoreceptor classes.
109 dle (M)-, and short (S)-wavelength-sensitive cone photoreceptors combine antagonistically to produce
110 counting indicated relatively long surviving cone photoreceptors compared to rods.
111 investigated how the glutamatergic output of cone photoreceptors (cones) in the mouse retina is shape
112 s in expanded dendritic fields and increased cone photoreceptor contacts, demonstrating that DSCAM ac
113 topigment molecule in ipRGCs, as well as rod/cone photoreceptors, contains 11-cis-retinal (a vitamin
114 om several mammalian species with varied rod/cone photoreceptor content identified 18 lincRNAs that w
115 Vegfa in maintaining choroid vasculature and cone photoreceptors, critical for central and color visi
116    Precursor mRNA encoding CNGA3 subunits of cone photoreceptor cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel
117                                          The cone photoreceptor cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel
118                                              Cone photoreceptor cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel
119 rly rod death, followed by a slower phase of cone photoreceptor death.
120 ortunity to preserve daylight vision, as the cone photoreceptors degenerate more slowly than do the r
121                             In addition, the cone photoreceptors degenerate, but at a slower rate com
122   VAD and Rpe65(-)/(-) mice are different in cone photoreceptor degeneration, photoreceptor-specific
123                       Neither ligand altered cone photoreceptor densities.
124                              The function of cone photoreceptors depends upon the formation and maint
125 tion and synaptic noise generated in retinal cone photoreceptors determine the fidelity with which li
126  Visual acuity deteriorates rapidly once the cone photoreceptors die, as these cells provide daylight
127 rate rod and medium wavelength-sensitive (M) cone photoreceptors differentiate by repression of a sho
128 rophthalmic and displayed defects in rod and cone photoreceptor differentiation.
129                   In this study, the primary cone photoreceptor disorder achromatopsia served as the
130                                          New cone photoreceptors displayed unambiguous morphological
131 (HIP) that expresses the p53 gene in rod and cone photoreceptors driven by the human interphotorecept
132  from the cytoskeletal scaffold of zebrafish cone photoreceptors during development.
133 utosomal recessive disorder characterized by cone photoreceptor dysfunction.
134 in humans have recently been associated with cone photoreceptor dystrophy, while mouse models carryin
135                  At the first stage, rod and cone photoreceptors encode light and communicate with a
136 sducin, cGMP-gated channel, and red opsin of cone photoreceptors (equivalent to rhodopsin of rod phot
137 scription factor Tbx2b, but might also block cone photoreceptor fate.
138                       In the retina, rod and cone photoreceptors form distinct connections with diffe
139 lso provide support that partially preserves cone photoreceptors from rapid death in the absence of A
140 t was distributed at the PMC in both rod and cone photoreceptors from the central to peripheral retin
141 l, we identify a critical role of miR-211 in cone photoreceptor function and survival.
142 o unravelling the role of specific miRNAs in cone photoreceptor function and survival.
143 a demonstrate that Cacna1fa is essential for cone photoreceptor function and synaptic ribbon formatio
144 egenerations (IRDs) preferentially affecting cone photoreceptor function are being considered for tre
145  efficient pigment regeneration required for cone photoreceptor function in bright light.
146 l of these explanations imply that decreased cone photoreceptor function is possible, suggesting that
147 1)), retinal degeneration 8 (Crb1(rd8)), and cone photoreceptor function loss 3 (Gnat2(cpfl3)).
148 al amaurosis (LCA) with rapid cone loss] and cone photoreceptor function loss type 1 mice (severe rec
149 ity in retinol isomerase RPE65-deficient and cone photoreceptor function loss type 1 mice increased a
150               In patients with RP, preserved cone photoreceptor function measured by mfERG amplitude
151                                 Both rod and cone photoreceptor function were greater in treated (thr
152 he critical role of Elovl4 for proper rod or cone photoreceptor function.
153 going apoptosis and compromised both rod and cone photoreceptor function.
154 etinography (ERG) was used to assess rod and cone photoreceptor function.
155                                              Cone photoreceptors function under daylight conditions a
156 time- and dose-dependent declines in rod and cone photoreceptor functions as early as 120 days of age
157 enes covaried with multiple genes within the cone photoreceptor gene network.
158 nerate a coexpression network of established cone photoreceptor genes as a reference standard.
159                      In mutant dogs, rod and cone photoreceptors have a sensory cilium, but develop a
160               The light responses of rod and cone photoreceptors have been studied electrophysiologic
161 mination of the alternative roles of Grk1 in cone photoreceptor homeostasis.
162 um (RPE) supplies 11-cis-RAL to both rod and cone photoreceptors; however, stringent demands imposed
163 can be probed at the level of the individual cone photoreceptor in living eyes.
164                                              Cone photoreceptors in 40 eyes of 20 subjects aged 19-29
165 ological and anatomic rescue of both rod and cone photoreceptors in a preclinical model of RP.
166 rs are able to efficiently transduce rod and cone photoreceptors in addition to retinal pigment epith
167 olarized distribution of Crumbs2a protein in cone photoreceptors in both unperturbed and regenerated
168 regeneration is critical for the function of cone photoreceptors in bright and rapidly-changing light
169  visual system is the continuous function of cone photoreceptors in bright daylight.
170 cal for the continuous function of mammalian cone photoreceptors in daylight vision.
171         In this study, selective ablation of cone photoreceptors in live mouse retina and tracking of
172                  Relatively retained rod and cone photoreceptors in mid- and far-peripheral temporal-
173 periodic, almost crystalline distribution of cone photoreceptors in the adult teleost fish retina.
174  function and visual behavior and preserving cone photoreceptors in the GC1 knockout (GC1KO) mouse fo
175 us and specific expression of p53 in rod and cone photoreceptors in the mature retinas of HIP mice le
176 ation: early dysfunction and loss of rod and cone photoreceptors in the outer retina and, progressive
177 tina that convey visual signals from rod and cone photoreceptors in the outer retina to higher-order
178 esult in dysfunction and/or death of rod and cone photoreceptors in the retina.
179 on of the visual pigment by light in rod and cone photoreceptors initiates our visual perception.
180 te how inner retinal circuitry mediating rod-cone photoreceptor input contributes to functionally dis
181                  These findings suggest that cone photoreceptor inputs shape bandpass filtering in bi
182 d cone-rod dystrophy, which primarily affect cone photoreceptors instead of rods.
183  retina, depend on signals from both rod and cone photoreceptors, interactions occurring in retinal c
184  first decomposes the outputs of the rod and cone photoreceptors into approximately 12 parallel infor
185 layers away from the fovea, migration of the cone photoreceptors into the fovea, and elongation of th
186 c disorder of color vision where one type of cone photoreceptor is missing.
187 sitivity of cGMP-gated (CNG) ion channels in cone photoreceptors is modulated by CNG-modulin, a Ca(2+
188                                In the human, cone photoreceptors (L, M, and S) and the melanopsin-con
189 nted the long- and mid- wavelength sensitive cone photoreceptors (L- and M-cones) from adapting.
190 *-HA) expression rescues the degeneration of cone photoreceptors lacking Ranbp2.
191 e of foveal hypoplasia and disruption of the cone photoreceptor layer.
192             In retinitis pigmentosa, loss of cone photoreceptors leads to blindness, and preservation
193                                              Cone photoreceptor length and the thickness of intrareti
194 l bodies of red-, green-, and blue-sensitive cone photoreceptors localized asymmetrically on the cell
195        Cross-sectional imaging showed foveal cone photoreceptor loss with a ring of minimally preserv
196 intrinsic to vertebrate vision where rod and cone photoreceptors mediate dim- and bright-light vision
197                                      Retinal cone photoreceptors mediate fine visual acuity, daylight
198                                           As cone photoreceptors mediate vision in bright light, thei
199 CRALBP, encoded by RLBP1) can lead to severe cone photoreceptor-mediated vision loss in patients.
200 etermined if treatment with HDACi can rescue cone photoreceptor-mediated visual function.
201  current makes the light response of rod and cone photoreceptors more transient, an effect similar to
202  has sought to evaluate the integrity of the cone photoreceptor mosaic in four patients previously de
203  (AOSLO) enables direct visualization of the cone photoreceptor mosaic in the living human retina.
204 bute substantially to the reflectance of the cone photoreceptor mosaic.
205 blems.Digital micrographs were obtained from cone photoreceptor mosaics visualized by anti-opsin immu
206      We created mice lacking RDH10 either in cone photoreceptors, Muller cells, or the entire retina.
207                                      Rod and cone photoreceptor neurons utilize discrete PDE6 enzymes
208 riking example is the apical localization of cone photoreceptors nuclei at the outer edge of the oute
209 s the genetic sources of marked variation in cone photoreceptor number among inbred lines of mice, id
210   The mouse retina shows marked variation in cone photoreceptor number, some of which must be control
211 ates the cGMP sensitivity of the channels in cone photoreceptors of striped bass (Morone saxatilis).
212 ssion of visual pigment proteins (opsins) in cone photoreceptors of the retina.
213 We report here a mechanism whereby zebrafish cone photoreceptors of the same type are produced by sym
214 us laevis ortholog of prominin-1, in rod and cone photoreceptors of this frog.
215 d and localized in outer segments of rod and cone photoreceptors of X. laevis.
216 e sustained delivery of retinoids to rod and cone photoreceptors of young mice lacking a normal suppl
217                        The classical rod and cone photoreceptors, on the other hand, mediate image vi
218 rily due to the lack of a unified concept of cone photoreceptor organization and its role in retinal
219 odel recapitulates many observed features of cone photoreceptor organization during retinal growth an
220 s down the cause of acute vision loss to the cone photoreceptor outer segment and will refocus the se
221 zebrafish consisting of disorganized rod and cone photoreceptor outer segments resulting in abnormal
222 ntricity, with the two groups having similar cone photoreceptor packing densities beyond 0.5 mm retin
223        We evaluated the relationship between cone photoreceptor packing density and outer nuclear lay
224 A) was used to calculate the interaction for cone photoreceptor packing density between age, meridian
225 eridional difference in cone densities, with cone photoreceptor packing density decreasing faster wit
226 eceptors within the strips were counted, and cone photoreceptor packing density was calculated.
227                                 As expected, cone photoreceptor packing density was higher close to t
228                                              Cone photoreceptor populations were counted in C57BL/6J
229               Retinoblastomas can arise from cone photoreceptor precursors in response to the loss of
230 ntal cells and an increase in the numbers of cone photoreceptor precursors.
231               The ability to directly assess cone photoreceptor preservation with SD-OCT and/or adapt
232 opment of HC dendrites and triad synapses of cone photoreceptors proceeds normally in the absence of
233 complex consists of four cell types (rod and cone photoreceptors, projection neurons and parapineal n
234                                      Rod and cone photoreceptor (R(ROD), S(ROD), R(CONE), S(CONE)) an
235 erior pineal complex anlage differentiate as cone photoreceptors rather than parapineal neurons.
236 es in light-evoked responses between rod and cone photoreceptors remains unclear.
237 ures by using intermittent light to activate cone photoreceptors repeatedly in humans.
238  Hz) for 30 min, which was given to activate cone photoreceptors repeatedly, elicited sustained pupil
239 on are initiated in rod and several types of cone photoreceptors, respectively; these photoreceptors
240         Electroretinograms revealed abnormal cone photoreceptor responses from wud mutants, indicatin
241 ave revealed that loss of SynJ1 also affects cone photoreceptor ribbon synapses, causing pronounced m
242  specifically investigate the development of cone photoreceptor ribbon synapses.
243 illing of a depleted vesicle release pool at cone photoreceptor ribbons is 0.7-1.1 s.
244 stent with this, short- wavelength sensitive cone photoreceptors (S-cones) did not show the adaptive
245                    Noise in the responses of cone photoreceptors sets a fundamental limit on visual s
246 enes expressed in mutant rod or both rod and cone photoreceptors show significant downregulation, whi
247                                           In cone photoreceptors, similar to bipolar cells, fusion of
248 ffects of RetGC1 deficiency on human rod and cone photoreceptor structure and function are currently
249  common mechanism that controls both rod and cone photoreceptor subtype specification, regulating dis
250 d an unaltered distribution of the different cone photoreceptor subtypes upon Pde6h ablation.
251                                      Rod and cone photoreceptors support vision across large light in
252 d opsin expression provided enhanced rod and cone photoreceptor survival and function, as measured by
253   The effects of aging and light exposure on cone photoreceptor survival were compared between mouse
254 ed retinal degeneration, and their effect on cone photoreceptor survival, we generated an Rpe65/P25L
255 neurons, impairs synaptogenesis, and reduces cone photoreceptor survival.
256                                The mammalian cone photoreceptor synapse provides advantages for compa
257                     We then demonstrate that cone photoreceptor synapses are assembled before the ela
258 tropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) regulate cone photoreceptor synaptic transmission, although the m
259                        Results show that the cone photoreceptor system was more severely affected tha
260 to two visual arrestins that bind to rod and cone photoreceptors (termed arrestin1 and arrestin4), th
261 l evidence for synaptic transmission between cone photoreceptor terminals and ORDs suggests a novel p
262 onses using two-photon imaging in individual cone photoreceptor terminals and to probe phototransduct
263 bipolar cells juxtaposed to CB(1)-containing cone photoreceptor terminals.
264                            B6/J has 70% more cone photoreceptors than A/J.
265 nd relative retention of the central retinal cone photoreceptors that lack function.
266 fail to produce rods and generate functional cone photoreceptors that predominantly express S-opsin.
267 consequently results in the death of rod and cone photoreceptors that they support, structurally and
268 and has evolved over time to produce rod and cone photoreceptors that vary in a species-specific mann
269 is deletion also caused rapid dysfunction of cone photoreceptors, the cells responsible for fine visu
270             Before the maturation of rod and cone photoreceptors, the developing retina relies on lig
271                                           In cone photoreceptors, the molecular identity of the modul
272 ugh "duplex" retinae containing both rod and cone photoreceptors, the signals from which are processe
273                              Instead, foveal cone photoreceptors themselves exhibited slower light re
274 ropagation of visual signals from individual cone photoreceptors through parallel neural circuits was
275 that is mediated by activity of both rod and cone photoreceptors through the ON and OFF pathways.
276 toactivation is critical for the function of cone photoreceptors throughout the day.
277 and strength of the functional input of each cone photoreceptor to each ganglion cell.
278            We found that Pias3 acts in mouse cone photoreceptors to activate expression of M opsin an
279  photoreceptors may be more susceptible than cone photoreceptors to the effects of ocriplasmin.
280  relative contribution of melanopsin and rod-cone photoreceptors to the pupillary light reflex in hum
281 ssible to resolve the contribution of single cone photoreceptors to the response of central visual ne
282  the phototransduction cascade of vertebrate cone photoreceptors to tune gain, inactivation, and ligh
283                                              Cone photoreceptors transmit signals at high temporal fr
284 periments, we demonstrate the feasibility of cone photoreceptor transplantation into the wild-type an
285 ion of color relies on signals from multiple cone photoreceptor types.
286 long (L) and middle (M) wavelength-sensitive cone photoreceptor types.
287                                      Rod and cone photoreceptors use a specialized structure called t
288                                      Rod and cone photoreceptors use similar but distinct sets of pho
289 ntravenous injection of IAA on swine rod and cone photoreceptor viability and morphology was followed
290 cent studies have implicated TH signaling in cone photoreceptor viability.
291 implicated thyroid hormone (TH) signaling in cone photoreceptor viability.
292                          Using mice in which cone photoreceptors were ablated, we found that rods sig
293  rod-derived electroretinogram response, but cone photoreceptors were non-functional in the absence o
294  synaptic terminals of short and long/middle cone photoreceptors, whereas Pde6h(-/-) retinae remained
295 (+) signaling is well exemplified by retinal cone photoreceptors, which, with their distinct compartm
296 vision in birds is mediated by four types of cone photoreceptors whose maximal sensitivities (lambdam
297 reduced in numbers, reconnected to undamaged cone photoreceptors with correct wiring patterns.
298           They showed substantially retained cone photoreceptors with disproportionate cone function
299  GABAergic interneuron that samples from all cone photoreceptors within reach and modulates their glu
300                                              Cone photoreceptors within the strips were counted, and

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