コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 free mass spectrometry, Western blotting, or confocal imaging.
2 ium concentration as determined by live-cell confocal imaging.
3 myocytes, using high resolution fluorescence confocal imaging.
4 eously measuring [Ca(2)(+)]i with high-speed confocal imaging.
5 rial myocyte Ca(2+) signaling observed using confocal imaging.
6 ochondria were analyzed by semi-quantitative confocal imaging.
7 localization of the PICELs was confirmed by confocal imaging.
8 blotting and immunocytochemical analysis and confocal imaging.
9 a was evaluated by immunohistochemistry with confocal imaging.
10 ansgenic mice were observed using time-lapse confocal imaging.
11 with biocytin conjugated to Alexa Fluor and confocal imaging.
12 through transmission electron microscopy and confocal imaging.
13 o colocalize with TLR2 and GD1a, as shown by confocal imaging.
14 ell line using fluorescence spectroscopy and confocal imaging.
15 tracers in combination with high-resolution confocal imaging.
16 s were localized by immunohistochemistry and confocal imaging.
17 en 488 followed by monitoring with live cell confocal imaging.
18 n sites are within the optical resolution of confocal imaging.
19 ounding hepatic tissue using reflected light confocal imaging.
20 pendent receptors using vital mouse eyes and confocal imaging.
21 sphorylation was measured by immunoblots and confocal imaging.
22 rs of cell membrane signals obtained from 4D confocal imaging.
23 n reaction, ELISA, immunohistochemistry, and confocal imaging.
24 asured with a PIP2-sensitive fluorophore and confocal imaging.
25 lung tissue by transcriptomic profiling and confocal imaging.
26 sity and morphology by using fluorescent dye confocal imaging.
27 eat majority of these studies used line-scan confocal imaging.
28 ated colocalization of Kir2.1 and WT-Cav3 by confocal imaging.
29 rized by two-color flow cytometry assays and confocal imaging; 2) decrease protein stability estimate
33 s been detected in skeletal muscle fibers by confocal imaging after the removal of the sarcolemma.
34 ally cleared the bone marrow to perform deep confocal imaging, allowing us to image thousands of alph
42 formation in-vitro by a combination of live confocal imaging and an array of image processing and an
44 measurements in free solution, supported by confocal imaging and binding assays with cultured cells,
58 during zebrafish gastrulation using in vivo confocal imaging and found that cells in dorsal tissues
60 nd positions and rotates them for high-speed confocal imaging and laser manipulation of both superfic
65 Wound healing was monitored using in vivo confocal imaging and postmortem alphaSMA immunohistochem
66 cycling compartment was further supported by confocal imaging and reversible biotinylation experiment
68 on of patch clamp recording, immunoblotting, confocal imaging and structural modelling, we characteri
76 mount CNS dissection, immunohistochemistry, confocal imaging, and analysis of developmental expressi
77 ular reconstitution of TJ strands, live cell confocal imaging, and freeze-fracture electron microscop
79 e-specific CREB (pCREB) and CREB antibodies, confocal imaging, and immunofluorescence measurements at
80 deeply analyzed by flow cytometric imaging, confocal imaging, and measurement of platelet releasates
81 ed Raman scattering (SRS) and laser scanning confocal imaging, and microtome sectioning techniques we
82 Coimmunoprecipitation, immunohistochemistry, confocal imaging, and patch-clamp recording were used to
83 cated by two-color flow cytometry assays and confocal imaging, and prevented CaValpha2delta1-mediated
84 unction genes was analyzed using multi-label confocal imaging, and their expression patterns mapped a
85 escent protein (GFP)-tagged Cx43 followed by confocal imaging, and Western blot analysis using protei
89 sed a combination of whole-cell patch clamp, confocal imaging, co-immunoprecipitation, and surface bi
98 embrane-permeant PI3P derivative, time-lapse confocal imaging, electrophysiology, as well as knockdow
101 rturbations were postsynaptic in origin, and confocal imaging experiments revealed they were unaccomp
103 FLS2 trafficking, we exploited quantitative confocal imaging for colocalization studies and chemical
108 city after 48 hours by using flow cytometry, confocal imaging, immunoblotting, and fluorimetric assay
109 e examined using immunofluorescent staining, confocal imaging, immunoelectron microscopy, Western blo
110 studies combining video-rate multiphoton and confocal imaging in 4D demonstrate the possibility of dy
111 ng in atrial tissue and one-/two-dimensional confocal imaging in atrial tissue and myocytes from wild
112 human antigen R (HuR) were analyzed by using confocal imaging in both normal and KC fibroblasts.
118 ion of genes or RNA interference strategies, confocal imaging, laser capture microdissection, RNA mic
119 ctron microscopic studies as well as digital confocal imaging localized a portion of these ClC channe
123 compared to non-targeted liposomes based on confocal imaging of a fluorescent cargo, and the availab
125 s protocol describes multichannel time-lapse confocal imaging of anchor-cell invasion in live Caenorh
130 rosine kinase immunohistochemistry and laser confocal imaging of Ca(2+) transients revealed ICC-like
131 , membrane currents and synaptic inputs with confocal imaging of cell shape and subsequent 3-dimensio
132 vel assay of mitochondrial dynamics based on confocal imaging of cells expressing a mitochondrial mat
135 necessary for remodeling, we performed live confocal imaging of cultured mouse embryos during vessel
138 ectory and arborization in the tectum, using confocal imaging of DiI-labeled retinotectal fibers in w
142 ssed proteins and time-resolved quantitative confocal imaging of endogenous proteins along with a flu
144 nducting simultaneous force spectroscopy and confocal imaging of F-actin in membrane protrusions.
145 by combining traditional approaches with 3D confocal imaging of fibrils, in which homo- and heterotr
146 cal bilayer system capable of laser scanning confocal imaging of fluo-3 fluorescence due to Ca2+ flux
148 h that permitted simultaneous (i) high-speed confocal imaging of fluorescence from individual smooth
152 rough optogenetic stimulation and subsequent confocal imaging of genetically targeted retinal ganglio
153 ulating alpha(1D)-AR localization using both confocal imaging of GFP- or CFP-tagged alpha(1)-ARs and
159 ing multi-channel four-dimensional (x,y,z,t) confocal imaging of Grx1-roGFP2 and fluorescent reporter
161 bundles measured optically was evaluated by confocal imaging of immunohistochemistry staining of cyt
163 tions in culture were examined by time-lapse confocal imaging of individual sensory neuron varicositi
168 evoked changes in presynaptic Ca2+ level via confocal imaging of isolated presynaptic nerve endings f
171 strength via field recordings in slices and confocal imaging of labeled spines to explore changes in
175 we analyzed the synaptic profile of MSNs via confocal imaging of Lucifer-yellow-filled cells, ultrast
177 Whole-cell capacitance measurements and confocal imaging of membrane-impermeant fluorescent indi
179 In rhod-2 AM-loaded and permeabilized cells, confocal imaging of mitochondrial Ca(2+) showed a transi
180 patches in >1200 synapses, using high-power confocal imaging of mouse cochleas immunostained for CtB
181 luorescence and reflectance contrast in vivo confocal imaging of murine skin using 488 nm (fluorescen
182 tured hippocampal neurons were visualized by confocal imaging of neurons expressing DsRed2 and postsy
184 2+)](i)) can be visualized by laser-scanning confocal imaging of neurons loaded with the fluorescent
185 ng a combination of morphologic analysis and confocal imaging of polarity markers in three-dimensiona
191 and electrically active adult axons in vivo, confocal imaging of saphenous nerves in anaesthetised mi
199 e show, using cochlear functional assays and confocal imaging of the inner ear in mouse, that acousti
201 ing phagocytosis of opsonized zymosan, using confocal imaging of the pH sensing dye SNARF-1, enhanced
202 c optical signals (IOSs) recorded in dynamic confocal imaging of the retina, and to demonstrate the f
203 lizes very strongly to the base of cilia and confocal imaging of this construct allows for simple vis
205 ed by tomographic imaging of intact mice and confocal imaging of tissues, and were identified by elec
206 with basal-to-apical vectoral transport, and confocal imaging of transcellular insulin transport.
208 of structural maturation of CA3 synapses by confocal imaging of YFP-expressing cells followed by tri
210 phagocytes was assessed in mice by live-cell confocal imaging or by cytofluorometry; small intestine
211 xy-SNARF-1, a pH fluorophore, when used with confocal imaging or flow cytometry, reliably reports pH(
216 ngly, static fate maps together with dynamic confocal imaging reveal that the neural plate border is
217 immunogold electron microscopy and live-cell confocal imaging revealed a population of UL16 that does
226 time points in combination with whole-mount confocal imaging revealed these long-lived unipotent lum
232 sists of a two-photon and visible-wavelength confocal imaging setup, controlled by executive software
235 sed on its amino acid sequence, surprisingly confocal imaging showed it is translocated into the nucl
244 With the aid of live-cell laser scanning confocal imaging, spatiotemporal studies revealed that m
250 ll surface biotinylation assay and live cell confocal imaging studies showed the human TPP transporte
254 Here, we employ high-throughput quantitative confocal imaging, super-resolution and electron microsco
255 lar bile duct during cholestasis, we used 3D confocal imaging, surface reconstructions, and automated
266 g point illumination and point detection for confocal imaging, their physical implementation is the s
268 l characterization, and Western blotting and confocal imaging to assay expression and surface traffic
270 e, we have used single-molecule and scanning confocal imaging to characterize the behavior of GFP-tag
272 oanatomical tracing, immunofluorescence, and confocal imaging to demonstrate that virtually all NTS--
273 urine flexor digitorum brevis myofibers) and confocal imaging to detect and calibrate the signals.
275 iological relevance of dimerization, we used confocal imaging to show that dimerization interface mut
295 precipitation, dot and Western blotting, and confocal imaging were performed for signaling, cellular
296 e olfactory epithelial slice preparation and confocal imaging were used to measure changes in intrace
297 s correlated with proximity to the membrane (confocal imaging, whole-cell voltage-clamp, K5fluo-4 as
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