


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tioning more as a facilitator than a mold to conform to.
2 operative pain management, 49% received care conforming to 3 guidelines, and only 9% to 4 or 5.
3 ructure and to ensure all known neuron types conform to a common nomenclature system.
4                                         Most conform to a consensus in which a three-nucleotide bulge
5 bution spanning five orders of magnitude and conform to a distance rule reflecting exponential decay
6 tem, we showed that clone size distributions conform to a distinctive scaling behavior at short times
7 arkers, we show that some Wnt tumours indeed conform to a hierarchical configuration, but that others
8       The observed rate data are complex but conform to a model in which serine can bind to two forms
9 f overlapping exploitation networks, do they conform to a more ordered general pattern across all com
10         The spatial power spectral densities conform to a power law distribution with some nonlinear
11                                     The data conform to a reaction-diffusion model in which most KLP6
12  and histogenesis in the mammalian neocortex conform to a remarkably orderly and deterministic progra
13 gulator" transcription factors do not neatly conform to a simple helper T-cell paradigm.
14 se the mechanism of Cre recombinase does not conform to a simple kinetic scheme, we employ numerical
15 g so that the genealogies of SNPs do not all conform to a single topology.
16 ells illustrates that ER46 can topologically conform to a type I transmembrane protein structure.
17 iform distribution of the leading digit, but conform to a very particular pattern known as Benford's
18  part because the DNA sequence motifs do not conform to a well-defined symmetry.
19 of AKAP79 identified a PP1 binding site that conformed to a consensus PP1 binding motif (FxxR/KxR/K)
20 eason for this is that the field has largely conformed to a do-it-yourself ethic, although the challe
21                        One complication (2%) conformed to a grade 3 event, as determined with the Com
22                 Speed and time to exhaustion conformed to a hyperbolic relationship (r(2) = 0.92 +/-
23  but may be found in Table 2.) These results conformed to a kinetic model where the acylation (k(ac))
24 c sample whose dietary patterns most closely conformed to a Mediterranean-type pattern had a modestly
25 onship that was conserved across species and conformed to a model in which a large fraction of channe
26 he behavior of fully half of the place cells conformed to a model of path integration in which the pr
27            Each of the 30 enhancers examined conformed to a pattern of highly conserved blocks of seq
28 eletion mutant under both culture conditions conformed to a pattern resembling canonical CRP regulati
29 ol animals' performance on this task closely conformed to a predictive model of risk-neutral value ma
30 me and that changes in community composition conformed to a smooth temporal gradient.
31 a function of stimulus duration or intensity conformed to a two-parameter logistic equation.
32  Further analysis showed that these two SNPs conformed with a heterogeneity model.
33 he rostral band, suggesting that motor units conforming to a Fast Synapsing (FaSyn) phenotype are lik
34 ous guanines separated by one or more bases, conforming to a general motif capable of forming an intr
35 erminal cluster of basic amino acid residues conforming to a nuclear localization motif.
36 ocytosis-controlling region to four residues conforming to a YXXPhi (where X is any amino acid and Ph
37                                              Conforming with a role for NOTCH in this process, presen
38  The proximal portion of the SERT C terminus conforms to a canonical binding site for DnaK/heat shock
39                                The structure conforms to a helix-bend-helix-turn-helix motif and reve
40 cocalyx, and fibrils of collagen in copepods conforms to a meningeal organization.
41                                 The reaction conforms to a ping-pong mechanism with the kinetic param
42 ncreasing delta(82)Se with decreasing Se(VI) conforms to a Rayleigh type distillation model with an e
43 logs have a highly conserved C terminus that conforms to a type II PDZ protein interaction motif, and
44 he director configuration occurs, wherein it conforms to a unique splay-minimizing configuration.
45 res showed that this domain in ARF5 and ARF7 conforms to a well-known PB1 (Phox and Bem1) domain that
46 onstructive measures have been undertaken to conform to accepted ethical standards.
47 udent vaccination and serologic testing that conform to ACIP recommendations and should encourage ann
48 in we report a novel observation that PLCSCs conform to all the ISCT criteria and are therefore MSCs.
49 in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome conform to all three predictions thereby maximizing the
50 rily be unique, making it rarely possible to conform to an idealized training sequence.
51 i-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), however, conform to an opposing trend.
52                      Fourteen percent of use conformed to an NCCN-supported off-label indication, and
53      The number of concurrent HPV infections conformed to an overdispersed Poisson distribution, even
54                               Base pairs not conforming to an acceptable geometry within the polymera
55 ction, we show that the sensitizing surround conforms to an optimal inference model that continually
56           Pits visualized in the PMD surface conformed to bacterial shapes suggesting active hydrolys
57 ofiles for both log k cat/ K m and log k cat conformed to bell-shaped curves for which an inverse sol
58 for supporting electronic devices capable of conforming to bio-logical surfaces.
59 terials with a Young's modulus below 100 kPa conforming to biological applications, yet those gel pro
60                             The binding data conformed to both exothermic and endothermic phases with
61 A modified portable isolation chamber, which conforms to CDC infection control guidelines, was found
62 78 is significantly altered so that the drug conforms to changes in the binding pocket primarily caus
63 PKPKLPKH reveals selective interactions that conform to class II SH3 domain-binding peptides.
64 al conjugation in mycobacteria that does not conform to classic oriT-based conjugation models, and wh
65              The extent to which CFTR gating conforms to classic allosteric schemes of ligand activat
66 ext and signals a prosocial prediction error conforming to classical principles of reinforcement lear
67 ion making is emotionally "hot" and does not conform to "cold" classical probability (CP) theory.
68          However, none of the reforms purely conform to common health-system archetypes, nor are they
69 iers have been standardized across models to conform to community standards and enable rapid comparis
70 re via unanticipated mechanisms, while still conforming to community-level metabolic theory.
71                                    The study conformed to CONSORT guidelines.
72 ing in high population-level diversity while conforming to constraints associated with maximum genome
73 r monocytes, changes with time, and does not conform to current macrophage classifications.
74 the intact nervous system and is unlikely to conform to current models of endocytosis.
75 The shape revealed by the ENA image does not conform to current models, wherein the heliosphere resem
76  proof-of-principle, we show that the method conforms to design and that we can read contiguous bases
77 ften appear to contain more than one example conforming to each of the three system classes.
78 hree different phylogeographic patterns that conform to either an in situ survival model or an expans
79 unities in the foreland of an Arctic glacier conforms to either of these models, we collected samples
80 ~300-y lag in the human demographic response conforms with either slow (~0.3%) intrinsic annual popul
81 ot explained by task performance and did not conform to established locales of prefrontal inefficienc
82 ntermuscular coherence in eight patients who conformed to established diagnostic criteria for primary
83 8F-AV-1451 binding in specific brain regions conforming to established brain-behaviour relationships
84 lity theory (EUT) and that human performance conforms to EUT in many perceptual and motor decision ta
85 hical relationships between latent variables conform to existing knowledge.
86 ith maximum length of perfect match does not conform to expectations based on considering the effect
87 y, the properties of the candidate CoMs also conformed to expectations based on prior theoretical and
88 from species in all of these groups does not conform to expected evolutionary relationships of the sp
89 SC Genome Browser or any annotation data set conforming to Generic Feature Format version 3 (GFF3).
90 ould be produced under restricted conditions conforming to GMP guidelines.
91 mpathize with in-group members; to learn and conform to group norms and cultural practices; to extend
92                               In populations conforming to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE), screenin
93 erception, so-called multistable perception, conform to highly consistent and characteristic statisti
94 verseen by an institutional review board and conformed to HIPAA guidelines on patient data integrity.
95 proved by the institutional review board and conformed with HIPAA requirements.
96 ate-to-CA3 and CA3-to-CA1) were upregulated, conforming to homeostatic gain control in order to avoid
97 mpliance with each establishment's protocols conforming to International Organization for Standardiza
98                         The island ecosystem conforms to island biogeographic predictions of bat spec
99 accreditation of the respective laboratories conforming to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard techniques.
100 onferences in PICUs across the United States conform to key elements of medical incident analysis.
101 ether the morbidity and mortality conference conforms to key elements of medical incident analysis, w
102 leophiles were employed, stereoselectivities conformed to known S(N)1 stereoelectronic models.
103    Significantly, flow rate independent data conforming to linear diffusion controlled theory are fou
104 iding evidence that the final helix collapse conforms to linear response theory.
105 ought to be highly inbred, Melittobia do not conform to local mate competition (LMC) theory but exhib
106 served that DGKzeta-deficient CD8(+) T cells conform to most predictions of the current model of how
107                Healthy dietary patterns that conform to national dietary guidelines are related to lo
108 el." Off-label use was divided by whether it conformed to National Comprehensive Care Network (NCCN)
109 antipsychotic and more likely to receive one conforming to NAVIGATE prescribing principles, and were
110 trality indicated that segregating variation conforms to neutral model expectations for the loci that
111 ndent SLP profiles of all studied constructs conform to no predictions of current models.
112 n and flexible dielectric metasurfaces which conform to objects' surface and change their optical pro
113 the depth distribution of particles does not conform to one-dimensional diffusion in the pores, proba
114 similar to endogenous plant metabolites that conform to optimal defense theory.
115 plate can be used to assess whether a sample conforms to or deviates from the typical behavior of the
116                     Only 5 % of these models conform to our criteria for metallo-beta-lactamase funct
117  NGS revealed that the two viruses generally conform to our general understanding of the Ad transcrip
118 tegorization of responses in medial amygdala conforms to our previously reported findings in male ham
119 uman adults listened to three-word sequences conforming to patterns readily learned even by honeybees
120        Lyotropic mesophases, where membranes conform to periodic minimal surfaces dividing two nonpen
121                    Randomized two-arm design conformed to planned error rates.
122 rom protein simulations to generate dynamics conforming to positive levels of entropy production.
123 alidity correlations, known-groups analyses) conform to predictions and support the use of the PRSIQ
124 ir activity and that, while their firing may conform to predictions of these models in some cases, th
125  breast cancer models, yielding results that conformed with predictions based on the antimelanoma res
126 x (OFC) that peaked at the time of decision, conforming to predictions derived from an integrator mod
127 ndard TD models and that, while their firing conforms to predictions of TD models in some cases, they
128                                              Conforming to predominantly left-lateralized damage in s
129                     We used standard methods conforming to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic R
130 emory subset homing to inflammation does not conform to previously hypothesized migration patterns.
131 aling 127,386 unique integration sites which conformed to previously published piggyBac data.
132 by both diet and antibiotic treatment, which conformed to previously published reports.
133            This application of DFT generally conforms with previously suggested criteria for a valid
134                                  When speech conformed to prior knowledge, subjective perceptual clar
135 urements, where we identify data ranges that conform to (quasi)-adiabatic conditions.
136 to test whether stream bacterial communities conform to Rapoport's Rule, a pattern commonly observed
137                                   The system conforms to recently released Food and Drug Administrati
138                  Restrictions do not seem to conform with recommendations from professional organizat
139                                         This conforms to results reported in rats.
140 ntaining B, C, and N of various compositions conform to several stable phases in the three-component
141                        The resulting picture conforms with several results in sociology and in the ex
142     The method was demonstrated on data sets conforming to simple, segmented, and complex scaling.
143 otted to the tactile receptors on fingertips conforms to skilful use of the hand.
144 ncluding progressive scoliosis, that did not conform to standard diagnostic classification.
145 neither were predicted by the DQC theory nor conform to standard scenarios.
146  only those peptides with high affinity that conform to stringent length and sequence requirements.
147                                   These data conform to structural models for E1-E2 ATPases whereby a
148   Here we show that BOLD activity in the VTA conforms to such TD predictions: responses to unexpected
149             Thus, in mice, amygdala activity conforms to temporal difference models of aversive learn
150 y modifying the RSV F amino acid sequence to conform to that of an early passage of the original isol
151 ns, the spatial distribution of (124)I-huA33 conformed to that of A33 antigen, and there was a linear
152 Changes to the kidney allocation system must conform to the 1984 National Organ Transplant Act (NOTA)
153 redict that eukaryotic Switch 3 loops likely conform to the archaeal rather than bacterial functional
154 ation across studies, and genes that did not conform to the assumptions of the sample-level meta-anal
155 equences of different size that nevertheless conform to the binding motif of the large and abundant H
156 rate, but their quaternary structure did not conform to the canonical pairing expected for class III
157 ne-containing sequence, pY(173)IDR, does not conform to the canonical recognition motif for an SH2 do
158    The central retinal projections generally conform to the characteristic arrangement observed in Ne
159 unique mechanical properties allow e-dura to conform to the circumvolutions of the brain and spinal c
160 ed and synthesised ingredients are ones that conform to the Codex and EU dietary fibre definition.
161             This blocking mechanism does not conform to the commonly held view that allosteric commun
162  The engineering of bioadhesives to bind and conform to the complex contour of tissue surfaces remain
163 in the present work) conserved elements that conform to the consensus binding site for Spo0A approxim
164 could constrain the parameter adjustments to conform to the control parameters' covariance structure.
165  the various proposed dates two do appear to conform to the criteria to mark the beginning of the Ant
166  a significant restructuring to more closely conform to the data organization and formatting of Model
167 s not the only arena where decisions fail to conform to the dictates of logic.
168  such a way that its major groove expands to conform to the dsRBD's binding surface.
169 ptor identified in platelets and appeared to conform to the established model of ITIM-mediated attenu
170 tokine genes (Ifng, Il4, and Il17) partially conform to the expectation of lineage commitment, genes
171 ough group identity and adopt practices that conform to the expectations and dynamics of such groups.
172                               Optotypes that conform to the expectations of scale invariance are need
173 ivalency during ESC differentiation does not conform to the expected model of two marks as counteract
174        However, the phenotype may not always conform to the genetic characteristics, may not allow ri
175 ng literature, but not all behavior seems to conform to the gradual convergence that is a central fea
176  adsorption propensities of inorganic anions conform to the Hofmeister series.
177 risk, this study shows that monkeys' choices conform to the internal reward valuations suggested by t
178 , and membrane perturbation measurements all conform to the inverted-V model for the structure of wil
179 of the 39709 isomeric structures that do not conform to the IPR was found in Gd3N@Cs(39663)-C82.
180 ructures of Tb(3)N@C(88) and Tb(3)N@C(86) do conform to the IPR.
181  serogroup C PS (Men C)-TT conjugate vaccine conform to the isotype-switched (IgG(+)CD27(+)) rather t
182 predictivity for those complexes that do not conform to the modelling assumptions.
183 ration of new chemicals and for chemicals to conform to the new EU Chemical regulations under Registr
184  some individual genes in all groups fail to conform to the null model.
185 function, the gamma(1) and gamma(6) subunits conform to the original description of these proteins as
186   Here, we show that cyst stem cells (CySCs) conform to the paradigm of neutral competition and that
187  show that fungi that forage for wood do not conform to the paradigm of symmetric radial growth and g
188 oupled cleavage event was noted that did not conform to the pattern of those described previously.
189                                  The results conform to the pattern typically obtained in word primin
190 nsive elements in the human insulin promoter conform to the pentanucleotide 5'-CTAAT-3' sequence, the
191        Blood-derived TAMs do not universally conform to the phenotype of microglia, but preferentiall
192                               These features conform to the predicted sequence of character acquisiti
193 YP/6-31G* calculations, the results of which conform to the preferred introduction of a 1,2- or 2,3-d
194 perative relationships between bacteria that conform to the principles of comparative advantage.
195 nctional properties of face-processing areas conform to the principles of predictive coding.
196 ind to Ubc12, promote cullin neddylation, or conform to the reaction processivity paradigms, suggesti
197 ontribute to a wider class of decisions that conform to the regularities of choice-reaction time pred
198 e NMR data of the synthetic compound did not conform to the reported natural product structure posses
199  of the direction of sex change, individuals conform to the same overall strategy, producing more off
200 for the lung and its confining chest wall to conform to the same volume.
201  superfamily of metal sensors that appear to conform to the same winged helical, homodimeric fold, th
202 tial extent along the spinal cord and likely conform to the spinal cord's functionally relevant segme
203 t the stomata of ferns and lycophytes do not conform to the standard active abscisic acid (ABA) -medi
204 e cycle stages observed and therefore do not conform to the standard fungal body plan.
205 onstrate that subspecies in P. faunus do not conform to the structuring of genetic variation.
206                            Target sites that conform to the substrate requirements of fCas9 occur on
207 ively controlled, both for deployment and to conform to the surrounding environment.
208 tural features of such relaxed conformations conform to the target designs, local deformations are ab
209 ng different expected resource distributions conform to the theory's central predictions.
210  flexibility of graphene, which allows it to conform to the topography of even the smoothest substrat
211 imensional radiation dose distributions that conform to the tumor treatment volume while avoiding adj
212                                  In order to conform to the US Food and Drug Administration's accepte
213                               Two cases that conform to the variably protease-sensitive prionopathy p
214  round mutant cells are physically forced to conform to the wild-type rod-shape, they will reverse th
215        The murine constitutive CP structures conform to the yeast system, with the apo-form settled i
216 tures of an FC maltoside and an HC maltoside conform with the assumption of only one type of micelle
217 sented for a single channel and are shown to conform with the results of prior handicap signalling mo
218 position and orientation, the surface chains conformed to the disordered lattice constituting the cor
219 ommittee on human research, ensuring that it conformed to the ethical guidelines of the 1975 Declarat
220                              Animal handling conformed to the ethics guidelines of the Office for Hea
221 nel of practicing clinician stakeholders and conformed to the Institute of Medicine's tenets for trus
222 fort that included clinical stakeholders and conformed to the Institute of Medicine's tenets for trus
223                                 Although LCs conformed to the phenotype of professional APC, inflamma
224        Suppression patterns of helix lesions conformed to the predicted packing layers in the bundle.
225 ical features of the families with mutations conformed to the previously described DYT6 phenotype; ho
226 clusters in whole-genome and exome data sets conformed to the stringent criteria indicative of an APO
227 ion calorimetric and molecular modeling data conformed to the two-site binding model of the enzyme-ac
228     Our comparative gene expression analysis conformed with the idea of a common bauplan for the dien
229                        Natural DNA sequences conforming to the class I consensus sequence and structu
230 e result was a change in risk stratification conforming to the classification proposed by the Interna
231 evel 4+) can be discriminated in this study, conforming to the clinical requirement to prevent any ri
232 R61 proximal promoter showed that a sequence conforming to the consensus binding site for transcripti
233 elatively larger ranges in higher latitudes, conforming to the controversial macroecological pattern
234 ved in a unit cell using a coordinate system conforming to the hexagonal cross section, and an effici
235                For enzymatic progress curves conforming to the Michaelis-Menten mechanism E+Sright ha
236 ytes was confirmed using a synthetic peptide conforming to the N-terminus of mitochondrial nicotinami
237 ogeneously distributed or undulating, likely conforming to the nonplanar geometry of the supporting a
238  at the severe end of the clinical spectrum, conforming to the original description of Ullrich congen
239 lyst seeds fill the space available, thereby conforming to the pore geometry.
240 e-specific TF pair interaction with DNA that conforms to the 'enhanceosome' model, and furthermore id
241 rmation of the Psi in 5S rRNA at a site that conforms to the 7-nucleotide consensus sequence present
242  archaeal intergenic sequence (t(mcrA)) that conforms to the bacterial intrinsic terminator motif red
243 monstrate that the activity of dlPFC neurons conforms to the basic requirements of a system that perf
244 and a C-terminal beta-sandwich domain, which conforms to the canonical CTD architecture.
245 cal data document that sleeper hybridization conforms to the classic "tension zone" model, where alle
246 niversity's research ethics committee, which conforms to the declaration of Helsinki.
247  negative regulatory region of FOXC1/C2 that conforms to the definition of synergy control or SC moti
248              The observed CN position effect conforms to the design concept.
249                 The primary protein sequence conforms to the features of a typical IDP sequence and t
250 four unique sequences shows a structure that conforms to the general features of models derived from
251         We conclude that the microbat retina conforms to the general mammalian blueprint, in which li
252 nd hydrophobic residues, indicating that PTN conforms to the general principle of ligand-recognition
253                                  Thus, Lti30 conforms to the general theme of structure-function rela
254 ociated with the onychophoran optic ganglion conforms to the hypothesis that onychophoran eyes are ho
255 ges, and how HSC developmental heterogeneity conforms to the layered model of the evolution of the im
256 t the arrangement of the lamellar structures conforms to the lowest total energy configuration.
257 e spatial organization of the glomeruli that conforms to the organizational principle found in other
258 iscs with small cups, neuroretinal rim width conforms to the overall oval shape of the disc, which is
259  demonstrates that herpesvirus DNA uncoating conforms to the paradigm in double-stranded DNA bacterio
260  This pattern of regulation of DNA synthesis conforms to the pattern observed in mammalian somatic ce
261            We propose here an RCR model that conforms to the present Helitron landscape of plant geno
262                                    GIANT API conforms to the REST architecture, which makes it statel
263 c asymmetry in a frontoparietal network that conforms to the right-hemisphere dominance model.
264                                   This study conforms to the STROBE guidelines.
265          Near the surface, the PEDOT coating conforms to the substrate's structure without blocking t
266 e calcifying primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs) conforms to the surrounding seawater with respect to pH
267 ff between the accuracy to which the pattern conforms to the target surface, and the effort associate
268 similarity with myoglobin and hemoglobin but conforms to the typical 3-over-3 alpha-helical fold char
269 tion whether the mouse functional connectome conforms to the underlying SC.
270 ansfer tattoo electrochemical biosensor that conforms to the wearer's skin.
271 elated with free energy dissipation and thus conforms with the open-chemical system theory.
272                                     Epf thus conforms with the widespread family of adhesins known as
273 citing failure of a portion of these data to conform to their expectations of ancient DNA (aDNA).
274 iopsy samples, and the predicted results all conformed to their pathologist diagnosed class labels.
275 at many opportunistic pathogens (OPs) do not conform to these assumptions, with virulence factors mai
276 uman amygdala responses in aversive learning conform to these assumptions.
277    Communities in Sub-Saharan Africa may not conform to these models, however; physical accessibility
278 ea waltii and Schizosaccharomyces pombe-also conform to these predictions.
279 gibbon, we find that the smaller apes do not conform to these rules.
280 ate atom-resolved morphologies of BHJs which conforms to these requirements.
281 f both endothelial and epithelial monolayers conform to this behaviour, as do breast cancer cell line
282                Whether Rad and Rem G-domains conform to this canonical paradigm is ambiguous.
283 glucan (mixed-linkage glucan [MLG]) does not conform to this paradigm.
284  the type IA topoisomerase family appears to conform to this rule.
285                    Biological databases that conform to this schema can interoperate with one another
286 er, not all natural gravel channels actually conform to this simple relationship; some channels maint
287 rons that control mammalian fertility do not conform to this stereotype and instead possess a single
288 annot adapt to membrane proteins that do not conform to this topology.
289 PGHS2, and IRK1 (as well as E6 and PRMT5) as conforming to this signaling mode, suggesting that PDZ/1
290 er movements, but whether and how the cortex conforms to this is unknown.
291  neural activity in rat basolateral amygdala conforms to this pattern by recording single units in a
292                                  These steps conform to those in PYP's photocycle.
293 e to these gut-dwelling bacteria, and do not conform to those of model organisms.
294 urological control mechanisms that generally conform with those established in mammalian models.
295                                     The data conform to time-temperature superposition for the main (
296 ymmetrically dividing cells both exploit and conform to tissue organization to orient their mitotic s
297 ing in 94.4% of the 1095 informative repeats conforming to traditional inheritance.
298 D of recoveries from tagged monarchs largely conformed to two mathematical models describing the dire
299 y density functional theory computations and conform to X-ray crystal structures.
300 obs are interpermeable, the polymer does not conform to Zimm/Stockmayer theory, and branching does no

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