


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 on of ZIKV and other viruses associated with congenital disease.
2 and neck and in the pathophysiology of human congenital disease.
3 virus (ZIKV) crosses the placenta and causes congenital disease.
4 nfection is a promising treatment to prevent congenital disease.
5  to have wide relevance in organogenesis and congenital disease.
6 ure, valvular disease, coronary disease, and congenital disease.
7 f left-right orientation lead to significant congenital disease.
8 oblem because of its ability to cause severe congenital disease.
9 ng fetal therapeutics to efficaciously treat congenital disease.
10 thogenetic mechanism that may underlie other congenital diseases.
11                                              Congenital diseases account for a large portion of pedia
12  LMNA are associated with the laminopathies, congenital diseases affecting tissue regeneration and ho
13 outflow tract, both in children with complex congenital disease and in adults undergoing the Ross pro
14 lum Apicomplexa and is an important cause of congenital disease and infection in immunocompromised pa
15 megalovirus (CMV), a herpesvirus that causes congenital disease and opportunistic infections in immun
16 , leading to revealing the complex nature of congenital disease and regenerative medicine.
17 nses were demonstrated both in patients with congenital disease and those with acquired disease, sugg
18 ions in T-box genes are the cause of several congenital diseases and are implicated in cancer.
19 coding genes have been associated with human congenital diseases and cancers, respectively.
20 ue homeostasis, and its misregulation causes congenital diseases and cancers.
21 tions of GalNAc-T isoforms and their role in congenital diseases and disorders.
22 athways are important for understanding many congenital diseases and for developing regenerative medi
23 cations arising from trauma, surgery, and as congenital, disease-associated, or drug-induced blood di
24 is known about how pathogens associated with congenital disease breach the placental barrier to trans
25 e caused by GM-CSF autoantibodies and a rare congenital disease caused by CSF2RA mutations.
26 dromes represent a broader spectrum of human congenital diseases caused by genotoxic stress; therefor
27 cally inactive Jumpy mutant, R336Q, found in congenital disease centronuclear myopathy, lost the abil
28 use Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome (SDS), a rare congenital disease characterized by bone marrow failure
29                 DiGeorge syndrome (DGS) is a congenital disease characterized by defects in organs an
30 order of glycosylation type 1a (CDG-1a) is a congenital disease characterized by severe defects in ne
31                     The major viral cause of congenital disease, CMV infects the uterine-placental in
32  promising strategy for treating a number of congenital diseases diagnosed shortly after birth as exp
33 tation (P=0.05), female gender (P=0.02), and congenital disease diagnosis (P=0.05).
34 lating downstream signaling for treatment of congenital diseases due to constitutively active GPCRs,
35 ka virus (ZIKV) was identified as a cause of congenital disease during the explosive outbreak in the
36                 In some cases, categories of congenital disease familiar to clinicians are not recogn
37 ial syndrome (UFS) is an autosomal recessive congenital disease featuring grimacing and incomplete bl
38 oxoplasma gondii, that can cause abortion or congenital disease in a variety of domestic animal hosts
39 al agenesis/atresia (TA) is a rare but fatal congenital disease in which the breathing tube fails to
40 d biliary duct remodeling cause a variety of congenital diseases including Alagille Syndrome and poly
41   Human cytomegalovirus - the major cause of congenital disease - infects the uterine wall and the ad
42 omegalovirus (CMV), the major viral cause of congenital disease, infects the uterus and developing pl
43      Its genetic mutations are linked to the congenital disease Leber congenital amaurosis Type 2 (LC
44                  Ribosomopathies are largely congenital diseases linked to defects in ribosomal prote
45           Although Zika virus (ZIKV)-induced congenital disease occurs more frequently during early s
46 mmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS), a congenital disease of defective apoptosis and autoimmuni
47                  PLD should be considered as congenital diseases of cholangiocyte signaling.
48 eletal muscle RyR (RyR1) are associated with congenital diseases such as malignant hyperthermia and c
49    Walker-Warburg syndrome (WWS) is a severe congenital disease that is characterized by brain and ey
50             Lowe syndrome is a rare X-linked congenital disease that presents with congenital catarac
51 ctive therapies for PDH deficiency and other congenital diseases that affect early embryonic developm
52 tabolite profiles to identify rare inherited congenital diseases through newborn screening, but littl
53  since the link between infection and severe congenital disease was announced by Brazilian authoritie
54  ephrin-B1 acts to influence development and congenital disease, we generated mice harboring a series
55  Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and no other congenital disease, were imaged with ECGI a day before a
56 n solid-organ transplant patients as well as congenital disease when administered to pregnant women.
57                                              Congenital diseases with significant neurological defect
58 mates among an additional 7000 children with congenital diseases yielded an even stronger statistical

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