


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                          The conidial anastomosis tube (CAT) functions in forming net
2 , DOC-1 oscillated with MAK-2 to the tips of conidial anastomosis tubes, while DOC-2 was statically l
3 to specialized cell fusion structures termed conidial anastomosis tubes.
4 ene previously shown to control light driven conidial and ascospore development.
5        Eosinophil recruitment in response to conidial aspiration was correlated with the level of chi
6 on of circadianly regulated spore formation (conidial banding), has remained an integral tool in the
7 ised, with microscopic examination revealing conidial-base germ tube degeneration and cell lysis occu
8 rgeted mutation of the MgATG8 gene, arrested conidial cell death but rendered the fungus nonpathogeni
9 res, reduced conidia production and abnormal conidial cell wall architecture.
10 nalysis of whole-lung samples at day 2 after conidial challenge in neutrophil-depleted CCR4-/- and CC
11                          Also at day 2 after conidial challenge, significantly greater numbers of CD1
12                      Using weekly intranasal conidial challenges, mice developed robust pulmonary art
13 nificant decrease occurring in eosinophils), conidial clearance was enhanced, and the early transient
14 al pigmentation was confirmed by the altered conidial color phenotypes that resulted from disruption
15                             We now show that conidial colour mutants exhibit significant increases in
16  preferentially to hyphal (rather than yeast/conidial) components of Candida albicans, Microsporum au
17 ressorium formation occurred because of high conidial density or addition of exogenous self-inhibitor
18  that define key physiological events during conidial development.
19 erated reproductive cells (metulae), delayed conidial differentiation and frequent reinitiation of se
20 lators of the core genetic pathway directing conidial differentiation.
21  arterial remodeling in response to repeated conidial exposure.
22    Next, we used the oatmeal cereal agar for conidial formation along with the optimal conditions for
23 sues: (i) selection of an optimal medium for conidial formation by dermatophytes and (ii) validation
24 enicillin production, hyphal morphology, and conidial formation.
25                  Furthermore, our dataset on conidial germination allowed comparisons to transcriptio
26 fensins and their cognate peptides inhibited conidial germination and accompanying cell fusion with d
27 dependent protein degradation is involved in conidial germination and appressorial differentiation.
28 gonist, compound 48/80, completely inhibited conidial germination and appressorium formation at a con
29 he respiratory tree is sufficient to prevent conidial germination and invasive disease.
30    In contrast CD14(+)CD16(+) do not inhibit conidial germination and secrete large amounts of TNF.
31  extremely restricted hyphal growth, delayed conidial germination and uncontrolled activation of sexu
32  and physiological processes associated with conidial germination and will facilitate functional pred
33 n of the drug required for the inhibition of conidial germination but not necessarily that required f
34 rom C57BL/6 and gp91(phox)(-/-) mice inhibit conidial germination equally in vitro.
35                        This study shows that conidial germination in A. nidulans requires protein syn
36              Moreover, DeltargsA resulted in conidial germination in the absence of a carbon source.
37 s, we performed transcriptional profiling of conidial germination in the filamentous fungus, Neurospo
38                                              Conidial germination into tissue-invasive hyphae can occ
39 us versus A. fumigatus; however, the rate of conidial germination of A. terreus was slower.
40  the velB deletion mutant exhibits increased conidial germination rates in the presence of glucose, a
41 nd UV stresses, and accelerated and elevated conidial germination regardless of the presence or absen
42 ouble mutant, suggesting that RIC8 regulates conidial germination through both GNA-1 and GNA-3.
43 lization of the three Galpha proteins during conidial germination was probed through analysis of cell
44 a, but only CD14(+)CD16(-) monocytes inhibit conidial germination yet secrete little TNF.
45 C2 single-deletion mutants display wild-type conidial germination, a double-deletion mutant is delaye
46 t, as were conidiation, conidial morphology, conidial germination, and in vitro appressorium formatio
47 ei largely clustered in the spore body after conidial germination, and the septum was often assembled
48 ssary for proper septation, conidiation, and conidial germination, but only myoB is required for coni
49 at RgsA downregulates pigment production and conidial germination, but stimulates asexual sporulation
50 d normal growth or development of T. virens, conidial germination, production of gliotoxin, hyphal co
51 f a wide array of processes occurring during conidial germination, translation is essential if germin
52 levels and changes in gene expression during conidial germination, we analyzed a circuit design of co
53          To analyze the molecular details of conidial germination, we developed a genetic screen in w
54 oss of GNA-3 leads to a drastic reduction in conidial germination, which is exacerbated in the absenc
55 wth and nuclear division in a process called conidial germination.
56 chanism, inducing translation and leading to conidial germination.
57 ting an important role for rasA signaling in conidial germination.
58 ubtle defects in aerial hyphae formation and conidial germination.
59  reduced vegetative growth, conidiation, and conidial germination.
60 n aerial hyphal growth, hyphal branching and conidial germination.
61 c8 mutant leads to a significant increase in conidial germination.
62 e and vacuoles, and also to septa throughout conidial germination.
63 y, focal trehalose biogenesis and control of conidial germination.
64 n conidiation, brlA and vosA expression, and conidial germination.
65 mechanisms in AM contribute to inhibition of conidial germination.
66  expression profiles over the time course of conidial germination.
67 e utilization correlated with suppression of conidial germination.
68  tube (CAT) functions in forming networks of conidial germlings during colony initiation.
69   To select which agar medium best supported conidial growth, representative isolates of dermatophyte
70 esults, some showing that PMN do not inhibit conidial growth, with others showing that they do, most
71 able in their abilities to support T. rubrum conidial growth.
72                                 In contrast, conidial hydrophobin masks relevant structures, because
73 hagocytosis and was markedly enhanced by the conidial hydrophobin RodA.
74 dia, and ECs with CFTR mutation undergo more conidial-induced apoptosis.
75                                              Conidial inocula of an optical density at 530 nm (OD(530
76 esulted in a requirement for relatively high conidial inocula to achieve 100% mortality in both BALB/
77              Genetic analysis of reaction to conidial inoculations in a segregating wheat population
78      Preliminary testing with a 0.11-OD(530) conidial inoculum of the slower-growing Aspergillus terr
79 -CSFRbeta(-/-) leukocytes exhibited impaired conidial killing compared with GM-CSFRbeta(+/+) counterp
80 ound inactive form, inhibits osmotin-induced conidial lysis.
81 for developing new and easier procedures for conidial mass production as well as improve the pathogen
82 is a new key regulator of conidiogenesis and conidial maturation and survival, and plays a crucial ro
83 osA and velB, the key regulators involved in conidial maturation.
84                                              Conidial melanin and hydrophobin as well as hyphal galac
85  here a flow cytometric assay that relies on conidial metabolism of the viability dye FUN-1.
86 in vegetative hyphae is sufficient to induce conidial morphogenesis, complete reconstitution of devel
87         It shows a significant change in the conidial morphology and displays dramatic polar growth d
88 uption of alb1 causes pleiotropic effects on conidial morphology and fungal virulence.
89 lg2p) had altered appressorium formation and conidial morphology and produced fewer, smaller lesions
90 etically related to Geomyces spp. but with a conidial morphology distinct from characterized members
91 reas the Clg2p-ClUrase interaction regulated conidial morphology without affecting fungal pathogenici
92 ation of Clg2p in appressorium formation and conidial morphology, and its role in pathogenicity, seve
93  Tox2(+) ccsnf1 mutant, as were conidiation, conidial morphology, conidial germination, and in vitro
94                           Except for altered conidial morphology, the phenotypes of hdc1 mutants were
95 an also influence U. botrytis colony growth, conidial number and size, and have a strong effect on th
96  correlated with anamorphic features such as conidial ontogeny and morphology than with teleomorph fe
97 and disruption of alb1 resulted in an albino conidial phenotype.
98 dition to alb1, arp1, and arp2 suggests that conidial pigment biosynthesis in A. fumigatus is more co
99 anning 19 kb, were identified as involved in conidial pigment biosynthesis in A. fumigatus.
100 ins a six-gene cluster which is required for conidial pigment biosynthesis in A. fumigatus.
101 ptaketide synthase (Alb1p) to synthesize its conidial pigment through a pentaketide pathway similar t
102 d was sufficient to restore the bluish-green conidial pigment.
103 howed that it is essential for multicellular conidial pigmentation and development in a plant endophy
104                     By analysing a series of conidial pigmentation mutants, a new fungal pigmentation
105                                              Conidial pigmentation of A. fumigatus significantly infl
106              Involvement of the six genes in conidial pigmentation was confirmed by the altered conid
107 entified a gene, alb1, which is required for conidial pigmentation.
108 ward and side scatter characteristics of the conidial population and by mean fluorescence intensity (
109         The Delta odeA strain was reduced in conidial production and mycelial growth; these effects w
110 tages and is required for vegetative growth, conidial production and sexual development.
111 re, the DeltaFgvps27 mutant was defective in conidial production and was unable to generate peritheci
112  mycelial growth and, unexpectedly, enhanced conidial production.
113  elaboration of its infection structures and conidial rodlet protein production.
114 ential roles for controlling asexual traits (conidial size and number).
115 ne thousand times more single-celled asexual conidial spores, three times sooner than the ancestral g
116                In Aspergillus fumigatus, the conidial surface contains dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN)-mel
117  melanin biosynthesis resulted in an altered conidial surface with masked surface rodlet layer, leaky
118  that the alb1 disruptant exhibited a smooth conidial surface, whereas complementation of the alb1 de
119 itating proper formation of the A. fumigatus conidial surface.
120 d in a significant increase in C3 binding on conidial surfaces, and the conidia of the alb1 disruptan
121 t is facilitated by complement deposition on conidial surfaces.
122 n of a novel regulator of conidiogenesis and conidial survival called MybA because the predicted prot
123 that AfBIR1 expression and activity underlie conidial susceptibility to NADPH (reduced form of nicoti
124                                       During conidial swelling and mycelial growth, the expression of
125 ameters determined were: rates and extent of conidial swelling, production of differentiated germinat
126 trehalose amount, long-term spore viability, conidial tolerance to oxidative and UV stresses, and acc
127 mber of the bZIP/CREB family, helps regulate conidial tolerance to oxidative stress.
128  of AfuvosA or AfuvelB causes a reduction in conidial trehalose amount, long-term spore viability, co
129             L-ficolin opsonization increased conidial uptake and enhanced killing of A. fumigatus by
130 ungal burden, most likely due to the reduced conidial viability.
131 l germination, but only myoB is required for conidial viability.
132 dly and reproducibly determined by measuring conidial viability.
133 ression affected conidiophore morphology and conidial yields quantitatively but did not alter the tem

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