


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ination, but stimulates asexual sporulation (conidiation).
2 ingle locus, designated rco-1 (regulation of conidiation).
3 ting the idea that GanB signalling represses conidiation.
4 luG function but also results in hyperactive conidiation.
5  compartmentation, nuclear distribution, and conidiation.
6 ern, suggesting that VIB-1 is a regulator of conidiation.
7 arget of FadA activity, in ST production and conidiation.
8 cated a role for NIMX(CDC2) in septation and conidiation.
9 mX, affects nuclear division, septation, and conidiation.
10 tation genes exercise feedback regulation of conidiation.
11 velopmentally regulated and expressed during conidiation.
12  fl gene to determine its role in regulating conidiation.
13 opmentally regulated, being expressed during conidiation.
14 egetative hyphae and to undergo constitutive conidiation.
15 lular signal and regulates the initiation of conidiation.
16  accessions permitted some fungal growth and conidiation.
17 tion of unicellular sterigmata and inhibited conidiation.
18 dicating a direct repressive role of NsdD in conidiation.
19  distinct positive roles of FlbC and FlbD in conidiation.
20  mutant strains showed a severe reduction in conidiation.
21 n virulence, deoxynivalenol biosynthesis and conidiation.
22 ed in pathogenesis, secondary metabolism and conidiation.
23 AfSUN1 negatively affected hyphal growth and conidiation.
24 e, suggesting that they act as repressors of conidiation.
25 e of the key environmental factors affecting conidiation.
26  regulation of phialide morphogenesis during conidiation.
27 B expression during the mid to late phase of conidiation.
28 viously identified genetic locus controlling conidiation.
29 rhythm is visible and cultures show constant conidiation.
30 SPB and is required for timely septation and conidiation.
31 on of Mr-OPY2 elicits saprophytic growth and conidiation.
32 , FlbC, FlbB, and BrlA) necessary for normal conidiation.
33 nases SEPH and SIDB for septum formation and conidiation.
34 st the SIN pathway to regulate septation and conidiation.
35 alities in conidiophores, leading to reduced conidiation.
36 microtubule-depolymerizing agent benomyl for conidiation.
37  sfg mutants show varying levels of restored conidiation, all recovered the ability to produce ST at
38 ative growth to induced asexual sporulation (conidiation) along a decreasing phenazine gradient.
39 ediated suppression of host pigmentation and conidiation, although to a lesser extent, and is dispens
40 pecifically in differentiating tissue during conidiation and acon-2 plays a role in this induction.
41 ese results demonstrate that GNA-3 modulates conidiation and adenylyl cyclase levels in N. crassa.
42                                          The conidiation and aerial hypha defects of the Deltagna-3 s
43 ed hyphal growth and differential effects on conidiation and cyclosporine resistance.
44 le of SfgA, overexpression of sfgA inhibited conidiation and delayed/reduced expression of conidiatio
45 found that MoGlo3 is highly expressed during conidiation and early infection stages and is required f
46 e wild-type strain, and circadian rhythms of conidiation and FRQ protein oscillation were observed to
47 show severe growth inhibition, repression of conidiation and hyphal compartmentation and death (HCD).
48 t delay in mycelial growth, complete loss of conidiation and inability to penetrate the host surface
49 was identified and its functions involved in conidiation and mycoparasitism were studied.
50 hat CmNox1, but not CmNox2, is necessary for conidiation and parasitism, and its expression could be
51 ulatory factor of CmNox1 and was involved in conidiation and parasitism.
52 egulates CmNox1-CmSlt2 pathway in regulating conidiation and pathogenicity of C. minitans.
53 servative signal modulator, dictates growth, conidiation and pathogenicity of M. oryzae.
54 e phenotypes, and advances our insights into conidiation and pigmentation in this fungus.
55 sfgA mutations bypassed the need for fluG in conidiation and production of ST.
56 Loss of fluG results in the blockage of both conidiation and production of the mycotoxin sterigmatocy
57 f peanut seeds as reflected by a decrease in conidiation and production of the seed degradative enzym
58 velopmental defects included reduced (> 90%) conidiation and reduced dimorphic transition to the prod
59 ent roles of the velvet regulators governing conidiation and sporogenesis in A. fumigatus is presente
60                          Filamentous growth, conidiation and the differentiation of PH-like asexual r
61 le mutant had more severe defects in growth, conidiation and virulence than the Fgatf1 or Fgskn7 muta
62 ons in hyphal polarity, marked activation of conidiation and yeast-like growth.
63 ttern formation during asexual reproduction (conidiation) and for initiation of the sexual reproducti
64 velB causes hyperactive asexual development (conidiation) and precocious and elevated accumulation of
65 ssary for activation of asexual sporulation (conidiation) and production of the carcinogenic mycotoxi
66    The Fgcdc14 mutant was reduced in growth, conidiation, and ascospore formation.
67 ecrease in growth rate, drastic reduction in conidiation, and complete loss of sexual development.
68 and myoE are necessary for proper septation, conidiation, and conidial germination, but only myoB is
69 etion resulted in reduced vegetative growth, conidiation, and conidial germination.
70 on factor necessary for proper activation of conidiation, and its balanced activity is crucial for go
71  is detectable during both hyphal growth and conidiation, and its gene product is similar to the Myb
72      Taken together, FgSRP1 is important for conidiation, and pathogenesis and alternative splicing i
73 molog, also plays important roles in growth, conidiation, and pathogenicity.
74  resulted in identical phenotypes in growth, conidiation, and ST production, indicating that the prim
75 onidiation and delayed/reduced expression of conidiation- and ST-specific genes.
76 omoter resulted in defects in hyphal growth, conidiation, appressorium penetration and pathogenicity,
77 both wc-1 and fluffy show that regulators of conidiation are elevated in ras-1(bd).
78  commencement, progression and completion of conidiation are regulated by multiple positive and negat
79 cadian rhythms in asexual spore development (conidiation) are abolished in constant conditions, yet c
80 pharmacological treatment, but also affected conidiation, ascospore formation and pathogenicity.
81  In Neurospora crassa, a circadian rhythm of conidiation (asexual spore formation) can be seen on the
82 lts from Northern analysis support light and conidiation-based regulation of nop-1 gene expression, a
83 ortant for cellular division, branching, and conidiation both pre- and postmitotically.
84 n the promoter of the essential activator of conidiation brlA, indicating a direct repressive role of
85 deletion of flbC causes a delay/reduction in conidiation, brlA and vosA expression, and conidial germ
86 md1 deletion mutant was normal in growth and conidiation but defective in ascospore discharge due to
87 Uvhog1 mutant was reduced in growth rate and conidiation but had increased sensitivities to SDS, Cong
88 enes, including con-10, are expressed during conidiation but not during mycelial growth.
89  MOBA protein was required for septation and conidiation, but was not essential for hyphal extension
90 It was found that Hog1-MAPK regulates fungal conidiation by controlling the conidiation regulatory pa
91 iated suppression of fungal pigmentation and conidiation by providing an accessory function in hypovi
92  mycelial phase included several involved in conidiation, cell polarity, and melanin production in ot
93                                    About 287 conidiation, colony sectorization or pathogenicity loci,
94 relieved growth inhibition and repression of conidiation conferred by het-c vegetative incompatibilit
95 normal in the Tox2(+) ccsnf1 mutant, as were conidiation, conidial morphology, conidial germination,
96 ound that N. crassa rca-1 can complement the conidiation defect of an A. nidulans flbD mutant and tha
97 en-starved cultures, but does not bypass the conidiation defect of the acon-3 mutant.
98 with exogenous cAMP suppresses the premature conidiation defect, but aerial hypha formation is still
99 and ETFDH mutations led to severe growth and conidiation defects, which could be largely rescued by e
100 ted in the ability to control entry into the conidiation developmental program were isolated.
101 ates that multiple genes negatively regulate conidiation downstream of fluG and that the activity of
102 he circadian rhythm is expressed as rhythmic conidiation driven by a feedback loop involving the prot
103 o shorter aerial hyphae and premature, dense conidiation during growth on solid medium or in standing
104 ene has been named nrc-1, for nonrepressible conidiation gene #1.
105 ocus is referred to as nrc-2 (nonrepressible conidiation gene #2).
106 ed vegetative repression of con-10 and other conidiation genes.
107         Mutants were examined for effects on conidiation, hyphal growth, cyclosporine and stress resi
108  in F.verticillioides (Deltaubl1) influenced conidiation, hyphal morphology, pigmentation and amyloly
109      A genetic model depicting regulation of conidiation in A. nidulans is presented.
110 this study, we report that the FluG-mediated conidiation in A. nidulans occurs via derepression.
111 idence that NIMX(CDC2) affects septation and conidiation in addition to nuclear division, and cloning
112 causes enhanced and precocious activation of conidiation in Aspergillus fumigatus or Aspergillus flav
113                                              Conidiation in Aspergillus nidulans is induced by exposu
114 spora crassa gene called rca-1 (regulator of conidiation in Aspergillus) based on its sequence simila
115                                The defect of conidiation in DeltaCmRac1 could be partially restored b
116                                              Conidiation in filamentous fungi involves many common th
117  Overexpression of rgsA caused inappropriate conidiation in liquid submerged culture, supporting the
118        However, carbon limitation can induce conidiation in mycclia submerged in an aerated liquid me
119 inase that functions to repress the onset of conidiation in N. crassa.
120  and that induced expression of rca-1 caused conidiation in submerged A. nidulans cultures just as wa
121 tanding liquid cultures and to inappropriate conidiation in submerged culture.
122 g alternate carbon sources does not suppress conidiation in submerged culture.
123 hialide morphogenesis and/or function during conidiation in the aspergilli.
124          A FRQ-independent oscillator drives conidiation in the csn-2 mutant, resulting in a 2-d coni
125 ct this factor under conditions that promote conidiation in the veA1 suppressors.
126                                              Conidiation in this DeltaFWO strain was still synchroniz
127                         Asexual development (conidiation) in Aspergillus is governed by multiple regu
128                         Asexual sporulation (conidiation) in the ascomycetous filamentous fungi invol
129                         Asexual sporulation (conidiation) in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidul
130                         Asexual development (conidiation) in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidul
131        Here, we summarize genetic control of conidiation including the light-responding mechanisms in
132 culture, and near constitutive activation of conidiation, indicating that acquisition of developmenta
133                                              Conidiation induction in A. nidulans by another microbia
134                    NsdD's role in repressing conidiation is conserved in other aspergilli, as deletin
135                            Submerged-culture conidiation is refractory to cAMP but is suppressed by p
136 f TRX2 caused pleiotropic defects in growth, conidiation, light sensing, responses to stresses and pl
137 eover, loss of SEP4 severely impaired mutant conidiation, melanin and chitin accumulation in hyphal t
138          The four rco-1 mutants had distinct conidiation morphologies, suggesting that conidiation wa
139                                       During conidiation Mr-BlrA up-regulates Mr-AbaA, which in turn
140 sn2 proliferation in the host haemolymph and conidiation on the host cadaver was reduced.
141 and GAS2 had no defect in vegetative growth, conidiation, or appressoria formation, but they were red
142 BbSiRNA30 strains were unaffected in growth, conidiation, or under osmotic or cell wall perturbing st
143  and branched and remained totally devoid of conidiation over a period of 2 years on all mycological
144 , including shortened aerial hyphae, altered conidiation pattern, female sterility, slow growth rate,
145        The vib-1 mutants displayed a profuse conidiation pattern, suggesting that VIB-1 is a regulato
146 not vegetative incompatibility and wild-type conidiation pattern.
147  surface hydrophobicity, hyphal polarity and conidiation pattern.
148 were isolated; several of these had abnormal conidiation phenotypes and were trans-acting, i.e., they
149 tors of the SIN suppressed the septation and conidiation phenotypes due to the loss of SNAD.
150  constitutively enter, but not complete, the conidiation program.
151 kinase is required to repress entry into the conidiation program.
152                                  A conserved conidiation regulatory pathway containing Mr-BrlA, Mr-Ab
153 ulates fungal conidiation by controlling the conidiation regulatory pathway, and that all three pigme
154 urthermore, HxtB was shown to be involved in conidiation-related processes and may play a role in dow
155 n) are abolished in constant conditions, yet conidiation remains rhythmic in temperature cycles.
156                                          The conidiation rhythm in L/L in vvd is therefore driven by
157                                          The conidiation rhythm in the fungus Neurospora crassa is a
158 icities of the earth's 24-hour rotation, the conidiation rhythm of the fungus Neurospora crassa was m
159 tion in the csn-2 mutant, resulting in a 2-d conidiation rhythm that persists in constant darkness (D
160 ight-induced phase shifting of the circadian conidiation rhythm.
161 rhythms of gene expression and the circadian conidiation rhythms are abolished in these fwd1 mutants.
162 w short period, low amplitude, or arrhythmic conidiation rhythms in constant darkness.
163 ceptor involved in photo-adaptation, exhibit conidiation rhythms in L/L as well as in D/D.
164 ase gene have pleiotropic effects on growth, conidiation, sexual development, and appressorium format
165  overlapping functions in vegetative growth, conidiation, sexual reproduction and plant infection, de
166         The three key negative regulators of conidiation SfgA, VosA, and NsdD act at different contro
167                                    Phenazine conidiation signaling was conserved in the genetic model
168  clock output, yielding a pattern of asexual conidiation similar to a ras-1 mutant that is used in ci
169 n activation of the previously characterized conidiation-specific (con) genes, con-6 and con-10.
170 sion of stuA alpha, but not stuAbeta, by the conidiation-specific Bristle (BrlAp) transcriptional act
171  7-kb transcript is detected only during the conidiation stage.
172 t and be affected by RAS signaling, increase conidiation, suggesting a link between generation of ROS
173 ergoes a well-defined developmental program, conidiation, that culminates in the production of numero
174 shown that the veA1 (velvet) mutation allows conidiation to occur in the absence of light.
175 ct conidiation morphologies, suggesting that conidiation was blocked at different stages.
176 opic examination indicated that the restored conidiation was concomitant with restored septation in t
177                                              Conidiation was reduced > 80%; however, conidia produced
178 esis of an extracellular factor that directs conidiation, we do not detect this factor under conditio
179 he regulatory pathway to brlA activation and conidiation, we isolated suppressor mutations that rescu
180 ate suppressor (smo) mutations that restored conidiation when MOBA was not expressed.
181    In general, low stuA:brlA ratios promoted conidiation while high ratios caused proliferation of un

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