


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 p give us a possible scenario worthy of such conjecture.
2 ce for this cellular process remains open to conjecture.
3 s therapeutic effects is still at a stage of conjecture.
4 leading to a universal jamming phase diagram conjecture.
5 nt GO inappropriate for testing the ortholog conjecture.
6  fibrils, there are few data to support this conjecture.
7  involvement in asynchronous release remains conjecture.
8 in poor solvent-an experimentally verifiable conjecture.
9 ge upon the skin has rested on inference and conjecture.
10 s no experimental evidence to support such a conjecture.
11 ion have remained the subject of theoretical conjecture.
12 r, the mechanism of the drug action remain a conjecture.
13 tisfies other properties consistent with the conjecture.
14 rved activity has generally been a matter of conjecture.
15  by SG neurons remains primarily a matter of conjecture.
16 e to rituximab treatment remains a matter of conjecture.
17  dimension by making use of the Kaplan-Yorke conjecture.
18 osteal flap has largely remained a matter of conjecture.
19 m the proof of Wiles of the Shimura-Taniyama conjecture.
20 nsverse size, in agreement with our original conjecture.
21 its lytic action remains largely a matter of conjecture.
22 pin relaxation measurements, challenges this conjecture.
23 ed extensively, thus their potential remains conjecture.
24  protein and peptide substrates confirm this conjecture.
25 g iconic communication schemes as previously conjectured.
26 uirement for degeneracy leads to a number of conjectures.
27 r to investigate Trivers' and Ramachandran's conjectures.
28 is phenomenon, based on the Hardy-Littlewood conjectures.
29 urvature flows and experiments support these conjectures.
30 g a widely believed computational complexity conjecture, a deep neural network can efficiently repres
31 on that prompts an experimentally verifiable conjecture about likely folding pathways.
32  palsy as well as stimulate some interesting conjecture about what, if any, role proprioception may h
33 nd biochemical experiments confirmed several conjectures about the key aspects of this subsystem.
34                    We show that not only the conjectured adapting paths always exist, but that actual
35    The (population) sparse coding hypothesis conjectures an optimal sensory coding approach where a n
36 e our recent results toward the proof of the conjecture and a possible strategy of proving the main c
37 ide the first experimental evidence for this conjecture and prove its validity for the case of distal
38                                           We conjecture and provide numerical evidence that functions
39 in-species paralogs, supporting the ortholog conjecture and refuting the cellular context hypothesis
40  (settling in the strongest way a decade-old conjecture) and in which the quantum determinant, as an
41               Two findings that support this conjecture are: (a) there is a statistically relevant li
42                                     Two main conjectures are advanced: (i) the appearance of grain bo
43 ormula: see text](dagger) The abovementioned conjectures are known to hold when the gauge group is ab
44                                 The relevant conjectures are known to hold when the gauge group is ab
45                                        These conjectures are strongly supported by several studies an
46                                          The conjectures are then compared with numerical data, and t
47             Ramachandran criticizes Trivers' conjecture, arguing that the costs of self-deception out
48 a view of the disease unaffected by previous conjecture as to the primary signal of interest.
49 ly mediated Cooper pairing has long been the conjectured basis of heavy-fermion superconductivity but
50 ic punishment is a scientifically legitimate conjecture, but it must be tested against real-world obs
51                           Here, we test this conjecture by calculating the mass of a black hole in th
52                               We tested this conjecture by examining seed set, pollen fitness, and po
53                 The present work tested this conjecture by measuring the subjective auditory egocente
54 etic equivalence rule' supported Van Valen s conjecture by showing a tradeoff between few big animals
55                             We verified this conjecture by showing that crambin's radius of gyration
56          We have tested the validity of this conjecture by using two toxins, alpha-hemolysin and aero
57                              It was recently conjectured by H.A. Orr that from a random initial point
58 story, dating back to the crystalline arrays conjectured by Kepler and the random geometries explored
59 a variance equal to the average of -ln T, as conjectured by SPS.
60                  All hard, convex shapes are conjectured by Ulam to pack more densely than spheres, w
61      This analysis also settles negatively a conjecture (by Schleimer et al. ) on the expected densit
62                                         This conjecture can be tested by examining rates of regulator
63                         Consistent with this conjecture, cell surface expression of the misfolded mut
64 l spin liquid phases, and the Yang-Mills gap conjecture, concern spectral gaps.
65 the Great Barrier Reef proves a 100-year old conjecture correct: marine reserves do replenish populat
66                         Consistent with this conjecture, d3-4 virions were found to lack ICP0 in thei
67  The Deegan-Packel Index of Power is used to conjecture dependencies in the cellular signaling networ
68  results provide substantial support for the conjecture described above and for the involvement of OF
69 , it is shown that as originally stated, the conjecture does not hold.
70                        According to our main conjecture, each class in the Belavin-Drinfeld classific
71                                          The conjecture fails when all possible outcomes are examined
72                     We sketch a proof of the conjecture for all d > or = 32.
73 deciduous character has remained a matter of conjecture for almost a century.
74 Our results suggest parallels of De Giorgi's conjecture for finite Morse index solutions in two and t
75 well known in many animals but are topics of conjecture for humans.
76 sequence, we prove the Berenstein-Zelevinsky conjecture for the quantized coordinate rings of double
77 hur-positive, and we present a combinatorial conjecture for their Schur coefficients when the set T i
78      This is the analogue of Kepler's sphere conjecture for these solids.
79          We announce a proof of the Verlinde conjecture for V, that is, of the statement that the mat
80 ved for one- and two-electron densities, and conjectured for all densities.
81 mic motion to how proteins function has been conjectured for several decades, the characterization of
82 ntum critical point (QCP) is currently being conjectured for the BaFe2(As1-x P x )2 system at the cri
83                   We are then led to natural conjectures for when such bounds will be tight, as well
84                     These formulae confirm a conjecture formulated by V. I. Arnold in the early 1970s
85 s give computational support to one scenario conjectured from experiments.
86 s of standard quantum mechanical systems, as conjectured from the theory.
87 tractable for a classical computer, assuming conjectures from computational complexity theory.
88                                         Such conjecture has been supported in higher eukaryotes by di
89                                However, this conjecture has eluded direct observational confirmation
90 ion during cytoplasmic envelopment, but this conjecture has not been tested.
91 5 years, many class number formulas and main conjectures have been proven.
92               The resulting bounds, which we conjecture hold for the largest possible class of direct
93               We have shown before that this conjecture holds for any G in the case of the standard P
94             In 1971, Andrews proved that the conjecture holds for d = 2r-1, r > or = 4.
95           However, an unproven but long-held conjecture holds that spatial learning can occur inciden
96 being the most widely accepted, though other conjectures (i.e., the "express train" and "entangled ba
97  initial indications substantiating the long-conjectured importance of polarization effects in descri
98                In this work we confirm their conjecture in a very strong sense, not just for extortio
99 brain imaging techniques to investigate this conjecture in children with Tourette syndrome (TS).
100                                    A central conjecture in decision neuroscience is that choices betw
101                              A long-standing conjecture in neuroscience is that aspects of cognition
102                 In contrast to the long-held conjecture in the experimental literature, the computed
103 regions of the female oviducts, leading to a conjecture in the literature that this waveform is mecha
104                       This paper addresses a conjecture in the work by Kadison and Kastler that a von
105                     An important theoretical conjecture in this mechanism is that coarse processing p
106       We provide an abridged proof for their conjecture in this paper.
107 sition of the bromine atom in 19, previously conjectured in analogy to the structurally characterized
108                                 We prove the conjectures in various special cases.
109 We discuss some consequences of the Verlinde conjecture, including the Verlinde formula for the fusio
110  in the past had been addressed only through conjecture, including whole genome analysis, can now be
111                                         This conjecture is a cornerstone of phylogenomics and is used
112                                However, this conjecture is based on indirect evidence.
113                                      If this conjecture is correct, then sensorimotor learning implie
114                                         This conjecture is known to be true for amenable von Neumann
115                                          The conjecture is made that this process may not be so dissi
116 ical appraisal of literature shows that this conjecture is not supported by unequivocal experimental
117                                         This conjecture is supported by extensive electronic band-str
118 entation of the acoustic scene, a reasonable conjecture is that cortical neurons maintain stable rece
119                                   A specific conjecture is that Q modification stabilizes interaction
120                                An intriguing conjecture is that the surroundings of cognate binding s
121                                          Our conjecture is that these mutations in D. melanogaster be
122                               The prevailing conjecture is that these oceans are heated by tidal forc
123                      One consequence of this conjecture is the nonexistence of proper Lambda-submodul
124                    The simplest test of this conjecture is to examine datasets designed to contain no
125 classes of nonamenable factors for which the conjecture is valid.
126                    We further note that this conjecture might apply to other complex FeS enzymes.
127          These issues lie at the center of a conjecture more than a century old, which has been terme
128    This notion, however, implies an untested conjecture, namely that the nucleosomal variation arises
129   As a special case, this formula verifies a conjecture of Atiyah and Weinstein for the index of the
130 with existing models but in agreement with a conjecture of Cairns.
131                                 Confirming a conjecture of Garvan, we show that if l>/=5 is prime and
132                      Our results support the conjecture of Hafting et al. that an attractor network i
133              As an application, a proof of a conjecture of Kac on the number of absolutely indecompos
134 rtance of the single-file water confirms the conjecture of Mackay et al..
135           This note announces the proof of a conjecture of Ono, which essentially asserts that the el
136 sely as the sphere, which would contradict a conjecture of Ulam.
137                           In contrast to the conjectures of earlier authors, during the involuntary m
138        These congruences confirm unpublished conjectures of Garvan and Sellers.
139                 This resolves negatively old conjectures of Kadison and Singer and of Anderson.
140 h the proof of a generalization of Deligne's conjecture on Hochschild cohomology and the little discs
141                              We prove an old conjecture on oscillation of functions that have a spect
142 cent study, however, challenged the ortholog conjecture on the basis of experimentally derived Gene O
143    In the two-variable case, we state a main conjecture on the characteristic power series in Zp[[T,
144 e-way functions are either based on unproven conjectures or have known vulnerabilities.
145  support any conclusions about the "ortholog conjecture" (or, more properly, the "ortholog functional
146 curred during the founding of Europe and the conjectured "Out of Africa" event.
147                          There has long been conjecture over the degree to which there may be structu
148 e evolutionary trees essentially matches the conjectured performance of maximum likelihood methods--c
149 ry in 2005, renalase has been the subject of conjecture pertaining to its catalytic function.
150                                 The ortholog conjecture posits that orthologous genes are functionall
151 yeast genome that is shorter than previously conjectured possible.
152 erium during this period is a matter of some conjecture, recent developments have indicated that the
153                                            A conjecture regarding the nontriviality of the higher-ord
154                      We also present several conjectures related to this quantum greedy basis and the
155                We conclude that the ortholog conjecture remains largely valid to the extent that it h
156 ree-state kinetic framework, one of which we conjecture represents a non-amyloid, non-beta-sheet inte
157                                 To test this conjecture, rpfC and rpfF of X. campestris were replaced
158 hese observations substantiate the fullerene conjecture, show how pentamers are accommodated at verti
159 at this difference is not relevant, but this conjecture still needs to be established.
160     According to the Bohigas-Giannoni-Schmit conjecture, such fluctuations would imply chaotic dynami
161                             The Kaplan-Yorke conjecture suggests a simple relationship between the fr
162                                           We conjecture that advances in gene therapy in the retina w
163 t is not necessarily consistent with Lotka's conjecture that an ecological system should evolve towar
164                                  We test the conjecture that becoming unemployed erodes the extent to
165           This study satisfies the long-held conjecture that beta2M was linked to the primordial MHC
166  of BRCA1 with many other genes suggests the conjecture that BRCA1 serves as a protective gene and th
167 oot of a domain's physical volume, one might conjecture that buffers decrease [Ca(2+)] fluctuations a
168                                           We conjecture that C(mu)[Z; q, t] is none other than the mo
169                                           We conjecture that CCACCA addition is a universal mechanism
170                   There is some evidence and conjecture that coral-dinoflagellate symbioses change pa
171             Furthermore, they support recent conjecture that cortical direction and orientation selec
172                                           We conjecture that covalent attachment of a hydroxymethylen
173                    Our analysis supports the conjecture that differential methylomic drift occurs in
174                                           We conjecture that direct interaction of spectrin with PS i
175 xhibit durotaxis toward stiffer surfaces, we conjecture that durotaxis in C. elegans may be one of th
176    We give numerical evidence to support the conjecture that eigenfunctions inherit this property by
177                                           We conjecture that events prior to the nucleation process t
178 reaction time and sensory motor reflexes, we conjecture that fruit flies sense their kinematic states
179                                          The conjecture that helicity (or knottedness) is a fundament
180                       These data support the conjecture that hub proteins often utilize intrinsic dis
181                      Our results support the conjecture that in previous studies, earlier menopause a
182                                           We conjecture that inflammation and wall-remodeling facilit
183                           Taken together, we conjecture that invasive TAMs link angiogenesis and tumo
184                                    It is our conjecture that linguistic meaning is intrinsically and
185     These observations support a 35-year-old conjecture that Mars has a large surface reservoir of so
186                    This supports the earlier conjecture that microquasars may be the main sources of
187 osed resolution to this paradox has been the conjecture that morphological evolution proceeds via div
188                                           We conjecture that no significant portion of CD4Th1 regulat
189                                We tested the conjecture that penetrating arterioles, which are positi
190                                           We conjecture that reputation systems produce artificial co
191                                           We conjecture that resonance properties in vibrissa, hypogl
192                   Based on these results, we conjecture that scale-free extinction processes and crit
193   This observation has led to the attractive conjecture that selection-derived protein-sequence diver
194                                           We conjecture that such a strain-gradient-enhanced mass tra
195                                           We conjecture that the ability to suppress irrelevant and r
196                  The pattern supports recent conjecture that the AD fcMRI trajectory is characterized
197                                           We conjecture that the burst is terminated by a slow, progr
198     These results give strong support to the conjecture that the C-terminal region of the protein is
199 emission spectroscopy (ARPES) has led to the conjecture that the coupling between FeSe electrons and
200 ds and theoretical arguments leads us to the conjecture that the densest packings of the Platonic and
201   The model is based on the (data supported) conjecture that the dynamic of horizontal gene transfer
202                                           We conjecture that the fixation probability in a well-mixed
203                                   Rather, we conjecture that the glass-transition process requires th
204 gy barrier observed (~4 kcal/mol) supports a conjecture that the H-transfer can be a very rapid proce
205  we use numerical simulations to support the conjecture that the increased yield is likely a result o
206                                           We conjecture that the liquid-like and solid-like behaviors
207                                           We conjecture that the loss of mechanical cohesion of the m
208                                           We conjecture that the mechanism may involve interoceptive
209 ne doubly graded Sn modules Rmu for which we conjecture that the multiplicities of irreducible repres
210 delling the FM bat Phyllostomus discolor, we conjecture that the proposed cues can be exploited by co
211                                           We conjecture that the respiratory nuclei, which project to
212                              We examined the conjecture that the sampling distribution of the estimat
213 f these transcription factor genes led us to conjecture that the selection is related to one or more
214                Based on this observation, we conjecture that the spin polarization enforces symmetry
215          Last, given that we obtain PPBs, we conjecture that the TDT-HET may be a useful method for c
216                                           We conjecture that the use of formal health care options pr
217                                           We conjecture that the X gradient is read out, cell by cell
218 owing some unknown dynamics, Press and Dyson conjecture that there always exist adapting paths for th
219                                           We conjecture that these mechanisms are deeply related to t
220        A large body of evidence supports the conjecture that these oxides are more reactive than the
221  circulate as nucleated cells has led to the conjecture that they are related to the red cells of fis
222                                           We conjecture that this DFT+U approach may be a useful gene
223                                           We conjecture that this finding may explain why the experim
224                                           We conjecture that this flexibility window is a necessary s
225                                           We conjecture that this may amplify differences in evoked n
226 or the SAD of tropical tree species, thus we conjecture that this might be a general pattern in ecolo
227 e of most foldable sequences is expanded; we conjecture that this property was selected by evolution
228 of nitrogenase (hi-CO and lo-CO) inspire the conjecture that throughout the eight-electron reduction
229                                           We conjecture that typical experimental temperatures appear
230                                           We conjecture that using the partition retention and [Formu
231 of precision bits of the weights leads us to conjecture that very similar reasoning applies to more c
232                                           We conjecture that within vertebrate embryos, long-range me
233                                     Thus, we conjecture that, whereas face (and form) stimuli activat
234                             It has long been conjectured that any metallic liquid can be vitrified in
235                                  It has been conjectured that conformations constituting the TSE in m
236                                           We conjectured that each acoustic task may have its own "si
237 e and complexity, so for decades it has been conjectured that ecosystems must have some unidentified
238                                           We conjectured that elevational range midpoints of species
239                             Researchers have conjectured that eye movements during visual search are
240                  In 1968, Gilbert and Pollak conjectured that for any P, Ls(P) >/= (radical3/2)Lm(P).
241 tinguishing feature of graphene, it has been conjectured that interactions and correlations should be
242                                  Others have conjectured that it exists but is subject to as yet unid
243                                 Studies have conjectured that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (N
244 iodically exposed to oxygen, and it has been conjectured that on such occasions their low-potential b
245                           It has been widely conjectured that RNAi may also serve as an antiviral sys
246          Based upon these conclusions, it is conjectured that the above patterns of 2-D movement coul
247                             It has long been conjectured that the difficulty of heterogeneously epoxi
248 mutations also affect polyamine affinity, we conjectured that the fast gating mechanism might affect
249  oxidation of SrCoO2.5, however, it has been conjectured that the magnetic transition is decoupled to
250                               In 1956, Alder conjectured that the number of partitions of n into part
251  system may not be known or solvable, Wigner conjectured that the statistics of energy level spacings
252                                It is further conjectured that the tritrophic to competition gradient
253                             It has long been conjectured that the true contact area between two rough
254                                           We conjectured that these effects on transcription are prom
255                                  It has been conjectured that these fluctuations assist in the nuclea
256                                Therefore, we conjectured that VAChT antagonists, such as vesamicol, m
257                                        It is conjectured that: (1) the clock's 24-h period depends on
258                        We make the plausible conjectures that if the initial geodesic is linked to th
259 cycle-regulated genes, and therefore support conjectures that the DDB heterodimer and/or its subunits
260  Our computational results confirm Dolbier's conjecture, that the non-additive lowering of Ea for the
261                       In 1944, Freeman Dyson conjectured the existence of a "crank" function for part
262                     Assuming one fundamental conjecture, the modules Rmu can be given several equival
263 allenging open problems, such as the Haldane conjecture, the question of the existence of gapped topo
264                       In support of Trivers' conjecture, the self-deceiving types do outperform the n
265                We prove that, modulo certain conjectures, the category of representations of the base
266 entations, and we prove that, modulo certain conjectures, the Drinfel'd center of that representation
267                                           We conjectured, therefore, that the lifelong transcriptiona
268                   According to the fullerene conjecture, they are composed of hexamers and pentamers
269         Intestinal microbial metabolites are conjectured to affect mucosal integrity through an incom
270 its discovery, streaming has frequently been conjectured to aid in transport and mixing of molecular
271 sential for many biological processes and is conjectured to arise from stochasticity, or noise, in ge
272 otypic heterogeneity in autism has long been conjectured to be a major hindrance to the discovery of
273                   Here, the observations are conjectured to be describable in terms of a rarified Gro
274        Factoring large integers is therefore conjectured to be intractable classically, an observatio
275              The character of the pairing is conjectured to crossover from weak (BCS-like) to strong
276                  This activity is frequently conjectured to derive from the ability of saframycins to
277 ound on the mean length of adaptive walks is conjectured to equal e-1.
278 cleosomes packed against a fixed barrier, is conjectured to explain the array of well-positioned nucl
279 age of DNA through nanopores has so far been conjectured to involve a free-energy barrier for entry,
280 rd dynamics, where ant-ant interactions were conjectured to play a role.
281 loiting the topological constraints that are conjectured to populate concentrated solutions of rings.
282 ydration water mobility around tau fibers is conjectured to potentially contribute to the early diagn
283 n space, the exponent b of this power law is conjectured to reflect aggregation in the spatial distri
284 spect of small subgraph counts, as these are conjectured to relate to functional modules in the PPI n
285     The Ostwald rule of stages describes the conjectured transitioning through metastable polymorphic
286  longer embrace between ion and gate that we conjecture underlies the observed stabilization of the c
287 itudinal design allows us to investigate our conjecture using a difference-in-difference approach, wh
288  and a possible strategy of proving the main conjecture using p-adic Siegel modular forms.
289                                         This conjecture was confirmed by the efficient packaging of a
290                                         This conjecture was corroborated by results of quantitative a
291                                         This conjecture was corroborated by results of quantitative a
292                 For regular tetrahedra, this conjecture was shown to be true only very recently; an o
293                                         This conjecture was verified by the following observations.
294                                         This conjecture was verified; heterologously expressed dDAT-G
295                           In support of this conjecture, we describe here an RNA molecule that cataly
296                                 To test this conjecture, we have developed a theoretical technique to
297                         Contrary to previous conjectures, we find a multiplicity of folding mechanism
298        We give a combinatorial proof of this conjecture, which establishes the existence and integral
299                      Addressing this classic conjecture with experiments requires comparing walking a
300 rentiate into osteocytes--remain a matter of conjecture with several hypotheses claiming to capture t

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