


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 diverse set of cysteine-rich peptide toxins (conotoxins).
2 carboxylation but is not found on the mature conotoxin.
3 the N-type calcium channel antagonist, omega-conotoxin.
4 n of the Ca(v)2.2 channel by analgesic alpha-conotoxins.
5 isulfide connectivities characteristic of mu-conotoxins.
6 stinct gene families: mu-, omega-, and alpha-conotoxins.
7 tro oxidative folding and the bioactivity of conotoxins.
8 etics of disulfide-bond formation of several conotoxins.
9 14a and the second loop of a number of alpha-conotoxins.
10 ty) in a novel framework distinct from other conotoxins.
11 d invertebrate ion channel blockers known as conotoxins.
12 t previously established for the mu- and psi-conotoxins.
13 ts have been members of the A superfamily of conotoxins.
14 rst loop affects the overall structure of mu-conotoxins.
15 hly helical secondary structure for the four conotoxins.
16 erlying the Nav subtype selectivity of delta-conotoxins.
17  amino acids) than the mu-, kappaM-, and psi-conotoxins (22-24 amino acids).
18 nt calcium responses were decreased by omega-conotoxin, a Cav2.2-specific inhibitor.
19                                        delta-Conotoxins act by inhibiting inactivation of voltage-gat
20 sight into the "evolutionary engineering" of conotoxin activity.
21                                      The new conotoxins all blocked, albeit with varying potencies, T
22 cotine addiction therapy, and the 19-residue conotoxin alpha-GID that antagonizes it.
23                                        alpha-Conotoxin (alpha-Ctx) MII labeling coupled with immunocy
24              We previously showed that alpha-conotoxin (alpha-CTx) RgIA, one of the few alpha9alpha10
25                                Current alpha-conotoxins (alpha-Ctxs) that discriminate among these nA
26 tion and reduction of disulfide bonds in two conotoxins, alpha-GI and alpha-ImI.
27 toxin subfamily, designated the short alphaA-conotoxins (alphaA(S)) and demonstrate that all of these
28                                Although this conotoxin, alphaA-conotoxin OIVB (alphaA-OIVB), is a hig
29 Significantly, with more structures of alpha-conotoxins also becoming available this enables ready co
30          A second series of individual alpha-conotoxin analogs based on the combinations of defined a
31                   Of the 96 individual alpha-conotoxin analogs synthesized, three displayed > or =10-
32 ncert to accelerate the oxidative folding of conotoxins and modulate their conformation and function
33 is a member of the alpha-4,3 family of alpha-conotoxins and selectively blocks the alpha9alpha10 nACh
34 e-function relationships of native alphaA(S)-conotoxins and some analogues revealed a single amino ac
35                                        Alpha-conotoxins are a group of small, structurally defined pe
36                               Many new alpha-conotoxins are being identified every year, broadening t
37                                        alpha-Conotoxins are disulfide-rich peptide neurotoxins that s
38  from worm hunting to fish hunting, as delta-conotoxins are highly conserved among fish hunters and c
39                                        alpha-Conotoxins are nAChR-targeted peptides used by Conus spe
40 on channels implicated in neurotransmission, conotoxins are of interest both as tools for pharmacolog
41                                        alpha-Conotoxins are peptide neurotoxins isolated from venomou
42                                        alpha-Conotoxins are peptide toxins found in the venom of mari
43                                           mu-Conotoxins are peptides that block sodium channels.
44                                        alpha-Conotoxins are selective antagonists of neuromuscular or
45                                        Alpha-conotoxins are small disulfide-constrained peptides from
46                                        alpha-Conotoxins are subtype-selective nicotinic acetylcholine
47 lective alpha3beta4 nAChR antagonists, alpha-conotoxins are valuable tools to evaluate the functional
48                                              Conotoxins are venom peptides from cone snails with mult
49                 To date, cone snail toxins ("conotoxins") are of great interest in the pursuit of nov
50 om venoms of predatory marine Conus snails ("conotoxins") are well-known to be highly potent and sele
51 f a selective alpha7 nAChR antagonist, alpha-conotoxin ArIB [V11L,V16D] (ArIB) into the nucleus accum
52         This work extends the application of conotoxins as molecular probes to non-excitatory cells,
53 n and may also lead to the development of mu-conotoxins as safe analgesics.
54                                        alpha-Conotoxins, as nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR)
55                                        alpha-Conotoxin AuIB is a selective alpha3beta4 nicotinic acet
56  crucial material for further development of conotoxin-based therapeutics.
57                                   T-1-family conotoxins belong to the T-superfamily and are composed
58 t these residues control access to the alpha-conotoxin binding site.
59 itive charge in this position prevents alpha-conotoxin binding.
60                We hypothesized that distinct conotoxin-binding kinetics could be exploited to develop
61 g structurally guided point mutations in the conotoxin-binding site.
62 d from the venom of cone snails, known as mu-conotoxins, block voltage-gated sodium channels by physi
63    However, the lack of solved structures of conotoxins bound to nAChRs and the large size of these p
64                                        alpha-Conotoxin BuIA (500 nM) blocked acetylcholine-gated curr
65 inatorial library (PS-SCL) with the alpha4/4-conotoxin BuIA framework, we discovered a highly potent
66                                        Alpha-conotoxin BuIA kinetically distinguishes between beta2-
67                            Proline6 of alpha-conotoxin BuIA was found to be critical for nAChR select
68 Block of [3H]norepinephrine release by alpha-conotoxin BuIA, a toxin that kinetically distinguishes b
69                                        alpha-Conotoxin BuIA[T5A;P6O] partially blocked norepinephrine
70                                M-Superfamily conotoxins can be divided into the m-1, -2, -3, and -4 b
71 reviously found in the mu-, kappaM-, and psi-conotoxins (CC-C-C-CC).
72                                Although most conotoxin channel blockers function by direct binding to
73 -beta) in podocytes was abolished with omega-conotoxin, cilnidipine or mitogen-activated protein kina
74           The more potent of the four new mu-conotoxins, CnIIIA and CIIIA, exhibited a strikingly dif
75 r cloning was used to identify four novel mu-conotoxins: CnIIIA, CnIIIB, CIIIA, and MIIIA from Conus
76 include cysteine-rich, hydrophobic peptides (conotoxins delta-SVIE and MrVIA), nodule-specific, cyste
77 al libraries in the discovery of novel alpha-conotoxin derivatives with refined pharmacological activ
78 nd generation library of 64 individual alpha-conotoxin derivatives.
79 ort a new family of four-cystine, three-loop conotoxins (designated framework 14).
80 one snail Conus planorbis, we isolated a new conotoxin, designated pl14a, with potent activity at bot
81 CD spectra and nanoNMR spectroscopy of these conotoxins directly isolated from the cone snails reveal
82 44 toxins, respectively), as well as 208 new conotoxins displaying odd numbers of cysteine residues d
83         Previous investigations of four-loop conotoxin expression patterns of six closely related Con
84        (Most belong to the alpha- and alphaA-conotoxin families.) When administered to mice and fish
85 that includes Conus radiatus uses the alphaS-conotoxin family to target the muscle nAChR and paralyze
86 longs to the alpha4/3 subfamily of the alpha-conotoxin family; sequence and subtype specificity compa
87                                        These conotoxins fold into small highly structured frameworks,
88            The only previously characterized conotoxin from the S superfamily, sigma-conotoxin GVIIIA
89   We have purified and characterized a novel conotoxin from the venom of Conus obscurus, which has th
90 e purification and characterization of a new conotoxin from the venom of Conus radiatus.
91           This study describes a novel alpha-conotoxin from the Western Atlantic species Conus regius
92 dge, this is the first characterization of a conotoxin from this species.
93 roach we readily produced three native delta-conotoxins from Conus consors plus two rationally design
94 ave characterized newly identified alphaA(S)-conotoxins from Conus pergrandis and have conducted a mo
95     Structure-activity information regarding conotoxins from distantly related Conus species was empl
96  striking sequence similarity to these delta-conotoxins from piscivorous cone snail venoms.
97 ed the function of 4-hydroxyproline (Hyp) in conotoxins from three distinct gene families: mu-, omega
98 n of a complex between BiP, PDI, and nascent conotoxins further suggests that the folding and assembl
99 prior studies have specifically explored how conotoxin gene evolution contributes to the differentiat
100 ear evidence of sequence similarity with any conotoxin gene family.
101                                     An alpha-conotoxin gene was cloned from Conus arenatus.
102                                              Conotoxin GeXIVA inhibits the alpha9alpha10 nicotinic ac
103 wever, neither alpha-conotoxin MII nor alpha-conotoxin GIC at concentrations of 10 microM blocked ace
104       Here we present the structure of alpha-conotoxin GIC in complex with Aplysia californica AChBP
105 forts have been made to understand why alpha-conotoxin GIC is strongly selective for alpha3beta2 nACh
106  two novel gamma-carboxyglutamate-containing conotoxins, Gla-TxX and Gla-TxXI, from the venom of Conu
107            The Cav2.2 (N-type) blocker omega-conotoxin GVIA (1 microM) was the only blocker that sign
108 A-targeting small-interfering RNA, and omega-conotoxin GVIA (a CaV2.2 blocker) attenuated RIM1alpha u
109  unperturbed by omega-agatoxin IVA and omega-conotoxin GVIA (P/Q-type and N-type channel inhibitors,
110                                              Conotoxin GVIA abolished all EPSPs in inspiratory neuron
111 fects, whereas both the N-type blocker omega-conotoxin GVIa and the L-type blocker nimodipine reduced
112 wed that both the N-type Ca channel blocker -conotoxin GVIA and the P/Q-type Ca channel blocker -agat
113 iated responses, as it is blocked by a omega-conotoxin GVIA application.
114                 Finally, [(125)I]Tyr22-omega-conotoxin GVIA cell surface binding in tsA201 cells stab
115 ga-IVA, but the N-type channel blocker omega-conotoxin GVIA had no effect.
116        Blocking N-type calcium channels with conotoxin GVIA had only minor effects on respiratory act
117          The N-type Ca2+ channel toxin omega-conotoxin GVIA inhibited both the [Zn]t and fEPSP equall
118 atoxin IVA or the N-channel antagonist omega-conotoxin GVIA or both.
119 Inhibiting N-type Ca(2+) channels with omega-conotoxin GVIA or omega-conotoxin MVIIC partially mimick
120  P/Q-type channel confirmed a block by omega-conotoxin GVIA raising the likelihood that all vertebrat
121  Cd(2+) or the specific N-type blocker omega-conotoxin GVIA to examine the calcium dependence of the
122 folding and the functional activity of omega-conotoxin GVIA, a well-characterized ICK-motif peptidic
123 type Ca2+ channels were inhibited with omega-conotoxin GVIA, but were not blocked when bath Ca2+ was
124  and the N-type calcium channel toxin, omega-conotoxin GVIA, each reduced the ischaemia-evoked motor
125 t was occluded by prior application of omega-conotoxin GVIa, suggesting that a major fraction of Ca(2
126 ted, in part, by Ca(2+) flowing throughomega-conotoxin GVIA-sensitive, class 2.2 voltage-dependent Ca
127  voltage-gated calcium channel blocker omega-conotoxin GVIA.
128 etron or the N-type Ca-channel blocker omega-Conotoxin GVIA.
129  by the neurotoxins, tetrodotoxin, and omega-conotoxin GVIA.
130 release was blocked by tetrodotoxin or omega-conotoxin GVIA.
131 ular transmission is also sensitive to omega-conotoxin GVIA.
132 ally on pharmacological sensitivity to omega-conotoxin GVIA.
133  in a blocker of N-type Ca2+ channels (omega-conotoxin GVIA; 30 nM).
134                                        Omega-conotoxin-GVIA occluded the effect of ethanol on NMDA EP
135 omega-conotoxin-MVIIC inhibit, but not omega-conotoxin-GVIA), intact vesicle fusion processes (tetanu
136 ized conotoxin from the S superfamily, sigma-conotoxin GVIIIA, is a specific competitive antagonist o
137 A cone snail venom peptide, muO section sign-conotoxin GVIIJ from Conus geographus, has a unique post
138                             muO section sign-conotoxin GVIIJ is a 35-aa peptide, with 7 cysteine resi
139                   Although several analgesic conotoxins have already reached human clinical trials, a
140 ugh potent alpha3beta2 nAChR-selective alpha-conotoxins have been identified, currently characterized
141 the m-2 branch peptide mr3a, even though the conotoxins have different disulfide connectivity pattern
142  connectivity, and previous studies of alpha-conotoxins have focused on the globular isomers as the r
143                                        alpha-Conotoxins have four cysteines that can have three possi
144 ranslational modifications characteristic of conotoxins (hydroxyproline, gamma-carboxyglutamate) are
145  the alpha7-nicotinic receptor blocker alpha-conotoxin ImI (alpha-ImI) with polyethylene glycol space
146 l-characterized member of this family, alpha-conotoxin ImI (alpha-ImI), which is a potent inhibitor o
147 tagenesis studies and experiments with alpha-conotoxin ImI and a chimeric Naja oxiana alpha-neurotoxi
148                                        alpha-Conotoxin ImI displayed inhibitory activity as well.
149 synthetic combinatorial approach using alpha-conotoxin ImI to develop potent and selective alpha(7) n
150 on the three residues of the n-loop of alpha-conotoxin ImI to give a total of 10,648 possible combina
151 o accommodate the peptidic antagonist, alpha-conotoxin ImI, but wraps around the agonists lobeline an
152                                    For alpha-conotoxins ImI and GI, the hydroxylation of the conserve
153 nAChR antagonists (methyllycaconitine, alpha-conotoxin-ImI) and glutamate receptor (GluR) antagonists
154  we used a number of subtype-selective alpha-conotoxins in combination with nicotinic receptor subuni
155 discuss the effects of Hyp on the folding of conotoxins in the context of cis-trans isomerization of
156 lations of homology models with docked alpha-conotoxin indicate that these residues control access to
157 transferable C-terminal postpeptide in these conotoxins indicates the presence of the gamma-carboxyla
158 ns, the N-type calcium channel blocker omega-conotoxin inhibited this spontaneous response.
159                                              Conotoxin iota-RXIA, from the fish-hunting species Conus
160 er suggests that the folding and assembly of conotoxins is a highly regulated multienzyme-assisted pr
161  mechanisms targeted by different classes of conotoxins is discussed.
162 with previous contradicting publications, mu-conotoxin KIIA and hepcidin-25, are included, and their
163                             The analgesic mu-conotoxin KIIIA (KIIIA), a 16-residue peptide with three
164                                        Micro-conotoxin KIIIA is representative of micro-conopeptides
165                            In the case of mu-Conotoxin KIIIA, the PADLOC connectivity (1-15,2-9,4-16)
166 ogies, including hepcidin, Kalata-B1, and mu-Conotoxin KIIIA.
167 d "Mini peptide." It was derived from the mu-conotoxins KIIIA and BuIIIC.
168 -dimensional solution structure of the alpha-conotoxin Lo1a was determined by NMR spectroscopy.
169 solated an 18-amino acid peptide named alpha-conotoxin Lo1a, which is active on nAChRs.
170                  The asymmetric evolution of conotoxin loci among species may result from lineage-spe
171 alyze the molecular evolution of orthologous conotoxin loci of these species and specifically examine
172 selection from predator-prey interactions on conotoxin loci.
173 lective antagonists d-tubocurarine and alpha-conotoxin MI.
174 he alpha3beta2*/alpha6beta2* selective alpha-conotoxin MII (alpha-CTX MII) dose- and time-dependently
175         In this study, we used a novel alpha-conotoxin MII (alpha-CtxMII) analog E11A to further inve
176 ls, alpha6beta2(*) nAChR blockade with alpha-conotoxin MII (alpha-CtxMII) decreased release with nonb
177 important in nicotine addiction, binds alpha-conotoxin MII (alpha-CtxMII) with high affinity and is h
178                     Binding of [(125)I]alpha-conotoxin MII (largely to alpha6* nAChRs) did not system
179                          Intriguingly, alpha-conotoxin MII [H9A; L15A], blocked cocaine conditioning
180 njection of the selective alpha6beta2* alpha-conotoxin MII [H9A; L15A], blocked nicotine CPP.
181                                Whereas alpha-conotoxin MII fully inhibits nicotine-evoked [3H]norepin
182  binding of either labeled Epb or 125I-alpha-conotoxin MII increased to a much greater extent than di
183                       However, neither alpha-conotoxin MII nor alpha-conotoxin GIC at concentrations
184                                        Alpha-conotoxin MII, a peptide toxin isolated from Conus magus
185 do-A-85380, sazetidine-A, varenicline, alpha-conotoxin MII, and bPiDDB (N,N-dodecane-1,12-diyl-bis-3-
186 igned and synthesized a novel analog ofalpha-conotoxin MII, MII[S4A,E11A,L15A], and tested it on nACh
187 iatal dopamine release (both total and alpha-conotoxin MII-resistant release) increased with age in n
188  the alpha3beta2-preferring antagonist alpha-conotoxin MII.
189 oncentrations compared with mecamylamine and conotoxin MII.
190                                        alpha-conotoxin MII[H9A;L15A] also significantly reduced the l
191 TA DAergic neurons that was blocked by alpha-conotoxin MII[H9A;L15A], a selective antagonist of nAChR
192 d several minutes and was sensitive to alpha-conotoxin MII[H9A;L15A].
193 notoxin PeIA bears high resemblance to alpha-conotoxins MII and GIC isolated from Conus magus and Con
194 the giant fiber system is inhibited by alpha-conotoxins MII, AuIB, BuIA, EI, PeIA, and ImI.
195 mutants revealed increased affinity of alpha-conotoxins MII, TxIA, and [A10L]TxIA at the alpha4(R185I
196 ) = 1.2 microM) that was unaffected by alpha-conotoxin-MII or dihydro-beta-erythroidine, antagonists
197 ical characterization of one peptide, kappaA-conotoxin MIVA is reported; five of the other predicted
198 bers of cysteine residues derived from known conotoxin motifs.
199 a "triple-turn" motif seen in the m-2 branch conotoxin mr3a, which is absent in mr3e, the only other
200                                      The muO-conotoxins MrVIA, MrVIB, and MfVIA inhibit the voltage-g
201                                          MuO-conotoxin MrVIB is a blocker of voltage-gated sodium cha
202 ng and apply it to a three-disulfide-bridged conotoxin, mu-SxIIIA (from the venom of Conus striolatus
203 nnel and disrupting its normal ion movement, conotoxin muO section sign-GVIIJ channel blocking is uni
204       Disulfide exchange is possible because conotoxin muO section sign-GVIIJ contains anS-cysteinyla
205                Application of 1 microM omega-conotoxin MVIIC (a Cav2.1/2.2 blocker) broadened APs but
206  channels with omega-conotoxin GVIA or omega-conotoxin MVIIC partially mimicked apamin, while inhibit
207 n, low concentrations of tetrodotoxin, omega-conotoxin MVIIC, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein ki
208 ase was blocked both by nifedipine and omega-conotoxin MVIIC.
209  VDCC currents (omega-agatoxin-IVA and omega-conotoxin-MVIIC inhibit, but not omega-conotoxin-GVIA),
210 Cs in the presence of tetrodotoxin and omega-conotoxin-MVIIC, consistent with inhibition of presynapt
211     All previously characterized competitive conotoxin nAChR antagonists have been members of the A s
212                               As such, alpha-conotoxins offer the potential to become templates for t
213  (AChRs) using a novel peptide toxin (alphaA-conotoxin OIVA[K15N]), prolongation of both EPC and MEPC
214              Although this conotoxin, alphaA-conotoxin OIVB (alphaA-OIVB), is a high-affinity antagon
215  the alpha3beta2 nAChR indicating that alpha-conotoxin OmIA in combination with the AChBP may serve a
216                                        alpha-Conotoxin OmIA was purified from the venom of Conus omar
217 s is expressed in the genus Conus (known as "conotoxins" or "conopeptides").
218                                        Alpha-conotoxin PeIA bears high resemblance to alpha-conotoxin
219                                        Alpha-conotoxin PeIA displayed a 260-fold higher selectivity f
220                                        Alpha-conotoxin PeIA represents a novel probe to differentiate
221  and characterization of a novel toxin alpha-conotoxin PeIA that discriminates between alpha9alpha10
222 lpha-bungarotoxin-sensitive receptors, alpha-conotoxin PeIA was also active at alpha3beta2 receptors
223 sed positional scanning mutagenesis of alpha-conotoxin PeIA, which targets both alpha6beta2* and alph
224  novel analogs of a recently described alpha-conotoxin, PeIA.
225 lar dynamics, we show that one subtype of mu-conotoxins, PIIIA, effectively blocks the bacterial volt
226 segment of the helix-promoting peptide alpha-conotoxin pl14a.
227                 Venom peptide toxins such as conotoxins play a critical role in the characterization
228 multimeric ligands can significantly enhance conotoxin potency and selectivity at homomeric nicotinic
229  in loop C completely transferred high alpha-conotoxin potency to the alpha4beta2 receptor.
230                            Conversely, alpha-conotoxin potency was reduced at the reverse alpha3(I186
231                                 Native alpha-conotoxins preferably adopt the globular connectivity, a
232 d a more detailed characterization of alphaA-conotoxins previously reported from additional Conus spe
233                                      We used conotoxin probes together with subunit-null mice to inte
234 apital ES, CyrillichBP in complex with alpha-conotoxins provide important insights into the interacti
235 ber of ER-resident enzymes in the folding of conotoxins, providing novel insights into the enzyme-gui
236               The peptide, designated alphaC-conotoxin PrXA (alphaC-PrXA), is the defining member of
237                    Here we used the alpha4/7-conotoxin RegIIA, a disulfide-bonded peptide from the ve
238 sly reported the discovery of a new alpha4/7-conotoxin, RegIIA.
239 ts, the characterization of the short alphaA-conotoxins revealed diverse kinetics of a block of the f
240 well as those encoding mu-, kappaM-, and psi-conotoxins revealed highly conserved amino acid residues
241                 The 13-residue peptide alpha-conotoxin RgIA (alpha-RgIA) is a member of the alpha-4,3
242 Western Atlantic species Conus regius, alpha-conotoxin RgIA (alpha-RgIA), that is a subtype specific
243                                        alpha-Conotoxin RgIA is both an antagonist of the alpha9alpha1
244 hR antagonists, alpha-bungarotoxin and alpha-conotoxin RgIA, blocked efferent-mediated inhibition in
245 n, synthesis, and characterization of kappaM-conotoxin RIIIJ from the venom of a fish-hunting species
246                          The peptide, alphaS-conotoxin RVIIIA (alphaS-RVIIIA), is biochemically uniqu
247                                      Whereas conotoxins selectively target specific neuronal proteins
248 erse among species and the genes that encode conotoxins show high rates of evolution.
249 en identified, currently characterized alpha-conotoxins show no or only weak affinity for alpha4beta2
250 ever, the alpha(1B)-AR-selective mutant F18A conotoxin showed a striking biphasic inhibition in alpha
251                            This is the first conotoxin shown to affect the activity of both voltage-g
252                                        alpha-Conotoxin SII was shown to possess 3-8, 2-18, and 4-14 d
253 ignment of disulfide connectivities in alpha-conotoxin SII, of which approximately 30% of its mass is
254 el TTX-resistant sodium channel blockers, mu-conotoxins SIIIA and KIIIA, from two species of cone sna
255 tides and of the previously characterized mu-conotoxin SmIIIA (which also blocks TTX-resistant channe
256 ructural and functional differences among mu-conotoxins SmIIIA, SIIIA, and KIIIA offer a unique insig
257           Enzymes in this PDI family, termed conotoxin-specific PDIs, significantly and differentiall
258 ort the definition and characterization of a conotoxin subfamily, designated the short alphaA-conotox
259 f the postpeptides to propeptides from other conotoxins suggested some common elements, and amino aci
260 es with those of previously characterized mu-conotoxins suggested that the new mu-conotoxins were lik
261 e peptides, including alpha-, mu-, and omega-conotoxins, suggesting that the integrated oxidative fol
262 ffects were seen with other alpha6-selective conotoxins, suggesting the general importance of theseal
263        The M-superfamily, one of eight major conotoxin superfamilies found in the venom of the cone s
264                          In this work, the M-conotoxin superfamily is defined using both biochemical
265 14a belongs to a new gene superfamily, the J-conotoxin superfamily.
266 to be related to the K channel-targeted I(2) conotoxin superfamily.
267 defines a gene superfamily, designated the M-conotoxin superfamily.
268 ional diversities of an emerging group of mu-conotoxins targeting TTX-r sodium channels.
269 the first example of analgesia produced by a conotoxin that blocks sodium channels.
270 e isolation and characterization of an alpha-conotoxin that has the highest known affinity for the Ly
271 ammatory effect of ImI, a well characterized conotoxin that inhibits alpha7 nAChRs, on differentiated
272  of Conus brunneus, we found BruIB, an alpha-conotoxin that inhibits Drosophila nicotinic receptors b
273                     The discovery of a delta-conotoxin that potently acts on vertebrate sodium channe
274  structurally and pharmacologically distinct conotoxins that are particularly prominent in the venoms
275 ChR antagonist; all previously characterized conotoxins that competitively antagonize nAChRs are stru
276 ) or 500 nM PnIA (23.0+/-4% blockade), alpha-conotoxins that target alpha7 and alpha3beta2*/alpha6bet
277 designed based on two naturally occurring mu-conotoxins that target Na(v)s.
278  nM BuIA[T5A;P6O] or 200 nM MII[E11A], alpha-conotoxins that target the alpha6beta4* subtype, blocked
279 iology together with subtype-selective alpha-conotoxins to pharmacologically characterize the nAChRs
280  usage bias and RNA-editing processes of the conotoxin transcripts demonstrate a specific conservatio
281                    This smoking gun is delta-conotoxin TsVIA, a peptide from the venom of Conus tessu
282 chanism of prey capture; this peptide, delta-conotoxin TsVIA, has striking sequence similarity to the
283 e-dimensional solution structure for the m-1 conotoxin tx3a found in the venom of Conus textile.
284 the kinetic diversity, should make alphaA(S)-conotoxins useful ligands for a diverse set of studies.
285 physiology, and mutagenesis, we showed alpha-conotoxin Vc1.1 modulates Cav2.2 via a different pathway
286                                        alpha-Conotoxin Vc1.1 specifically and potently inhibits the n
287                              Analgesic alpha-conotoxin Vc1.1, a peptide from predatory marine cone sn
288 es, including the cyclotide kalata B1, alpha-conotoxin Vc1.1, and sunflower trypsin inhibitor 1.
289                                        alpha-Conotoxins Vc1.1 and RgIA are small peptides isolated fr
290 ct of the GABA(B) agonist baclofen and alpha-conotoxins Vc1.1 and RgIA on calcium channel currents af
291 a(v)2.2) calcium channels by analgesic alpha-conotoxins Vc1.1 and RgIA.
292                                 One of these conotoxins (vil14a) has a Lys/Tyr dyad, separated by app
293 thways can be selectively inhibited by alpha-conotoxins; we show that in the model organism Drosophil
294 ized mu-conotoxins suggested that the new mu-conotoxins were likely to target tetrodotoxin-resistant
295 IVA is reported; five of the other predicted conotoxins were previously venom-purified.
296 h diversity of toxins in their venom such as conotoxins, which are short polypeptides stabilized by d
297                The ligand is the first alpha-conotoxin with higher affinity for the closely related r
298 tant insights into the interactions of alpha-conotoxins with distinct nAChR subtypes.
299 g folding, improving yields, and stabilizing conotoxins with therapeutic potential.
300 peptides based on known pharmacophores of mu-conotoxins without losing their potency and selectivity.

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