


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                      Despite considerable progress, 24 LGAs in 2012 and 7 LGAs in 201
2                                      Despite considerable progress being made in fabrication techniqu
3 somes using microfluidic techniques has seen considerable progress, but the liposomes formation proce
4                                              Considerable progress has also been realized toward unde
5                                              Considerable progress has been achieved in the identific
6                                        While considerable progress has been achieved in the synthesis
7                                              Considerable progress has been achieved in understanding
8                                              Considerable progress has been achieved within the past
9                                              Considerable progress has been made defining the complex
10                                     Although considerable progress has been made during recent years,
11                                     Although considerable progress has been made during the last year
12                                              Considerable progress has been made emphasizing the stri
13 c signaling at the NMJ is bi-directional and considerable progress has been made identifying mechanis
14                                     Although considerable progress has been made identifying the targ
15                                     Although considerable progress has been made in characterizing ca
16                                              Considerable progress has been made in characterizing ep
17                                              Considerable progress has been made in characterizing fo
18                       In the past few years, considerable progress has been made in characterizing th
19                                     Although considerable progress has been made in characterizing th
20                                    Recently, considerable progress has been made in characterizing th
21 dding has been investigated intensively, and considerable progress has been made in characterizing th
22                                              Considerable progress has been made in converting human
23 kout for an IgG Fc receptor seven years ago, considerable progress has been made in defining the in v
24                                              Considerable progress has been made in defining the mech
25                                     Although considerable progress has been made in defining the meta
26 very as key mediators of cytokine signaling, considerable progress has been made in defining the stru
27                                              Considerable progress has been made in defining these re
28                 In the past decade, however, considerable progress has been made in delineating the m
29                            Over this period, considerable progress has been made in determining the f
30                        Over the last decade, considerable progress has been made in determining the r
31                                              Considerable progress has been made in developing antifi
32                                    Recently, considerable progress has been made in developing new dr
33                                              Considerable progress has been made in differentiating e
34                                              Considerable progress has been made in documenting and m
35                                     Although considerable progress has been made in documenting these
36                                              Considerable progress has been made in ecological and ev
37                                              Considerable progress has been made in elucidating GATA
38                                      By now, considerable progress has been made in elucidating GATA
39                                              Considerable progress has been made in elucidating how t
40                                     Although considerable progress has been made in elucidating the p
41                                              Considerable progress has been made in identification of
42                                     Finally, considerable progress has been made in identifying and d
43                       In the past few years, considerable progress has been made in identifying many
44                                              Considerable progress has been made in identifying paras
45                                              Considerable progress has been made in identifying signa
46                                              Considerable progress has been made in identifying the t
47                                   Similarly, considerable progress has been made in improving our und
48 ors underlying complex diseases such as JIA, considerable progress has been made in JIA genetics.
49 uency spectrum has been well determined, and considerable progress has been made in measuring the pow
50                                              Considerable progress has been made in methods for deriv
51                                              Considerable progress has been made in molecular charact
52                                              Considerable progress has been made in optimizing the fr
53                                              Considerable progress has been made in our understanding
54                                              Considerable progress has been made in our understanding
55                          Over the past year, considerable progress has been made in our understanding
56                        During the past year, considerable progress has been made in our understanding
57                                     Although considerable progress has been made in our understanding
58 e the cloning of the first connexin in 1986, considerable progress has been made in our understanding
59                                     Although considerable progress has been made in our understanding
60                                              Considerable progress has been made in prostate cancer i
61                                              Considerable progress has been made in quantifying the p
62                                     Although considerable progress has been made in recent years for
63                                              Considerable progress has been made in recent years in d
64                                              Considerable progress has been made in recent years in o
65                                              Considerable progress has been made in recent years in t
66                                              Considerable progress has been made in recent years towa
67                                              Considerable progress has been made in recent years with
68                                 Nonetheless, considerable progress has been made in recent years, inc
69 s of sex determination in vertebrates though considerable progress has been made in recent years.
70                                              Considerable progress has been made in reducing maternal
71                                              Considerable progress has been made in the design and de
72                                        While considerable progress has been made in the design of ant
73                       In cardiac anesthesia, considerable progress has been made in the evaluation of
74                           Over the past year considerable progress has been made in the field of panc
75                                    Recently, considerable progress has been made in the identificatio
76                                              Considerable progress has been made in the identificatio
77                            However, although considerable progress has been made in the last two deca
78                                              Considerable progress has been made in the last two year
79                                              Considerable progress has been made in the neurobiologic
80                                              Considerable progress has been made in the past two year
81                        Over the past decade, considerable progress has been made in the synthesis and
82                                              Considerable progress has been made in the treatment of
83                                    Recently, considerable progress has been made in the understanding
84                             In recent years, considerable progress has been made in the understanding
85                                              Considerable progress has been made in the untangling of
86                                    Recently, considerable progress has been made in this area as evid
87                                      Whereas considerable progress has been made in this area, much i
88                                              Considerable progress has been made in this regard, and
89                   During the past few years, considerable progress has been made in tracing olfactory
90                             In recent years, considerable progress has been made in uncovering the ph
91                                     Finally, considerable progress has been made in understanding cog
92                                              Considerable progress has been made in understanding Gfi
93                                        While considerable progress has been made in understanding how
94                                              Considerable progress has been made in understanding how
95                                        While considerable progress has been made in understanding how
96                                              Considerable progress has been made in understanding how
97                                              Considerable progress has been made in understanding how
98                      Over the last 30 years, considerable progress has been made in understanding nor
99                                     Recently considerable progress has been made in understanding the
100                          In the last decade, considerable progress has been made in understanding the
101                                     However, considerable progress has been made in understanding the
102                                              Considerable progress has been made in understanding the
103                                     Finally, considerable progress has been made in understanding the
104                                              Considerable progress has been made in understanding the
105                                              Considerable progress has been made in understanding the
106                                     Recently considerable progress has been made in understanding the
107                                     Although considerable progress has been made in understanding the
108                                        While considerable progress has been made in understanding the
109                                    Recently, considerable progress has been made in understanding the
110                                     Although considerable progress has been made in understanding the
111                                      Whereas considerable progress has been made in understanding the
112                 Over the past several years, considerable progress has been made in understanding the
113  cure or amelioration by genetic techniques, considerable progress has been made in understanding the
114                                              Considerable progress has been made in understanding the
115                                              Considerable progress has been made in understanding the
116                                              Considerable progress has been made in understanding the
117                                              Considerable progress has been made in understanding var
118                                              Considerable progress has been made in unraveling the ge
119                                              Considerable progress has been made on algorithms for le
120                                              Considerable progress has been made on developing a mole
121                                              Considerable progress has been made over the last severa
122                                              Considerable progress has been made over the past few ye
123  accessory (beta) subunits in the heart, and considerable progress has been made recently in defining
124                                              Considerable progress has been made recently in elucidat
125                                              Considerable progress has been made recently in our unde
126                                              Considerable progress has been made recently in understa
127                                              Considerable progress has been made recently in understa
128                                     Although considerable progress has been made recently in understa
129                                              Considerable progress has been made regarding the mechan
130 olds in Eukarya has been clearly defined and considerable progress has been made to unravel chromosom
131                                     Although considerable progress has been made toward characterizin
132  its use in muscular dystrophy studies where considerable progress has been made toward dystrophin co
133         In both yeast and mammalian systems, considerable progress has been made toward the character
134                                              Considerable progress has been made toward understanding
135                                              Considerable progress has been made toward understanding
136 ficity of erythropoietin gene expression but considerable progress has been made toward understanding
137                                     Although considerable progress has been made toward understanding
138                                              Considerable progress has been made towards enhancing ou
139                                              Considerable progress has been made using Drosophila mel
140                                    Recently, considerable progress has been made using lentiviral vec
141                                              Considerable progress has been made using minimally inva
142                                              Considerable progress has been made, both socially and l
143                                    Moreover, considerable progress has been made, firstly, in disabli
144                                              Considerable progress has now been made in constructing
145                                              Considerable progress has occurred in understanding adre
146                                              Considerable progress has recently been made in our unde
147                                      Despite considerable progress, however, many of the most puzzlin
148                       Recent years have seen considerable progress in applying single nucleotide poly
149                     The past decade has seen considerable progress in assembling models for the biosy
150       Over the past few years there has been considerable progress in automated protein function pred
151                                              Considerable progress in control and manipulation has be
152                     Recently, there has been considerable progress in coupling small samples of atomi
153                                      Despite considerable progress in deciphering mechanisms of visce
154                    The recent years has seen considerable progress in deciphering the genomic landsca
155      In the past three years, there has been considerable progress in delineating the mechanism of ca
156                               There has been considerable progress in delineating the molecular mecha
157                         While there has been considerable progress in designing protein-protein inter
158  being widely adopted and proving to promote considerable progress in ecology and evolution.
159                                  In spite of considerable progress in elucidating its role in tumor-i
160              The past few years have brought considerable progress in elucidating the molecular and c
161                      Although there has been considerable progress in elucidating the molecular signa
162          Over the past decade there has been considerable progress in elucidating the signaling pathw
163     As many regulatory proteins are modular, considerable progress in engineering signaling circuits
164          In the last 2 years, there has been considerable progress in explaining the biologic propert
165                                              Considerable progress in Fanconi anemia research has res
166                              In recent years considerable progress in health therapy makes a signific
167                                          The considerable progress in high-throughput proteomics anal
168                             However, despite considerable progress in identifying genes and mutations
169                     Recently, there has been considerable progress in identifying relevant bioenergy
170                         DP studies have made considerable progress in identifying the cognitive and n
171                                      Despite considerable progress in identifying the roles of indivi
172                   Recently, we have achieved considerable progress in improving the potency and isofo
173                           Scholars have made considerable progress in measuring and evaluating the ra
174            The past few years have witnessed considerable progress in molecular and biochemical studi
175                                      Despite considerable progress in obtaining static three-dimensio
176          In the last ten years, we have made considerable progress in our genetic and molecular under
177                                      Despite considerable progress in our knowledge regarding the cel
178                               There has been considerable progress in our understanding of the geneti
179               The past two decades have seen considerable progress in our understanding of the molecu
180                                      Despite considerable progress in our understanding of the pathop
181 ide association studies (GWAS), we have seen considerable progress in our understanding of the role t
182                                              Considerable progress in our understanding of yeast geno
183                                              Considerable progress in resolving the geometric structu
184            Over the past year there has been considerable progress in the cloning of several alternat
185 ork has been established that should lead to considerable progress in the coming years.
186                                      Despite considerable progress in the development of cell culture
187                      Although there has been considerable progress in the development of engineering
188                       Recent years have seen considerable progress in the development of microfabrica
189           In the last 2 years there has been considerable progress in the elucidation of molecular me
190                                              Considerable progress in the fabrication of quasicrystal
191 its and displays remain challenging, despite considerable progress in the fabrication of such devices
192                      Although there has been considerable progress in the field of genome assembly, p
193                 Additionally, there has been considerable progress in the identification of genes inf
194  dynamics in neuronal processes, but despite considerable progress in the identification of semaphori
195                               There has been considerable progress in the imaging of cervical cancer
196 cular assemblies of small molecules has made considerable progress in the last decade, though the dis
197                  Tissue engineering has made considerable progress in the past decade, but advances h
198    In particular, two major issues have seen considerable progress in the past decade.
199                                      Despite considerable progress in the past decades, protein struc
200 f a looming biodiversity crisis has inspired considerable progress in the quest to link biodiversity,
201                                              Considerable progress in these diverse design approaches
202                                      Despite considerable progress in uncovering the molecular detail
203                          There has also been considerable progress in understanding how such splice-c
204                     The last decade has seen considerable progress in understanding the amyloidoses.
205                                      Despite considerable progress in understanding the molecular com
206                                      Despite considerable progress in understanding the molecular ori
207                        Neuroscience has made considerable progress in understanding the neural substr
208                        Researchers have made considerable progress in understanding the relation of 2
209                                      Despite considerable progress in understanding this complicated
210 -residue coevolution have recently triggered considerable progress in using sequence data for quatern
211                                              Considerable progress in wireless power transfer has bee
212                                              Considerable progress is being achieved in the character
213                                              Considerable progress is being made in identifying the o
214                                              Considerable progress is being made with a number of inn
215 ite many intrinsic challenges and obstacles, considerable progress is constantly being made in the re
216                       Herein I summarize the considerable progress made and remaining challenges that
217 of the past 2 decades, and in particular the considerable progress made over the last 12 months, will
218             In this review, we highlight the considerable progress made recently towards understandin
219                                      Despite considerable progress, mechanistic understanding of some
220                                              Considerable progress on methods to improve care coordin
221                    Although this has enabled considerable progress, our current understanding is part
222 iven inflammatory pathways, there has been a considerable progress over the past 10years in understan
223  molecular-scale electronic devices has made considerable progress over the past decade, and single-m
224                               There has been considerable progress recently towards developing therap
225                                      Despite considerable progress regarding the immunoregulatory act
226                                      Despite considerable progress, several questions remain open reg
227                                      Despite considerable progress, some issues remain unresolved.
228              In this review, we describe the considerable progress that has been made in homogeneous
229                                      Despite considerable progress, the common variations identified
230 e support these efforts and have resulted in considerable progress to date.
231           Over the past year, there has been considerable progress toward better understanding of IBM
232                      Although there has been considerable progress toward bringing such a product to
233  into multiple locations in Gag-Pol can make considerable progress toward engineering safer retrovira
234 m mouse models to human genetics resulted in considerable progress toward the understanding of ASD pa
235                      Investigators have made considerable progress toward understanding both the epid
236                                 We have made considerable progress toward understanding some cellular
237                      Investigators have made considerable progress toward understanding the mechanism

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