


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1                                                             Considering that 27% of large lakes in the United States have
2                                                             Considering that arthropods harbor a rich microbiota, its pot
3                                                             Considering that Brownian motion is a self-driven phenomenon,
4                                                             Considering that BSEP activity directly depends on canalicula
5                                                             Considering that CAII was recently identified as being regula
6                                                             Considering that chronic obesity decreases ArcN NPY content,
7                                                             Considering that CO2/H(+)-induced vasodilation would accelera
8                                                             Considering that different polymorphs are known to result in
9                                                             Considering that electrochemical impedance values can be corr
10                                                             Considering that ERK1/2 pathway regulates cellular processes
11                                                             Considering that flutriafol is a toxic and carcinogenic pesti
12                                                             Considering that Hsp104 is characterized by low affinity towa
13                                                             Considering that human CDS are devoid of >4 consecutive AAA c
14                                                             Considering that impaired proximal insulin signaling is linke
15                                                             Considering that malignant transformation involves cellular m
16                                                             Considering that mislabeled milk products have been widely re
17                                                             Considering that most efficient polymer-acceptor alternatives
18                                                             Considering that most patients are misinformed about prognosi
19                                                             Considering that mRNA for MC2R and the MC1R variants are pres
20                                                             Considering that Notch signaling is commonly activated in can
21                                                             Considering that numerous ciliary genes are associated with a
22                                                             Considering that O3 is toxic to humans, plants, and animals a
23                                                             Considering that SAmPAP was the only source of PFASs in the t
24                                                             Considering that several STAT3 inhibitors are currently teste
25                                                             Considering that small plaque psoriasis is specific to the As
26                                                             Considering that some of the growth factor pathways are targe
27                                                             Considering that the flagellin filaments on which FliD oligom
28                                                             Considering that the levels of coenzymes and antioxidants rep
29                                                             Considering that the methodologies we have used to delete Oxt
30                                                             Considering that the N-terminal portions of the core histones
31                                                             Considering that the peak pressure measured by hydrophones is
32                                                             Considering that their peripheral activation depends largely
33                                                             Considering that their structural differences may affect thei
34                                                             Considering that these mutants carry high biological costs, w
35                                                             Considering that this new phenomenon is only recently noticed
36                                                             Considering that variants in IRF6 and TWIST1 contribute to hu
37                                                             Considering that, these two substrates are susceptible to fun
38               DHPs are readily prepared from aldehydes, and considering that aldehydes normally require harsh reaction co
39                           Here, we challenged this approach considering that real-life stimuli come normally associated w
40 cations on coronary risk among individuals with a high CACS considering that it is coronary LRP, rather than calcificatio
41 ight result in frequent allergic reactions in the community considering that many 4- to 6-month-old infants were already
42 offee is likely not due to 3-CGA or caffeine concentrations considering that most acids in coffee are highly soluble and
43                 However, injections are painful, especially considering that they have to be given repeatedly to infants
44                                          This is essential, considering that 1 in every 600 Caucasian children is IgA def
45                                                   Moreover, considering that diverse breast cancer cells are differently
46 non-uniform phase angle distributions-attractive properties considering that brain activity is neither stationary nor per
47      This phenomenon may apply generally to other receptors considering that antagonism by a specific ligand is often not
48       Management of pediatric VTE is a complex undertaking, considering that the vast majority of children who develop th
49 derived a general functional response for CTL killing while considering that CTLs form stable synapses (i.e., single-stag
50 experiments determine the number of mature oocysts, without considering that different immune mechanisms may target diffe

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