


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 es of the surgical field or images sent to a console.
2  performed by a surgeon seated at a computer console.
3 ufacturer, which is displayed at the scanner console.
4  (GCC), MRI-compatible needle, and tableside consoles.
5 2 current E-rated video games played on home consoles, 77% were in sports, racing, or action genres a
6                                          The ConSole algorithm provides a fast and accurate tool to r
7                            As a next step of ConSole analysis, we show how detection of solenoid repe
8 group received hardware consisting of a game console and motion capture device and 1 active game at t
9                           We introduce a new console application analysis tool for the analysis of GW
10 TR_STRUC program is currently available as a console application free of charge to academic users fro
11 urther complication is their distribution as console applications that require the user to navigate t
12 ent EDs by using the DLP displayed on the CT console at the end of any given examination.
13 deo games released for major home video game consoles between 1985 and 2000.
14         Images were reconstructed on each CT console but were analyzed on the same independent workst
15                Tests on benchmarks show that ConSole has higher recognition accuracy as compared to R
16 nd with a common patient couch and operating console has recently been explored as a solution to anat
17  cubicle next door and to a television/games console in a parents' room in the ward.
18  on a feature database that provides web and console interfaces for input, visualization of feature d
19 ors) can be quickly fulfilled at the scanner console itself.
20 ns that require the user to navigate through console menus or specify complex command-line arguments.
21 ctive at self-regulation were more likely to console others in distress, and such behavior was more t
22                  phyloMeta is an easy to use console program for integrating phylogenetic information
23                                              ConSole recognizes modularity in protein contact maps, a
24 ation devices consisted of large, cumbersome consoles requiring patient immobilization and often time
25 ctric device was interfaced with a pneumatic console such that the rate could be decreased to 20 cycl
26 ntuitive, are not amenable to operate within console terminals and therefore are difficult to streaml
27 ndings, older chimpanzees are less likely to console than are younger individuals.
28 balloon (5 cm diameter) connected to a drive console that delivers a 65-mL pneumatic pulse during car
29                                         Mean console, warm ischemia, and rewarming times were 130.8 m
30  average time to generate simple MIPs at the console was 3.4 minutes (range, 1.7-4.4 minutes), and 22
31 s from a predesigned protocol on the scanner console were generated more quickly than similar images
32 ges created at a 16-section multidetector CT console with three-dimensional (3D)-workstation-generate

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