


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                              Constitutive expression and activation of YAP inversely
2 h B. henselae strains demonstrated that both constitutive expression and deletion of hbpC affect the
3 p of the SPRR1B 5'-flanking region regulated constitutive expression and increased promoter activity
4  and degradation are derived for the case of constitutive expression and subsequently extended to pro
5 k of response, increased activation, altered constitutive expression, and dysregulated response kinet
6 flH and NflD in all known methanogens, their constitutive expression, and their high sequence similar
7         BbdA's high affinity for BAM and its constitutive expression are of interest for using strain
8 pha is functionally important, because their constitutive expression completely reverses differentiat
9 a conditional mouse model, we show that Agr2 constitutive expression drives precocious lobuloalveolar
10 e effect was that chromosome position alters constitutive expression, due to changes in gene copy num
11                         This family exhibits constitutive expression during larval development and is
12 neurin/NFAT regulation did not contribute to constitutive expression elsewhere or to inflammatory COX
13 og causes early embryonic lethality, whereas constitutive expression enables autonomous self-renewal
14  In development, the absence of p53 impacted constitutive expression for a surprisingly broad scope o
15 ion of cancer, has abnormal NF-kappaB-driven constitutive expression in AML.
16 ional in chicken cells and that knockdown of constitutive expression in chicken fibroblasts results i
17 6b) belong to a subset of keratin genes with constitutive expression in epithelial appendages, and in
18  on expression: CAAT box mutations modulated constitutive expression in nonlymphoid tissues, whereas
19 nic MSCs and may be a factor involved in its constitutive expression in vivo.
20 nts rpoE induction during stress, but leaves constitutive expression intact, and allows cell viabilit
21 y all loci, episodic bursting--as opposed to constitutive expression--is the predominant mode of expr
22  Specifically, gene clustering did not alter constitutive expression levels or stochastic fluctuation
23 op antiinflammatory therapies that spare the constitutive expression necessary for normal homeostatic
24                                              Constitutive expression of 10A06 in Arabidopsis affected
25  in the cochlear sensory epithelium revealed constitutive expression of 176 miRNAs, many of which hav
26 under various growth conditions demonstrated constitutive expression of 7 genes, variable expression
27         Transgenic mice (Kit(copGFP/+)) with constitutive expression of a bright green fluorescent pr
28                            We show here that constitutive expression of a C-terminal mutant OAZ (OAZD
29 ation of the myristoylated glycine triggered constitutive expression of a calcineurin-dependent repor
30 ocytes, since knockdown of SIRT1 through the constitutive expression of a corresponding RNA interfere
31                                              Constitutive expression of a GTPase defective Dominant N
32 We describe pRedScript, which introduces the constitutive expression of a very bright red fluorescent
33 47R) expression in mouse mammary glands with constitutive expression of activated Her2/Neu resulted i
34                                              Constitutive expression of AHR was affected by Nrf2 geno
35 -out of PTEN in dopamine neurons, leading to constitutive expression of Akt in these neurons.
36 eptor (alpha(1a)-247R) and demonstrated that constitutive expression of alpha(1a)-247R results in two
37                           Here, we show that constitutive expression of alphaSyn in yeast impairs lat
38  cells lacking both p53 and pRb and that the constitutive expression of an active H-Ras oncogene in t
39                     We also show that strong constitutive expression of an intron-containing JAZ10 ge
40 esis response, which in turn is regulated by constitutive expression of angiogenic inhibitors like th
41 ved macrophages (BMDM) from BALB/c mice lack constitutive expression of any of the six murine ecto-AR
42                                              Constitutive expression of any Pitx isoform suppressed s
43                        Conversely, targeting constitutive expression of AP-2alpha in AP-2-positive KM
44 ranscriptional reporter analysis suggest the constitutive expression of bbdA in MSH1.
45  RNA interference accelerates flowering, and constitutive expression of BBX19 delays flowering under
46 Follicular lymphoma (FL) is characterized by constitutive expression of Bcl-2 as a consequence of t(1
47                                              Constitutive expression of Bcl-2 did not rescue the diff
48                                              Constitutive expression of BCL6 mediates lymphomagenesis
49 ctor-1-dependent expression of BNIP3 and the constitutive expression of Beclin-1 and Atg5, and that i
50                                              Constitutive expression of BLyS was observed in neutroph
51                               We demonstrate constitutive expression of both PSR mRNA and protein tha
52 five of the Glu304 loop residues resulted in constitutive expression of both TnrA- and GlnR-regulated
53                                    Moreover, constitutive expression of BT2 imparted resistance to bo
54                                              Constitutive expression of BT2 induces telomerase activi
55 A at the time of conditioning, together with constitutive expression of c-Jun and JunD, may contribut
56                                              Constitutive expression of C/EBPbeta LIP inhibited IFN-g
57                                Together with constitutive expression of Cas9, this system achieves se
58                         Conversely, enforced constitutive expression of CD62L on T(EM) did not endow
59 emia and myeloma cells and downregulated the constitutive expression of cell survival proteins.
60 gnificantly repressed in the mutant and that constitutive expression of chbC in the mutant successful
61  to exercise is lost in transgenic mice with constitutive expression of CHCHD4.
62  gene fusions may be pro-neoplastic owing to constitutive expression of chimeric gene products normal
63                We have shown previously that constitutive expression of CNTF prevents photoreceptor d
64 ced cCF10 is carefully controlled to prevent constitutive expression of conjugation functions, an ene
65                                    We report constitutive expression of corneal lymphatics that exten
66                    Both mouse strains showed constitutive expression of corneal VIP protein and nerve
67 d not express Cry11A protein indicating that constitutive expression of cry11A may be problematic in
68                                              Constitutive expression of CXCL12 in human colorectal ca
69 opulations of innate CD8(+) T cells based on constitutive expression of CXCR3.
70 mined by RT-PCR and flow cytometry for their constitutive expression of CXCR4 and CCR7.
71                             Furthermore, the constitutive expression of cyclin A2 appears to augment
72                                              Constitutive expression of Cyp1a1 throughout the body or
73 eticulocytes remained unexplained, given the constitutive expression of DARC during reticulocyte matu
74  of exogenous Zn, deletion of Zur results in constitutive expression of dksA2, and Zur binds specific
75                             We confirmed the constitutive expression of Dusp9 at the protein level in
76 ed genes regulated in response to high-level constitutive expression of E2Fa and of CYCD3;1, but such
77 sted the cell cycle in G1/S phase, inhibited constitutive expression of E6, Cyclin D1, CDK4, pRb, and
78                    In addition, we show that constitutive expression of either of the two positively
79                                              Constitutive expression of either RET9 or RET51 increase
80 ich PDF1.2 transcription was up-regulated by constitutive expression of ERF1 in a coronatine insensit
81 ed in DES-induced kidney carcinogenesis, (b) Constitutive expression of ETRG-1 in normal kidney tissu
82    We earlier reported on a mouse model that constitutive expression of EVI1 in the BM led to fatal a
83                                              Constitutive expression of FBPase and fructose-6-phospha
84 host could be engineered to produce FDMs via constitutive expression of fdmR1; FDM production in S. l
85                                     However, constitutive expression of fevR in an mglA mutant strain
86 C and PDGFRalpha(+) cells were identified by constitutive expression of fluorescent reporters.
87                                Intriguingly, constitutive expression of fluorescently tagged PIP2;7 i
88                                              Constitutive expression of FoxM1 in AREG knockdown cells
89  enhanced accumulation of abscisic acid, the constitutive expression of genes encoding antibiotic pep
90 nscriptional start sites are associated with constitutive expression of genes involved in translation
91                                 We find that constitutive expression of GFP-AtSAUR19 bypasses the nor
92                                              Constitutive expression of GhPAO in Arabidopsis thaliana
93                                              Constitutive expression of GLI3 repressor in Ptch1-defic
94                                              Constitutive expression of GLS1 led to exposure of beta-
95                                              Constitutive expression of GPC1 causes DNA rereplication
96 conclusion that at homeostasis in the lungs, constitutive expression of granulocyte-macrophage colony
97                                 As expected, constitutive expression of HAI-2 suppressed the formatio
98 ogated vernalization responsiveness and high constitutive expression of heat- and cold-responsive gen
99 hat HNF4alpha plays an important role in the constitutive expression of hepatic UGT2B7, and CAR acts
100 first time a novel bicistronic HC-Ad driving constitutive expression of herpes simplex virus type 1 t
101 nic epithelium disruption of Vhl resulted in constitutive expression of HIF, which initiated an incre
102                      In cultured adipocytes, constitutive expression of HIF-1alpha increased Angptl4
103                                              Constitutive expression of HIF1 alpha and HIF2 alpha has
104                                              Constitutive expression of high levels of IL-12 receptor
105 mosome loss, all of which were suppressed by constitutive expression of histone H3 (delta 16H3).
106 in donors on suppressive ART consistent with constitutive expression of HIV RNA in infected cell clon
107                                              Constitutive expression of HK2 and LDHA during different
108                                              Constitutive expression of HopAI with the RP27 or TrpC p
109 tivity, its steady-state mRNA levels, or the constitutive expression of house-keeping genes (e.g. Cl
110                                              Constitutive expression of Hoxa11 in murine fibroblasts
111 kout strain can be partially complemented by constitutive expression of hrpG, indicating that PhoP co
112                                              Constitutive expression of HSFA2 rescued the development
113                                          The constitutive expression of HsfB2b leads to severely redu
114                                              Constitutive expression of HSH2 in the B lineage at leve
115                                              Constitutive expression of HSP-16.2 could reduce amyloid
116 ansgenic C. elegans animals with high level, constitutive expression of HSP-16.2.
117                                   Transgenic constitutive expression of hsp70 in neurons, the primary
118                       We also confirmed that constitutive expression of hspX slows growth in vitro, a
119                        Our results show that constitutive expression of human COX-2 (hCOX-2) in hepat
120  rule pathway mutants are characterized by a constitutive expression of hypoxia response genes and ab
121                                              Constitutive expression of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF
122 ied the core promoter region responsible for constitutive expression of hZip1 and demonstrated critic
123 atopoietic developmental potential exhibited constitutive expression of ID family genes and of transc
124 nate and adaptive immune system cells is the constitutive expression of ID proteins in the former and
125                                              Constitutive expression of Id2 in differentiating NSCs r
126  human influenza viruses, in part due to the constitutive expression of IFITM3 proteins.
127                                              Constitutive expression of igeR resulted in the reductio
128                                 In contrast, constitutive expression of IKK2 directly increased the a
129                                              Constitutive expression of IL-10 in macrophages abrogate
130 ither Plexin-B2 or Plexin-D1 on DCs leads to constitutive expression of IL-12/IL-23p40.
131 er individuals into two extremes: those with constitutive expression of IL-1beta, nucleotide metaboli
132 on and arterial stiffness; and those without constitutive expression of IL-1beta, who lack these char
133 me that a combination of viral infection and constitutive expression of IL-2, but not IFN-gamma or IL
134 ng immunohistochemistry and ELISA, we showed constitutive expression of IL-33 in murine pancreas and
135                                              Constitutive expression of IL-33 was not detected in blo
136               Although several cells display constitutive expression of IL-33, we showed previously t
137                    The results indicate that constitutive expression of IL-7Ralpha alone was not enou
138                                              Constitutive expression of IL-7Ralpha did allow for slig
139 ethal bacterial challenge demonstrating that constitutive expression of IL-7Ralpha does not impair, o
140                      We investigated whether constitutive expression of IL-7Ralpha on T cells increas
141 tting of melanoma cell lysates confirmed the constitutive expression of iNOS.
142 -AMP synthase-mediated signaling and reduces constitutive expression of interferon in macrophages fro
143 e 1 IFN production is directly linked to the constitutive expression of IRF7, the master transcriptio
144 bidopsis thaliana) is chlorotic and exhibits constitutive expression of its iron uptake responses.
145 ion of (i) a chemical signal controlling the constitutive expression of key competence genes, and (ii
146                      Neural progenitors with constitutive expression of KLF4 fail to migrate and deve
147                                     However, constitutive expression of KrasG12D in granulosa cells d
148                                              Constitutive expression of Kruppel-like factor 3 (KLF3,
149 tation, leading to Cre-lox recombination and constitutive expression of LacZ from its promoter.
150 tion of the WAP-Cre gene, recombination, and constitutive expression of LacZ.
151  M. truncatula, respectively, in response to constitutive expression of LAP1, many of which are invol
152                          The consequences of constitutive expression of large amounts of defective st
153                          We report here that constitutive expression of Lrp [lrp(Con)] dramatically a
154 opment in rice vascular sheath cells through constitutive expression of maize GOLDEN2-LIKE genes.
155 itutively expressed in plants, and show that constitutive expression of MBF1c in soybean enhances yie
156 (MIC>1 mg/ml) triclosan resistance either by constitutive expression of MexAB-OprM, an efflux pump of
157 n the mgtA riboswitch that causes high-level constitutive expression of mgtA.
158 mors, such as melanoma, may acquire aberrant constitutive expression of MHC class II.
159 ulticytokine polyfunctionality; in contrast, constitutive expression of miR-17-92 promoted terminal e
160                                              Constitutive expression of miR-34a led to a block in B c
161                                              Constitutive expression of miR-487b abrogated Wnt signal
162 and complete rescue of invasiveness in vitro Constitutive expression of miR-92a-3p or inhibition of m
163                            Here we show that constitutive expression of miR408 results in enhanced gr
164 pression, it is intriguing to speculate that constitutive expression of MR1 may be detrimental for ma
165                                              Constitutive expression of murine IL-15 in IL-15-transge
166 mposition of defense-induced lignin, whereas constitutive expression of MYB15 increases lignin conten
167 port can be restored to feuP mutant cells by constitutive expression of ndvA; likewise, the symbiotic
168 ystems are almost ubiquitous in metazoa, the constitutive expression of neuroglobin-like proteins str
169                                     Aberrant constitutive expression of NF-kappaB subunits, reported
170                                              Constitutive expression of NF?B partially rescues cell d
171 rsion of CO2 to CH4 by R. palustris required constitutive expression of nitrogenase, which was achiev
172 anking region of the NK1 partly accounts for constitutive expression of NK1 in BCCs but could not acc
173                            Here we show that constitutive expression of Notch1 intracellular domain i
174                                         High constitutive expression of Nrf2 was found in many types
175 ion, which is critical for the high level of constitutive expression of NT/N in enteroendocrine cells
176 rent neurons to peripheral signals and their constitutive expression of orexigenic receptors and neur
177                                           If constitutive expression of orthologs of AGL15 is able to
178 t for the host acquired immune response, and constitutive expression of OspC results in spirochete cl
179                                              Constitutive expression of ospR alters pigment productio
180 we show that mice deficient in p100 but with constitutive expression of p52 in lymphocytes developed
181 eir littermates with only p100 deficiency or constitutive expression of p52 in lymphocytes developed
182 notype, constitutive callose deposition, and constitutive expression of pathogen response genes.
183 ompounds momilactones and phytocassanes, and constitutive expression of pathogenesis-related genes.
184 pocotyls specifically under short days while constitutive expression of PCH1 shortens hypocotyls inde
185                                          The constitutive expression of PD-L1 in the testis is an imp
186                                              Constitutive expression of PELI1 resulted in ligand-inde
187                      In this study, however, constitutive expression of PER, and not CRY1, severely d
188                                 Furthermore, constitutive expression of PER2 in the brain and SCN of
189                                  In Petunia, constitutive expression of PhLHY depressed the expressio
190 s with PIII and PIV CIITA promoters indicate constitutive expression of PIII in MSCs and a switch to
191 on in steroidogenic cells may be due to high constitutive expression of PKCepsilon that renders them
192                  Additionally, we found that constitutive expression of PLATZ1 in WT plants confers p
193                                              Constitutive expression of PP(i)-associated genes was co
194 of the rhizoid system in the moss P. patens; constitutive expression of PpRSL1 and PpRSL2 converts de
195 also observed that mutations that led to the constitutive expression of PrfA-dependent virulence gene
196 PO in steroidogenic cells may be due to high constitutive expression of protein kinase Cepsilon (PKCe
197                                    Following constitutive expression of reciprocal constructs, potent
198 alogs, WTM1 and WTM2, that greatly increases constitutive expression of RNR3-lacZ.
199  expression in opt3-2 plants resulted in the constitutive expression of root iron deficiency response
200                                              Constitutive expression of RPS19R62W in developing mice
201                            Here we show that constitutive expression of RV-cyclin in the HCT116 colon
202                        Retrovirally-mediated constitutive expression of S1PR3 led to suppressed cell
203 irectly tested the leukemogenic potential of constitutive expression of SALL4 in a murine model.
204                   Also, we demonstrated that constitutive expression of SALL4 inhibited granulocytic
205                                    Moreover, constitutive expression of SAP2 or SAP5 in two distinct
206    The constructed deletion also resulted in constitutive expression of SCO1135 transcript, as well a
207 for their therapeutic use, demonstrated that constitutive expression of serine protease inhibitor 9 (
208                            Here, we detected constitutive expression of several microRNAs (miRNAs) po
209                                     Although constitutive expression of several of these proteins was
210                                         Upon constitutive expression of SHH, breast cancer cells show
211        Here, using a Cre-lox system to drive constitutive expression of SHH, we identify the effects
212 normal breast cells, we observe a high level constitutive expression of SOCS2, SOCS3, SOCS5, SOCS6, S
213                                 We show that constitutive expression of SOCS6 protein in retinal neur
214                   There was no change in the constitutive expression of Sox9 or bone morphogenetic pr
215                          We report here that constitutive expression of soybean orthologs of the Arab
216                   These results suggest that constitutive expression of Spry1 in chondrocytes results
217 vent loss of alpha2-6 sialylation, we forced constitutive expression of ST6Gal-I, and found that this
218 rexpression decreased STAT3 phosphorylation; constitutive expression of STAT3 reversed SPARC-mediated
219                                              Constitutive expression of TaABF1 in aleurone cells of i
220                                         Such constitutive expression of TaLsi1 or OsLsi1 resulted in
221                                              Constitutive expression of TDP-43 in the Drosophila comp
222                                              Constitutive expression of Tfcp2l1 at levels similar to
223 sistance to various drugs, we determined the constitutive expression of TG2 in 75 PDAC and 12 PDAC ce
224  contrast to ICAM-1, there is restricted and constitutive expression of the alpha(4)beta(1) ligand, V
225                                              Constitutive expression of the AtPep1 precursor gene PRO
226 mal translocations and amplification lead to constitutive expression of the B cell lymphoma 6 (BCL6)
227 ion factor CESTA (CES) can contribute to the constitutive expression of the C-REPEAT/DEHYDRATION-RESP
228                                              Constitutive expression of the chemokine CXCL12 by bone
229                                              Constitutive expression of the chimeric NPM/ALK fusion p
230                                     However, constitutive expression of the core replication proteins
231  neuroblastoma hybrid cell line which showed constitutive expression of the exogenous Nav 1.8, and en
232 tion of the hns and ler genes in EHEC caused constitutive expression of the fusion reporter protein.
233  in the Phom promoter (P*hom ), resulting in constitutive expression of the hom-thrCB operon.
234 g protein was inactivated, also resulting in constitutive expression of the hom-thrCB operon.
235                                              Constitutive expression of the inflammatory cytokine tum
236    We show that on naive CD8(+) T cells, the constitutive expression of the integrin alpha4beta7 that
237  uniform binding of each variant, indicating constitutive expression of the M1 epitope and antibody o
238       This observation demonstrates that the constitutive expression of the mce1 genes by M. tubercul
239                                          The constitutive expression of the mce1 genes in the mce1R m
240 y we found that IFN-gamma down-regulated the constitutive expression of the neonatal Fc receptor (FcR
241 se in Wld(s) mice was associated with robust constitutive expression of the nonsignaling CD200 molecu
242 ia (T-ALL), we studied T-ALL cell lines with constitutive expression of the NOTCH intracellular domai
243 uble delta-like 4 (sDll4)/Jagged1 (sJag1) or constitutive expression of the Notch1 intracellular doma
244                                              Constitutive expression of the Notch3 intracellular doma
245 erent NT/N mRNA isoforms, and high levels of constitutive expression of the NT/N gene.
246 hat results in Ser200 Leu substitution and a constitutive expression of the Pho regulon.
247 ns in vitro and is attenuated in vivo due to constitutive expression of the phosphate starvation-resp
248                                              Constitutive expression of the Polycomb complex member B
249                  Further analysis identified constitutive expression of the proinflammatory cytokine
250                             Here we describe constitutive expression of the protein tyrosine kinase B
251                                              Constitutive expression of the rate-determining enzyme h
252 ficantly increased salicylic acid levels and constitutive expression of the systemic acquired resista
253                                              Constitutive expression of the triABC operon was due to
254 cted vanS deletion mutation also resulted in constitutive expression of the van genes, suggesting tha
255 pression in transgenic mice and determine if constitutive expression of these genes is sufficient to
256                                              Constitutive expression of these mutants in zebrafish em
257 CD of the ileum are characterized by reduced constitutive expression of these peptides and, according
258 ediated knockdown of CCN1 down-regulated the constitutive expression of these profibrotic genes in IP
259 elial protein C receptor (EPCR) and that low constitutive expression of these regulatory molecules in
260 ver, the molecular mechanisms that allow the constitutive expression of this genetic region in neuron
261                                              Constitutive expression of this lipase in fat storage ti
262                                              Constitutive expression of tissue factor (TF) by cancer
263                                              Constitutive expression of TK1086 (surR) from a replicat
264                                 Furthermore, constitutive expression of TL on epithelial cells led to
265                                              Constitutive expression of TL1A in transgenic mice was a
266          We demonstrate that TM have a lower constitutive expression of TLR pathway-specific genes co
267            This HC-HA complex is produced by constitutive expression of TNF-stimulated gene 6 and end
268 d macrophage cell surface gp96 inhibited the constitutive expression of TNFalpha.
269                                              Constitutive expression of TnrA- and GlnR-regulated gene
270                                              Constitutive expression of tomato TIP2;2 in transgenic T
271                                 We show that constitutive expression of transforming growth factor-al
272  provides an additional benchmark for strong constitutive expression of transgenes in Chlamydomonas,
273 ermal gammadeltaT precursor cells due to the constitutive expression of transgenic CCR6 resulted in t
274                                          The constitutive expression of transgenic green fluorescence
275            Expression analysis revealed high constitutive expression of trout IL-17A/F2 in mucosal ti
276                                          The constitutive expression of trout TNF-alpha3 was generall
277 xication, which is attributed in part to the constitutive expression of two importers: the proton-dep
278                                Moreover, the constitutive expression of type 1 fimbriae in UPEC cysti
279                                              Constitutive expression of type 1 fimbriae leads to repr
280  in CFT073 fim L-ON is not solely due to the constitutive expression of type 1 fimbriae on the surfac
281                                        While constitutive expression of type 1 fimbriae resulted in a
282                                              Constitutive expression of U1 during growth produced ~25
283     This was achieved by inducing high-level constitutive expression of UME6, a recently identified f
284                                              Constitutive expression of vTR in the chicken fibroblast
285                                              Constitutive expression of VvMYB4a and VvMYB4b in petuni
286 get gene, whiB, and that deletion of bldO or constitutive expression of whiB is sufficient to induce
287                                 We find that constitutive expression of wild type, but not mutant, HS
288                                              Constitutive expression of wild-type SlARF10 did not alt
289                             Plants with high constitutive expression of WVD2 or other members of the
290                                              Constitutive expression of ySpdSyn enhanced intracellula
291                                              Constitutive expression or conditional activation of wil
292 suitability of different strategies--such as constitutive expression or graded response--for regulati
293 terference reduces hypocotyl length, and its constitutive expression promotes growth.
294  Vad1 activity on inductive mating medium by constitutive expression resulted in repressed levels of
295                 In transient conditional and constitutive expression studies in tobacco leaves using
296 ant biotechnology toolkit beyond traditional constitutive expression systems.
297 TS transcription factor ETV2 for 2 weeks and constitutive expression the ETS transcription factors FL
298          As expected, PARP1 and GAPDH showed constitutive expression throughout all cell lines and ti
299 e quantified the effect of these features on constitutive expression, transcription factor binding an
300 an achieve high levels of both inducible and constitutive expression with up to an 80% reduction in s

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