


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  that Golgi-resident enzymes cycle to the ER constitutively.
2  majority of STAT2 is phosphorylated on T387 constitutively.
3                          Early floral stages constitutively accumulate greater amounts of two well-ch
4                   In Loxl3-/- mice, Stat3 is constitutively acetylated and naive CD4(+) T cells are p
5  We utilize this technique to transiently or constitutively activate a typical human oncogene, kRASG1
6 as a developmentally controlled potential to constitutively activate GL promoters but that this activ
7 atent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) functions to constitutively activate NF-kappaB signalling, and we obs
8 in this interface displace the macro domain, constitutively activate the ALC1 ATPase independent of P
9 ere, we have shown that MLL-ENL and MLL-AF10 constitutively activate transcription by aberrantly indu
10 e canonical NF-kappaB pathway, which becomes constitutively activated following overexpression of the
11 Here we show that SPHK1 is overexpressed and constitutively activated in primary AML patient blasts b
12 ate phase of GF signaling that appears to be constitutively activated in tumor cells.
13 ological CD207(+) dendritic cells (DCs) with constitutively activated mitogen-activated protein kinas
14                                The amount of constitutively activated NFkappaB increased dramatically
15 ammasomes are mediators of inflammation, and constitutively activated NLRP3 inflammasomes have been l
16 th the overexpression of either wild-type or constitutively activated PDGFRA (platelet-derived growth
17 ssion of the PKC1(R398P) gene, which encodes constitutively activated Pkc1p, rescued crd1Delta growth
18  and dimerization, and inducing apoptosis to constitutively activated STAT3 cancer cells without cyto
19 t encode an abnormal RAS protein locked in a constitutively activated state to drive malignant transf
20              In E1R/R4E KCNQ1, a mutant with constitutively activated voltage sensors, F56Bpa and F57
21 e found that Rho kinase (ROCK) signaling was constitutively activated, resulting in increased cytoske
22 PS) macrophages, where NLRP3 inflammasome is constitutively activated.
23 so show that growth/proliferation signals by constitutively-activated EGFR may rely on TGFbeta and a
24 ts of NLRC4, H443P, but not T337A and V341A, constitutively activates caspase-8 and induces apoptotic
25                     The EBV oncoprotein LMP1 constitutively activates NFkappaB and is critical for su
26 ed guanine nucleotide-exchange factors or of constitutively active (but not wild-type) forms of these
27 e investigated the responses controlled by a constitutively active (CA) MPK3 in Arabidopsis thalianaC
28                      Renal expression of the constitutively active (CA)-SPAK mutant was specifically
29 ts in CAPE-treated embryos are suppressed by constitutively active Akt1.
30 n treatment and adenoviral overexpression of constitutively active AMPK downregulated mitochondrial s
31  Using mice expressing dominant negative and constitutively active Ampk in skeletal muscle, we demons
32 ever, in tumorigenesis, STAT proteins become constitutively active and promote the expression of prog
33 xhaustion, or oncogene activation, mTORC1 is constitutively active and resistant to serum and amino a
34                           TRPV6 channels are constitutively active and their open probability depends
35 raint from un-liganded LBD as exemplified by constitutively active AR variants (AR-Vs), which are ass
36 ments that allosterically suppress otherwise constitutively active AR-Vs; one in exon 5 for v6es and
37                       Finally, expression of constitutively active ARF1 in fibroblasts induced format
38              This phenotype is suppressed by constitutively active arl-8 or unc-104 mutants.
39 ids of the endogenous TTP protein renders it constitutively active as an mRNA-destabilizing factor.
40                   Conversely, overexpressing constitutively active Atg7, which forces autophagy and r
41  whether the EBV LMP2A protein, which mimics constitutively active B cell receptor signaling, is requ
42                         Both constructs were constitutively active but were monomeric as determined b
43                         Here, the effects of constitutively active CD40 in DCs on atherosclerosis wer
44          Additional BCR stimulation of these constitutively active cells, however, led to reduced act
45 n homology) domains, revealing that it has a constitutively active conformation.
46 eserpine (VMAT inhibitor), and VP16-XlCreb1 (constitutively active CREB) would break the all-or-none
47 ly mimicked in WT neurons upon expression of constitutively active CRMP2 (CRMP2(T/A)).
48 ignal either as active monomers (class 1) or constitutively active dimers (class 2).
49                                 In mice with constitutively active EGFR [EGFR(DSK5) mice], we find th
50 mall cell lung cancer xenograft expressing a constitutively active EGFR conformational mutant exhibit
51 ible transgenic line to induce expression of constitutively active ErbB2 (caErbB2) selectively in SCs
52 therapy-resistant tumors driven by different constitutively active ERs.
53 d D538G ERs, the two most commonly occurring constitutively active ERs.
54 ress the AMPylation activity mediated by the constitutively active Fic(E247G) mutant in Drosophila S2
55 Here, we show that excessive AMPylation by a constitutively active Fic(E247G) mutant is lethal in Dro
56 overed by MTORC1 inhibition or expression of constitutively active forkhead box protein O1 (FoxO1).
57 t cancer cell lines expressing an inducible, constitutively active form of IkappaB kinase beta (CA-IK
58                    Co-electroporation with a constitutively active form of PI3K rescued migration.
59                                            A constitutively active form of SRF/Mkl1 was not sufficien
60 AURs was also enhanced in lines expressing a constitutively active form of the BR signaling component
61 ected liver tissues from mice that express a constitutively active form of YAP (YAP(S127A)) and analy
62 tive to changes in free Ca2+, resulting in a constitutively active form under physiological Ca2+-conc
63                      Moreover, expression of constitutively active forms of Akt1 and Akt2 restores th
64                               Targeting of a constitutively active FoxM1 construct or the activation
65                                 Recruiting a constitutively active FoxM1 construct or the activation
66                            We focused on the constitutively active G12V K-Ras and two of its variants
67  fused with a fluorescent protein label, the constitutively active G12V mutant H-Ras.
68 sing a forward genetic approach, we isolated constitutively active gain-of-function variants of the A
69         Co-expression of Gbetagamma, but not constitutively active Galphai or Galphao, inhibited TRPM
70 tion of adhesion, we analyzed the effects of constitutively active Galphai1(Q204L) expression on adhe
71 ion, whereas the expression of Gli2DeltaN, a constitutively active Gli2, restored Hh pathway activati
72   In Saccharomyces cerevisiae pho84 mutants, constitutively active Gtr1 suppresses a TORC1 signaling
73                 Overexpression of Gtr1 and a constitutively active Gtr1(Q67L) mutant suppresses TORC1
74                    Here, we demonstrate that constitutively active Hedgehog signaling in murine inter
75 ble for Tr1 cell induction, as expression of constitutively active HRas rescues IRF4 expression and T
76 ing the putative substrate-binding site in a constitutively active Hsp104 variant impairs the recover
77 we report that Igfbp7-deficient mice exhibit constitutively active IGF signaling, presenting with pro
78                    In contrast, flies with a constitutively active immune system had microbiota readi
79           Our data show that, in Drosophila, constitutively active immunity shapes the structure and
80 enchymal Twist2-Cre to drive expression of a constitutively active inhibitor of NF-kappaB kinase subu
81 hosphatase-1 through the overexpression of a constitutively active inhibitor-1 (I-1c) has been shown
82             We show that different PKMs, the constitutively active isoforms of PKCs generated by calp
83 loss is not fully rescued by expression of a constitutively active Jak2 allele.
84               Overproduction of wild-type or constitutively active Lyn inhibited production of TNF-al
85 l-like ovarian cancer cells by co-expressing constitutively active MEK1 and Src rather than either al
86                                  Conversely, constitutively active mTORC1 led to DZ enrichment but lo
87                                            A constitutively active mutant form of FGFR3 decreased BPV
88 expression of the wild-type receptor and its constitutively active mutant form, EGFRvIII, limits sens
89 ted by mutant LRRK2, whereas expression of a constitutively active mutant of NCLX that enhances calci
90   Overexpression of a FAK phosphomimetic and constitutively active mutant p-FAK-Y407E in these cells
91                                          The constitutively active Nlrp3(A350V) mutation abolished th
92                                 In contrast, constitutively active NRAS expression induced ETS1 and C
93 own previously for rod cells, attenuation of constitutively active opsin can be achieved with the unb
94 1-cis-retinal and the accumulation of toxic, constitutively active opsin.
95                 Further investigations using constitutively active or dominant-negative forms of Rab
96                  Here, we discovered several constitutively active Orai1 and Orai3 mutants, containin
97 e because PTEN deficiency or expression of a constitutively active PI3K rescued function of B cells i
98 by activating PP2A(Cdc55) We discovered that constitutively active Pkc1 can drive cells through a mit
99 c neurons throughout the brain expressed the constitutively active PKM1 isoform, while neural progeni
100 A)-mediated knockdown, and overexpression of constitutively active PLK1 (PLK1(CA) ).
101 wth and metastasis, which was rescued by the constitutively active PPP1R1A.
102 acrophages; while rLm30 expressing r30 via a constitutively active prfA* regulon (rLmIII/a30) express
103     Assembly of the endocytic machinery is a constitutively active process that is important for the
104      Here we show that CK2, a ubiquitous and constitutively active protein kinase, phosphorylates HSJ
105                Inhibition of Akt activity by constitutively active PTEN similarly decreases crestin e
106 f synaptic vesicles, which can be rescued by constitutively active Rab26.
107 ansgenic mice with cardiac overexpression of constitutively active Rac1 (RacET) develop an age-depend
108 ike ovarian cancer cells, whereas expressing constitutively active Rac1 leads to EMT in epithelial-li
109  Src are higher in ovarian cancer cells with constitutively active Rac1, we conclude that Rac1 sustai
110  1/2 (MEK1/2) and Src inhibitors can abolish constitutively active Rac1-led EMT and mesenchymal trait
111 matrix degradation by invadopodia, whereas a constitutively active Rac3 can rescue the deficits in in
112 hai1(Q204L) expression on adhesion driven by constitutively active Rap1a(G12V) or its downstream effe
113 is and leading to high expression of ERAS, a constitutively active RAS protein normally expressed onl
114  full activation of signalling downstream of constitutively active RAS with which it interacts in a B
115 gnaling driven by TGFbeta ligand Activin and constitutively active receptors Alk4 and Alk2 remain int
116 s of active ROP2, including those expressing constitutively active ROP2 (CA-ROP2), contain high level
117  CYTOKININ INDEPENDENT1 (CKI1), encoding the constitutively active sensor His kinase that activates M
118 dministration and transgenic mice carrying a constitutively active SHP2 mutation.
119                            Overexpression of constitutively active SHP2 reduced the responsiveness of
120                        M also suppressed the constitutively active simian virus 40 (SV40) promoter an
121 as free from HSP90, exclusively nuclear, and constitutively active similarly as previously reported f
122             Here, we show that expression of constitutively active SMAD2/3 significantly improves the
123               Here by inducing expression of constitutively active Smoothened (SmoM2) or Gli2 (DeltaN
124    Moreover, overexpression of wild-type and constitutively active SOD2 similarly blunted inflammasom
125  M2 isoform of pyruvate kinase (PK) over its constitutively active splice variant M1 isoform is consi
126             Transgenic tomato overexpressing constitutively active stable DELLA proteins (S-della) di
127      This study, along with other studies of constitutively active STAT mutants, provides insight int
128 carboxamide (AICAR) or adenovirus expressing constitutively active subunits of AMPK decreased cue-ind
129            Conversely, a strain containing a constitutively active SurR variant displays a growth phe
130                  Consistently, expression of constitutively active TEL-SYK counteracted the apoptotic
131  splice variants including AR-V7 function as constitutively active transcription factors in CRPC cell
132 he link between GRHL2 and AR also applied to constitutively active truncated AR variants (ARV), as GR
133  through adeno-associated virus expressing a constitutively active type I receptor significantly redu
134 neoplasia characterized by expression of the constitutively active tyrosine kinase BCR/Abl.
135 ; its disruptive effects can be rescued by a constitutively active UNC-9::GFP protein, demonstrating
136 silencing and forced expression of wild-type/constitutively active variants, we provide evidence that
137                                     In vivo, constitutively active YAP lowers plasma glucose levels a
138 ponse to glucagon and dexamethasone, whereas constitutively active YAP suppresses it.
139  cells is stimulated by myristoylated (i.e., constitutively active) Akt and reduced by the Akt-specif
140 g kinase, cyclin H-CDK7-Mat1 (CAK), which is constitutively active, is responsible for the activating
141  programmable transcriptional regulators are constitutively active, precise temporal and spatial cont
142  LRT persistence even when BvgAS is rendered constitutively active, suggesting the presence of BvgAS-
143 strains with altered GAL1 promoter dynamics (constitutively active, synthetic with nucleosome-disfavo
144 tumorigenic MI line harbored membrane-bound, constitutively active, truncated EGFR.
145      Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) is a constitutively active, ubiquitously expressed protein ki
146   Conversely, the p.Tyr64Asp substitution is constitutively active.
147 dual neurons using dominant-negative (dn) or constitutively-active (ca) forms of nuclear-localized Ca
148 e main IL-4-producing endometrial leukocyte (constitutively and during Chlamydia infection), whereas
149 pecific synaptic trafficking of AMPARs, both constitutively and during plasticity.
150  (OX) OsALMT4 released malate from the roots constitutively and had 2-fold higher malate concentratio
151  to generate transgenic chicken embryos that constitutively and stably expressed chIFN-kappa.
152                                     EBI2 was constitutively and stably expressed in peripheral blood
153  newly developed 3D7-derived parasite lines, constitutively and stably expressing DiCre, generated us
154     We observed that EEPD1 and Exo1 interact constitutively, and Exo1 repairs stalled replication for
155 usters of FcgammaRI, but not FcgammaRII, are constitutively associated with nanoclusters of SIRPalpha
156                                     DOCK1 is constitutively associated with sites of integrin attachm
157                                        LACC1 constitutively associates with succinate dehydrogenase (
158 es when kRASG12V is expressed transiently or constitutively at different developmental stages.
159 nt source of type II cytokines and are found constitutively at mucosal surfaces and in visceral adipo
160                                      Themis2 constitutively bound the adaptor protein Grb2, src-kinas
161    Among these, activation of CK1varepsilon, constitutively bound to LRP5/6 through p120-catenin, is
162 escue the phenotype of rdn1-2 when expressed constitutively, but the less related MtRDN3 cannot.
163 ts ligands, RAE-1epsilon, which is expressed constitutively by lymph node endothelial cells and highl
164 ings indicate that L-selectin is transported constitutively by the AP-1 complex, leading to the forma
165        The mouse gut epithelium represents a constitutively challenged environment keeping intestinal
166 ome inhibitor MG132, suggesting that MKP1 is constitutively degraded through the proteasome in the re
167  mutants that are insensitive to Akt mimic a constitutively dephosphorylated state.
168        Moreover, we have demonstrated that a constitutively dimeric Prx1m mutant impairs the survival
169 KR dimerization and could bind and inhibit a constitutively dimerized PKR kinase domain.
170  acquired the ability to metastasize in vivo constitutively downregulated SNPH and exhibited higher o
171 croscopy show that NEDD4 unrestrained mutant constitutively downregulates the IKS channel, thus confi
172 ibrotic response, while transgenic mice with constitutively elevated adiponectin showed selective dWA
173 s of genotypes including ceh1, a mutant with constitutively elevated levels of both the stress-specif
174                The hypothesis that the brain constitutively encodes observed manipulable objects for
175 o33 variant to elucidate the consequences of constitutively enhanced alphavbeta3 signaling to the 5-H
176                                Keratinocytes constitutively express and secrete the chemokine-like me
177                ExECs that were engineered to constitutively express anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) indu
178 ured myoblasts and fibroblasts, which do not constitutively express ICAM-1, and myoblasts and fibrobl
179 tudy, we demonstrated that human neutrophils constitutively express Sema3E high-affinity receptor, Pl
180 -expressing T cell lines were constructed to constitutively express the LEDGF-binding VH and these ce
181               Photosystem I transcripts were constitutively expressed at all time points including mi
182     We show for the first time that Hmox1 is constitutively expressed at barrier tissues at the inter
183               CK12 (but not CK10 or CK13) is constitutively expressed at high levels in all four trou
184                                TDP genes are constitutively expressed at high levels or induced durin
185 lodextrin utilization in C. japonicus and is constitutively expressed at high levels.
186                              These genes are constitutively expressed at MG fruit stage in two differ
187 phaBC) is a small heat shock protein that is constitutively expressed by peripheral nervous system (P
188 w that SOX2, a hallmark protein of NSPCs, is constitutively expressed by virtually all ELCs before, d
189 lla enterica serovar Typhimurium to link the constitutively expressed CspC and CspE proteins with vir
190                  The TFs YY1 and Nr3c1, both constitutively expressed during CD8(+) T cell differenti
191                We generated a cell line that constitutively expressed I2 and allowed construction of
192   The discovery of the hormonally regulated, constitutively expressed IFN has suggested a function fo
193         The transcriptional repressor Id2 is constitutively expressed in all innate lymphoid cells (I
194                                    BlarsM is constitutively expressed in Bacillus sp. Heterologous ex
195 nate isoleucine (JA-Ile) co-receptor JAZ2 is constitutively expressed in guard cells and modulates st
196   CD27, a member of the TNFR superfamily, is constitutively expressed in most T cells and plays cruci
197 ion protein (PrP(c)) is an adhesion molecule constitutively expressed in the CNS.
198   The antimicrobial peptide (AMP) RNase 7 is constitutively expressed in the epidermis of healthy hum
199                   We observed that CD200L is constitutively expressed in the mouse healthy CNS by end
200 nother subset of stress-responsive genes was constitutively expressed in these cells.
201 ing in a steady antiviral state reflected by constitutively expressed interferon.
202                                 Chondrocytes constitutively expressed LLT1, a ligand of NKR-P1A.
203                          The SHR splenocytes constitutively expressed more RORgammat than those of WK
204               In contrast to HLAs, which are constitutively expressed on the cell surface of the allo
205 olved in regulating membrane potentials were constitutively expressed only in the roots of tolerant i
206                At the gene body of con-PEGs (constitutively expressed PEG), H3K27me3 and H3K36me3 wer
207 o protein S, the other TAM ligand, which was constitutively expressed postnatally, expression of GAS6
208  Housekeeping genes (HKG) are presumed to be constitutively expressed throughout tissue types but rec
209 all introgressed region carried by RIL 46, a constitutively expressed TIR-NBS-LRR gene was identified
210       Isoforms of human miRNAs (isomiRs) are constitutively expressed with tissue- and disease-subtyp
211                                Despite being constitutively expressed, IL-18 expression was increased
212 ncers identified a new, essential role for a constitutively expressed, lineage-restricted ETS-family
213     The fsrR, tcrA, tcsA and rpoN genes were constitutively expressed, whereas lpiA and acvB were str
214 s were generated in which the maize gene was constitutively expressed.
215 are cytidine deaminases that are broadly and constitutively expressed.
216 sponse to inflammatory stimuli, but IL-18 is constitutively expressed.
217 tions occurring in melanoma, these genes are constitutively expressed.
218                        Applicability of five constitutively-expressed bioluminescent strains was eval
219     We demonstrate that transgenic silkworms constitutively expressing Cas9 and guide RNAs targeting
220                                       Plants constitutively expressing full-length HWS-but not a trun
221 urvival of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) constitutively expressing GFP (H9 Cre-LoxP) in deaf guin
222                 Plants with transgenic roots constitutively expressing MtCLE12 require both RDN1 and
223 NN to prevent nodule formation, while plants constitutively expressing MtCLE13 require only SUNN, sug
224 MB-231, a triple-negative breast cancer line constitutively expressing Trop-2 and PD-L1.
225 ins STING and IFI16 were eliminated in cells constitutively expressing UL46 and that the accumulation
226 verged Saccharomyces species, GAL genes show constitutively faster activation due to genetically enco
227                 In vitro, CCRL2 was found to constitutively form homodimers and heterodimers with CXC
228 tocephalus infection, and their granulocytes constitutively generate threefold more reactive oxygen s
229  thaliana mutant that accumulates zeaxanthin constitutively, have reported that this xanthophyll can
230 uced by a variety of lymphocyte populations, constitutively high IL-22 expression was limited to lymp
231 he Ku (early-flowering) parent, which showed constitutively high LanFTc1 expression.
232                                   There were constitutively higher expressions of PD-L1 in A549CisR a
233         B cells overexpressing Myc displayed constitutively higher levels of activated CD79alpha, Btk
234                        Poplar genotypes with constitutively higher levels of catechin and PAs as well
235 way, from IRS2 to PDK1 phosphorylation, were constitutively impaired in FL-N/35 primary hepatocytes v
236 e NOTCH3, we report here that NOTCH3 signals constitutively in a panel of basal breast cancer cell li
237 oxicity, appropriate for a protein expressed constitutively in a sensitive mucosal site, such as the
238 he ChaC2 proteins were found to be expressed constitutively in cells, unlike the tightly regulated Ch
239  Importantly, the TLR4 pathway was activated constitutively in KSHV-transformed cells, resulting in c
240                       Mitotic entosis occurs constitutively in some human cancer cell lines and mitot
241 mulate the acetophenones piceol and pungenol constitutively in their foliage.
242 f ex-Foxp3(+) T cells in mice expressing NIK constitutively in Tregs, and these former Tregs produced
243                           Whereas the CME of constitutively internalized transferrin receptors is mai
244 fferent forms of LGR5, a wild-type form that constitutively internalizes and two mutant forms whose i
245                 mVEGFR1 is highly stable and constitutively internalizes from the plasma membrane.
246 ed in undifferentiated cells, with enhancers constitutively marked by H3K27ac.
247 te, we found that the IRAK1 kinase domain is constitutively monomeric regardless of its phosphorylati
248                             In ECs, MKL1 was constitutively nuclear and MKL2 cytoplasmic, irrespectiv
249 s weaker dimers and the proteins appear more constitutively nuclear.
250 as either tethered to the plasma membrane or constitutively nuclear.
251 ugh a small fraction of the myosin heads are constitutively ON.
252        Here, through the use of cross-linked constitutively open constructs, we determined the struct
253                                      Using a constitutively open mutant of ENaC, we demonstrate that
254 1/2 double-knockout neurons, expression of a constitutively open mutant of syntaxin could only minima
255 erated mice in which both Ssb1 and Ssb2 were constitutively or conditionally deleted.
256 hromycin in 36% of the strains, and 33% were constitutively or inducibly resistant to clindamycin.
257 adation of normal proteins that happen to be constitutively or inducibly unstable, and in this capaci
258 viral vectors that express Ifngammar1 either constitutively or myeloid specifically.
259                         Conversely, in roots constitutively overexpressing MYB1, expression of degene
260                         Provided the MisR is constitutively phosphorylated in the misS mutant, the da
261 ase 2 (CK2) binds to the NHE3 C-terminus and constitutively phosphorylates a downstream site (S719) t
262 ion of thermomorphogenesis involves UVR8 and CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 (COP1)-mediated repres
263  we show that 14 CO-like (COL) proteins bind CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 (COP1) and SUPPRESSOR O
264  subcutaneous tumors engineered to either be constitutively positive (CT26 hPD-L1) or be negative (De
265  rare subpopulation of activated macrophages constitutively positive for IL-12/23 p40 and capable of
266  with beta-chains encoding Gly84 (DP(84Gly)) constitutively present endogenous peptides.
267 ollagen and the CLEC2 ligand podoplanin were constitutively present in the lung, whereas the GPVI lig
268         Accordingly, like class I, DP(84Gly) constitutively presents endogenous peptides processed by
269 By contrast, dual-pass CRD-NRG1 and NRG3 are constitutively processed by BACE and accumulate on axons
270 he intermediate filament keratin 6a (K6a) is constitutively processed into antimicrobial fragments in
271                         Human melanoma cells constitutively produce the growth factor FGF-2, which ac
272  are benign tumors of the adrenal gland that constitutively produce the salt-retaining steroid hormon
273 sing high levels of ZIKV prM-E proteins that constitutively produce VLPs as well as a cell line expre
274 cant fraction of DLBCL patients, tumor cells constitutively produced the ELC-CXC chemokine CXCL-8 (IL
275 menting IL-2Rgamma signaling and maintaining constitutively quenched IL-2Rbeta signaling.
276 y conserved MCV LT phosphorylation sites are constitutively recognized by cellular Fbw7, betaTrCP, an
277 k indicates that salivary glands are able to constitutively recruit CD8(+) T cells and retain them as
278 that the basal transcription factor TFIIH is constitutively recruited by ER-Y537S, resulting in ligan
279  from the second trimester of pregnancy also constitutively release type III IFNs and use these IFNs
280                             Epithelial cells constitutively released IFN-gamma, which was substantial
281 FN)-gamma or epithelial-derived IFN-gamma in constitutively released or Porphyromonas gingivalis lipo
282 rescence4-3 (ref4-3) results in dwarfism and constitutively repressed phenylpropanoid accumulation.
283                     A subset of proteins are constitutively S-nitrosylated, playing roles in the regu
284  p57(Kip2) is a major target of miR-92a that constitutively safeguards podocyte cell cycle quiescence
285     Here, we show that all blood neutrophils constitutively secrete APRIL, and inflammation-associate
286 rge quantities of immunoglobulin A (IgA) are constitutively secreted by intestinal plasma cells to co
287                          Because most FSH is constitutively secreted, tight transcriptional regulatio
288  show in particular that endogenous SEPT7 is constitutively SUMOylated during the cell cycle.
289                      We now report that Akt3 constitutively suppresses macropinocytosis in macrophage
290   Interestingly, the MEKK1-MKK2-MPK4 pathway constitutively suppresses MPK3 and MPK6 activities and h
291 en to determine whether IRS-1 is functioning constitutively to maintain VSMCs in their differentiated
292 portion of the N-terminal domain is targeted constitutively to the basolateral membrane irrespective
293 anscription start sites of HSV-1-induced and constitutively transcribed antisense transcripts are hig
294                                              Constitutively transcribed genes also loop and crumple y
295                                     NALP7 is constitutively ubiquitinated and recruited to the endoly
296                                HIF-1alpha is constitutively ubiquitinated by pVHL (von Hippel-Lindau
297 AX and monoubiquitinated PCNA and FANCD2 are constitutively up-regulated in oxaliplatin-resistant HCT
298           Here, we show that RFWD3 binds RPA constitutively, whereas PRP19 recognizes RPA after DNA d
299 acrophages perform vigorous macropinocytosis constitutively, while proinflammatory cells are virtuall
300                            They are secreted constitutively without external antigenic stimulation.

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