


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s were generated in which the maize gene was constitutively expressed.
2 are cytidine deaminases that are broadly and constitutively expressed.
3    The majority of the ORFs were found to be constitutively expressed.
4 sponse to inflammatory stimuli, but IL-18 is constitutively expressed.
5 t intensity, indicating that the receptor is constitutively expressed.
6 ro-inflammatory challenges, whereas COX-1 is constitutively expressed.
7 icularly in the lung, where it is highly and constitutively expressed.
8 , Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA-1) is constitutively expressed.
9 tions occurring in melanoma, these genes are constitutively expressed.
10 n poplar organs indicate that most genes are constitutively expressed.
11 ene onto a background in which HPV-16 E6 was constitutively expressed.
12 wth conditions and that the gene is probably constitutively expressed.
13 rapies in those tumors in which this gene is constitutively expressed.
14 egions, including the cerebral cortex, it is constitutively expressed.
15 rythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2) and p62 are constitutively expressed.
16      Coimmunoprecipitation experiments using constitutively expressed 35S:hemagglutinin (HA)-SLY1 and
17                                         When constitutively expressed, a complex phenotype associated
18                           Moreover, B1 cells constitutively expressed activated beta1 integrin and re
19                               Mutants of the constitutively expressed all3143 and alr1656 exhibited a
20 am 3'UTR was substituted with the 3'UTR of a constitutively expressed alpha-Tubulin, Bam became stabi
21                            In this study, we constitutively expressed an Arabidopsis NAC transcriptio
22 ted by cellular restriction factors that are constitutively expressed and active even before a pathog
23                       Consistently, c-Src is constitutively expressed and active in EBV-transformed c
24                              CCL18 is both a constitutively expressed and an inducible chemokine, who
25 e neutral LAPs (LAP-N and its orthologs) are constitutively expressed and detected in all plants, whe
26                       We showed that DFO1 is constitutively expressed and encodes a nuclear-localized
27 s a ubiquitous molecule with multiple roles, constitutively expressed and inducible by oxidative stre
28 articular light quality, whereas the OCP1 is constitutively expressed and is regulated at the post-tr
29                          The RPG1 protein is constitutively expressed and not phosphorylated.
30 tissue-restricted antigens (PTAs), which are constitutively expressed and presented by LNSCs.
31          These results indicate that PTX3 is constitutively expressed and secreted by AM cells as an
32                                     PTX3 was constitutively expressed and secreted by cultured AM epi
33 e majority of the CSP1-associated mRNAs were constitutively expressed and stable in the cold.
34                                     COX-1 is constitutively expressed and stable, whereas COX-2 is in
35 hich comprises 10% of all GR transcripts, is constitutively expressed and tightly conserved through m
36 he chaperone heat shock protein70 (HSP70) is constitutively expressed and, at later stages of maturat
37                       We found that TLR4 was constitutively expressed, and accumulation of endogenous
38  of an oxygen-labile HIF-alpha subunit and a constitutively expressed aryl hydrocarbon receptor nucle
39 miRNA network, which involves cooperation of constitutively expressed as well as inducible miRNAs.
40               Photosystem I transcripts were constitutively expressed at all time points including mi
41     We show for the first time that Hmox1 is constitutively expressed at barrier tissues at the inter
42  (plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2) is constitutively expressed at high levels by differentiati
43                            In vivo, CCRL2 is constitutively expressed at high levels by lung endothel
44               CK12 (but not CK10 or CK13) is constitutively expressed at high levels in all four trou
45                                TDP genes are constitutively expressed at high levels or induced durin
46 lodextrin utilization in C. japonicus and is constitutively expressed at high levels.
47                              These genes are constitutively expressed at MG fruit stage in two differ
48 de over chloride and that these proteins are constitutively expressed at the yeast plasma membrane.
49 alpha subunit, HIF1alpha or HIF2alpha, and a constitutively expressed beta subunit, aryl hydrocarbon
50 onsisting of alpha regulatory subunits and a constitutively expressed beta subunit.
51                        Applicability of five constitutively-expressed bioluminescent strains was eval
52        Under basal conditions, HIF-1alpha is constitutively expressed but rapidly targeted for protea
53                                      RDR6 is constitutively expressed but RDR1 expression is elevated
54                                   NOTCH1 was constitutively expressed by adult arterial endothelium,
55 dard subunits, and immunosubunits, which are constitutively expressed by APCs and are induced in othe
56 no acid cystine/glutamate antiporter that is constitutively expressed by cells of the CNS, where it f
57                  TSG-6 mRNA and protein were constitutively expressed by cultured AM epithelial and s
58                                   CXCL16 was constitutively expressed by CX3CR1(+) intestinal dendrit
59 firmly, via LFA-1-mediated binding to ICAM-1 constitutively expressed by endothelial cells.
60                   CCL28 is a human chemokine constitutively expressed by epithelial cells in diverse
61 ody specific to the EGFRvIII deletion mutant constitutively expressed by human glioblastoma tumors ca
62 a single heavy chain 3 (HC3), which are also constitutively expressed by human renal proximal tubular
63                                Tim-3 is also constitutively expressed by mast cells, NK cells and spe
64        The T cell activation marker CD69 was constitutively expressed by memory T cells in all tissue
65                                     TSLP was constitutively expressed by mouse hepatocytes and increa
66 erpes virus entry mediator (HVEM), was found constitutively expressed by myeloid leukemia, B cell lym
67 phaBC) is a small heat shock protein that is constitutively expressed by peripheral nervous system (P
68 show that the D6 chemokine decoy receptor is constitutively expressed by primary human adult astrocyt
69 strate that calcineurin and NFAT factors are constitutively expressed by primary IECs and selectively
70 ed the hypothesis that fractalkine, which is constitutively expressed by primary nociceptive neurons,
71  affected tissues rather than with receptors constitutively expressed by the endothelium throughout t
72 esponsible for binding to P- and E-selectins constitutively expressed by the marrow microvasculature,
73 aft models in which integrin alphavbeta3 was constitutively expressed by the tumor cells themselves.
74 w that SOX2, a hallmark protein of NSPCs, is constitutively expressed by virtually all ELCs before, d
75 endogenous strand-specific DNA damage in the constitutively expressed CAN1 gene, we used PADDA on a r
76 tire genome of M. mycoides in yeast and used constitutively expressed Cas9 together with in vitro tra
77 D8 T cells (OT-I) that either lacked CCR7 or constitutively expressed CCR7 (CD2-CCR7) in mice that we
78               Intrinsic immunity mediated by constitutively expressed cellular proteins represents th
79  intracellular level through a wide range of constitutively expressed cellular proteins.
80 V-1) gene expression is rapidly repressed by constitutively expressed cellular proteins.
81                                          The constitutively expressed chaperone HSC70 relocalized to
82                                          The constitutively expressed, chromosomally encoded beta-lac
83                  In contrast, CReP, which is constitutively expressed, controls basal P-eIF2alpha lev
84 ferentially translated GADD34 (PPP1R15A) and constitutively expressed CReP (PPP1R15B) function to dep
85 lla enterica serovar Typhimurium to link the constitutively expressed CspC and CspE proteins with vir
86 and cspI are cold-induced, cspC and cspE are constitutively expressed, cspD is stationary phase induc
87                                              Constitutively expressed DAF was decreased in glomeruli
88                             Knockdown of the constitutively expressed DNA sensor DDX41 attenuates pol
89                  The TFs YY1 and Nr3c1, both constitutively expressed during CD8(+) T cell differenti
90 ve the potential to cause tissue damage, are constitutively expressed during development, independent
91                              We propose that constitutively expressed E-selectin on endothelial cells
92 ndings indicate that even in the presence of constitutively expressed E6, the continuous expression o
93 ontinuous expression of E7 in the context of constitutively expressed E6.
94 human artificial chromosome (HAC) carrying a constitutively expressed EGFP transgene.
95 so accumulates around the 3' splice sites of constitutively expressed, endogenous yeast genes.
96      Vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin is a constitutively expressed endothelial cell adhesion molec
97 c-oxide synthase (iNOS), but the role of the constitutively expressed endothelial NOS (eNOS) is uncle
98 lization was observed for both inducible and constitutively expressed forms of the cannabinoid CB(1)
99 ring NR as its ligand, Jelly belly (Jeb), is constitutively expressed from a glial cell niche surroun
100 rying four tandem repeats of the VP16 domain constitutively expressed from the HAC is capable to gene
101 ed bm2-Mu mutant alleles confirmed that this constitutively expressed gene is bm2.
102 prevalent in the transcribed regions of many constitutively expressed genes (gene body methylation; g
103 last proteins but have little effect on more constitutively expressed genes encoding organellar prote
104    This linkage supports the hypothesis that constitutively expressed genes may experience higher lev
105                              The patterns of constitutively expressed genes revealed a partial mirror
106 physically overlapping, in core promoters of constitutively expressed genes to enable their expressio
107 rant genotype of Daphnia is characterised by constitutively expressed genes, which does not incur a l
108 e-specific up-regulated, down-regulated, and constitutively expressed genes.
109 level while maintaining proficient repair of constitutively expressed genes.
110 l revealed nearby CBP recruitment for 20% of constitutively-expressed genes, but surprisingly, three-
111 letion attenuating expression of 40% of such constitutively-expressed genes.
112                                          The constitutively expressed heat shock protein 70 kDa (Hsc7
113 a or HIF-2alpha subunit, respectively, and a constitutively expressed HIF-1beta subunit, which mediat
114  inducibly expressed HIF1alpha subunit and a constitutively expressed HIF1beta subunit.
115 nd costimulatory molecules CD40 and CD80 but constitutively expressed high levels of CD54.
116 el evidence in support of opposing roles for constitutively expressed Homer1 and Homer2 isoforms in r
117 terns, cardiac microRNAs were categorized as constitutively expressed housekeeping, regulated homeost
118 lopment, none strongly differentiate between constitutively expressed Hsp90beta and stress-induced Hs
119 mal tubule, normally injured after ischemia, constitutively expressed hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha
120                We generated a cell line that constitutively expressed I2 and allowed construction of
121   The discovery of the hormonally regulated, constitutively expressed IFN has suggested a function fo
122                                              Constitutively expressed IFN-alpha results in the induct
123                              Cxcr2(-/-) mice constitutively expressed IL-17A and showed increased num
124 ion can drive the preferential processing of constitutively expressed IL-18 in IFN-gamma-primed macro
125                              In vitro, HUVEC constitutively expressed IL-25R, which was up-regulated
126                                Despite being constitutively expressed, IL-18 expression was increased
127            Sema4D, also known as CD100, is a constitutively expressed immune semaphorin on T cells an
128                             Because CXCR4 is constitutively expressed in a wide variety of normal tis
129                   While the BNip3 protein is constitutively expressed in adult liver from fed mice, w
130 nd proteins of all four DNA polymerases were constitutively expressed in all growth phases.
131         The transcriptional repressor Id2 is constitutively expressed in all innate lymphoid cells (I
132 ociated-nuclear antigen 1 (LANA1) protein is constitutively expressed in all KSHV-infected cells, as
133                                    Emb14 was constitutively expressed in all tissues examined and hig
134                    Chicken IFITM2 and -3 are constitutively expressed in all tissues examined, wherea
135                                   CYP82G1 is constitutively expressed in Arabidopsis stems and inflor
136                                    BlarsM is constitutively expressed in Bacillus sp. Heterologous ex
137                          These genes are not constitutively expressed in cancer cells and forced expr
138                                     IFNd was constitutively expressed in cells and organs but showed
139                              Canine MDA-7 is constitutively expressed in cultured normal canine epide
140                          FcepsilonRI is also constitutively expressed in dendritic cells (DCs) and mo
141                     Here we show that TG2 is constitutively expressed in ECS cells, where it interact
142 type I intermediate filament protein that is constitutively expressed in ectoderm-derived epithelial
143 , a type I intermediate filament protein, is constitutively expressed in epithelial appendages and is
144                                     IL-33 is constitutively expressed in epithelial barrier tissues,
145 he interleukin (IL)-1 family member IL-33 is constitutively expressed in epithelial cells at barrier
146 s study, we show that CD23 (FcepsilonRII) is constitutively expressed in established or primary human
147 wth factor-A (VEGF-A) and angiopoietin-1 are constitutively expressed in glomerular podocyte epitheli
148         We report that the yknWXYZ operon is constitutively expressed in growing B. subtilis cells in
149 nate isoleucine (JA-Ile) co-receptor JAZ2 is constitutively expressed in guard cells and modulates st
150 we demonstrate that DETC TCR ligands are not constitutively expressed in healthy tissue but are rapid
151                           In adults, BMP9 is constitutively expressed in hepatocytes and secreted int
152  diversity of subgenomic JFH-1 HCV replicons constitutively expressed in Huh7 cells.
153           Our results indicate that STRA6 is constitutively expressed in human epidermal keratinocyte
154            Here, we demonstrate that HO-1 is constitutively expressed in human medulloblastoma tissue
155                        We show that SKI-1 is constitutively expressed in human pigment cells with hig
156                                      Adrx is constitutively expressed in human vascular endothelial c
157 V-1 bZIP factor (HBZ) is the only viral gene constitutively expressed in infected cells.
158                                    IL-33 was constitutively expressed in intestinal epithelial cells,
159 , IL-33 behaved similar to an alarmin, being constitutively expressed in keratinocyte nuclei and rapi
160   In normal mouse myocardium, galectin-3 was constitutively expressed in macrophages and was localize
161 he high-affinity IgE receptor FcepsilonRI is constitutively expressed in mast cells and basophils and
162            IFN regulatory factor 8 (IRF8) is constitutively expressed in monocytes and B cells and pl
163   CD27, a member of the TNFR superfamily, is constitutively expressed in most T cells and plays cruci
164                     We found that TRIM56 was constitutively expressed in most tissues, and its abunda
165                                    IL-25 was constitutively expressed in mouse and human liver and do
166                                     NRP2 was constitutively expressed in mouse PDL tissues by immunoh
167               Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are constitutively expressed in murine skin.
168                                    S100A9 is constitutively expressed in neutrophils, dendritic cells
169                  ULK1, Beclin1, and LC3 were constitutively expressed in normal human articular carti
170 inant-negative effect on heat tolerance when constitutively expressed in plants, and show that consti
171                                      Noxa is constitutively expressed in proliferating cells of hemat
172 oding the first step of GSH biosynthesis, is constitutively expressed in Salmonella.
173     HO-1 is an inducible enzyme, but HO-2 is constitutively expressed in selected tissues and is invo
174 KCNS1, involved in neuronal excitability, is constitutively expressed in sensory neurons and markedly
175  systemic tryptophan levels in the liver, is constitutively expressed in some cancers and is equally
176                                     MEKK3 is constitutively expressed in T cells, but its function in
177  determine whether CXCL12, another chemokine constitutively expressed in the CNS (known as stromal ce
178 ion protein (PrP(c)) is an adhesion molecule constitutively expressed in the CNS.
179 CD36 is a Class B scavenger receptor that is constitutively expressed in the corneal epithelium and h
180   The antimicrobial peptide (AMP) RNase 7 is constitutively expressed in the epidermis of healthy hum
181                   Although nostopeptolide is constitutively expressed in the free-living state, secre
182                                       Mer is constitutively expressed in the glomeruli; Axl expressio
183                                      CRIg is constitutively expressed in the liver and was found to b
184                                     RANK was constitutively expressed in the liver and was not altere
185 (UG), a potent anti-inflammatory protein, is constitutively expressed in the lungs of virtually all m
186 -specific markers, we report that mPGES-1 is constitutively expressed in the mouse brain, being prese
187                We demonstrated that Cox-2 is constitutively expressed in the mouse cochlea, and its e
188                   We observed that CD200L is constitutively expressed in the mouse healthy CNS by end
189 ation in the endoplasmic reticulum, SARAF is constitutively expressed in the plasma membrane, where i
190                         CLOCK and BMAL1 were constitutively expressed in the suprachiasmatic nucleus
191 nother subset of stress-responsive genes was constitutively expressed in these cells.
192 nstrated that the amount of COX-1 and COX-2, constitutively expressed in TRPV-1(+) cells of the DRG,
193   Furthermore, the three IFN-alpha genes are constitutively expressed in unstimulated bat tissues and
194 metry demonstrated that Siglec-F ligands are constitutively expressed in vitro and in vivo in selecte
195                       However, COX-2 is also constitutively expressed, in the absence of overt inflam
196                We found that IPF fibroblasts constitutively expressed increased basal levels of SPARC
197 re altered when TAGL1 was either silenced or constitutively expressed, indicating that this transcrip
198                                              Constitutively expressed INPP5F showed to suppress self-
199 ing in a steady antiviral state reflected by constitutively expressed interferon.
200                                    TSG-6 was constitutively expressed intracellularly by both resting
201                                        While constitutively expressed IRF8-dependent genes contained
202 himurium, which was previously thought to be constitutively expressed, is regulated by a Rho-dependen
203           One SNP in HO-1 and one SNP in the constitutively expressed isoform HO-2 were independently
204 stigated the roles of human Hsp105alpha, the constitutively expressed isoform, in the biogenesis and
205                       PikR1 monomethylase is constitutively expressed; it confers low resistance at l
206  kept in a repressed state by the binding of constitutively expressed Lac repressor protein (LacI) to
207          Both of these functions rely on the constitutively expressed latency-associated nuclear anti
208 lucidate tumorigenic functions of LIN28B, we constitutively expressed LIN28B in colon cancer cells an
209 ncers identified a new, essential role for a constitutively expressed, lineage-restricted ETS-family
210                                 Chondrocytes constitutively expressed LLT1, a ligand of NKR-P1A.
211 ory signature in airway epithelial cells via constitutively expressed LTbeta receptor.
212 erformed in a cell-line expressing a simple, constitutively expressed luciferase reporter.
213 tigen to either CD8(+) T lymphocytes through constitutively expressed major histocompatibility comple
214                We have recently identified a constitutively expressed MAM7 (multivalent adhesion mole
215 lls produced infectious SeV continuously and constitutively expressed many innate immune genes.
216 d regulation of AtMCP2d, the predominant and constitutively expressed member of type II MCPs, in stre
217 xpectedly, gp130-deficient endothelial cells constitutively expressed more CXCL1 in vivo and in vitro
218                       Selp(KI) (/) (KI) mice constitutively expressed more P-selectin on platelets an
219                          The SHR splenocytes constitutively expressed more RORgammat than those of WK
220 ut cadmium biosensor element, cadRgfp, and a constitutively expressed mrfp1 onto a broad-host range v
221                                   Rat islets constitutively expressed mRNAs of COX-1, COX-2, cPGES, a
222 T(1)R signaling preferentially activates the constitutively expressed mu-calpain isoform and demonstr
223 expression, similar to what is observed with constitutively expressed native promoters.
224 sensitive northern blot assays, we show that constitutively expressed non-coding RNAs such as tRNAs,
225 y, but does bind a putative receptor that is constitutively expressed not only on resting and activat
226                              ADAR2 is also a constitutively expressed nuclear protein.
227 eceptor shared by LIGHT and LTalphabeta, was constitutively expressed on all epithelial cells.
228 ngs to the beta(2) integrin subfamily and is constitutively expressed on all leukocytes.
229                                     CD28H is constitutively expressed on all naive T cells.
230                                     CXCR2 is constitutively expressed on both neutrophils and hepatoc
231 ere is now compelling evidence that TNFR2 is constitutively expressed on CD4(+) Foxp3(+) regulatory T
232                                    TIM-3 was constitutively expressed on dendritic cells and natural
233                    Although BK receptor 2 is constitutively expressed on endothelial cells (ECs), B1R
234 2) is an adhesion and costimulatory molecule constitutively expressed on hematopoietic cells.
235  primary HSCs, we demonstrated that GARP was constitutively expressed on HSCs.
236  low in the nigral system, its receptors are constitutively expressed on nigrostriatal neurons.
237 strointestinal stromal tumors, but it is not constitutively expressed on normal tissues.
238                                     TIM-3 is constitutively expressed on subsets of macrophages and d
239            The interaction of CD28, which is constitutively expressed on T cells, with B7.1/B7.2 expr
240                    In healthy mice, TARM1 is constitutively expressed on the cell surface of mature a
241               In contrast to HLAs, which are constitutively expressed on the cell surface of the allo
242                             HHLA2 protein is constitutively expressed on the surface of human monocyt
243   In a mouse model of pancreatic cancer with constitutively expressed oncogenic Kras(G12D), we found
244 olved in regulating membrane potentials were constitutively expressed only in the roots of tolerant i
245 Based on quantitative cluster analyses of 52 constitutively expressed or behaviorally regulated genes
246 to be CpG depleted and to harbor a family of constitutively expressed or phase variable CpG-specific
247 nectin through either alpha5beta1 integrins (constitutively expressed) or alphavbeta6 integrins (sele
248 ed filtering process to remove nonexpressed, constitutively expressed, or non-stress-responsive "noni
249     Transcript analyses using a reporter and constitutively expressed pacC trans-alleles show that pa
250 also tested the interaction of promoters and constitutively expressed PBF and O2.
251                At the gene body of con-PEGs (constitutively expressed PEG), H3K27me3 and H3K36me3 wer
252                                      H5 is a constitutively expressed, phosphorylated vaccinia virus
253                                        Among constitutively expressed physically interacting protein
254                                          The constitutively expressed polymerase II-driven transgene
255 o protein S, the other TAM ligand, which was constitutively expressed postnatally, expression of GAS6
256 programmed death-ligand 1 interacts with the constitutively expressed programmed death-1 on the targe
257 ast, we find that expression of Bmal2 from a constitutively expressed promoter can rescue the clock a
258  in detail, the transcription of mRNA from a constitutively expressed promoter in Escherichia coli.
259                     The up-regulation of the constitutively expressed prostaglandin endoperoxide synt
260                                              Constitutively expressed proteasomes have three active s
261                                          For constitutively expressed proteins that live substantiall
262 ere assessed for levels of expression of the constitutively expressed protomer.
263        Under non-stress conditions, Vps21, a constitutively expressed Rab5 isoform, is crucial to Gol
264 iple activators of hypoxia-responsive genes; constitutively expressed RAP2.3 contributes to this redu
265 respond to homeostatic ligands while leaving constitutively expressed receptors that recognize inflam
266 the genomic integration site of an identical constitutively expressed reporter gene.
267 sarcoma we report replacement of E2F3/pRB by constitutively expressed repressive E2F4/p130 complexes
268 ed abiotic stress tolerance, we introduced a constitutively expressed rice CDPK-7 (OsCDPK-7) gene con
269                                          The constitutively expressed RND component Alr4267 has an at
270 om patients with SS and from CTCL cell lines constitutively expressed SD-4 at high levels, in contras
271 reover, transfection of DKO-AG-haESCs with a constitutively expressed sgRNA library and Cas9 allows f
272 different from other cytokines because it is constitutively expressed, stored in the cytoplasm, and p
273                                   Other than constitutively expressed surfactant proteins, it is unkn
274                                Thus, TCF1, a constitutively expressed T cell-specific transcription f
275 or Thr-tRNA(Thr) synthesis: one accurate and constitutively expressed (T1) and another (T2) with impa
276 one marrow endothelial cells and osteoblasts constitutively expressed the ELR+ chemokines CXCL1 and C
277                           Cultured RPE cells constitutively expressed the nAchR alpha3, alpha10, and
278 Toll-like receptors (TLRs) or commensals but constitutively expressed the precursor to interleukin 1b
279       However, transgenic tomato plants that constitutively expressed the Sl-miR160a-resistant versio
280 a population of bone marrow neutrophils that constitutively expressed the transcription factor RORgam
281     Our studies revealed that both genes are constitutively expressed, the corresponding polypeptides
282                              Whereas ATR1 is constitutively expressed, the expression of ATR2 appears
283 y transcriptional plasticity: M1BP genes are constitutively expressed throughout development while GA
284                                    SjAQP was constitutively expressed throughout the S. japonicum lif
285  Housekeeping genes (HKG) are presumed to be constitutively expressed throughout tissue types but rec
286 all introgressed region carried by RIL 46, a constitutively expressed TIR-NBS-LRR gene was identified
287 zEF and Phd/Doc are also TA systems that are constitutively expressed, transcribed as leaderless tran
288  further demonstrate that ManLMN's role as a constitutively expressed transporter is likely unique an
289 , which could be converted to serotonin by a constitutively expressed tryptamine 5' hydroxylase (T5H)
290 yperglycemia, in the knowledge that GLUT1 is constitutively expressed ubiquitously and upregulated in
291 sociated HA matrices but do not adhere to HA constitutively expressed under homeostatic conditions.
292 lture conditions, and thus, it appears to be constitutively expressed under in vitro conditions.
293                    Furthermore, we show that constitutively expressed untagged but not GFP-tagged Lin
294 ion of CD144 in ABCB5(+) subpopulations that constitutively expressed VEGFR-1 but not in ABCB5(-) bul
295 ry element were performed in the presence of constitutively expressed virG.
296                                              Constitutively expressed VVD alone is sufficient to chan
297     The fsrR, tcrA, tcsA and rpoN genes were constitutively expressed, whereas lpiA and acvB were str
298       Isoforms of human miRNAs (isomiRs) are constitutively expressed with tissue- and disease-subtyp
299 gainst published nascent RNA data for twelve constitutively expressed yeast genes.
300  fluorescence, reminiscent of the pattern of constitutively expressed yellow fluorescent protein-TSPO

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