


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 erial pressure imposed by means of an aortic constrictor.
2 ith infection in ball pythons but not in boa constrictors.
3 imal left circumflex coronary artery ameroid constrictors.
4 al left anterior descending coronary ameroid constrictors.
5  of the descending vasa recta as part of its constrictor action and that this vasoconstriction is buf
6                        To study its possible constrictor action, PAF was added to nonpreconstricted E
7   Dermal arterioles displayed no spontaneous constrictor activity in the absence of stimulation.
8 suggest a shift of postinspiratory laryngeal constrictor activity into inspiration.
9 neous blood vessels is mediated by increased constrictor activity of vascular alpha2-adrenoceptors (a
10  displays a normal or enhanced reactivity to constrictor agents as compared with nonrenal circulatory
11 temic vasodilation and hyporesponsiveness to constrictor agents, at a time when the pulmonary circula
12 nd hind limb vascular arterial reactivity to constrictor agonists.
13  of neurotransmitters and hormones with both constrictor and dilator actions during hibernation are d
14 d concentration-response curves to different constrictor and dilator agonists were obtained at an int
15      The endothelium is involved in both the constrictor and dilator effects of endothelin in rat pul
16  blockade, raising the possibility that both constrictor and dilator fibres are present.
17 is study reports further characterization of constrictor and dilator function in mesenteric and cauda
18 nic responsiveness, together with testing of constrictor and dilator function.
19                          Blood pressure, and constrictor and dilator responses in the aorta and mesen
20 ne by sensitizing the smooth muscle cells to constrictor and myogenic stimuli.
21 ciated with proasthmatic-like changes in ASM constrictor and relaxant responsiveness, and that these
22  in turn, evokes proasthmatic changes in ASM constrictor and relaxant responsiveness.
23 exhibited proasthmatic-like changes in their constrictor and relaxation responsiveness that were prev
24                              We infected boa constrictors and ball pythons by cardiac injection of pu
25                              We infected boa constrictors and ball pythons with purified reptarenavir
26 babilities of North American racers (Coluber constrictor) and coachwhips (Coluber flagellum) that ind
27 A2 is a platelet agonist, smooth muscle cell constrictor, and mitogen.
28 s also performed in two pigs with an ameroid constrictor applied to the left circumflex coronary arte
29              Three other groups had arterial constrictors applied to provoke CFVs: group 2 (n=28) rec
30 hemia was induced by placement of an ameroid constrictor around swine left circumflex artery.
31 sly made ischemic by placement of an ameroid constrictor around the circumflex artery.
32 hat introduced apex predators, such as giant constrictors, can exert significant top-down pressure on
33 rk model, the sensor of the follower pyloric constrictor cell was more informative than the pacemaker
34 via the release of nitric oxide, and have no constrictor component.
35 1 +/- 1.78 vs. CONTROLS: 5.69 +/- 1.56%) and constrictor (CPT %: Athletes: -2.95 +/- 1.07 vs. CONTROL
36                After placement of an ameroid constrictor (day 0) around the left anterior descending
37 el lineage of arenaviruses isolated from boa constrictors diagnosed with IBD.
38                                 The residual constrictor effect observed during AT1 receptor blockade
39  synthase in macula densa cells, reduces the constrictor effect of adenosine, but the regulation of N
40 r functional role in the potent long-lasting constrictor effect of endothelin-1 in the cerebral micro
41                               The sum of the constrictor effects exceeds that of the dilator effects
42              Variable venular vs. arteriolar constrictor effects must be considered when evaluating t
43 s characterized by a hypersensitivity to the constrictor effects of endothelin 1 (ET-1).
44         Furthermore, L-arginine reversed the constrictor effects of L-NMMA, indicating that the actio
45 ticoid-inhibitable hyporesponsiveness to the constrictor effects of norepinephrine and abolished symp
46    Estrogen also affects endothelium-derived constrictor factors.
47 chanisms in premucosal vessels with enhanced constrictor forces in inflow vessels.
48 ial impacts on radial artery vasodilator and constrictor function.
49 rts of the swallowing structures: pharyngeal constrictors, glottic and supraglottic larynx, and esoph
50                         Because 15-HETE is a constrictor in this vascular bed, it may play an importa
51 hire swine underwent placement of an ameroid constrictor into the left circumflex artery to induce ch
52  macrophages, and is converted to the potent constrictor LTD(4) and the stable metabolite, LTE(4) .
53 th a time course that suggests a sympathetic constrictor mechanism.
54 y also reduce the proinflammatory effects of constrictor mediators.
55 n the phasic inspiratory activity of glottal constrictor muscle during nasal pressure support ventila
56 r the phasic inspiratory activity of glottal constrictor muscle during nasal pressure support ventila
57  with phasic inspiratory activity of glottal constrictor muscle was measured and compared between the
58 ryngeal motor outputs that control laryngeal constrictor muscles.
59 ated by endothelial-derived vasodilators and constrictors, O2 sensing is intrinsic to ductal smooth m
60              Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a potent constrictor of bronchial smooth muscle, but there is lim
61              Endothelin-1 (ET1) was a potent constrictor of isolated arterioles and induced a sustain
62 oxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE), a potent constrictor of pial arterioles.
63 oxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE), a potent constrictor of the renal and cerebral microcirculation a
64 onstrated the role of endothelin-1 as both a constrictor of uterine myometrial smooth muscle and a pr
65 rticular, by their function as smooth muscle constrictors of airways and microvasculature.
66 five swine underwent placement of an ameroid constrictor on the left circumflex artery.
67 al muscles, lips, tongue, palate, pharyngeal constrictors, or smooth and striated muscles of the esop
68 he superior, middle, and inferior pharyngeal constrictor (PC) muscles was examined in 10 normal adult
69 ly more than did the endothelium-independent constrictor phenylephrine (P < .05) despite comparable p
70  of L-NMMA, and in the presence of a control constrictor phenylephrine.
71 ted by successive injections of an hydraulic constrictor placed around the inferior vena cava and mea
72 ated by successive injections of a hydraulic constrictor placed around the inferior vena cava.
73      Chronic ischemia was induced by ameroid constrictor placement around the circumflex artery.
74 ion, chronic ischemia was induced by ameroid constrictor placement around the circumflex coronary art
75 terol diet underwent left circumflex ameroid constrictor placement to induce chronic ischemia at 8 we
76                             Four weeks after constrictor placement, CD31+ mononuclear cells (MNCs) we
77                Twelve dogs underwent ameroid constrictor placement.
78 ngeal elevator thyrohyoid and the pharyngeal constrictors, proved to be different from pharyngeal swa
79  the lateral pyloric (LP) neuron and pyloric constrictor (PY) neuron has an inhibitory depressing che
80 er neurons [lateral pyloric (LP) and pyloric constrictor (PY)] are thought to be primarily responsibl
81 se expression attenuates afferent arteriolar constrictor reactivity and hypertension-induced increase
82               In contrast, GoGV-infected boa constrictors remained free of clinical signs for 2 years
83                             In contrast, boa constrictors remained healthy over 2 years, despite high
84 , assessed as the reduction in phenylephrine constrictor response after insulin preincubation, was lo
85 plain why it elicits a monophasic arteriolar constrictor response distinct from the multiphasic dilat
86                We hypothesized that an early constrictor response to acetylcholine, indicative of end
87 amin C markedly depressed the normal femoral constrictor response to acute hypoxaemia in the fetus (5
88 sponse distinct from the multiphasic dilator/constrictor response to adenosine.
89 e controls, an attenuated afferent arteriole constrictor response to endothelin-1 and enhanced dilato
90 elerythrine and staurosporine, decreased the constrictor response to endothelin-1.
91 e in skeletal muscle, but both contribute to constrictor responses evoked by high frequency bursts of
92                                      Venular constrictor responses in OZR were comparable to LZR for
93 found that L-NMMA (1.0 microM) did not alter constrictor responses of the basilar artery in nondiabet
94 o examine the effect of diabetes mellitus on constrictor responses of the basilar artery in vivo.
95  synthesis/release of nitric oxide modulates constrictor responses of the basilar artery to angiotens
96 otential role for nitric oxide in modulating constrictor responses of the basilar artery.
97                          They showed similar constrictor responses to a range of agonists and K+ conc
98 on control diameters in CH or N rats, nor on constrictor responses to air in CH, but reversed or redu
99  endothelium-dependent dilation and enhanced constrictor responses to norepinephrine and the thrombox
100         Endothelial dysfunction and enhanced constrictor responses to norepinephrine were also observ
101 m nitroprusside (SNP; 1 x 10(9)-1 x 10(4)m), constrictor responses to phenylephrine (PE; 1 x 10(9)-1
102                                     However, constrictor responses to UK 14,304, a selective alpha2-A
103 ness, however it is not known if sympathetic constrictor responses vary in men and women.
104 ter vasoreactivity (greater vasodilatory and constrictor responses) than age-matched controls, contri
105 m-sensitized ASM ablated both their enhanced constrictor responsiveness to acetylcholine (ACh) and th
106 tissue with RV induced heightened ASM tissue constrictor responsiveness to acetylcholine and attenuat
107 ell surface expression, and induce increased constrictor responsiveness to acetylcholine and impaired
108      Respiratory-related superior pharyngeal constrictor (SPC) muscle activity was determined in 18 o
109  C(4), LTD(4), and LTE(4), are smooth muscle constrictors that signal via the CysLT(1) receptor.
110 nhibition of these enzymes converted CO from constrictor to dilator.
111 nduced O2*- production and converted CO from constrictor to dilator.
112 day 0) with a hydraulic occluder and ameroid constrictor to enable reversible and gradual total LAD o
113 d increased alpha1 - (and alpha2 -) mediated constrictor tone (collecting).
114           This suggests increased basal ET-1 constrictor tone among obese and type 2 diabetic subject
115  combined effect of ET(A) blockade to reduce constrictor tone and augment dilator tone.
116  normally maximally dilated but have a basal constrictor tone.
117    Using anesthetized dogs, a micromanometer constrictor was applied to either an intact coronary art
118                 Four weeks later, an ameroid constrictor was placed on the left circumflex artery.
119                                      Ameroid constrictors were placed around the proximal coronary ar
120 us (UHV; a virus that we isolated from a Boa constrictor with BIBD) to show that BIBDAV can also repl
121 thelin-1 was the most potent and efficacious constrictor, with a biphasic concentration-response curv

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