


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ese populations in models of anaphylaxis and contact sensitivity.
2  Abs can recruit effector T cells to mediate contact sensitivity.
3 a relevant population of T cells involved in contact sensitivity.
4 ress has no effect on the course of irritant contact sensitivity, an immune reaction that does not in
5 ter of dermatitis patient's patch tested for contact sensitivity and (ii) the Danish National Patient
6 fect of C5L2 deficiency in a murine model of contact sensitivity, and second to determine whether the
7                            Thus, in allergic contact sensitivity, as in isolated human neutrophils, C
8 nt soluble T cell receptors (sTCR) protected contact sensitivity (CS) effector T cells from down-regu
9 ectrum antibiotic enrofloxacin will modulate contact sensitivity (CS) in mice.
10 xperiments examined a two-challenge model of contact sensitivity (CS) in which Treg abundance in the
11       T-cell tolerance of allergic cutaneous contact sensitivity (CS) induced in mice by high doses o
12                                              Contact sensitivity (CS) is related to delayed-type hype
13                 T cell recruitment to elicit contact sensitivity (CS) requires a CS-initiating proces
14                           The elicitation of contact sensitivity (CS) to local skin challenge with th
15                               Elicitation of contact sensitivity (CS), a classic example of T cell-me
16 yed-type hypersensitivity responses, such as contact sensitivity (CS), in mast cell-deficient mice wh
17 tive transfer of immune cells lacking CD3(+) contact sensitivity effector T cells, or after transfer
18 ammation in Th2-driven asthma and Th1-driven contact sensitivity experiments.
19           Moreover, FTS-A inhibited Rap1 and contact sensitivity far better than FTS.
20                       We observed diminished contact sensitivity in mice lacking FcepsilonRI or mast
21  may serve as a possible therapeutic tool in contact sensitivity in particular and T-cell-mediated in
22             Thus, anti-T11(1) mAb suppressed contact sensitivity in vivo in the transgenic/knockout m
23                                 Induction of contact sensitivity increased the proportion of motile T
24  large and long lasting increase in allergic contact sensitivity or delayed-type hypersensitivity, an
25 esponsiveness was hapten specific, since the contact sensitivity reaction of mAb-treated mice to oxaz
26                         Extensive studies of contact sensitivity reactions in mice established a mech
27 pathological (e.g., autoimmune reactions and contact sensitivity reactions such as that to poison ivy
28 ems totally reversed the failure to induce a contact sensitivity response to dinitrofluorobenzene (DN
29     However, the ability to induce a primary contact sensitivity response was completely restored in
30                                          The contact sensitivity response was significantly reduced (
31                                              Contact sensitivity responses require both effective imm
32  hairless cub/cub mcub/mcub mice show normal contact sensitivity responses to oxazolone.
33  the regulation of cognate immunity, such as contact sensitivity responses.
34 ment in non-UV-irradiated mice did not block contact sensitivity responses.
35 pic dermatitis are likely to have suppressed contact sensitivity secondary to their disease whereas s
36 P-10 and KC expression during elicitation of contact sensitivity, suggesting CD4+ T cells inhibit the
37                         Immune regulation of contact sensitivity to the poison ivy/oak catechol was s
38                                              Contact sensitivity was markedly impaired in IgE(-/-) mi

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