


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hich ensures more complete reaction with the contaminant.
2 r(VI), is a widespread and toxic groundwater contaminant.
3 of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural (HMF), a toxic contaminant.
4 he adsorbed amounts are dominated by a major contaminant.
5  the mother milk is the main uptake route of contaminants.
6 act of photolysis on the phytoremediation of contaminants.
7 y low rejection of volatile and semivolatile contaminants.
8 ocarbons (PAHs), a group of organic chemical contaminants.
9 orhoods and may serve as sentinels for these contaminants.
10 xposure to complex mixtures of environmental contaminants.
11 reported for the first time as environmental contaminants.
12 a key role in the immobilization of metallic contaminants.
13 lents limiting the transport of redox-active contaminants.
14 ne of the most widespread and dangerous food contaminants.
15 comparing locations with different levels of contaminants.
16 enhance heterogeneous catalytic oxidation of contaminants.
17 olume chemicals and ubiquitous environmental contaminants.
18 ergistic approach for the treatment of mixed contaminants.
19 enic at the top of the list of environmental contaminants.
20  and microorganisms that biodegrade emerging contaminants.
21 exposure of aquatic organisms to hydrophobic contaminants.
22 toxic and widespread of common private water contaminants.
23 aminants that may differ from legacy organic contaminants.
24 crops are directly exposed to these emerging contaminants.
25  even more, poorly separate EVs from non-EVs contaminants.
26 a statistical inference tool for unmonitored contaminants.
27 ich is sometimes then burned spreading toxic contaminants.
28 l of IL cations to become persistent aquatic contaminants.
29 been significantly used for monitoring water contaminants.
30 s also encounter pesticides as floral tissue contaminants.
31 n of EPS-E25 in order to eliminate potential contaminants.
32 haracterization is lacking for many emerging contaminants.
33  may reduce the toxicity of other waterborne contaminants.
34 d dichloroethylene are notorious groundwater contaminants.
35 s, and containing process-related impurities/contaminants.
36 ars to respond rapidly to changing inputs of contaminants.
37 alter the risks of exposure to pathogens and contaminants.
38 ating that the amplified sequences represent contaminants.
39 f biogeochemical changes that release stored contaminants.
40 AS) are widespread, persistent environmental contaminants.
41 ining antibiotics, hormones, or a mixture of contaminants.
42 Biodegradation of the persistent groundwater contaminant 1,4-dioxane is often hindered by the absence
43                                Environmental contaminants (17 polychlorinated dibenzodioxins/dibenzof
44        In this study, the processing derived contaminants 2- and 3-monochloropropanediol (2- and 3-MC
45 ow concentrations in the presence of a major contaminant (4-methylphenol or nitrobenzene).
46             The reduction of a model organic contaminant, 4-chloronitrobenzene (4-CINB), also became
47 portance of organic production on particular contaminant/additive content of wines is scarce.
48 r-related environmental applications such as contaminant adsorption, photocatalysis, membrane-based s
49 taminant, which are among the most dangerous contaminants, allowing us to noninvasively and directly
50 es, pharmaceuticals, and other environmental contaminants and a custom exact mass database with predi
51 and engineered systems, potent adsorbents of contaminants and a source of energy for iron-reducing ba
52 g the incorporation/release of environmental contaminants and biological nutrients.
53                                  By limiting contaminants and defects, ultrathin (<10 nm) CVD polymer
54 ill lacking for many halogenated groundwater contaminants and degradation pathways.
55 ), contributes to the degradation of aquatic contaminants and is related to an array of DOM structura
56 iochemical fractionation can be plagued with contaminants and loss of key components.
57 focused on controlling chemical and physical contaminants and on eradicating microbes; however, there
58 population growth and food-borne exposure to contaminants and parasite infectious stages.
59 as development (UNGD) produces environmental contaminants and psychosocial stressors.
60 es examining wild birds exposed to these air contaminants and raises concern that environmentally rel
61  sequences based on nucleotide similarity to contaminants and risk eliminating sequences from the tar
62  importance of quantification of the surface contaminants and suggest that further research is needed
63 cy with which these pesticides occur as hive contaminants and suggests that they present a greater ri
64  help identify environmental toxicants, food contaminants and supplements, drugs, and antibiotics as
65 nated approach to identify and monitor these contaminants and to develop strategies for public health
66  possibility of delayed interactions between contaminants and warming in a geographical context is cr
67 ed effects, synergistic interactions between contaminants and warming, and differences in sensitivity
68 change, disease transmission, water and soil contaminants, and geographic migration of microbes.
69 Sediments from 98 wetlands were analyzed for contaminants, and laboratory bioassays were performed wi
70 on: reduced prey availability, anthropogenic contaminants, and marine vessel disturbances.
71 opper (Cu) and nickel (Ni) as representative contaminants, and measure abundances of Hyalella azteca,
72 photocatalyst for the degradation of organic contaminants, and to the authors' knowledge the material
73                    A large number of organic contaminants are commonly found in industrial and munici
74  up to 40% in some cases when both As and Mn contaminants are considered.
75 d retrospectively mined as new environmental contaminants are identified.
76                                        These contaminants are like gluten 'pills', shown here to skew
77 mental fate models developed for traditional contaminants are limited in their ability to simulate na
78 In aqueous environments, hydrophobic organic contaminants are often associated with particles.
79                                           As contaminants are often more toxic at higher temperatures
80                                     Emerging contaminants are principally personal care products not
81 ting regulations, and it appears that 69% of contaminants are quantified and 91% detected at levels l
82                                        These contaminants are widely spread in the environment as a c
83 aces exert control on the bioavailability of contaminant arsenic species in natural aqueous systems.
84                  Technetium is a problematic contaminant at nuclear sites and little is known about h
85 f intercepting MtBE, in addition to diluting contaminants at a slower rate and thus requiring more ti
86 ne wastes yields product water containing no contaminants at concentrations >0.2 ppm.
87 PCM can promote chemical reactions of sorbed contaminants at ordinary temperature, including long-ran
88 e polluted by both conventional and emerging contaminants at the same time.
89 d no discernible negative impacts on PFAA co-contaminants at the Site.
90 is approach also resulted in the presence of contaminant bacterial DNA and yielded fewer reads from t
91 ing elevated risks of exposure to waterborne contaminants because of their reliance on inadequately m
92 persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) contaminants because they are water soluble and do not b
93 red in order to decrease the load of organic contaminants before environmental discharge.
94             Designed-bioactive anthropogenic contaminants (biocides, pharmaceuticals) comprised 57% o
95 o assess historical contaminant loadings and contaminant breakdown/transformation processes.
96 ization, which could transfer or concentrate contaminant burdens within specific organs.
97  for human biomonitoring of specific organic contaminants, but further validation is needed.
98 that are of environmental concern as organic contaminants, but little is known about the exposure of
99 ed with both parasite infection and chemical contaminants, but that their relative importance and int
100 hod developed to remove >99.9% of the barium contaminants by activity from the final radium product.
101 f remobilization of three different emerging contaminants (caffeine, ciprofloxacin, and propranolol)
102 se is thus a disregarded pathway along which contaminants can be transformed in the environment.
103            Chronic exposure to environmental contaminants can induce heritable "transgenerational" mo
104 re commonly added to aid particle growth and contaminant capture.
105 ve been highlighted as a potential source of contaminant carbon in "trapped" compounds.
106                                              Contaminant-centroid vectors were calculated from tree-c
107  this information for the common groundwater contaminant chloroform (CF), this study investigated for
108            Our results using blubber-derived contaminant cocktails add realism to in vitro exposure e
109                In the present study, complex contaminant cocktails derived from the blubber of polar
110 d by the European Union regulation for these contaminants/commodity group combination (0.07-0.14micro
111                                 Two emerging contaminants commonly found in aquatic environments, enr
112                        In this manuscript, a contaminant concentration (CC) model describing the tran
113  statistical analysis to real site rock core contaminant concentration data collected within a plume
114  substantial chemical changes that can alter contaminant concentrations and fractionate isotopes.
115         As evidence of the toxicity of trace contaminant concentrations and their global dispersion g
116                    The modeled product water contaminant concentrations exceeded the Environmental Pr
117 oach to derive representative ("best guess") contaminant concentrations from data with censored value
118                                     Detected contaminant concentrations varied from less than 1 ng L(
119  DFT and SCS-ADC(2) calculations showed that contaminant-contaminant and contaminant-ice interactions
120                       We determined that age-contaminant corrections are required to accurately repor
121 /or variable amounts of chemical and protein contaminants, ddPCR technology will produce more precise
122 e crucial information with which to identify contaminant degradation pathways in the field, those inv
123  that (*)OH was generally more important for contaminant degradation.
124 rresponding to the TCE loss, suggesting that contaminant dehalogenation was the primary loss fate.
125 tured wells are more likely to be exposed to contaminants derived from on-site spills and well-bore f
126                        Several environmental contaminants (Dioxins, PCBs, HBCD, Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, As) w
127 rine sediments provide an important sink for contaminants discharged into fluvial, estuarine, and nea
128 stems in fish and the identity of wastewater contaminants disrupting their metabolism warrants furthe
129 ere calculated from tree-core data to reveal contaminant distributions in directional tree samples at
130 in the levels of flame retardants and legacy contaminants during the installation of building equipme
131 arameters for the formation of these process contaminants during the pre-frying.
132 l production resemble those of other process contaminants (e.g., HMF, acrylamide) produced in coffee
133 n of immobilized Tc, and competing comingled contaminants, e.g., Cr(VI), that inhibit Tc(VII) reducti
134 y with respect to a large number of possible contaminant elements.
135 tric biosensor for the detection of the food contaminant Escherichia coli O157:H7 (E. coli O157:H7) i
136 nts in soil aggregate packings and monitored contaminant exchange dynamics between these compartments
137 ents underestimate the effects of real world contaminant exposure on immunity.
138 ith light-logging geolocators, confirmed the contaminant exposure over a large geographical area as t
139 exposure risk to certain pathogens and alter contaminant exposure pathways.
140 rivate wells face higher risks of waterborne contaminant exposure than those served by regulated comm
141 xperimental data and more generally to study contaminant fate in soils.
142                         A set of nine common contaminants (five antibiotics, an herbicide, a beta-blo
143 , sediment transport, and biogeochemical and contaminant fluxes from rivers to oceans.
144 ng the analysis of four different classes of contaminants for both liquid and solid tea samples.
145 g the transport of volatile and semivolatile contaminants for DCMD systems was developed and validate
146 but may also be found in small quantities as contaminants from plastic containers.
147 inetic model, which includes the transfer of contaminants from the mother cows to their suckling calf
148 erved strong sorption of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) to biochar presents potential implic
149 ronment, the behavior of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs), such as polybrominated diphenyl eth
150 ions showed that contaminant-contaminant and contaminant-ice interactions are responsible for these s
151 ategories of potential drivers: (i) chemical contaminants, (ii) land use practices, (iii) parasite in
152 d their average is <10.67ppm (since a 20-ppm contaminant in 40g of oats would dilute to 10.67ppm in 7
153 Arl13b is a substrate for casein kinase 2, a contaminant in our preparation from human embryonic kidn
154 st was recently reported as an environmental contaminant in the Athabasca oil sands region, but the e
155                   Vanadium(V) is an emerging contaminant in the most recent Environmental Protection
156  probe preparation to minimize the effect of contaminants in commercial thiolated DNA probe, the elec
157 ct vulnerable communities from the impact of contaminants in drinking water.
158 mples, and therefore appear to be ubiquitous contaminants in Dutch rivers.
159  to predominately traffic-related, urban air contaminants in European starlings, including morphometr
160 dresses identification of individual organic contaminants in FPW, and stresses the gaps in the knowle
161                                     Geogenic contaminants in groundwater are often evaluated individu
162  (90)Sr are found as problematic radioactive contaminants in groundwater at nuclear sites.
163 as we can readily locate, monitor, and track contaminants in groundwater, it is harder to perform the
164 hanges in the concentrations and profiles of contaminants in indoor air.
165 nown on how it could alter the speciation of contaminants in organic waste.
166                                      Organic contaminants in shale gas flowback and produced water (F
167                 Microplastics are widespread contaminants in terrestrial environments but comparative
168                                 In parallel, contaminants in the air that we breathe pose a significa
169 y overcame the problem of crucible-generated contaminants in the analysis; absolute detection limits,
170 eater extent and likely circulate as aqueous contaminants in the environment, while the more sorptive
171 residues as well as for detection of various contaminants in the food industry.
172       Alkanes are one of the most widespread contaminants in the natural environment, primarily as a
173 r concentrations of heavy metals and organic contaminants in their tissues than blue mussels (Mytilus
174 des can be considered as "pseudo-persistent"-contaminants in this context.
175 sampling is widely used to measure levels of contaminants in various environmental matrices, includin
176  method for the determination of 17 emerging contaminants in vegetables was developed based on ultras
177 o monitor the behavior of some trace organic contaminants in wastewater impacted rivers and to track
178 sensor technologies which can detect various contaminants in water quickly and cost-effectively are i
179           We could identify 21 environmental contaminants including two weakly mutagenic aromatic ami
180 raging efficiency; and high levels of stored contaminants, including PCBs.
181  be exposed to a complex mixture of chemical contaminants, including pharmaceuticals, present in disc
182                                   Therefore, contaminant-induced epigenetic inheritance may be less c
183 ial to alter the bioavailability of adsorbed contaminants, information characterizing the relationshi
184 PE is the first example of a nonhydroxylated contaminant inhibiting DIO activity, and further study o
185 step toward understanding how impurities and contaminants interact with the host phase and the enviro
186 lso oxidize wetland soils and release stored contaminants into stream flow after rainfall.
187 sumer products and the emission of potential contaminants into the environment.
188 teps, during which materials can be lost and contaminants introduced.
189 e analysis of temporal patterns of nontarget contaminants is an effective method for characterizing t
190 behavior and bioavailability of CNM-adsorbed contaminants is still limited.
191  here that the IgE monomer, freed of protein contaminants, is devoid of this activity, and that the s
192 is challenging due to their coisolation with contaminants, lack of knowledge of the mechanisms of RNA
193                       Drinking water maximum contaminant levels (MCL) are established by the U.S. EPA
194                            However, geogenic contaminants limit the suitability of groundwater for do
195  Environmental Protection Agency's candidate contaminant list (CCL4).
196  this trapping function to assess historical contaminant loadings and contaminant breakdown/transform
197 ance data were collected to calculate annual contaminant loads (Ba, Cl, total dissolved solids (TDS))
198 n of aquatic environments, to remove anionic contaminants mainly through anion exchange mechanisms.
199 tudies are recommended to accurately predict contaminant management strategies.
200 The DCMD tests showed that the more volatile contaminants (methyl-tert-butyl ether, acetone, pentanon
201             For proper unit design to remove contaminant mixtures by adsorption, multicomponent adsor
202 ne cells to evaluate the effect of realistic contaminant mixtures on various immune functions.
203 o impact biogeochemical processes, including contaminant mobility and cycling.
204      Consequently, dissolved CO2 may enhance contaminant mobilization near injection wellbores, under
205                                           As contaminant nitroaromatics are transported up the roots
206 n prioritizing the identification of organic contaminants not yet successfully targeted by environmen
207 ed to identify marker peptides for potential contaminant nuts which could then be monitored with high
208  the influence of CNM morphology and organic contaminant (OC) physicochemical properties on this rela
209 contamination and identifies bifenthrin as a contaminant of concern in urban wetlands.
210           Docking in silico of 121 pesticide contaminants of American hives into the active pocket of
211 rmation on bioaccumulation behavior of these contaminants of concern in aquatic organisms.
212                     This research identifies contaminants of concern in urban wetland sediments by as
213  were reared on artificial diets spiked with contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) at environmental
214  Microplastics (MPs) have been identified as contaminants of emerging concern in aquatic environments
215 ates the importance of evaluating removal of contaminants of emerging concern, such as pharmaceutical
216  and animal wastes introduces a multitude of contaminants of emerging concerns (CECs) into the soil-p
217 s and crops, a source of potent carcinogenic contaminants of food, and an important genetic model.
218 ll amounts of particles or other fluorescent contaminants of zein were up taken by the roots and biod
219  such water sources is threatened by noxious contaminants, of which heavy metals represents an area o
220 thrin LC50, demonstrating the impact of this contaminant on wild populations.
221 nown about the exposure of wildlife to these contaminants, particularly in birds, in terrestrial and
222 ure studies to decouple the contributions of contaminant partitioning and diffusion to contaminant pe
223                     Here we identify a minor contaminant (pepstatin butyl ester) as the active anti-p
224 ed to perform determinations of the emergent contaminant perchlorate in vegetable matrices down to na
225 of contaminant partitioning and diffusion to contaminant permeation.
226  can indicate gradients in soil and soil-gas contaminant plumes, and the strength of the correlations
227 ject reactive slurries of the compounds into contaminant plumes.
228 location, or direction, of soil and soil-gas contaminant plumes.
229 he presence of persistent and mobile organic contaminants (PMOC) in aquatic environments is a matter
230                          We examined whether contaminants present in surface waters could be prioriti
231 s, such as pharmaceuticals and environmental contaminants, presents a number of challenges.
232 ion modes to obtain a comprehensive chemical contaminant profile.
233  vs 16 mug/mL), likely due to differences in contaminant profiles in the mixtures derived from the ad
234 appraisal and rejection of these steranes as contaminants pushes the oldest reported steranes forward
235 r with the ability to detect a maximum of 32 contaminants rapidly and simultaneously.
236 forts to predict the presence of groundwater contaminants regionally.
237 ATM) described here uses a lake-specific age-contaminant regression to mitigate the effect of a fluct
238 he low probability of survival of biological contaminants released from robotic and human exploration
239   However, few studies have examined whether contaminants remain adsorbed following ingestion by aqua
240  implications for groundwater management and contaminant remediation by providing microbially mediate
241          These net effects of sulfidation on contaminant removal by iron-based materials may substant
242 idation may also favor desirable pathways of contaminant removal, such as (i) dechlorination by reduc
243 y of utilization of reducing equivalents for contaminant removal.
244 eg cells expanded ex vivo to remove cellular contaminants requires optimization.
245                    Thiocyanate (SCN(-)) is a contaminant requiring remediation in gold mine tailings
246 a, which may reveal widespread environmental contaminants requiring further investigation.
247 stry (e.g., in the rapid direct detection of contaminants, residues, and adulterants on and in food)
248 ndling mechanisms linked to lead and arsenic contaminants, respectively, while we also observed evide
249 on of BDOM could increase ionic nutrient and contaminant retention.
250 plained as ca. 75% of the variability of the contaminant sediment concentrations.
251 mented, and accurately identifies target and contaminant sequences.
252 micronutrient bioavailability and inhibiting contaminant sequestration.
253 exhibited a distinct biased migration toward contaminant sources that resulted in a 30% decrease in c
254  migration in response to multiple localized contaminant sources within porous media.
255 cterial transport in response to distributed contaminant sources.
256 ilar spectrum signal summation and redundant/contaminant spectra removal, (iv) interpretation of poss
257             We suggest that epigenetic-based contaminant studies include concentrations lower than cu
258 n applied to estimate population exposure to contaminants such as pesticides and phthalate plasticize
259               Vulnerability to environmental contaminants such as pesticides will be dependent on the
260 yses of different groups of drugs as well as contaminants such as pesticides, phenolic compounds and
261                Additionally, typical outdoor contaminants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) an
262 ated with the concentrations of recalcitrant contaminants such as sucralose, sulfamethoxazole and car
263 between microplastics and common terrestrial contaminants such as zinc (Zn).
264  to some of the most important anthropogenic contaminants, such as the halogenated flame-retardants a
265 nt carbon-free fuel source and environmental contaminant that accumulates in the tetravalent state, U
266 ic acid (PFOA) is a persistent environmental contaminant that has been detected in >100 public water
267 ooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is an environmental contaminant that has been manufactured to be used as sur
268 ide is a carcinogenic and neurotoxic process contaminant that is generated from food components durin
269 sed nitramine explosive, is an environmental contaminant that is refractory, persistent, highly mobil
270       With the increasing number of emerging contaminants that are cationic at environmentally releva
271 C), and its metabolites are emerging organic contaminants that have been detected in waste and surfac
272 ering compound-specific behavior of emerging contaminants that may differ from legacy organic contami
273 te dilution of residual protein and chemical contaminants that variably inhibit Taq polymerase and pr
274      Biological treatment for one industrial contaminant, thiocyanate (SCN(-)), relies upon microbial
275 ing the sorption kinetics of any fluorinated contaminant, this work also highlights the strengths of
276 s focused on the potential for environmental contaminants to act as metabolic disruptors.
277 we demonstrate the need to evaluate multiple contaminants to ensure that groundwater is safe for huma
278 d salinity can modulate toxicity of chemical contaminants to marine life.
279 bricant remains as one of the most difficult contaminants to remove in kerf without significant silic
280 n (DOC) affects attenuation of trace organic contaminants (TOrCs) in biochar-amended stormwater biofi
281 mong the different classes of drinking water contaminants, toxic trace elements (e.g., arsenic and le
282 ring diapause and gonad maturation), and for contaminant transfer to eggs and copepod predators.
283 udy advance the fundamental understanding of contaminant transport through RO membranes, and can be u
284 orrections are required to accurately report contaminant trends due to significant lake trout age str
285 tained even in the presence of the common co-contaminant trichloroethene in the influent.
286 time monitoring and control of trace organic contaminant (TrOC) removal by ozonation are presented, b
287 bioremediation of recalcitrant trace organic contaminants (TrOCs) is becoming greatly popular.
288 ersus 43.06 h; P < 0.001), the Gram-positive contaminant TTOT (48.21 versus 11.75 h; P < 0.001), the
289 the response of an organism to an individual contaminant under standardized laboratory conditions.
290 nce levels for the identification of organic contaminants under environmental conditions.
291 article toxicity, and chemical and microbial contaminants was critically examined.
292  (cVOCs) and perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) co-contaminants were investigated.
293 xins, process-induced toxicants or packaging contaminants, were carefully chosen for their diversity
294 s based on their similarities as particulate contaminants, whereas critically discussing specific dif
295 -dioxin (TCDD) is a persistent environmental contaminant which elicits hepatotoxicity through activat
296  T2 NMR relaxation values of any fluorinated contaminant, which are among the most dangerous contamin
297 nvestigated whether bisphenol-A, a prominent contaminant with endocrine-disrupting capabilities, alte
298 lly induced bound residue formation of polar contaminants with DOM in the aqueous phase is thus a dis
299 enol (DON) which are strictly regulated food contaminants with severe detrimental effects on human an
300  The most optimistic mitigation of noise and contaminants would make the difference between a declini

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