


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  six hours nearly all touchable surfaces are contaminated.
2 onsequently, food sources can get eventually contaminated.
3  the ways and speed at which surfaces become contaminated.
4  (6.0%) clinically significant and 83 (1.5%) contaminated.
5  that anaerobic plates became intermittently contaminated.
6 nd peanuts were the only samples appreciably contaminated, 14.7-124.3 and 10.0-42.9mug/kg, respective
7 metabolite and putative carcinogen which can contaminate a variety of foods such as cereals, wine, an
8 replication-competent clone that unknowingly contaminated a safe experiment.
9    These results indicate that MD can purify contaminated, acidic wastewater using low-grade heat sou
10 strial beer, possibly due to the addition of contaminated adjuncts.
11                                 For example, contaminating ADP is a confounding factor in fluorescenc
12                           Humans are usually contaminated after contact with infected ruminants.
13                Passaging from intermittently contaminated anaerobic plates to primary quadrants of ae
14 and reaching the rectum may then chronically contaminate and infect the female urogenital tract, ther
15 ing a body tissue that is difficult to cross-contaminate and is most likely to survive.
16 rtments: colonized and uncolonized patients, contaminated and uncontaminated health care workers (HCW
17 s, most high-touch surfaces in the cabin are contaminated, and within five to six hours nearly all to
18 nct battery chemistry that prevails in water-contaminated aprotic lithium-oxygen batteries is reveale
19                                              Contaminated aquafeeds were analysed in order to evaluat
20 from acidic, alkaline or high ionic-strength contaminated aqueous media.
21 cture of selenium in biofilms sampled from a contaminated aquifer near Rifle, CO.
22 iderable discussion about their potential to contaminate aquifers tapped by domestic groundwater well
23     Recharge of Red River water into arsenic-contaminated aquifers below Hanoi was investigated.
24 petition under growth conditions relevant in contaminated aquifers, we investigated Dehalococcoides-l
25 rs its mobility, and hence its delivery into contaminated aquifers.
26 ts, such as ore deposits, marine basins, and contaminated aquifers.
27 n the sheer scale and inaccessible nature of contaminated areas, phytoremediation may be a viable cle
28 f waste deposits for the dumpsite and highly contaminated areas.
29 ntaminated with almond and the cumin sample, contaminated at a much lower level, was found to be cont
30  concentrations, caused by mixing of equally contaminated baseflow and rainfall/surface runoff, are o
31  this gaining system demonstrate the role of contaminated baseflow from an aquifer in driving stream
32 ing conjugates of DON present in a naturally contaminated beer could be successfully identified, thus
33 esigned specifically for aligning long reads contaminated by a high level of errors.
34  out of 98 total couscous samples (98%) were contaminated by at least one mycotoxin.
35 arge scale (Europe) and to distinguish sites contaminated by global versus local Hg source.
36                 Many areas have been heavily contaminated by heavy metals from industry and are not s
37 are placed in simulated and actual tap water contaminated by heavy metals.
38 ains various reagents, it can become further contaminated by interaction with minerals present in the
39 one of the most consumed cereals, and can be contaminated by mycotoxins and fungicides.
40 ed aqueous environments, such as groundwater contaminated by natural leachate and acid mine drainage
41 e report on two farms in Switzerland heavily contaminated by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dio
42 ow the set point will result in ageing being contaminated by the unpredictable and pathological effec
43                                    It may be contaminated by toxic heavy metals present in water or s
44 ng recommendations for disinfecting surfaces contaminated by uncontrolled patient spills.
45  majority of edible oil-yielding seeds to be contaminated by various fungi, capable of producing myco
46 brain region (e.g., auditory cortex) may be "contaminated" by activity generated elsewhere in the bra
47 er than trophic transfer by consumption of W-contaminated cabbage (tissue concentration of 86 mg/kg;
48 testing to release of health alerts for lead-contaminated candies for 2011-2012.
49  we found that the number of neuronal versus contaminating cells was influenced by iPSC culture condi
50 iosynthetic absorbable mesh in single-staged contaminated (Centers for Disease Control class II and I
51                                              Contaminated chicken/egg products are major sources of h
52 l rise stands to impact arsenic release from contaminated coastal soils by changing redox conditions.
53 e extent to which arsenic may be released in contaminated coastal soils due to sea level rise are unk
54 ns lead to arsenic release from historically contaminated coastal soils through reductive dissolution
55 l-based preparations are equivalent in clean-contaminated colorectal procedures.
56       In patients undergoing elective, clean contaminated colorectal surgery, the use of IPA failed t
57 nd chlorhexidine-alcohol for elective, clean-contaminated colorectal surgery.
58 ong scientists, regulators, and residents of contaminated communities.
59 hey have not been previously recognised; and contaminated compounded medications.
60 moeba sp. are reported for the first time as contaminating contact lens solutions.
61 e (CJD) has been accidentally transmitted by contaminated corneal transplants.
62 more toxic inorganic arsenite (As(III)) that contaminates crops and drinking water.
63          60 (5%) patients with incomplete or contaminated cultures were excluded from the analysis.
64 sensory attribute acquired by red wines when contaminating Dekkera/Brettanomyces yeasts produce 4-eth
65 cs in food have not been completely set, all contaminated discovered would not be considered to be an
66 ce removal was most efficient in eliminating contaminating DNA.
67  to health effects in communities where they contaminate drinking water.
68 s who developed PI-IBS following exposure to contaminated drinking water 7 years ago.
69 ontaining the blaOXA-232 gene transmitted by contaminated duodenoscopes during endoscopic retrograde
70                     The overlapping emission contaminates each emitter's detection channel, referred
71 either (1) comparing the distribution of the contaminating element to that of an element with a geoch
72  with infectious prions in bodily fluids and contaminated environments are suspected to explain the m
73 trate that pollution adaption and inhabiting contaminated environments may result in physiological sh
74 sumption of fresh produce, contact with STEC-contaminated environments, demographics, socioeconomic s
75 obots or prosthetics, and user interfaces in contaminated environments.
76 ter the birthing process or via contact with contaminated environments.
77 ocess, maternal grooming, or encounters with contaminated environments.IMPORTANCE The facile dissemin
78 ften overlooked, the infection spread due to contaminated equipment, vehicles, or personnel proved to
79  selection in PAH-adapted fish from the most contaminated ER site and ex vivo studies confirmed alter
80            Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing, food-contaminating Escherichia coli (STEC) is a major health
81 ry, which requires the management of a clean-contaminated field and the need to reconstruct the mucos
82   Inter-laboratory comparison with naturally-contaminated field corn demonstrated equivalent results
83 wn hole MS logging data in boreholes at a HC-contaminated field research site in Bemidji, MN, USA.
84 pectrum of disease, and link the outbreak to contaminated fish.
85  prevalent in hatcheries, but blaNDM quickly contaminates flocks through dogs, flies and wild birds.
86  serogroup O121 and O26 infections linked to contaminated flour from a large domestic producer.
87                Xenoestrogenic mycotoxins may contaminate food and feed posing a public health issue.
88 lth effects posed by ingestion of mycotoxins-contaminated food and feed by humans and livestock, conc
89 use and low cost method for screening HAV in contaminated food and water.
90 low-income countries (following ingestion of contaminated food and/or water), S. sonnei predominates
91 tter control of health-risks associated with contaminated food consumption.
92                         Thus, consumption of contaminated food is the most important pathway for W mo
93 diseases are acquired by oral consumption of contaminated food or pasture.
94 cts to avoid distribution and consumption of contaminated food products.
95 ost infections are due to the consumption of contaminated food products.
96 anesulfonate (PFOS), can occur directly from contaminated food, water, air, and dust.
97 ure to poultry flocks, farm environments, or contaminated food.
98 d sensitive method for pathogen detection in contaminated foods.
99 lth risks associated with the consumption of contaminated foods.
100 s rubellus, are commonly found across highly contaminated former mine sites and are considered to hav
101 ompounds to prevent foodborne pathogens from contaminating fresh-cut produce has received broad atten
102 ing water may migrate upward and potentially contaminate groundwater aquifers.
103 expensive adsorbent for remediating fluoride-contaminated groundwater in resource-constrained areas.
104         Acetylene (C2H2) can be generated in contaminated groundwater sites as a consequence of chemi
105 ion with the ponds, we documented a plume of contaminated groundwater that resulted in Cl(-) loadings
106 ed or natural bioremediation of chloroethene-contaminated groundwater, not only must the proper dechl
107 ility for water treatment and remediation of contaminated groundwater.
108 sm caused by local diffusion of toxin from a contaminated head wound can be confused with cephalic te
109                            INTERPRETATION: A contaminated health-care environment is an important sou
110 re notified in Europe and the USA, linked to contaminated heater-cooler units (HCUs) used during card
111 s five synthetic xenobiotics that frequently contaminate hives-two herbicides (atrazine and glyphosat
112 ncing of HS saccharides, because the lack of contaminating isomeric structures provides unambiguous s
113          Treatment options for radioactively contaminated land include bioreduction approaches, and t
114 cal reduction based substrates available for contaminated land treatment, and assessed their potentia
115 : the built environment, salt-affected land, contaminated land, and water reservoirs (as floatovoltai
116 s under conditions relevant to radioactively contaminated land.
117 and dietary) through both the consumption of contaminated leaves and neonicotinoids leaching from lea
118 nability of shredders to avoid neonicotinoid-contaminated leaves, our results emphasize the relevance
119  both the water phase and the consumption of contaminated leaves.
120  fluorescence imaging study on methylmercury-contaminated live cells and zebrafish for the first time
121 c, and the same contaminant was monitored on contaminated locality in Serbia.
122 ), to activate PS, to achieve remediation of contaminated, low permeability soil.
123                           Eighteen aflatoxin-contaminated maize samples were incubated with potassium
124 ASs), notably perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), contaminate many ground and surface waters and are envir
125 ne diseases can be contracted by exposure to contaminated material.
126 resulted from the consumption of indospicine-contaminated meat but only limited information is availa
127 ll effects could be seen in humans consuming contaminated meat.
128  in the roots of Brassica juncea grown in Zn contaminated media (400 mg kg(-1) Zn) with the endophyti
129 ed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-contaminated media, wherein carcinogenic hazards are eva
130 transmission via health-care workers' hands, contaminated medical products, and transplantation of in
131 ng a multistate outbreak due to injection of contaminated methylprednisolone.
132 c approach to identify heavily weathered and contaminated microplastics without any cleaning.
133    Eight male foxes were given a diet of POP-contaminated minke whale blubber, whereas their eight ma
134                              The other was a contaminating modern European mitochondrial haplotype.
135   Heavy metal ions are non-biodegradable and contaminate most of the natural resources occurring in t
136                                    Naturally-contaminated mussel samples were analysed and the result
137 s = 0.3%), also in O. cf. ovata extracts and contaminated mussels.
138 g them as a function of the concentration of contaminated nanoparticles.
139 ren living near the polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated New Bedford Harbor (NBH) Superfund site in
140 ntroduce ReMixT, a method to unmix tumor and contaminating normal signals and jointly predict mixture
141  Radionuclides are present in groundwater at contaminated nuclear facilities with technetium-99, one
142 ion of 0.25-g gluten test results for kernel contaminated oats, twelve 50g samples of pure oats, each
143 a use of edible oils or via animals fed with contaminated oil cake residues.
144        Patients with a contaminated or clean-contaminated operative field and a hernia defect at leas
145                              Patients with a contaminated or clean-contaminated operative field and a
146 es from a cohort are mislabeled, swapped, or contaminated or if they include unintended individuals.
147 -type IgG1 can be efficiently separated from contaminating parental mAbs by differential protein A el
148 as examined by blind testing a panel of food-contaminating pathogens (Listeria monocytogenesis 19115
149 ltiple healthcare-associated outbreaks via a contaminated patient-care item were identified, includin
150                    Traumatic implantation of contaminated plant material is the most common cause.
151                Most patients transfused with contaminated platelets do not show immediate clinical si
152 ive and passive surveillance for bacterially contaminated platelets was performed over 7 years (2007-
153 d salt contamination and suggest they create contaminated plumes of groundwater that deliver Cl(-) an
154  of foodborne bacterial gastroenteritis with contaminated poultry meat its main source.
155 primarily associated with the consumption of contaminated poultry.
156                          For clean and clean-contaminated procedures, additional prophylactic antimic
157  remained a challenge due to the presence of contaminating proteins in LD-enriched buoyant fractions.
158 ously validated LD proteins, excluded common contaminating proteins, and revealed new LD proteins.
159 ial-scale operation, starting from naturally contaminated raw materials.
160 -EG) off-flavours from Dekkera/Brettanomyces contaminated red wines.
161 )]; they reflected near background to highly contaminated regions across the Passaic River.
162 ing partitioning and transport of Hg in this contaminated river system.
163 ometry and mass-defect filtering to four PAH-contaminated samples from geographically distant sites a
164 e (ZEA) have shown the highest incidences in contaminated samples.
165 ydrocarbon persistence among the more highly contaminated samples.
166 yrylthiocholine with and without exposure to contaminated samples.
167 ur via open wounds or following ingestion of contaminated seafood, most infamously oysters.
168 ission is associated with the consumption of contaminated seafood, with a growing number of infection
169                                   Therefore, contaminated sediment risks causing toxicity to aquatic
170 sustainable strategy to reduce PCB levels in contaminated sediment.
171 sulting in a significant potential source of contaminated sediments.
172                                Analysis of a contaminated site demonstrates that it is possible to ma
173  riparian zones, agricultural field sites to contaminated site studies, wherever an improved understa
174 cm) across the sediment water interface at a contaminated site.
175 undwater samples across 6 chlorinated ethene-contaminated sites and searched for relationships among
176 cally incubated soil from two additional PAH-contaminated sites and was formed from pyrene by two pyr
177  in reduced sediments is a common process at contaminated sites basin-wide, to constrain accumulated
178 te the optimization of TCE-bioremediation at contaminated sites containing both TCE and C2H2.
179 suggest that the presence of copollutants at contaminated sites deserves specific considerations as t
180 ed unambiguously on one of three potentially contaminated sites in Czech Republic, and the same conta
181                        Responses obtained in contaminated sites included inductions of vitellogenin-l
182                                              Contaminated sites pose ecological and human-health risk
183 ded to land and water must be sequestered at contaminated sites to maintain consistency with recent d
184 al data sets collected from 35 wells at five contaminated sites were used to demonstrate that a data
185 e heterogeneous natural collector media from contaminated sites, as not an adequate amount of the col
186 G. fossarum exposed in four reference and 13 contaminated sites, we analyzed the individual responses
187 queous media that often occur in U mining or contaminated sites, which makes U(VI) very mobile and di
188  diversity and abundance of azaarenes in PAH-contaminated sites, with corresponding implications for
189 her phytoremediation can be used to clean up contaminated sites.
190 t the long-term stability of historically As-contaminated sites.
191 r26PFASs per year and hectare from (heavily) contaminated sites.
192 L portion of blood (which presumably carries contaminating skin cells and microbes) was tested agains
193 l and human-health risks through exposure to contaminated soil and groundwater.
194 to predict the success of bioaugmentation in contaminated soil based on the intrinsic physico-chemica
195 madura sediminis UTMC 2870 isolated from oil-contaminated soil contained a lipase that was stable at
196 show a series of data from a coastal arsenic-contaminated soil exposed to sea and river waters in bio
197 abolite profiling to compare extracts of PAH-contaminated soil from a former manufactured-gas plant s
198          Bioremediation of organic pollutant contaminated soil involving bioaugmentation with dedicat
199                                              Contaminated soil organic matter from the Rocky Flats En
200 and increased the ability to remove TNT from contaminated soil relative to wild-type plants.
201 to be a viable strategy for low permeability contaminated soil remediation.
202 ) obtained for the snail directly exposed to contaminated soil were lower than trophic transfer by co
203 latifolia L. colonizing a frequently flooded contaminated soil were studied.
204  the accessible PAH fraction in industrially contaminated soil with and without passive dosing of a c
205       For both cows and calves, ingestion of contaminated soil, although often overlooked, is an appr
206 f Cr(VI) from NIST SRM 2701, a standard COPR-contaminated soil.
207 rovide information for risk assessment in Ga-contaminated soil.
208 ates exposure to cPAHs upon ingestion of PAH-contaminated soil.
209 ts into the cancer risks associated with PAH-contaminated soils and places bioremediation outcomes in
210                 Earthworms inhabiting highly contaminated soils bare close genomic resemblance to tho
211 adapted populations with those found on less contaminated soils can provide insights into ecological
212  oral PAH bioavailability of 19 historically contaminated soils fed to juvenile swine.
213 nes, their diversity, abundance, and fate in contaminated soils remain to be elucidated.
214 o successfully remove carcinogenic PAHs from contaminated soils to concentrations below the target ca
215  more comprehensive characterization of AFFF-contaminated soils, the solvent extraction of PFAS from
216 timated the cancer risks associated with PAH-contaminated soils.
217 oil recovery, and for the remediation of oil contaminated soils.
218 h polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in contaminated soils.
219      The separation of hazardous metals from contaminated sources is commonly achieved with ion-excha
220 h harrier (Circus aeruginosus) were the most contaminated species, with mean total UV-Fs concentratio
221                       The remediation of the contaminated stable lead to a 2-3 fold reduction of the
222 xperiments quantified effects of metal-oxide contaminated substrate and showed significant difference
223 ent in reprocessed nuclear waste streams and contaminated subsurface environments.
224  in reprocessed nuclear waste and present in contaminated subsurface systems represents a major envir
225 collected from a tetrachloroethylene- (PCE-) contaminated Superfund site and analyzed using gas chrom
226                                     Pathogen contaminated surfaces (fomites) are known to transmit di
227 that under certain conditions, the number of contaminated surfaces grows logistically, corresponding
228 rioperative antibiotic prophylaxis for clean-contaminated surgeries, which suggest that clindamycin i
229                Following clean (class I, not contaminated) surgical procedures, the rate of surgical
230 al disease attributable to consuming fecally contaminated tap water from an IWS.
231 100%, 50%, 25%, and 10% portions of the AgNP-contaminated test soil.
232 iomass releasing intracellular proteins that contaminate the metasecretome.
233            Erosion and splashing of PFCs can contaminate the plasma and shorten material lifetime.
234 2 from a clonal complex 1 outbreak strain co-contaminating the caramel apples.
235 reaching the treatment facility, potentially contaminating the water source with gastrointestinal pat
236 n maize- and soybean-dominated landscapes is contaminated throughout the growing season with multiple
237 es and clinical outcomes of all grafts using contaminated tissue.
238  activase transcripts were down-regulated in contaminated trees across all 10 cultivars, whereas thia
239 nd therefore long-term consumptions of these contaminated vegetables and grains may pose serious heal
240 bio-measure that could be used to purify dye-contaminated wastewater.
241 ducts coming from different origins that can contaminate water and become toxicants to aquatic specie
242  they do not know that polio spreads through contaminated water (41% vs 14%), or if they believe rumo
243 hese results are promising for treating PFOA-contaminated water and demonstrate the versatility of be
244 sing serum PFOA after ongoing consumption of contaminated water at the federal limit, and decreasing
245 voir of healthcare-associated pathogens, and contaminated water can lead to outbreaks and severe infe
246  SENT has the potential to treat 83,000 L of contaminated water down to WHO limits which would be suf
247 xamine the in-situ impact of using naturally-contaminated water for food preparation on the elemental
248                Diarrheal disease (DD) due to contaminated water is a major cause of child mortality g
249 oval of radioactive technetium ((99)Tc) from contaminated water is of enormous importance from an env
250               Nevertheless, SFs treating BAM contaminated water showed the highest 2,6-DCBA mineraliz
251 t capital.Globally diarrheal disease through contaminated water sources is a major cause of child mor
252 r efficiently degrading organic compounds in contaminated water such as harmful algal blooms.
253 re many "prehygiene" communities with sewage-contaminated water supplies, helminth infestations, bare
254 erum PFOA after carbon filtration began in a contaminated water system.
255 , adsorption of levofloxacin from artificial contaminated water was done by pretreated barley straw a
256 uals can contract AMR infections, is through contaminated water.
257 ter starting or stopping consumption of PFOA-contaminated water.
258 lot scale for the removal of metal ions from contaminated water.
259 s promising prospects for treatment of metal-contaminated water.
260                            Seepage of SCN(-)-contaminated waters into aquifers can occur from unlined
261 nd four urban schools, the latter near a PCB-contaminated waterway of Lake Michigan in the United Sta
262 rs at significantly shallower depths than As contaminated wells in all regions.
263                            The proportion of contaminated wells increase by up to 40% in some cases w
264          The starting material was naturally contaminated Wels catfish (Silurus glanis), caught in th
265 applied and further validated with naturally contaminated wheat samples.
266 om residues in non-focal crop pollen, likely contaminated wildflowers or other sources.
267 and a clay soil rich in organic matter, both contaminated with 1, 15, and 50 mg.kg(-1) of dissolved C
268 ealthcare worker hands/gloves are frequently contaminated with A. baumannii after patient care.
269           The paprika sample was found to be contaminated with almond and the cumin sample, contamina
270  is, Mars-bound spacecraft may frequently be contaminated with aspergilli (including A. penicillioide
271 red to a toxin-free reference and a standard contaminated with critical target concentrations.
272  Ag from a field soil amended with biosolids contaminated with engineered silver nanoparticles (AgNPs
273                              Maize naturally contaminated with FBs and PHFBs was cooked with lime.
274 obally, 200 million people drink groundwater contaminated with fluoride concentrations exceeding the
275                              Oats are easily contaminated with gluten-rich kernels of wheat, rye and
276  the assessment of environmental field sites contaminated with HCHs.
277 flowback and produced water, which is highly contaminated with hydrocarbons, bacteria and particulate
278 kin and mucosal surfaces with soil and water contaminated with infected urine.
279 ramel apples, and packaged leafy green salad contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes singleton seque
280 nated at a much lower level, was found to be contaminated with mahaleb.
281 Grit-blasted acid-etched titanium disks were contaminated with multispecies microcosm biofilms grown
282 a derived from tumor samples would always be contaminated with normal cells.
283       The degree to which tumour samples are contaminated with normal tissue can be estimated and cor
284 atrix rich in phenolic compounds potentially contaminated with OTA, and were used to model OTA cross-
285 anisms previously reported from environments contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons or plastics deb
286 distribution of producer species and seafood contaminated with PLTX-like molecules illustrates the gl
287 s an accepted technology for cleanup of soil contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs
288  may be a useful in situ treatment for sites contaminated with polyfluoroalkyl substances and perfluo
289 ences but in practice DNA extracts are often contaminated with sequences from other organisms.
290 f the analysed breakfast cereal samples were contaminated with several mycotoxins.
291 m-garnet (Er:YAG) laser on titanium surfaces contaminated with subgingival plaque from patients with
292  A group of laying hens (n=18) received feed contaminated with Sudan I at the raising concentrations:
293 D) only after the administration of the feed contaminated with the dye at the highest concentration.
294    During the immunoassay operation, samples contaminated with the target bacteria will conjugate to
295 tion technique that could be applied to soil contaminated with TNT; however, progress is hindered by
296                           However, these are contaminated with underlying stereoisomers.
297 its and livestock watering resulted the most contaminated, with mean contamination levels equal to 0.
298  and extremity surgeries with clean or clean-contaminated wounds were included.
299 8 years, body mass index of 28 kg/m, 77% had contaminated wounds, and 84% completed 24-months follow-
300 tal structure led to the identification of a contaminating zinc ion as solely responsible for the obs

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