


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1          We suggest that upregulation and release of miR-21 contribute to sensory neuron-macrophage communication after d
2 e diseased tissue produce high levels of CCL-2 and IL-8 and contribute to the inflammatory process promoting the recruitm
3 ally dimorphic in both basal and LPS-induced activation and contribute to the sexually dimorphic effects of morphine in t
4                       How cortical circuits are altered and contribute to the intense sensation associated with allodynia
5 that both regulate normal cell fates during development and contribute to the epigenetic plasticity that underlies malign
6 atomical heterogeneity of midbrain dopaminergic neurons and contribute to a better understanding of this functionally com
7 lutionarily recent sRNAs can be acted upon by selection and contribute to the evolution of phenotypic diversity.
8 tes state-dependent reflexes in the lower urinary tract and contribute to our understanding of the pathophysiology of uri
9     Brain systems supporting face and voice processing both contribute to the extraction of important information for soc
10 vaccine trial indicate that non-neutralizing antibodies can contribute to protection.
11 ogical perspective in maintaining IgG populations, FcRn can contribute to the pathogenesis of autoimmune disorders when a
12                                    Proteins from leaves can contribute to a more complete use of resources and help to me
13                                                     B cells contribute to multiple aspects of autoimmune disorders and ma
14  strategy for understanding how biophysical characteristics contribute to function.
15 itability and suggest that disruption of this process could contribute to various deficits associated with alcohol depend
16 ostral ventromedial medulla (RVM) are thought to critically contribute to this process; however, the neural circuits and
17  how variation in protein levels that arise due to diabetes contribute to different VSMC behavior and thus vascular disea
18 ted traits, and find evidence that malaria parasitemia does contribute to the pathogenesis of retinopathy-negative CM.
19                              Hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia contribute to glucolipotoxicity that leads to type 2 diabetes
20 disorder where multiple pleiotropic loci with small effects contribute to increased disease risk.
21 lar and genetic evidence that reductions in Reln expression contribute to GCp proliferative defects and cerebellar hypopl
22 nsport of mitochondria and mitochondrial fission and fusion contribute to this rejuvenation, but local protein synthesis
23                   Comutated, myeloid tumor-suppressor genes contribute to phenotypic variability, phenotypic shifts, and
24  a poor understanding of how mutations in genes such as GRN contribute to disease pathogenesis and neurodegeneration.
25 gs suggest that airway smooth muscle/mast cell interactions contribute to asthma severity by transiently increasing MMP a
26 xhibit previously unappreciated mitotic defects that likely contribute to HPV-mediated cancer progression.
27 mast cell degranulation by PgLPS1690 and PgLPS1435/1449 may contribute to the modulation of disease progression.
28 iven serotonergic control of CRF levels in the amygdala may contribute to the transition from moderate to compulsive inta
29     The IPS plays a key role in attention orienting and may contribute to the hypervigilance that is a common symptom of
30  epigenetic downregulation of HLA-E by high-risk HPV E7 may contribute to virus-induced immune evasion during HPV persist
31 that selective exclusion of molecules needed for growth may contribute to regeneration decline.
32 direct interaction between RNA polymerase and ribosomes may contribute to the coupling of transcription to translation.
33 ads modulate N2O accumulation in denitrification, which may contribute to further design strategies to control greenhouse
34 re studies are needed to address whether similar mechanisms contribute to the increased risk for calcium oxalate stone fo
35 ENT We demonstrate that periaqueductal gray (PAG) microglia contribute to the sexually dimorphic effects of morphine.
36 nant RSVs demonstrate that structural regions unique to NS1 contribute to modulation of host responses, including inhibit
37     However, evidence has emerged that MPO-derived oxidants contribute to propagation of inflammatory diseases.
38  replicative capacity of subtypes A and C may paradoxically contribute to their more efficient spread in sub-Saharan Afri
39 or uninformative for optimal analysis and which potentially contribute to gaps in sequence coverage of proteins.
40  how nuclear organization and Polycomb group (PcG) proteins contribute to epigenetically inheritable phenotypic variabili
41 terns of variation and interactions among demographic rates contribute to population growth rate (lambda) is key to under
42                              Thus, cAMP-independent signals contribute to the induction of hyphal responses.
43 meric proteins to test whether DAT and SERT N and C termini contribute to transporter substrate and inhibitor affinities.
44 ide troubleshooting tips and identification of factors that contribute to experimental variability.
45 ive-strand RNA [(+)RNA] viruses and cellular membranes that contribute to the biogenesis of virus-induced membrane organe
46                           Defective mitophagy is thought to contribute to normal aging and to various neurodegenerative a
47 5a) and the terminal complement complex (TCC) that together contribute to organ failure and death.
48  mutagenesis reveals that His175, Arg186, Thr276 and Tyr278 contribute to CdiA-CTYkris activity, suggesting that these re
49                             Such differences may ultimately contribute to their unique behavioral profiles and potential
50 and chemical denaturants, forming a robust layer that would contribute to overall spore resistance.

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