


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 30 minutes of IOP stabilization to 10 mm Hg (control experiment).
2 r this cyclization based on the results of a control experiment.
3 three-component reaction is supported by the control experiment.
4 /- 1.0 per thousand), were also similar to a control experiment.
5 h of mild cold exposure served as a positive control experiment.
6 ease in the yield (35 times) compared with a control experiment.
7 so assayed [13C6]IAA transport in a parallel control experiment.
8 e pH than the P-PONbs themselves, a critical control experiment.
9 s using TfOH formed in situ was ruled out by control experiments.
10 immunosensor was confirmed with two types of control experiments.
11 er thiophenol 7 and phenol 8 is supported by control experiments.
12 1)H NMR, kinetic isotope effect studies, and control experiments.
13 ocess, as evident by spectroscopic study and control experiments.
14 tal responding and general motor activity in control experiments.
15 during time and hypertensive (phenylephrine) control experiments.
16 ce so as to optimally utilize mutant mice in control experiments.
17 to the PCT analyte which was evident through control experiments.
18 anecarboxamides is proposed based on several control experiments.
19   The results have been made conclusive with control experiments.
20 e' by determining classical disturbance with control experiments.
21 acin to suppress FFA compared with 11 saline control experiments.
22 eighboring brain areas, is presented through control experiments.
23  of difficulty than previous virtual (cursor-control) experiments.
24 lic pathways affected in a single, carefully controlled experiment.
25                                   Randomized controlled experiment.
26 quences of fructose consumption in carefully controlled experiments.
27 eme events has been limited due to a lack of controlled experiments.
28 phytes) can modify plant disease severity in controlled experiments.
29 of acute SKP-SC transplantation versus media control (Experiment 1) and versus nerve-derived SC or de
30 CS over the left occipital cortex, while, in control Experiment 2, participants received sham and act
31                           Potentiostatically controlled experiments (-500 mV vs Ag/AgCl) showed that
32                                         In a control experiment, a protonated cyclic peptide with 6 a
33                              On the basis of control experiments, a plausible reaction mechanism for
34                      A double-blind, placebo-controlled experiment allowing individuals to lie privat
35 , with no opsin expression) and food-seeking control experiments also failed to produce the same effe
36 nreversible flux decline was observed in all control experiments and a cross-flow rinse with the feed
37                                              Control experiments and ab initio calculations show that
38 i, the complexity of natural movies, and the control experiments and analyses all suggest that a more
39                                              Control experiments and computational studies support a
40                                              Control experiments and density functional theory calcul
41 ocess is carefully investigated with various control experiments and density functional theory simula
42 cis-trans isomerization was supported by the control experiments and deuterium labeling studies.
43 chanistic approach was well supported by the control experiments and deuterium-labeling studies and b
44 xazole formation is proposed on the basis of control experiments and DFT calculations.
45 nalytical protocols, validated by systematic control experiments and high-resolution SEM imaging, sho
46    Our method has been validated by rigorous control experiments and kinetic experiments.
47                                              Control experiments and preliminary mechanistic studies
48 awbacks, including the use of replicated and control experiments and relative quantification to sensi
49 eactions involving carbon-centered radicals, control experiments and spectroscopic studies suggest th
50 ition, we validate our CIU protocols through control experiments and systematic statistical evaluatio
51 detected that alternans was Ca(2+) driven in control experiments and voltage driven in the presence o
52 ical models to fit behavioral data from well-controlled experiments and look for neural activities th
53                                              Controlled experiments and mechanistic investigations wi
54 on of the observed trends requires long-term controlled experiments and multi-model ensembles to redu
55                                              Control experiments are in support of a homogeneous mole
56                               The results of control experiments are presented to document the accura
57 ical role in determining expansion speed but controlled experiments are lacking.
58                                              Control experiments argued against accounts in terms of
59 el material synthesis must be established by control experiments as outlined in the present study.
60 power of this novel methodology by analyzing controlled experiments as well as genuine population gen
61 g this effect, but it has not been tested in controlled experiments at atomic resolution.
62                                         In a controlled experiment, Bd infection significantly altere
63                                           In control experiments, beads coated with these antibodies
64                                              Control experiments before and after incubation with cho
65           We demonstrate why use of specific control experiments can prevent assumptions that VEGF-A1
66 cross the endolysosomal membrane), including control experiments, can be completed within 1 h.
67                                              Control experiments confirm the crucial role of the anio
68                                              Control experiments confirmed that all nucleophilic subs
69                                              Control experiments confirmed that SICI was not contamin
70                                              Control experiments confirmed that this washout was due
71                                   Additional control experiments confirmed the absence of morphine an
72                                              Control experiments confirming adsorption of proteins on
73                                 In a further control experiment Cu(+) ion is added to ((6)L)Fe(NO)(2)
74                                  A series of control experiments demonstrate that a synergistic inter
75                                     Further, control experiments demonstrate the crucial role that Te
76                                              Control experiments demonstrated that the asymmetric mas
77                                              Control experiments demonstrated that these mutant Rrn3
78                                              Control experiments demonstrated that these results like
79                               Of importance, control experiments demonstrated that this entrainment c
80                                     However, control experiments demonstrated that this surface stain
81                                              Control experiments demonstrated the molecular recogniti
82                                            A control experiment designed to assess iGluSnFR's dynamic
83                                              Control experiments, DFT calculations, and DOSY NMR stud
84                                          DSC control experiments do not show the second domain, sugge
85      In two independent double-blind placebo-controlled experiments, each involving over 70 healthy m
86                                              Control experiments establish that simple Co(II) salts,
87                                              Control experiments establish that the stoichiometry and
88                                 The positive control experiments established retention of the carbony
89                                              Control experiments established that Kv2.2 was not expre
90       This method was validated by series of control experiments, establishing that protoplast isolat
91 bserved in ECD are easily reproduced in well-controlled experiments examining hydrogen deficient radi
92                                              Control experiments excluded the possibility of a therma
93              Furthermore, additional sets of control experiments favor the involvement of unimolecula
94 ransformation, sorption control, and abiotic control experiments for 15 MPs with cationic-neutral spe
95 ion, data from carefully conducted, properly controlled experiments for NOS detection, utilizing thre
96                                              Control experiments further validate and rule out other
97                      We demonstrate, through controlled experiments guided by simulations, how acoust
98                                          The control experiments have also demonstrated that the bioa
99                                          The control experiments have also demonstrated that the immu
100                      Mechanistic studies and control experiments have elucidated the role of these ad
101                                              Control experiments have unraveled the key intermediates
102                                More than 500 controlled experiments have collectively suggested that
103 llutants in tissues of animals, few, if any, controlled experiments have examined whether ingested pl
104                                              Controlled experiments have shown that global changes de
105 edox-inactive diphenyl tetrazine ligand as a control experiment illustrates that the redox activity a
106 e of excess PPh3 yields OPPh3 in 173% yield; control experiments implicate 6, NO2(*), and free NO3(-)
107               (1)H NMR studies, coupled with control experiments, implied that catalytic chloride-bou
108 ring the preceding FeS inhibition period and control experiments in the absence of FeS.
109                                 Furthermore, control experiments in the cycloisomerization of skipped
110                                              Control experiments in the presence of competing boronic
111  methods was used, a unique set of important control experiments in the protein aggregation literatur
112 similar sequence signatures are exhibited by control experiments in which nucleosome-free genomic DNA
113                                              Controlled experiment in a natural environment of parent
114                              In a subsequent controlled experiment in flat-panel photobioreactors, Ch
115 n coal was quantitatively determined through controlled experiments in a continuously fed drop-tube f
116  utilizing up to nine different filaments by controlled experiments in a test chamber.
117  We tested this hypothesis in two randomized controlled experiments in online courses (n = 17,963).
118                                              Control experiments included the use of a green fluoresc
119                                   Additional control experiments included VZV-infected cell cultures
120        The results were supported by various control experiments including with electron-deficient ar
121                                           In control experiments, increasing or impairing mTOR signal
122                                        These control experiments indicate that dielectric properties
123                                              Control experiments indicated that earplugging did not d
124                                Additionally, control experiments indicated that neither MCl(3) (M = A
125                                       In two control experiments, infants failed to learn the very sa
126                              Here, we report controlled experiments injecting a fluid into a miscible
127                                Many types of control experiments (internal, positive, negative, and f
128                                              Control experiments involved exposure to uninfected mono
129                                            A control experiment involving the attempted inclusion of
130                                              Control experiments involving infusion of natural insuli
131 o such capture and transport are observed in control experiments involving other cells or microengine
132                 Regioselectivity in THF*BH 3 control experiments is higher for the allylic amine bora
133                                         In a control experiment, looming bias disappeared when spectr
134 logenetic effects on species interactions in controlled experiments may depend on the lability of few
135                                           In control experiments mimicking the systemic but not the c
136                                         In a control experiment (n = 20), we further explore the infl
137                     In a randomized and sham-controlled experiment, neuronavigation-guided rTMS was a
138                                         As a control experiment, nifedipine, a L-type voltage sensiti
139                                           In control experiments, no placentitis was found in mice in
140 /CdS/Au heterostructures with the results of control experiments on CdSe/CdS nanorods exposed to gold
141                                  As shown in control experiments on in vitro alphaB- and gammaD-cryst
142  1,890 body mass responses to temperature in controlled experiments on 169 terrestrial, freshwater, a
143                                           In control experiments, only low-level, non-specific uptake
144                              In a behavioral control experiment, pain threshold-a proxy of endogenous
145                                           In control experiments, people could only cooperate or defe
146                                          The control experiments performed by resonance elastic light
147                                  Through the control experiments performed by using some other nucleo
148                                              Control experiments performed with the reverse peptide (
149                                              Control experiments, performed with a deuteranopic subje
150                                           In control experiments, perfusion solution was supplemented
151 scopic analysis of gold pi-ACP complexes and control experiments point to the sp hybridization of the
152                           Although lack of a controlled experiment presents numerous challenges, impl
153                           Carefully designed control experiments provide a gold standard for benchmar
154                                      Through controlled experiments, quantified by a hydrodynamic mod
155 the FP-tagged proteins, making the design of control experiments relatively straightforward.
156                                              Control experiments removed sample heating as a possible
157                                          The control experiment replacing the Cl(-) ion with other io
158                                              Control experiments replacing star polymer catalysts wit
159            These results, when combined with control experiments reported in this article, provide th
160                               This naturally controlled experiment represents perhaps the clearest de
161 nd target, while still specific (as shown by control experiments), results in unbinding on millisecon
162                                              Control experiments reveal that the cyclization, followe
163                                              Control experiments reveal that the size of the Ag domai
164                                              Control experiments reveal the (Z)-olefin geometry to be
165                                            A control experiment revealed that identical TMS pulses at
166                                     Separate control experiments revealed that conditioned responsive
167                                              Control experiments revealed that observed effects were
168                                              Control experiments revealed, however, that the peak at
169 exes at 30% RH by a factor of 10 relative to control experiments (RH < 1%, or no FeCl3 under humid co
170  stereochemical analysis together with these control experiments, rigorous multinuclear NMR analysis,
171                                              Control experiments rule out a presynaptic source for th
172                                              Control experiments rule out effects of attention and me
173                                              Control experiments rule out possible confounds related
174                                              Control experiments ruled out alternative explanations f
175                                              Control experiments ruled out explanations based on poor
176                                              Control experiments ruled out that this inhibition is du
177                                              Control experiments, sans the BBD diazonium radical init
178                                              Control experiments serve to confirm that the response s
179                                 Results of a control experiment show that attention-induced suppressi
180                                              Control experiments show that such enhancement of ORR by
181                                              Controlled experiments show that Discern's improvement i
182                                              Control experiments showed no labeling of TG2 knock-out
183                                              Control experiments showed that 1 is not cytotoxic in th
184                                              Control experiments showed that space-constrained coding
185                                              Control experiments showed that such deactivations in bo
186                               Psychophysical control experiments showed this result was not explained
187 of drug to the nearby VTA was falsified by a control experiment showing that bilateral infusions of b
188 effect of stimulation 1 hr postreactivation (control experiment), showing that memory strengthening i
189 atasets with the considerations of data from control experiment, signal to noise ratios, biological v
190 enrolled 98 in a randomized pretest-posttest controlled experiment starting August 15, 2010, that eva
191                                              Control experiments suggest that an older report of "MbO
192                                              Control experiments suggest that these findings cannot b
193                                              Control experiments suggested that the CuCl alone does n
194       Humans have shown similar responses in controlled experiments, suggesting shared mechanisms acr
195                                              Control experiments support the notion that the nanopart
196                                      Several control experiments support the role of hemiaminal/imine
197          By comparison, we demonstrated in a control experiment that opsin, when expressed in the liv
198 guration has been established by a necessary control experiment that rules out the possibility of a d
199                                         In a control experiment that served to demonstrate that these
200                                              Control experiments that compare primer conformations wi
201                      Here we show by isotope-controlled experiments that unsaturated C3,5,7,9-monocar
202 ologies similar to those obtained in ex situ control experiments the reaction rates are much higher,
203                                           In control experiments, the CB(1) agonist CP-55,940 (37.9 m
204                                           In control experiments, the expected glucagon response to a
205  over long time scales, and not only through controlled experiments, the role of the microbial activi
206                                    In stress-controlled experiments, the system simply breaks when pu
207 and where it is not possible to run separate control experiments to determine the latter statistics.
208  of all possible causes and perform parallel control experiments to rule them out.
209              The authors report on the first controlled experiment to examine the memory-enhancing ef
210 urce represents a new method which enables a controlled experiment to mimic the effects of sunlight u
211                                    We used a controlled experiment to test the extent to which the su
212 ble without cross-oligomerizing provides for controlled experiments to analyze the function of mutant
213                             We performed two controlled experiments to determine the amount of mass-d
214                                Here, we used controlled experiments to identify physiological thresho
215 cally investigating the products obtained in controlled experiments, to demonstrate the formation of
216                                              Control experiments used equimolar NaCl loads.
217                                              Control experiments using a mixture of two DNA molecules
218                                              Control experiments using an IgG protein revealed that o
219 unction of protein concentration, along with control experiments using carefully chosen protein analo
220 ptical properties, which was rationalized by control experiments using compounds bearing pyrenemethyl
221  LEMS experiments, the intensity ratios from control experiments using conventional ESI-MS deviated f
222                                           In control experiments using either the same climbing fibre
223                                              Control experiments using enantioenriched 3-hydroxy-2-ox
224  both cholesterol and beta2AR, as shown with control experiments using ergosterol and a control membr
225 ellent control of regiochemistry compared to control experiments using excess THF*BH 3.
226                                              Control experiments using maleic acid (cis-butenedioic a
227  and match both results in literature and in control experiments using microscale thermophoresis.
228                                              Control experiments using other therapeutic antibodies (
229                                 In contrast, control experiments using pressurized N(2) and similar i
230                                       In two control experiments using spatially jittered and phase-r
231                                              Control experiments using two 39E DNAzyme mutants reveal
232                                              Control experiments using vacant-site-free DNA duplexes
233    We illustrate this phenomenon in a set of controlled experiments using a nearest neighbor classifi
234 's expectations of generosity in a series of controlled experiments using the dictator game.
235                           Here, we perform a control experiment, using an aerosol time-of-flight mass
236                                            A control experiment, using SART (the Sustained Attention
237 ts of five relevant double-blind, randomized controlled experiments, using a total of 4,556 undecided
238                         Here we show through controlled experiments, using real and simulated observa
239                                              Control experiments validate our method's performance an
240 ant shoots has been widely reported based on controlled experiments, vegetation surveys and literatur
241                                              Control experiments verified that suppressive effects of
242                                              Control experiments verified that these evoked twitches
243                                Quenching and control experiments verified that TMPD(*+) was formed fr
244                                            A control experiment was performed with a crystalline film
245                                     One sham control experiment was performed.
246                                            A controlled experiment was conducted from 2010 to 2014 to
247                                 Oxidation in controlled experiments was compared in standard double d
248              In combination with a series of control experiments we speculate that the SPO ligand dem
249 Based upon these observations and those from control experiments, we conclude that the blockage is pr
250                                      Through control experiments, we find that the catalyst's chemica
251 der diffraction measurements, and additional control experiments, we propose that these peak red shif
252                                           In control experiments, we showed that mammalian GST-PRMT1
253                                         In a controlled experiment, we found that as the same human a
254                                         In a controlled experiment, we show that this effect is not d
255                                  A number of control experiments were also conducted to verify whethe
256                                  A series of control experiments were also performed to demonstrate t
257                                  A series of control experiments were carried out using mutant viruse
258                                              Control experiments were conducted by reacting Au144(SCH
259                        A series of inorganic control experiments were conducted to establish the depe
260                                      Several control experiments were performed and provided strong e
261                                              Control experiments were performed in 9 animals.
262                                              Control experiments were performed with 12-base pair mis
263                                              Control experiments were performed with cDNA from HCV ge
264                                              Control experiments were performed with untreated plants
265 t the sorption coefficients derived from our control experiments were small and showed no notable pH-
266                                              Control experiments were systematically performed in cul
267                     A series of designed and controlled experiments were also performed in order to s
268                               In contrast to control experiments, when heptanol (2 mmol/L) was added
269                                         In a control experiment where only ((6)L)Fe(NO)(2) (2) is exp
270                                            A control experiment where the methyl ester derivative of
271                       We present data from a controlled experiment where the initial template concent
272 eins in the bait experiments relative to the control experiment, where the significance cutoff parame
273                                           In control experiments, where streptavidin preincubated wit
274                                          The control experiment with bovine serum albumin indicates t
275 erties by performing a resonant coherent THz control experiment with few 10 fs resolution.
276                   We also performed positive control experiments with a nAChR containing enhanced gre
277  external calibration procedures and regular control experiments with a sedimentation coefficient sta
278                                              Control experiments with absent magnetic exposure showed
279                                              Control experiments with AgNO3 indicated metallic Ag par
280 hese configurations was further confirmed by control experiments with asymmetrically designed buckmin
281                                              Control experiments with CD25-depleted PBMCs were perfor
282                                              Control experiments with empty wild-type virus and a sal
283                                      Further control experiments with glucose microbiosensors did not
284                                              Control experiments with KO2 give rise to the formation
285       No response to analyte was detected in control experiments with nanoparticles imprinted with an
286                                              Control experiments with poly(L-proline) demonstrate the
287                                              Control experiments with preformed Rh(II)-Rh(III) comple
288 n of PSA in pH 7.4 1x PBS solutions, whereas control experiments with proteins that do not bind to th
289                                              Control experiments with stiffer, gel-phase 1,2-dipalmit
290 on constant, but no response was observed in control experiments with target analogues.
291                                           In control experiments with the HMGCL expression plasmid, p
292                                              Control experiments with various compounds, including de
293          A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled experiment with eighth graders (total n = 536
294  by the technical difficulties in performing controlled experiments with currently available neuroima
295                                      A third control experiment, with participants rating names, demo
296                     Importantly, during time control experiments, with sustained fasting insulin conc
297 les and current collector was confirmed in a control experiment without biofilm.
298 ing highly diluted labeled proteins and also control experiments without biospecific analytes.
299 ned to be 3 orders of magnitude greater than control experiments without sonication at ambient temper
300                                              Control experiments without the MOF present did not yiel

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