


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 in endotoxin tolerance in human DCs is still controversial.
2 e choroid in the pathogenesis of AMN remains controversial.
3 ts role even for basic cortical processes is controversial.
4 children developing allergic disease remains controversial.
5 tic timing of HC subfield maturation remains controversial.
6 though their presence at distal dendrites is controversial.
7     The role and yield of cardiac imaging is controversial.
8 of oxygen electrocatalysts is still somewhat controversial.
9  and subsequent response to therapy is still controversial.
10 onary embolism (PE) prophylaxis in trauma is controversial.
11 ascular disease, although these findings are controversial.
12 erm outcomes of living kidney donors remains controversial.
13 roxymidazolam to the effects of midazolam is controversial.
14  functional impact of these mutations remain controversial.
15  models of the lactose uptake pathway remain controversial.
16 oxine to treat subclinical hypothyroidism is controversial.
17 cts of its structure-activity profile remain controversial.
18 i-67 affects cell cycle progression has been controversial.
19 ) replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is controversial.
20 odality therapy on clinical outcomes remains controversial.
21  the source of decodable information remains controversial.
22 in the pathogenesis of cholangiocarcinoma is controversial.
23 em, their role in cancer progression remains controversial.
24 lly invasive proctectomy in rectal cancer is controversial.
25 ty of the precise domain(s) involved, remain controversial.
26 itutes appropriate counseling is unclear and controversial.
27  to feedback and feedforward control remains controversial.
28 ms, but the associated mortality data remain controversial.
29 plication that itself drives disease remains controversial.
30 m theoretical and empirical perspectives are controversial.
31  of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) remains controversial.
32 unction is permeable to water remains highly controversial.
33 ynaptic potentials, albeit critical, remains controversial.
34 ity, especially nitrate (NO3(-)) loss remain controversial.
35 orker screening and S aureus eradication are controversial.
36 timal radiotherapy schedule and dose remains controversial.
37 ncy on children's asthma development remains controversial.
38 n monkey studies and human research is still controversial.
39 n renal ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) is controversial.
40  substitutions change gene expression remain controversial.
41 process but their roles have been unclear or controversial.
42 on intracellular signaling, but this remains controversial.
43  progesterone (E+P) in breast cancer remains controversial.
44 phases of development, but its importance is controversial.
45 tion in the internal anal sphincter (IAS) is controversial.
46 rcuit during negative energy balance remains controversial.
47 mal analgesia regimen in HPB surgery remains controversial.
48 pelvic lymph node dissection (ePLND) remains controversial.
49 properdin as pattern recognition molecule is controversial.
50  activated KRAS, but this assumption remains controversial.
51 ta cell apoptosis, but these findings remain controversial.
52  the clinical impact of PPM implantation are controversial.
53 lve replacement (AVR) among NFLG patients is controversial.
54 ore, the existence of a mitochondrial NOS is controversial.
55 tween body mass index (BMI) and mortality is controversial.
56 r perioperative antimicrobial prophylaxis is controversial.
57 the information that MVPA draws upon remains controversial.
58 or-to-metal transition (IMT), which is still controversial.
59 tion maintenance, but their ablation remains controversial.
60  formula to achieve iron sufficiency is more controversial.
61 on-infarct-related coronary arteries remains controversial.
62 on is also shaped by mutational variation is controversial.
63 tation is still not well defined and remains controversial.
64 incomplete microscopic resection (R1) remain controversial.
65 atomy in frontal cortex has been elusive and controversial.
66 prevention and treatment of delirium remains controversial.
67 link between Abeta and tau, however, remains controversial.
68  but the function of endogenous 5-HT remains controversial.
69 ) and the severity of cardiac involvement is controversial.
70 contribution to disease pathogenesis remains controversial.
71  their significance to regeneration has been controversial.
72 e decades of use, the mode of action remains controversial.
73 tion in delirium in the last days of life is controversial.
74  disposition when bound to lipid bilayers is controversial.
75 , the functional organization of LFC remains controversial.
76 in animals, but human studies are scarce and controversial.
77 elation to that of other vertebrates remains controversial.
78 nce of the detection of minority DRM remains controversial.
79 ted avoidance memory reconsolidation remains controversial.
80 he presence of a species in a sample is more controversial.
81 ary purpose of this metabolic switch remains controversial.
82 sive study, the structure of elastin remains controversial.
83 condary mitral regurgitation (SMR) are still controversial.
84 gs of an additional cortical source are more controversial.
85 , but the reasons for the increase have been controversial.
86 er the signature is type 1 or type 2 remains controversial.
87 ed by alveolar recruiting strategies remains controversial.
88 e mechanisms underlying these changes remain controversial.
89 hey accelerate loss of lung function remains controversial.
90 incidence of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is controversial.
91 ssociated phase evolution remain elusive and controversial.
92 known DNA repair pathways for integration is controversial.
93 cquired more recently in angiosperms remains controversial.
94  to tau lesions in other tauopathies remains controversial.
95 heir role in appetite, weight, and health is controversial.
96 us after resection for pancreatic cancer are controversial.
97 ary RV dysfunction in Chagas disease remains controversial.
98 iffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) remains controversial.
99 sonal inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) is controversial.
100 e stress, the susceptibility of SPNs remains controversial.
101          Pacing in vasovagal syncope remains controversial.
102  Adaptive memory in insect immunity has been controversial.
103 CV infection and cell-to-cell spread remains controversial.
104 ity and features of such a population remain controversial.
105  artery smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) remains controversial.
106 ontinents formed and were stabilized remains controversial.
107 mmalian antiviral defense mechanism has been controversial.
108 results from experimental studies are rather controversial.
109 h tafazzin creates acyl specificity has been controversial.
110 od formation, WASP's role in this process is controversial.
111 ilar benefit in pediatric recipients remains controversial.
112 completion of the initial PR program remains controversial.
113  among the elements, whose mechanism remains controversial.
114  role in homeostatic function and disease is controversial.
115 ports and its role in the diagnosis has been controversial.
116 matic/minimally symptomatic patients remains controversial.
117 of a synchronizing action potential) remains controversial.
118 redictive role in heart failure (HF) remains controversial.
119 e specific roles of those activations remain controversial.
120 ever, the efficacy of these programs remains controversial.
121 but the mechanism of transformation has been controversial.
122  but the underlying mechanisms have remained controversial.
123 stent and specific over evolutionary time is controversial.
124 of Lactobacillus species probiotics is still controversial.
125   The optimal level of sodium intake remains controversial.
126 luids in the deep carbon cycle has long been controversial.
127 ochondrial CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, remains controversial.
128 se important structures are not known or are controversial.
129 on (MLBO) more than 20 years ago but remains controversial.
130  mechanism by which risk is conferred remain controversial.
131 eatment of chronic nonmalignant pain remains controversial.
132  regeneration are often inconsistent, if not controversial.
133 ose with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), are controversial.
134 ne domains (TMDs) in membrane fusion remains controversial.
135 f the plate boundary near the trench remains controversial.
136  during rearrangement formation has remained controversial.
137 antation as compared with 1-year DAPT remain controversial.
138 ing physiological muscle activation has been controversial.
139 esponses to hepatitis B vaccination is still controversial.
140 he nature of the Mg acceptor in GaN is still controversial.
141 nder biologically relevant conditions remain controversial.
142 n for prediction of drug sensitivity remains controversial.
143   These potential functions, however, remain controversial.
144 ifies the risk/benefit of anticoagulation is controversial.
145 tive immunity in early cancer development is controversial.
146 ss has been extensively studied, but remains controversial.
147  exit from latency are poorly understood and controversial.
148 e, the role of these interaction partners is controversial.
149 s-specific genetic alterations exist remains controversial.
150 tained only trace amounts of sulfate remains controversial.
151 oglia in neurodegenerative diseases has been controversial.
152 nt for fractures of the distal tibia remains controversial.
153  the control of which is complex, costly and controversial.
154  is protective against later-life obesity is controversial.
155 but its impact in nonhuman primates has been controversial.
156 t their role in post-stroke recovery remains controversial.
157 static magnetic order at low temperatures is controversial.
158  donor kidney transplantation (LDKT) remains controversial.
159 ise age of the classical site at SZ is still controversial.
160 ever, the diagnosis of rotator cuff tears is controversial.
161  routine intraperitoneal drains during DP is controversial.
162 they represent true progenitor cells remains controversial.
163 nt therapy (TRT) and prostate cancer risk is controversial.
164  the underlying mechanisms remain elusive or controversial.
165 h they interact with CD4(+) T cells has been controversial.
166  its role in metabolic liver disease remains controversial.
167 statory representation in the insula remains controversial.
168 genesis of prostatic neuroendocrine cells is controversial: a stem cell hypothesis with a urogenital
169 ting the type I interferon (IFN) response is controversial - acting through both positive and negativ
170  relativistic thermodynamics theory is still controversial after more than 110 years.
171 n to maturation to the myelinating stage are controversial, although oligodendroglial excitability is
172                    The optimal management is controversial and can include surgical excision, stereot
173 e role of sleep in memory processing remains controversial and elusive.
174 ogical graft material in prolapse surgery is controversial and has led to a number of enquiries into
175                          However, it remains controversial and has not been determined for any of the
176 imal for weight loss and maintenance remains controversial and implies that no diet fits all patients
177 egenerative processes after injury are still controversial and insufficiently characterized.
178  LARP1 in the translation of 5'TOP mRNAs are controversial and its regulatory roles in mTORC1-mediate
179                         This concept remains controversial and lacks direct experimental support in i
180 ia inducible factor (HIF)-1alpha cofactor is controversial and remains unknown in skeletal tissues.
181  the presence of carbapenemase genes remains controversial and requires further study.
182 ive examples, but possible intermediates are controversial and the nature of the original deuterostom
183 een suggested, however, its function remains controversial and the underlying mechanism is unclear.
184  signaling has ceased, although this remains controversial and unproven.
185 ctic (i.e., shocked) glass, remain therefore controversial and unresolvable.
186 e the structural form of the dimer remains a controversial and unresolved question, we addressed this
187 th intellectual disability is widespread but controversial, and evidence is scarce.
188 ion between the BNST and amygdala is however controversial, and human evidence scarce.
189                   However, this mechanism is controversial, and the identity of the natural large per
190 osphorylation responses (PPRs) remain highly controversial, and their origin and evolutionary traject
191 omponents of essential oils, with attributed controversial antioxidant properties.
192                                 Particularly controversial are landscapes of overdispersed (evenly sp
193                   Antiparasitic treatment is controversial as to its indication for this stage of the
194 n of Eocaecilia within tetrapod phylogeny is controversial, as it already acquired the specialized mo
195 EE; however, its role in weight gain remains controversial, as it either had no association with BMI
196 on from Maud Rise (South Atlantic Ocean) are controversial, as they seem to indicate geologically ins
197  this process, we highlight some of the more controversial aspects of caring for patients with anorec
198 ferent phenotypes of tauopathies, has led to controversial assumptions about fibril constitution, and
199 clarifying the sensitivity to non-trivial or controversial assumptions.
200 ism is not completely understood and remains controversial at present.
201                                  It has been controversial at which membrane microdomains PDGFRs resi
202                         These reports remain controversial because follow-up studies from independent
203 estinal disorders, its pathogenicity remains controversial because most carriers are asymptomatic.
204          However, oral estrogen treatment is controversial because of its potential risks on venous t
205 imary prevention of atherothrombosis remains controversial because of the uncertain balance of the po
206  as such triggers, but this proposal remains controversial because ROS scavengers fail to retard mito
207                   Early bariatric surgery is controversial but has great potential to transform outco
208  The role for Rac and its regulators is more controversial, but, based on the finding that Rac inacti
209                                  Complex and controversial cases were presented to 90 surgeons worldw
210 ve-fold twinned nanowires (FTNWs) have drawn controversial conclusions concerning whether the intrins
211  disease rheumatoid arthritis (RA); however, controversial data are available on IL-10- producing Bre
212 slocation mechanism that explains previously controversial data for this antiporter.
213 f the immune system in schizophrenia remains controversial despite numerous studies to date.
214        However, in the meantime, a number of controversial dietary patterns, foods, and nutrients hav
215 increasingly powerful tools to elucidate the controversial discussions about the molecular or nanosca
216 e precise mechanisms are in part a matter of controversial discussions.
217 d product transfusion in trauma care remains controversial due to poor-quality evidence and cost.
218                However, its validity remains controversial due to the disputed efficacy assessed in v
219      However, the mechanisms involved remain controversial, especially for 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic
220 on its fatty acid (FA) composition are still controversial, especially regarding essential polyunsatu
221 nts to the intensive care unit (ICU) remains controversial, especially when graft-versus-host disease
222   Release of modified organisms, however, is controversial, especially when the drive mechanism could
223 e this issue, we replicated and expanded the controversial experiments, i.e. the transfer of differen
224 replicative stress but can also explain some controversial features of the lagging-strand replication
225                                      In this controversial field, our study demonstrated that the vas
226  to put the various partly contradictory and controversial findings about the effects of pemphigus au
227 guanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) remains controversial for breast and gynecologic cancers.
228 hysician and when to cease practice has been controversial for many years.
229 ut the origin of its ferromagnetism has been controversial for several decades and no substantial pro
230 hane), a contact insecticide with a rich and controversial history since its activity was discovered
231                      Thus, it remains highly controversial how applicable underlying mechanisms are w
232                                 What remains controversial, however, is the nature of events in the i
233                              It has remained controversial, however, whether mammalian and yeast IRE1
234          Our results resolve a long-standing controversial hypothesis and indicate that the marine re
235                                            A controversial hypothesis is that genetic factors influen
236                When introduced in 1975, this controversial hypothesis was beyond science's ability to
237 rtant concept of equilibrium has always been controversial in ecology, but a new, more general concep
238 or memory traces develop during sleep remain controversial in humans, as this process has been mainly
239 ma, yet sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is controversial in this population given the overall low y
240 ancement have been reported, but they remain controversial in universally explaining the T c improvem
241 a membrane organization theory has long been controversial, in part due to a dearth of suitably high-
242  that constitute the postinfarct scar remain controversial, in particular the potential contribution
243                          Application of this controversial indication is growing despite unclear gene
244 ergency procedures have become a topical and controversial issue for the UK National Health Service.
245 art of this toolkit to address a perennially controversial issue in planning: the role of the dorsal
246 ving donor liver transplantation (LDLT) is a controversial issue.
247 gous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) remain controversial issues when treating patients with high-ri
248 dictors of beliefs regarding six potentially controversial issues.
249 r remained wet during glacial times has been controversial, largely because most study sites have bee
250 in sustaining the world's ecosystems remains controversial, largely because of the lack of validation
251 ent neuroinflammation is associated with the controversial observation of cerebral hypermetabolism in
252 covalent modifications found on p53 the most controversial one is lysine methylation.
253                               The topic is a controversial one, as evident from the broad range of pa
254                    The origins of baleen are controversial: one hypothesis suggests that teeth were l
255 minority of triggering events were caused by controversial or unacceptable physician behavior.
256 cophora), but their affinities have remained controversial owing to a lack of preserved diagnostic ch
257 fects of epidermal melanocytes through still controversial pathogenic process.
258 syndrome whose molecular target had remained controversial, pointed singularly to microtubules as rig
259 to similarly elude the immune system remains controversial, potentially limiting the success of allog
260 al models, results from clinical studies are controversial, prompting further mechanistic studies of
261                                          The controversial question of whether machines may ever be c
262 auvagine provided independent assessments of controversial receptor localizations, failing to provide
263                          Nonetheless, recent controversial reports suggest a potential increase in li
264                      Previous studies showed controversial results for the influence of pregnancy-rel
265 tempts to block or eliminate D2R have led to controversial results that questioned the importance of
266 rompt phase have led to discordant and often controversial results, and no definitive conclusions hav
267  neurons-prompts new questions regarding the controversial role of lactate in the brain.
268 and the risk of Kashin-Beck disease is still controversial since it is poorly known about their selec
269              Keven & Akins (K&A) revisit the controversial subject of neonatal imitation through anal
270 nding the past global change but are still a controversial subject.
271 rts to reconstruct baselines resulted in the controversial suggestion that pristine coral reefs have
272                  It is widely suspected, yet controversial, that infection plays an etiologic role in
273 similarity, there is no mention of Rushton's controversial theory of the climatic basis of race diffe
274  the vaccine-elicited immune response remain controversial, this problem highlights the critical impo
275                          The politicized and controversial topic of firearm legislation has been gros
276                          We also review some controversial topics in MSA.
277 their own scientific research, or culturally controversial topics in science.
278                     Additionally, we discuss controversial topics in the management of these disorder
279  each cell type has emerged as a central and controversial unknown in the clinical development of imm
280  on the regulation of energy balance remains controversial.We aimed to determine the effects of subst
281                          However, it remains controversial what constitutes this peculiar pore and ho
282  heart disease and stroke was unexpected and controversial when first reported in the mid-1970s, havi
283  use of intraocular lenses (IOLs), both very controversial when initially introduced, have become sta
284 euronal cell properties, although it remains controversial whether AChE functions in this capacity in
285  for T cell development; however, it remains controversial whether beta-catenin, a known coactivator
286                                   It remains controversial whether current antiretroviral therapy (AR
287                          However, it remains controversial whether dietary fatty acids are correlated
288                          However, it remains controversial whether such reservoirs were indeed the so
289                                  It has been controversial whether the amino acid corresponding to th
290 onal profiling in intact tissues, it remains controversial whether the neural crest is a heterogeneou
291 rols upon postmortem examination, it remains controversial whether this finding reflects a primary fe
292  of evolution over much deeper timescales is controversial, with a scarcity of ancient clades exhibit
293 atergic NMDAR in psychotic disorders remains controversial, with detection prevalence rates and immun
294 dex cutoffs for transplant candidacy remains controversial, with limited data to guide this practice.
295    The domestication history of rice remains controversial, with multiple studies reaching different
296 l (RBC)-mediated hypoxic vasodilation remain controversial, with separate roles for nitrite () and S-
297 (D2R) stimulation or blockade remains highly controversial, with studies showing increasing, decreasi
298 metal content of this enzyme has been highly controversial, with suggestions of a dinuclear Fe site o
299 n and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) remains controversial without considering the role of HCV viral
300  the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) remains controversial, yet many theories suggest a role in behav

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