


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 solutes through brain involves diffusion and convection.
2  strong surface magnetic fields that inhibit convection.
3 boundary-layer reduction owing to the liquid convection.
4 etostrophic regime in turbulent liquid metal convection.
5 ng in the investigation of chemically driven convection.
6 ed by buoyancy and fine-particle response to convection.
7 opics and hence are probably associated with convection.
8 ents are mostly associated with less intense convection.
9 d guide further research into thermochemical convection.
10 h changes in the frequency of organized deep convection.
11 asheet flows and in accompanying ionospheric convection.
12 mission of dissolved methane by diffusion or convection.
13 long the root xylem was largely dominated by convection.
14  barrier-less and limited by buoyancy-driven convection.
15 up that minimizes the effects of gravity and convection.
16 te can generate >micrometre per second fluid convection.
17  of the experiment, and amplitude of natural convection.
18 ecent experiments on boiling Rayleigh-Benard convection.
19 rried to the Labrador Sea, shutting off deep convection.
20 quid to give rise to a much-enhanced natural convection.
21 h and Mars impacts have induced hydrothermal convection.
22 y the warmer, lower crust involved in mantle convection.
23 tent with a collapse of the local deep-ocean convection.
24  predicted by simulations of stellar surface convection.
25 of Earth's major centres of deep atmospheric convection.
26 bserved in the ocean due to double-diffusive convection.
27 e results quantitatively to double-diffusive convection.
28 ifies the influence of rotation on turbulent convection.
29 increase in the presence of double diffusive convection.
30 pletely random nor characteristic of natural convection.
31 ble the surface manifestation of solid-state convection.
32 nce of the representation of shallow cumulus convection.
33 ounds for models defining the mode of mantle convection.
34 duration for the full development of thermal convection.
35 take advantage of favorable winds and strong convection.
36 bles turbulent cloud formation through moist convection.
37 rements it can reveal the nature of the deep convection.
38 e continental crust and isolated from mantle convection.
39 in the upper core must be driven by chemical convection against the adverse thermal buoyancy or later
40                     Thermal or solute-driven convection alone cannot explain such high velocities in
41 opospheric stability, the clustering of deep convection also reduces the convective outflow and the a
42 volatile ices that appears to be involved in convection and advection, with a crater retention age no
43            Our design has features to reduce convection and baseline shifts, which have troubled prev
44 vely, it may have taken part in whole-mantle convection and crust production over the age of the Eart
45 nstrained numerical models of thermochemical convection and demonstrate that flow in the deep lower m
46 fuel is permeable, air invades it by natural convection and drives the combustion.
47  which is owing to enhanced subtropical deep convection and favorable dynamic conditions therein in c
48 er, and to more accurate characterization of convection and its coupling with large-scale circulation
49                    In each case, the induced convection and its influence on the diffusion layer esta
50 study offers a deeper understanding of shelf convection and its role for the construction of bacteria
51                                 We study the convection and mixing of CO2 in a brine aquifer, where t
52 s fundamental to our understanding of mantle convection and plate tectonics.
53 rom increased mass transport due to internal convection and pore radius range, improved sorption site
54 ess than one billion years old), but thermal convection and radiogenic heating alone may not have bee
55 tric release of SDS surfactant induces fluid convection and rapid dispersion of horseradish peroxidas
56 the polymer coating, coupled with diffusion, convection and reaction in the biological tissue.
57 ry properties, including the vigor of mantle convection and the depths of the ocean basins.
58  their corrosive nature, significant thermal convection and the high temperatures involved.
59 reasing favorable conditions for atmospheric convection, and an additional 10-30% (2.0-5.2 billion m(
60 nderstanding of the water cycle, atmospheric convection, and climate modeling among others.
61      The EP/NP pattern is linked to tropical convection, and consistently the coherence between US te
62  illustrate the factors - such as diffusion, convection, and elimination - that control drug dispersi
63 e ice-free Arctic summers, wintertime Arctic convection, and enhanced Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO)
64 including hot mantle upwellings, small-scale convection, and fluid release during subduction.
65 k between hydrostatic pressure, interstitial convection, and invasion.
66  values resulting from orographic uplift and convection, and the lowest occurring in the Arctic.
67 etween US temperature anomalies and tropical convection anomalies has also been increasing during the
68                           Moreover, tropical convection apparently plays an important role for the GH
69 ge-scale serpentinization and forearc mantle convection are likely to be more widespread than general
70 of change in the frequency of organized deep convection are strongly correlated with observed change
71  in the back-arc, such as small-scale mantle convection, are likely to cause lateral variations in th
72 nts in pendant and levitated drops show that convection arising from acoustic levitation causes an en
73                    Upon evaporation, natural convection arising from Marangoni currents mixes solutio
74          Our results identify organized deep convection as the link between changes in rainfall and i
75 ity parameters of strawberries dehydrated by convection assisted by power ultrasound (US) at 40-70 de
76 nnual ozone variability is mainly related to convection associated with El Nino/Southern Oscillation.
77     Bourassa et al. have suggested that deep convection associated with the Asian monsoon played a cr
78 ection (at 50, 60, and 70 degrees C), forced convection at 40 degrees C and 315W microwave power.
79 5+/-0.0019mg/g betaxanthin) when compared to convection at 50, 60 and 70 degrees C.
80 irst stage the samples were dried in hot air convection at 60 degrees C followed by hot air ventilati
81          A strong thermal shock, provided by convection at 60 degrees followed by microwave wattage 3
82 x species, important for inducing sufficient convection at low magnetic fields for hand-held devices,
83                    Compared with nonmagnetic convection at otherwise identical parameters, the dynamo
84 yer processes and thereby failed to simulate convection at right time and place.
85 mbination of the following three drying free convection (at 50, 60, and 70 degrees C), forced convect
86  sublimation (low environmental pressure) or convection (atmospheric pressure) from substrates.
87 with laminar flow and a nonselective, porous convection barrier to separate the fuel and oxidant stre
88 rnal analyte transport is both diffusion and convection based, and regardless of the nature of analyt
89 eraction with the fluid, the drag induced by convection becomes important.
90 mation on the dynamics of large-scale mantle convection, but their origin has remained enigmatic for
91               Here we perform thermochemical convection calculations which show the variable (3)He/(4
92 d by Grossmann and Lohse for Rayleigh-Benard convection can be directly applied to DDC flow for a wid
93                                         Such convection can occur when salinity and temperature gradi
94 n cell-autonomous (active) displacements and convection caused by large-scale (composite) tissue move
95 ut cooler, bottom plate of a Rayleigh-Benard convection cell to its hotter, but constantly cooled, to
96  the flutes and down the chimney in a closed convection cell, with the converse situation at night.
97 ars a necessary condition for the onset of a convection collapse.
98 h deionized water by adjustment of effective convection conditions, ensuring a sensor reusability.
99                         The variation of the convection contour at the interface first decreases, the
100 anges in precipitation within organized deep convection contribute less to changes in precipitation.
101 and fuel plasma, while plasma-induced forced convection cools the substrate.
102 , the geochemical data suggests this mode of convection could have influenced the evolution of mantle
103                             Double-diffusive convection (DDC), which is the buoyancy-driven flow with
104 55; P= .01) and ventilation heterogeneity in convection-dependent airways (r= -0.64; P= .002) correla
105  The parameters ventilation heterogeneity in convection-dependent airways and ventilation heterogenei
106 deltaACQ-5, but ventilation heterogeneity in convection-dependent airways was the only independent pr
107 decadal variability through decreased winter convection depths since the mid-1990s, a weakening and r
108  parameters of an array and the interplay of convection, diffusion, and reaction.
109  uniform supply of photoactive reagents by a convection-diffusion mechanism.
110 ty after long pauses, their agreement with a convection-diffusion model and the observation of trappe
111 fluxes from the radiographs, we introduced a convection-diffusion model to simulate the D2O transport
112 ld be identified; this was confirmed using a convection-diffusion model.
113 ion of molecular mechanisms in cancer cells, convection-diffusion of cytotoxic molecules and migratio
114 ed for the photocatalytic process based on a convection/diffusion model.
115                                          The convection/diffusion/reaction model coupled with Darcy's
116 he experimental data using a one-dimensional convection-dispersion equation, yielding transport prope
117 es of NPs were then compared with those of a convection-dispersion model to estimate coefficients of
118 are consistent with enhanced afternoon moist convection driven by increased sensible heat flux over d
119 ces in standard models include compositional convection (driven by the solidifying inner core's expul
120 d interiors reveal an interesting trickle of convection-driven internal flow.
121 the solid inner core grows), and on chemical convection (due to light elements expelled from the liqu
122  by using a numerical model, based on forced convection during high speed SECM imaging.
123               The small droplet size and the convection during the droplet flow ensure that the trans
124 ssion of the lunar mantle or a compositional convection dynamo.
125                                         This convection effect depends on the local background climat
126                        Consequently, similar convection effects may occur in other electrochemical nu
127 plets formed at less-narrow channels, due to convection effects originating from the density differen
128                                              Convection enhanced delivery (CED) of chemotherapeutic d
129                                              Convection enhanced delivery (CED) provides a powerful m
130 r experimental treatment in clinical trials, convection enhanced delivery, involves enhancement of fl
131 administration by either manual injection or convection enhanced delivery.
132 n tumors in vivo following administration by convection enhanced delivery.
133                                              Convection-enhanced delivery (CED) allows for local admi
134 ith drugs and are optimized for intracranial convection-enhanced delivery and (ii) repurposed compoun
135 icles, administered directly to the brain by convection-enhanced delivery displayed improved tissue p
136 Therapeutic potential was most evident via a convection-enhanced delivery method, which shows signifi
137 ensory (S1) and motor (M1) cortices, we used convection-enhanced delivery of the viral vector, with o
138 LPD nanocomplexes delivered to rat brains by convection-enhanced delivery were visible by MRI at 6 h,
139 aoperative magnetic resonance imaging-guided convection-enhanced delivery, five monkeys received bila
140 enetrating nanoparticles and administered by convection-enhanced delivery, one of these agents, dithi
141 surface chemistries, after administration by convection-enhanced delivery.
142 ts, micrometer precision of localization and convection-enhanced fast deposition.
143 MH bar(-1))) were achieved and resulted in a convection-enhanced rate constant for Fe(CN)6(4-) oxidat
144 ssessed by numerically solving the diffusion-convection equation in a 2D+1D geometry for a wide range
145  method successfully reduces the dynamics of convection equations, diffusion equations, weak shocks,
146          We perform rotating Rayleigh-Benard convection experiments in the liquid metal gallium (Pr =
147 to our knowledge, turbulent, magnetostrophic convection experiments using the liquid metal gallium.
148 nts caused by the redox reactions and follow convection flow patterns.
149                     Here we reveal why these convection flows obey a much stronger level of fluid tur
150 cted at the same Reynolds numbers as for the convection flows.
151 u experiments to show how 3D chaotic thermal convection-flows that naturally permeate hydrothermal po
152 excess of about one kilometre should undergo convection for estimated present-day heat-flow condition
153 hydrodynamics, natural convection limits the convection-free domain up to which diffusion layers may
154 an the simulated currents, are attributed to convection from induced charge electrokinetic flow.
155  the mantle, and on the timescales of mantle convection from subduction to upwelling beneath hotspots
156 ave enhanced vertical mixing due to top-down convection from the cloud layer.
157 owdown and the eastward shift of atmospheric convection from the Indonesian maritime continent to the
158 core's expulsion of light elements), thermal convection (from slow cooling), and perhaps heat from th
159 s is critically dependent on nonsteady flame convection governed by buoyant and inertial interaction
160 al predictions demonstrates that spontaneous convection has a direct influence on the actual thicknes
161 entified and the associated double diffusive convection has been suggested to influence the Arctic Oc
162          Most of our knowledge about stellar convection has come from studying the Sun: about two mil
163 ming impact nor 4.45 billion years of mantle convection has erased the signature of Earth's heterogen
164 are known, but how they are preserved during convection has not been adequately explained.
165                 Both thermal contraction and convection have been proposed to explain this terrain, b
166 around 7% liquid water recovery obtained via convection heating.
167 flow between two parallel walls, and thermal convection in a closed cylindrical container.
168                         We compare turbulent convection in air at Pr=0.7 and in liquid mercury at Pr=
169                               In contrast to convection in air, the kinetic energy injection rate is
170                                              Convection in an isolated planet is characterized by nar
171 ll-scale turbulence modeling of liquid metal convection in astrophysical and technological applicatio
172 een the different degrees of organization of convection in climate models, our results highlight an a
173 t the same combination of thermophoresis and convection in hydrothermal pores leads to accumulation o
174 planets are generated by turbulent, rotating convection in liquid metal.
175             This work elucidates the role of convection in plasmonic optical trapping and particle as
176 intermediate waters through invigorated deep convection in southern high latitudes.
177 magnetic field by a dynamo process driven by convection in the liquid outer core.
178                       We find that turbulent convection in the magnetostrophic regime is, in fact, ma
179                                              Convection in the solar interior is thought to comprise
180 of Hg(0) and ozone to lead-initiated shallow convection in the stable Arctic boundary layer, which mi
181 he core must be thermally stratified and any convection in the upper core must be driven by chemical
182 and other planets are generated by turbulent convection in the vast oceans of liquid metal within the
183                             Atmospheric deep convection in the west Pacific plays a key role in the g
184 o understanding the role of double diffusive convection in vertical heat transport is one of observat
185 suitable for these studies due to the almost convection-independent amperometric response associated
186                The heat generation and fluid convection induced by plasmonic nanostructures is attrac
187 tion rapidly vanishes, while the electrolyte convection induced by the magnetic field gradient force
188 n electrodeposited structure and electrolyte convection induced inside the concentration boundary lay
189  Heat removal processes include landfill gas convection, infiltration, leachate collection, and evapo
190 direct experimental proof of the electrolyte convection inside the concentration boundary layer that
191         The column was cooled through forced convection inside the GC oven within the time frame of a
192 ysical mechanisms, ranging from orography to convection, intensifying fronts, and even seismic and vo
193 sing are significantly improved by including convection into the theoretical model.
194 CCs, even when thermodynamic invigoration of convection is absent.
195 ed and a "superparameterized" model in which convection is explicitly simulated with a cloud-permitti
196 trodeposited structure show that electrolyte convection is induced and directed toward the rim of the
197                                The nonlinear convection is investigated under the assumptions of inst
198                                              Convection is more effective in determining the transpor
199                                           If convection is occurring, the rigid portion of the shell
200                                    Turbulent convection is often present in liquids with a kinematic
201 lis and Lorentz forces partially cancel, and convection is optimally efficient.
202 ulations between a conventional GCM in which convection is parameterized and a "superparameterized" m
203                                The extent of convection is quantified in term of the CO2 saturation v
204 antly improve the modeling of mesoscale deep convection is tested over the Indian monsoon region (IMR
205 f saline North Atlantic water and subsequent convection, is a key component of the deep southward ret
206 suggest that hindered diffusion, rather than convection, is the dominant mechanism responsible for mo
207 ing a well-defined hydrodynamic steady-state convection layer at the underlying stationary electrode.
208 at the magnetic field suppresses atmospheric convection, leading to dark spots in the most magnetized
209                                     Regional convection likely decreased during Heinrich events, but
210                                              Convection-limited export corresponds to classical model
211    We then show that the effective regime of convection-limited export is predominant in plants with
212                         Furthermore, natural convection limits even more the importance of the pertur
213 the absence of forced hydrodynamics, natural convection limits the convection-free domain up to which
214 eastward-propagating MJO suppressed/enhanced convection locates over the Maritime Continent.
215 g surface of our planet by catalysing mantle convection, lubricating plate tectonics and feeding arc
216 f Cu(2+) ions is enhanced due to the induced convection, maximum deposit thicknesses can be found at
217 han previously thought, and that large-scale convection may be quasi-geostrophic.
218     Our results suggest that chaotic thermal convection may play a previously unappreciated role in m
219 4)(np)-COOH, as monitored by the same forced convection method, could be accomplished by lowering the
220 ute kinematic model suggests that a degree-2 convection mode within the Earth's mantle may have opera
221               Here we report a parameterized convection model to compute the Rayleigh number of the N
222                        A laminar flow forced convection model was used in the design of a partial sat
223 and-forth iterative method for time-reversed convection modeling, which incorporates tomography-based
224 field has been thought to arise from thermal convection of molten iron alloy in the outer core, but r
225  fractal aggregation in the unsteady thermal convection of NS systematically.
226  was determined, indicating that electrolyte convection of second order is induced.
227                                          The convection of the electrolyte was studied in situ by ast
228  houses the largest zone of deep atmospheric convection on Earth and plays a critical role in global
229                       The effects of natural convection on mass transport and chronoamperometric curr
230    This mitigates the effects of early stage convection on the dispersion and thus imposes a lower bo
231 influence of density gradient-driven natural convection on the mass transport in electrochemical syst
232                                              Convection on these bodies is currently thought to have
233 ast, changes in less organized forms of deep convection or changes in precipitation within organized
234  United States with no influence from mantle convection or crustal weakness necessary.
235 igand-mediated nanoparticle binding, without convection or shear stress.
236  explain that the unifying theory of thermal convection originally developed by Grossmann and Lohse f
237 drying methods, (b) hot air temperature in a convection oven, and (c) the moisture content of fruits
238 hat strong fields are sufficient to suppress convection over the entire surface in cool magnetic whit
239 e land conditions play in impacting the deep convection over the IMR.
240    In addition, rotation generates localized convection paths.
241                                              Convection plays a major part in many astrophysical proc
242 y of the resulting two-phase Rayleigh-Benard convection process in a cylindrical cell with a diameter
243 gations, which affect distinctly the thermal convection process over time.
244 ion events, large impacts, tidal effects and convection processes.
245 ) to resolve essential small-scale cloud and convection processes.
246 en the Lorentz force strongly influences the convection properties.
247                                              Convection provides the mechanism behind plate tectonics
248           Moreover, the Lorentz force-driven convection rapidly vanishes, while the electrolyte conve
249 nd satellite observations reveal that strong convection reaching the upper troposphere (where high at
250 s are incorporated using a system of coupled convection-reaction-diffusion (CRD) equations to represe
251 of the device and the low voltage used limit convection relative to diffusion, thus producing a stabl
252 's thermal evolution and the style of mantle convection rely on robust seismological constraints on l
253  of the linkage between extreme rainfall and convection remains unclear.
254 e cycling of the redox species is impeded by convection, resulting in a drop in collection efficiency
255 ivity of iron is too high to support thermal convection, resulting in the investigation of chemically
256 verall flow pattern, namely from large-scale convection rolls to well-organized vertically oriented s
257 limited response, and reduced sensitivity to convection seen for microelectrodes under ambient condit
258  of seconds, density gradient-driven natural convection significantly affects mass transport.
259 e modeled dynamic topography by using mantle convection simulations that predict the amplitude and br
260  dissolved CO2 and the rock formation on the convection streams in the subsurface.
261 es in the formation water, making it denser, convection streams will transport it efficiently to dept
262    Deriving the characteristic properties of convection (such as granule size and contrast) for the m
263                        Thermoelectromagnetic convection (TEMC) plays the role of micro-stirring the m
264                         This upward trend in convection-temperature alignment is most notable during
265 the relationship between different scales of convection that drive plate motions and hotspot volcanis
266 e changes lead to reorganization of tropical convection that in turn triggers an anticyclonic respons
267          This region is known for persistent convection that regularly delivers surface air to higher
268 igorously convecting, making Rayleigh-Benard convection the most likely explanation for these polygon
269                       Due to this additional convection, the overall deposition rate is increased, wh
270 t estimates of CMB heat flux based on mantle convection; the top of the core must be thermally strati
271 e aggregate characteristic time, tm the mean convection time) is introduced to characterize the slow
272 ling but then influences global-scale mantle convection to create an upwelling under the landmass.
273  light on the response of organized tropical convection to global warming, and challenges conventiona
274 t returns within >/=100 Myrs via large-scale convection to its approximate starting location.
275  and land, with moist forest that depends on convection to sustain gross primary productivity and gro
276 rator electrode, and the products carried by convection to the downstream collector electrode where t
277 t flow cell, allowing combined diffusion and convection to the electrode surface.
278 to the rotation axis (less geostrophic), and convection transports twice as much heat, all of which i
279 generating an order of magnitude increase in convection velocities compared with nanoantennas on a Si
280 that the magnetic-field dependent changes of convection velocity and contour at the interface agree w
281                                          The convection velocity first increases, then decreases, and
282                                The estimated convection velocity of 1.5 centimetres a year indicates
283                        Solidification-driven convection was probably common among small body cores, a
284     Furthermore, by modeling the early stage convection, we analyze a mixture of two solutes with sig
285 n of agents through transvascular fluid flux convection, which drives the agents away from the tumor.
286 t accumulates monomers by thermophoresis and convection while retaining longer polymers exponentially
287  cores, and, in contrast to thermally driven convection, will have led to a relatively late (hundreds
288 eologically young surface units, surface ice convection, wind streaks, volatile transport, and glacia
289 all events are characterized by less intense convection with intense radar echoes not extending to ex
290            With this sensor, the electrolyte convection within 500 mum of a horizontally aligned cath
291 le endure as a direct result of whole-mantle convection within largely isolated cells defined by subd
292    We argue that Saharan warming intensifies convection within Sahelian MCSs through increased wind s
293 s global magnetic field arises from vigorous convection within the liquid outer core.
294                                      Viscous convection within the mantle is linked to tectonic plate
295 during plate tectonics is controlled by slow convection within the mantle.
296 ic field is sustained by magnetohydrodynamic convection within the metallic liquid core.
297  of the total opacity at the solar radiation/convection zone boundary.
298 ects the discrepancy the most: the radiation/convection zone boundary.
299 n spite of the turbulent nature of the solar convection zone.
300 n which the dynamo originates throughout the convection zone.

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