


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ilies in protostomes and deuterostomes (i.e. convergent evolution).
2 pendently in prokaryotic and eukaryotic Pfk (convergent evolution).
3 sis that this phenomenon is a consequence of convergent evolution.
4 s of distinct clonal origin, consistent with convergent evolution.
5 mprove placental development in a process of convergent evolution.
6 e or that the triple-helix bundle represents convergent evolution.
7 tic of insect reproduction and an example of convergent evolution.
8 timization to test hypotheses about adaptive convergent evolution.
9 ve arisen from functional constraints during convergent evolution.
10 that have a common catalytic activity due to convergent evolution.
11 tension of alignments and with regions under convergent evolution.
12 s for manipulation of endosymbionts, suggest convergent evolution.
13 mammalian GPVI, providing a novel example of convergent evolution.
14 phage interference, presumably the result of convergent evolution.
15 ers used to define those taxa are subject to convergent evolution.
16 iation arose in songbirds and humans through convergent evolution.
17  inhibitors represents a relevant example of convergent evolution.
18 ades, with a current consensus in support of convergent evolution.
19 sed to delimit subgenera is also affected by convergent evolution.
20 s is ideal for studying the genetic bases of convergent evolution.
21 ok similar--has long served as a paradigm of convergent evolution.
22 ting that these two RDFs have arisen through convergent evolution.
23 phisms at two other loci, which may indicate convergent evolution.
24 bably occurred independently by a process of convergent evolution.
25 ing diiron motif is a solution arrived at by convergent evolution.
26 f c-Src, suggesting that it is an example of convergent evolution.
27  ligases that provides a striking example of convergent evolution.
28                                The result is convergent evolution.
29 al similarities among ratites by parallel or convergent evolution.
30 e achieved shared cross-linking chemistry by convergent evolution.
31 rs, but instead represent a striking case of convergent evolution.
32 re similar in plants and animals, suggesting convergent evolution.
33 r conservation of regulatory architecture or convergent evolution.
34 tein structure database due to energy-driven convergent evolution.
35 en phylogenetically distant microbes suggest convergent evolution.
36                  This has probably arisen by convergent evolution.
37 text resulting in insight into divergent and convergent evolution.
38 mon functionality exemplifies the process of convergent evolution.
39 f the most compelling cases for parallel and convergent evolution.
40 y distinct, indicating multiple instances of convergent evolution.
41  commonality of origin of the two viruses or convergent evolution.
42  and their follicular structures result from convergent evolution.
43 usly been attributed to common descent or to convergent evolution.
44  that their endoparasitic habits result from convergent evolution.
45  absence in other steroid receptors suggests convergent evolution.
46 erlay on exoskeleton and teeth is because of convergent evolution.
47  the E2 envelope glycoprotein that represent convergent evolution.
48 olved at least twice, through a mechanism of convergent evolution.
49 d acquired an enolase-type mechanism through convergent evolution.
50 similar dynamic properties, possibly through convergent evolution.
51 nt vertebrate taxa that has evolved based on convergent evolution.
52 d range of photosynthetic eukaryotes through convergent evolution.
53  Pancrustacea or an extraordinary example of convergent evolution.
54 to the bacterial one and must have arisen by convergent evolution.
55 ta exemplify functional, but not structural, convergent evolution.
56 tor and microtubule binding to arise through convergent evolution.
57 i, providing candidate alleles for mediating convergent evolution.
58 rates and invertebrates, are called cases of convergent evolution.
59 ure shows clear evidence of having arisen by convergent evolution.
60 d protistan relatives of animals, indicating convergent evolution.
61  and cognitive continuity with radiation and convergent evolution.
62 and therefore represent a classic example of convergent evolution.
63 GAGA motifs, which must have evolved through convergent evolution.
64 whether their neuronal organization suggests convergent evolution.
65 n the central nervous system (CNS), revealed convergent evolution.
66 nal crayfish taxonomy might be confounded by convergent evolution across the cambarids and has little
67 to be one of the most remarkable examples of convergent evolution across the plant kingdom.
68 40 The pitcher trap is a striking example of convergent evolution across unrelated carnivorous plant
69  for altitudinal selection, and we show that convergent evolution among continents has been quite com
70 ion, resulting in ongoing, parallel and even convergent evolution among different metastases.
71 Rv2813-2814c, and Rv2815-2816c as targets of convergent evolution among transmissible strains.
72        Many different crop species underwent convergent evolution and acquired domestication syndrome
73  function, and will be of use in analyses of convergent evolution and exploring relationships between
74 milarities in feeding structures result from convergent evolution and have fundamentally different de
75 scuss the basic features of divergent versus convergent evolution and of the common scenario of paral
76    Our results suggest how constraints limit convergent evolution and provide insight into the evolut
77 A component of a NW bipartite progenitor via convergent evolution and recombination.
78  animal innate immunity are a consequence of convergent evolution and reflect inherent constraints on
79 ctions between sites, probabilistic tests of convergent evolution and rigorous testing of evolutionar
80 rld monkeys are inconsistent with a model of convergent evolution and support the hypothesis of an an
81             This genetic trait has arisen by convergent evolution and the derived alleles of at least
82 he two carboxysome types have arisen through convergent evolution, and alpha-cyanobacteria and beta-c
83 ghlight research that reveals to what extent convergent evolution, and its inherent predictability, m
84 l evolution, at least one definitive case of convergent evolution, and one evolutionary reversal.
85                       The earliest stages of convergent evolution are difficult to observe in the wil
86         This is the first report documenting convergent evolution as a recurrent event in the CLL gen
87           ArgDC activity has evolved through convergent evolution at least five times, demonstrating
88 elatively low levels of diversity as well as convergent evolution at multiple loci dispersed across t
89                             We conclude that convergent evolution at residue 506 in multiple primates
90  a parallel mutation, potentially indicating convergent evolution at the base pair level.
91                               To investigate convergent evolution at the genomic level, we sequenced
92 this topic have reported surprising cases of convergent evolution at the molecular level, ranging fro
93 gests that these represent a good example of convergent evolution at the molecular level.
94 parameter space, we see limited evidence for convergent evolution at the nucleotide level in spite of
95  trans and target DNA bending, arose through convergent evolution because they are important for func
96                                 The striking convergent evolution between bacterial husbandry in soci
97                       Additional examples of convergent evolution between birds and mammals are the l
98 arches and phylogenetic analyses demonstrate convergent evolution between effectors from divergent pa
99  also present, ruling out the possibility of convergent evolution between hagfish and gnathostomes.
100 ies, and (4) the probability of parallel and convergent evolution between species is strongly effecte
101 ion, (3) low rates of parallel evolution and convergent evolution between species, and (4) the probab
102 al superstructure of this TubRC may indicate convergent evolution between the actin-containing ParMRC
103 onmental adaptations accompanied by possible convergent evolution between the Old World and New World
104 vasive that they are unlikely to result from convergent evolution but argue instead that early verteb
105  their counterparts in the grasses indicates convergent evolution by repeated recruitment from homolo
106                       Our results imply that convergent evolution can happen by the repeated deployme
107               These results demonstrate that convergent evolution can involve a mosaic pattern of mol
108    Furthermore, in 2 patients, we identified convergent evolution, characterized by the combination o
109                                 Furthermore, convergent evolution commonly involves the same genes.
110  its dynamic instability must have arisen by convergent evolution driven by a set of common constrain
111 a natural experiment in which to investigate convergent evolution due to obligate scavenging.
112       These data provide a marked example of convergent evolution due to strong selective pressure re
113 white pericarp in aus provides an example of convergent evolution during rice domestication and sugge
114                                      Through convergent evolution, elephants may have reached a coope
115 hese examples of functional conservation and convergent evolution emphasize the fundamental importanc
116  ancient origin of the ANK motif or multiple convergent evolution events.
117 specificity as GalB, providing an example of convergent evolution for catalytic conversion of a commo
118                          Our results suggest convergent evolution for the acquisition of defensive al
119 s within arthropods, providing a scenario of convergent evolution for the solution of the salivary po
120 s study provides structural evidence for the convergent evolution from an immunoglobulin fold of CP i
121              This review surveys examples of convergent evolution from microbially produced antibioti
122 ancestral polymer or arose multiple times by convergent evolution from monomeric actin-like proteins.
123 transcriptional states prompts the idea that convergent evolution generates phenotypically similar ce
124                                              Convergent evolution has also occurred between members o
125 or due to numerous, more recent instances of convergent evolution has been debated for decades, with
126                                     However, convergent evolution has clearly occurred in the island
127                                      We find convergent evolution has impacted the morphological feat
128 lar signaling circuitry, and shows extensive convergent evolution, highlighting pervasive constraints
129 are a catalytic mechanism that arose through convergent evolution; however, fundamental determinants
130            This study considers two modes of convergent evolution: (i) mechanistic analogues which ar
131 s been recognized and show the importance of convergent evolution in behavioral traits.
132                                              Convergent evolution in both domains produces modular ar
133 ctural similarities is an amazing example of convergent evolution in different orders of insects to c
134 rimates and represents a striking example of convergent evolution in divergent species.
135  to high altitude arose independently due to convergent evolution in high-altitude Amhara populations
136      Population analysis reveals evidence of convergent evolution in isolates from post-acute disease
137                     The C4 forms result from convergent evolution in multiple clades, with substituti
138  land plants, and points to several cases of convergent evolution in plant metabolism.
139 tent covary with rrn copy number, suggesting convergent evolution in response to resource availabilit
140                      Auanema species display convergent evolution in some features with parasitic nem
141                           These results make convergent evolution in the jawless and jawed vertebrate
142   Dermal armor has clearly been developed by convergent evolution in these different species.
143   Here we dissect the molecular mechanism of convergent evolution in three lizard species with blanch
144 argeting sequence, and this motif emerged by convergent evolution in toothed whales, the only other m
145 ong them TLR1/TLR6/TLR10, as being shaped by convergent evolution in two human populations with diffe
146 tudies have revealed a remarkable example of convergent evolution in which jawless vertebrates adopte
147                                 This case of convergent evolution involves a mix of both adaptationis
148 gradual or discontinuous manner, and whether convergent evolution involves convergent genetic changes
149                                              Convergent evolution is a phenomenon whereby similar tra
150                                              Convergent evolution is a potent indicator of optimal de
151                                              Convergent evolution is a process that has occurred thro
152                                              Convergent evolution is common throughout the tree of li
153 lts of this work show that the phenomenon of convergent evolution is not rare, especially when consid
154                                              Convergent evolution is often responsible for the abilit
155                                              Convergent evolution is the independent evolution of sim
156  internationally dispersed clones, linked by convergent evolution, is surprising for an environmental
157 resents one of the most striking examples of convergent evolution known.
158 ormation suitable for calcium binding, local convergent evolution may still have a role.
159                     In a striking example of convergent evolution, mutational analysis of this terpen
160 m D. simulans to that of HDV was a result of convergent evolution, not common descent.
161 notypes and lineages, and, most notably, the convergent evolution observed in recent years.
162                            We show here that convergent evolution occurs in genetic networks.
163                          We construe this as convergent evolution of a "seed" mechanism reminiscent o
164 -His-Asp charge relay system, suggesting the convergent evolution of a catalytic mechanism in quite d
165 nthesis represents a most remarkable case of convergent evolution of a complex trait, which includes
166                                              Convergent evolution of a phosphate starvation-inducible
167 ificant sequence homology is consistent with convergent evolution of a sensing strategy particularly
168 results illustrate an interesting example of convergent evolution of abdominal leg repression in arth
169 s) stickleback fish provide many examples of convergent evolution of adaptive phenotypes, both within
170                                          The convergent evolution of alternate functional motifs such
171 boundaries suggests a prominent role for the convergent evolution of alternative splices that produce
172                          In the Apicomplexa, convergent evolution of an unusual LDH from MDH produced
173 ic amines is of strong adaptive value in the convergent evolution of arthropods to hematophagy.
174 y modulation and provide a mechanism for the convergent evolution of bleat-like calls in mammals.
175 ion further supports the hypothesis that the convergent evolution of bract suppression in the Poaceae
176 re of similarity identifies some examples of convergent evolution of chemical mechanisms.
177 ranscription factor can repeatedly drive the convergent evolution of complex color patterns in distan
178 nse response of their host plants, including convergent evolution of complex pathways for production
179                                          The convergent evolution of critical sequences in antibodies
180 g phenotypically divergent breeds as well as convergent evolution of derived traits among several bre
181  multiple origins, critical genes underlying convergent evolution of different weedy types can be fou
182                                              Convergent evolution of end wall types was demonstrated
183                                        Since convergent evolution of enzyme active sites was first id
184 tructural constraints that have governed the convergent evolution of enzyme structure.
185 behavior and have provided insights into the convergent evolution of eyes.
186  impairs tumor growth but later leads to the convergent evolution of fast-growing clones with mitotic
187 ax mexicanus, to study the genetic basis for convergent evolution of feeding posture.
188 epresent an example of apparent, not actual, convergent evolution of function.
189             Furthermore, we show evidence of convergent evolution of G gene sequence duplication and
190  two groups but not between them, indicating convergent evolution of GI and GII NoVs.
191 he hypothesis that bacteria have facilitated convergent evolution of herbivory across the ants, furth
192           These findings are consistent with convergent evolution of hermaphroditism, which is marked
193                             We exploited the convergent evolution of Ig and VLRB antibodies (Abs) to
194                                 Instances of convergent evolution of locomotory patterns that quantit
195 this study, we identified genetic markers in convergent evolution of M. tuberculosis toward enhanced
196                                 However, the convergent evolution of morphological and life-history t
197                                 However, the convergent evolution of morphological and life-history t
198 called 'superclade' is an artefact linked to convergent evolution of morphological characters associa
199                                Moreover, the convergent evolution of nef sequences in the CNS suggest
200  hACE2 were among the driving forces for the convergent evolution of NL63-CoV and SARS-CoV.
201                                        Thus, convergent evolution of nonhomologous enzymes using the
202 , and murein peptide biosyntheses illustrate convergent evolution of nonribosomal peptide biosynthesi
203  results demonstrate distinct mechanisms for convergent evolution of oxygen transport in different ph
204 y a unique molecular mechanism involving the convergent evolution of paralogous genes in these distan
205 milar molecular tools have been used for the convergent evolution of placentation in independently ev
206 together with phylogenetic analysis, suggest convergent evolution of plant and fungal STSs, and also
207        Our results provide an example of the convergent evolution of plant specialized metabolism.
208                                          The convergent evolution of polymorphic social organization
209 ovel scenarios must be reconstructed for the convergent evolution of projectile tongues, reduction in
210                        To what extent is the convergent evolution of protein function attributable to
211                              This example of convergent evolution of protein function provides an imp
212                          We hypothesize that convergent evolution of protein sequence and temporal ge
213 g events for PUF3 orthologs, independent but convergent evolution of PUF4/5 binding specificity and t
214 nal control mechanism among vertebrates, and convergent evolution of Retroviridae to utilize this hos
215               We propose a mechanism for the convergent evolution of secondary walls in which the dep
216 re not fully resolved, they strongly support convergent evolution of sedentary endoparasitism and pla
217     At one of these genes, ebony, we observe convergent evolution of sexually dimorphic and monomorph
218 ionine sulfoxide reduction, reveal a case of convergent evolution of similar function in structurally
219 r Hawaiian Islands and thus is an example of convergent evolution of similar morphologies in island e
220                Our data provide evidence for convergent evolution of skull and thus brain shrinkage a
221 NAs and mammalian piRNAs illustrate putative convergent evolution of small RNAs in male reproduction.
222  horseshoe bats, suggest that there has been convergent evolution of sound reception mechanisms among
223 t faces, opening interesting perspectives on convergent evolution of specialist cognitive abilities i
224          Thus, our data provide evidence for convergent evolution of specialized lifestyles in close
225 +) channels of pyramidal neurons, suggesting convergent evolution of spike initiation and timing mech
226        This physical mechanism suggests that convergent evolution of spines can be understood through
227 s, the KAI2 paralogs D14 and KAI2d underwent convergent evolution of strigolactone recognition, respe
228                                              Convergent evolution of tetrodotoxin (TTX) resistance, a
229  and phylogenetic analyses of OsONS1 suggest convergent evolution of the alpha-onocerin pathways.
230 n both of these subtypes of enzymes, showing convergent evolution of the catalytic mechanism.
231 tly revised mechanism for E6AP/UBE3A suggest convergent evolution of the catalytic mechanisms for pro
232 nal heterogeneity, possibly representing the convergent evolution of the dynamics necessary for funct
233         Although previous studies have shown convergent evolution of the giant and the red pandas at
234                                              Convergent evolution of the gonadotropin-releasing hormo
235       This study aims to identify signals of convergent evolution of the immune system, based on the
236 on events in the GFP superfamily may reflect convergent evolution of the more complex three-step path
237                                              Convergent evolution of the mycorrhizal habit in fungi o
238 is finding represents yet another example of convergent evolution of the same biological function fro
239 des a structural basis for understanding the convergent evolution of the same FMNAT activity from dif
240 similar selection pressures have resulted in convergent evolution of the same molecular solution acro
241                   The frequent occurrence of convergent evolution of these complex functional novelti
242                                          The convergent evolution of these remarkably different adapt
243   This flexibility will have facilitated the convergent evolution of this complex trait.
244                                              Convergent evolution of this loss of function was observ
245                                          The convergent evolution of this mammalian VS pigment provid
246 with adaptations to different lifestyles and convergent evolution of traits.
247                                              Convergent evolution of TRIMCyp in both Old World and Ne
248 s, suggesting the catalytic mechanism-driven convergent evolution of two structurally diverse adenyly
249 lasmic TRIM proteins may be conducive to the convergent evolution of virus-restricting factors.
250                                 We show that convergent evolution of viviparity causes bursts of dive
251 ree that led to humans, our data demonstrate convergent evolution of vocal cooperation.
252 innovation and later emerged in pathogens by convergent evolution or horizontal gene transfer.
253 nce for genome-wide homogenization, although convergent evolution or horizontal transfer cannot be ru
254 morphological similarities are the result of convergent evolution or shared ancestry.
255    A second phylogenomic problem is posed by convergent evolution (or 'homoplasy' in genetic terminol
256 al debate in biology, in which understanding convergent evolution plays a central role.
257                                              Convergent evolution provides a rare, natural experiment
258                                              Convergent evolution provides a type of natural replicat
259 des remain largely unknown, but its repeated convergent evolution raises the question of whether it m
260                             We conclude that convergent evolution, rather than the conservation of an
261  specifically designed for low diversity and convergent evolution regimes.
262          Developmental mechanisms underlying convergent evolution remain poorly understood.
263  the result of conserved genetic programs or convergent evolution remains to be determined.
264 arities among these organisms have arisen by convergent evolution, sequence-based genomic comparisons
265  cyanobacterial enzymes have evolved through convergent evolution, showing novel yet identical substr
266 us for studying the extremes of parallel and convergent evolution-spanning comparisons within populat
267                                     Cases of convergent evolution that involve changes in the same de
268 synthesis represents an excellent example of convergent evolution that results in the optimization of
269                           In this example of convergent evolution, the "pump in ring" mechanism was p
270                                              Convergent evolution, the acquisition of morphologically
271                                              Convergent evolution, the evolution of similar traits in
272 history of life offers plentiful examples of convergent evolution, the independent derivation of simi
273         Thus, our data indicate that through convergent evolution, the parasite has acquired a protei
274                             By searching for convergent evolution--the independent fixation of mutati
275  VLR and Ig/TCR arose independently, but the convergent evolution they display actually reflects thei
276 atially restricted frontier populations, and convergent evolution through local gene pool sampling.
277 ny interaction partners, to show examples of convergent evolution through shared interaction partners
278                                              Convergent evolution to a similar form in separate bacte
279 n populations, relatively little evidence of convergent evolution to altitude in different continents
280         We identified multiple strategies of convergent evolution to attain such configurations.
281 er of genes of protists and their subsequent convergent evolution to become translocated effectors ha
282 ite-directed mutagenesis suggests a case for convergent evolution toward a conserved catalytic mechan
283                   In a remarkable example of convergent evolution, two of these antibodies were shown
284 rokaryotes as well, supporting the theory of convergent evolution under extreme hypersaline stress.
285 y conserved cyclopeptides, suggesting either convergent evolution upon the CCK structure or movement
286    Our findings demonstrate a unique case of convergent evolution via distinct biochemical strategies
287 ial proteins, it is likely that much of this convergent evolution was driven by adaptation.
288                               Selecting such convergent evolution were the signaling adaptors, which
289 veral types of CA appear to be the result of convergent evolution, where different strategies are use
290 workshop demonstrated an interesting case of convergent evolution, where organizations that were very
291 om morphological characters, in part because convergent evolution, which confounds phylogenetic recon
292 were found in different macaques, indicating convergent evolution, while gp120 brain sequences remain
293 erization of chloroplast FtsZs may represent convergent evolution with eukaryotic tubulin.
294                Finally, we find evidence for convergent evolution with native human populations and w
295  Copepod myelin is an instructive example of convergent evolution, with far-reaching consequences for
296                         Gene duplication and convergent evolution within a genome provide obvious bio
297 ggesting either evolutionary conservation or convergent evolution within Bilateria.
298 tterns of placentation and specific cases of convergent evolution within individual eutherian clades.
299 monophyletic assemblages, suggesting rampant convergent evolution within Opisthokonta.
300 is highly homologous to IVD is an example of convergent evolution within the acyl-CoA dehydrogenase f

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