


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ncode figure-ground relationships and object convexity.
2 tients with left-sided CDH had apex leftward convexity.
3 d the root surface planed back to reduce its convexity.
4 of the highlight, increasing the bias toward convexity.
5 e basal cisterns and sulci over the cerebral convexities.
6 ons were observed from the medial prefrontal convexity and area 45B in the inferior limb of the arcua
7 ch region is "figure" and which is "ground." Convexity and other figure-ground cues are generally ass
8 ly identifiable seizure foci in the cortical convexity and who are not eligible for surgical treatmen
9 sumptions of invariance under transposition, convexity, and contractivity under quantum channels, giv
10 olved in spatial WM, whereas the dorsomedial convexity (area 9/8B) is not critically engaged in eithe
11  includes the caudal half of the postcentral convexity as well as the medial bank of the intraparieta
12  constraints, including an initial spherical convexity constraint for moderate- and large-sized clust
13 lts from free energy minimization subject to convexity constraints and is applicable to a broad range
14 ng from random initial conditions subject to convexity constraints, including an initial spherical co
15 zation, to obtain cortical elements from the convexity (each representing about 0.25 cm2 at the surfa
16           The granular region on the lateral convexity had the most extensive connections.
17            Areas more dorsal on the cortical convexity have commissural projections originating in la
18  sinus thrombosis; however most of these are convexity hemorrhage.
19 le, medial prefrontal, and dorsal prefrontal convexity in the macaque.
20 hen derived from the dorsolateral prefrontal convexity, including areas 8Ad, 9/46d, and 10.
21                           In the first case, convexity leads to an ESS, concavity to branching points
22 n here to imply, through an elementary "dual convexity" lemma, that s(alphaA + betaV) is also convex
23  areas, Walker's areas 9 and 8B (dorsomedial convexity; n = 3) or areas 46 and 8A (dorsolateral corte
24  and adjacent inferior and superior temporal convexities of monkeys, elicited by reaching-to-grasp in
25 eposition limited to cortical sulci over the convexities of the cerebral hemispheres, sparing the bra
26 est wall: titled sternum (n = 29), prominent convexity of anterior rib or costal cartilage (n = 19),
27      We specifically find that: (i) relative convexity of enzyme expression cost and benefit influenc
28 and the induced labeling covered much of the convexity of neocortex as well as piriform, perirhinal,
29 ortex, in layer II-IV neurons on the lateral convexity of the cortex in the facial somatosensory area
30 ere many of the parameters are zero, and the convexity of the cost function, which assures that we ca
31 ding binomial counting noise and testing for convexity or concavity in the partitioning error as a fu
32 haracteristics of the polymer chain with the convexity properties of the extension energy profile of
33  carbocyanine dye placements in the cortical convexity revealed normal overall topography of both ear
34 recognized is the occurrence of nontraumatic convexity SAH unaccounted for by aneurysmal rupture.
35                       Our findings show that convexity should be reclassified as a metric depth cue.
36            INTRODUCTION: Acute non-traumatic convexity subarachnoid haemorrhage (cSAH) is increasingl
37 lectivity was more prevalent on the inferior convexity than within the principal sulcus.
38  determine the depth information conveyed by convexity, we examined natural scenes and found that dep
39      Monkeys with lesions of the dorsomedial convexity were not impaired either on spatial or nonspat

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