


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sures (z-test, Welch t-test, and probability convolution).
2 lution whenever the forward problem involves convolution.
3 liary tree is caused by branching and not by convolution.
4  in directing the assembly and subsequent NS convolution.
5 f normal or narrowed caliber along torturous convolutions.
6 ot predict the evolution of cortical complex convolution after instability, non-linear finite element
7 ounds were greatly reduced, and there was no convolution among differently charged ions, even for 40
8 he signal processing employs correlation and convolution analyses to determine precursor masses and c
9 aint, was overcome by a novel application of convolution and Fast Fourier Transforms.
10 describe new MS/MS database search tools, MS-CONVOLUTION and MS-ALIGNMENT, which implement the spectr
11             Finally, correlations between DG convolution and neocortical gyrification (or capacity fo
12  realize RBC classification; the alternating convolution and pooling operations can deal with non-lin
13 s to separate contigs will allow reliable de-convolution and positioning of sequence scaffolds (see B
14 d MS-ALIGNMENT, which implement the spectral convolution and spectral alignment approaches to peptide
15       We also prove the efficacy of both the convolution and the BLSTM layers by comparing two variat
16 changes, these two compounds induced nuclear convolution and the formation of multiple micronuclei.
17 orious for the depth and irregularity of its convolutions and for its variability from one individual
18  dolphins, and porpoises), in which DG size, convolution, and adult neurogenesis have undergone evolu
19 mulate the problem as the inverse of network convolution, and introduce an algorithm that removes the
20 -cone model simulations are analyzed using a convolution approach based on Fourier transforms.
21          The least-squares Fourier transform convolution approach can be applied to many types of qua
22 sed autophagosomes/autolysosomes and nuclear convolution at early stages, and focal swelling of the p
23 omputational effort is mitigated by accurate convolution-based approximation.
24                       Further, we describe a convolution-based method for removal of the differential
25 on of GABA concentration in the brain causes convolution besides several neurological diseases.
26 lculations are performed by the mathematical convolution between a user-specified, dose-point kernel
27 e measurements, however, are the result of a convolution between the DNA "switching" response time an
28 eport, we discuss ways to compensate for the convolutions by using a combination of strategies whose
29  can occur, greatly speeding up the required convolution calculations.
30 f using group-based harmonic analysis (e.g., convolution calculus) to deal with problems concerning t
31 the STRF and that the responses predicted by convolutions compare favorably with responses evoked by
32 ons of sec61al2 in zebrafish embryos induced convolution defects of the pronephric tubules but not th
33 ivity concentration ratio, dose point-kernel convolution-derived estimates, and Monte Carlo dose esti
34                                  Dose kernel convolution (DK) methods have been proposed to speed up
35  dynamic cell-cycle processes, free from the convolution effects associated with imperfect cell synch
36  antibody diameter, after correcting for tip convolution effects, was determined to be between 7 and
37     Thus, the new method is described by two convolution equations applied in frequency space.
38 d for intestinal tube elongation and surface convolution, examine shared and unique aspects of these
39                                     Standard convolution FBP was used to reconstruct 140-kVp (protoco
40  paper describes an improved format for Shah convolution Fourier transform (SCOFT) detection that uti
41 lates at a frequency dependent upon both the convolution function multiplied across each data frame a
42  signal from the reactions was found to be a convolution function of electrochemical current, and the
43          Each image frame is multiplied by a convolution function to modulate the collected signal th
44                    It is based on stochastic convolution implemented via generalized Malliavin operat
45  overcomes the shortcomings arising from the convolution in conventional time domain interactions.
46 cations correlation analysis outperforms the convolution in determining peptide charge states.
47                                          The convolution integral computed for an injected current wa
48 t of the tissue change can be expressed as a convolution integral of the blood pressure history with
49 e system analysis technique, embodied in the convolution integral, generated an impulse response func
50              Caveolae introduce flask-shaped convolutions into the plasma membrane and help to protec
51                           Understanding this convolution is important for therapeutic targeting of tu
52 r computed tomographic (CT) scanner type and convolution kernel in a phantom model.
53 m exceeds that of the data record or where a convolution kernel is incorporated in the reconstruction
54 ctrum and the data record are the same and a convolution kernel is not applied, the problem can be so
55                                              Convolution kernel modification had an inconsistent effe
56 nt is strongly dependent on multidetector CT convolution kernel.
57  with individual combinations of scanner and convolution kernel.
58                                         When convolution kernels on specific scanners were compared,
59 criminative power of descriptors by learning convolution kernels to reduce the within-class variation
60 ctor response was modeled with precalculated convolution kernels.
61                       In the DanQ model, the convolution layer captures regulatory motifs, while the
62 ificial neural network architectures without convolution layers in protein inference.
63           Our results showed that the 3D-DFT convolution method compared well with MCT calculations.
64 btained from MCT calculations and the 3D-DFT convolution method for the mathematical phantom were in
65                                  The Fourier convolution method gives a reasonable estimate of the co
66              Spectra obtained by the Fourier convolution method more closely fit the tether-in-a-cone
67 ensional discrete Fourier transform (3D-DFT) convolution method to perform the dosimetry for 131I-lab
68 ution after photobleaching (FRAP) with model convolution methods to compare computer simulations at n
69          We considered an exponential-normal convolution model used for background correction of micr
70 onstrictions could be captured with a linear convolution model.
71  (normexp) is introduced which is based on a convolution model.
72            The standard approach uses linear convolution models that relate experimentally designed i
73 niform dose distributions: dose point-kernel convolution, Monte Carlo simulation, and voxel S factors
74 architectural primitives, can implement deep convolution networks that (i) approach state-of-the-art
75 pattern recognition method via deep-learning convolution neural network (DL-CNN), to a more determini
76 asured images to model functions prepared by convolution of a test impulse function with the object f
77 Hankel transforms and results in a recursive convolution of an exponentially scaled Gaussian with mod
78  an "effective" spatial resolution that is a convolution of beam optics and sampling frequency.
79 easured local concentration is the result of convolution of cellular efflux with the impulse response
80                                  Using model convolution of computer simulations, we deduce the mecha
81 ear trend is detected, likely because of the convolution of different effects.
82 pulations of single cells will enable the de-convolution of genetic heterogeneity in diverse cell pop
83 ll layer epithelium adjacent to the GBM, but convolution of glomerular capillaries did not occur.
84  of cells for a gene at time t is actually a convolution of its values in an interval around t.
85 a's raw data reveals that he was observing a convolution of linear and circular optical properties.
86 ns a challenge as macroscopic rates can be a convolution of many reactions.
87 hic resolution for lipid separations and the convolution of mass spectra from isomeric and isobaric s
88 sing TimEX, a method that relies on gaussian convolution of massive, highly redundant determinations
89 ages to three-dimensional architectures from convolution of mathematical models reveals a pool of Cse
90 ntly be programmed; essentially exhibiting a convolution of memristive, memcapacitive and meminductiv
91 x interference spectra are produced from the convolution of multiple wavelengths and modes.
92                                   The fit by convolution of photoacoustic waves on the nanosecond and
93 talytic CO2 conversion to fuels is a complex convolution of surface structure and transport effects.
94 ude generation of an extremely long tube and convolution of the absorptive surface of the tube into v
95 current could be accurately reconstructed by convolution of the all-events latency distribution and t
96 images of Ca(2+) sparks were simulated by 3D convolution of the calculated distribution of CaD with a
97 Parsimony suggests that increased growth and convolution of the DG arose in stem mammals concurrently
98                        PMDs are the discrete convolution of the mass distributions of the constituent
99 uorescence signal from the subphase, whereas convolution of the measured point spread function with a
100 the hemodynamic response is a spatiotemporal convolution of the neuronal activation.
101  complex surface topographies that reflect a convolution of the phase structure present in each of th
102  motions on a millisecond time scale without convolution of the probe-dye random motions.
103 Cas9 model exhibited microcephaly, decreased convolution of the renal tubules, and abnormal craniofac
104 hieved by expanding the model to include the convolution of the second-order Wiener kernel with the i
105 oscopic process, the RIXS technique probes a convolution of the single-particle densities of states i
106             Here we report the successful de-convolution of these effects with the recently developed
107                       The first involves the convolution of two closed-form expressions; the second r
108 , Purkinje cell heterotopias, and simplified convolutions of the dentate nucleus and inferior olive.
109 crease in diffusive transport resulting from convolutions of the flow paths through porous media and
110                                          The convolutions of the OPL were broader and deeper in some
111 at iron is not reabsorbed across the surface convolutions of the proximal tubule.
112  as spatial differentiation, integration, or convolution) on the profile of an impinging wave as it p
113 TIN-ag expression was confined to the distal convolution or pole of the S-shaped body, the segment of
114 fixed optical mask to perform a Shah or sine convolution over a fluorescence signal.
115   As a significant type of cerebral cortical convolution pattern, the gyrus is widely preserved acros
116                    We hypothesize that gyral convolution patterns might stem from heterogeneous regio
117 e components as a result of their particular convolution patterns.
118  individual pulse during the simulation, the convolution procedure simulates an accurate elemental im
119 al process based on a two-step discrete-time convolution procedure using empirical/experimental input
120 litudes and phases are mutually coupled in a convolution process.
121 enerally failed to resolve these, with their convolution producing wide peaks.
122 iables or equations involving multiplicative convolution products.
123 erm counts, but abnormal distal vas deferens convolution resulting in complete and incomplete blockag
124 s clustering, and differentiation by wavelet convolution showed distinct response patterns within the
125 otobleaching, electron tomography, and model convolution simulation of spc98/+ mutants revealed impro
126  and Approach II involving deconvolution and convolution steps.
127  were studied also by cyclic voltammetry and convolution technique to demonstrate that the processes
128 tential to the two polarizable interfaces by convolution technique.
129 s show that the mutant strain contains fewer convolutions than the wild-type bacterium, which exhibit
130                                          The convolutions that form the inferior and caudal extent of
131                         Using a point-kernel convolution, the mean absorbed dose to each organ from t
132 n these experiments, using Fourier transform convolution to calculate labeled isotope distributions a
133  network architecture based on using dilated convolutions to capture features at different image scal
134                            The robustness of convolution voltammetry for determining accurate values
135      The results highlight the advantages of convolution voltammetry over steady-state techniques suc
136 nd was found to provide a new way to measure convolution voltammetry without the need of numerical in
137 to the benefits provided by the conventional convolution voltammetry, the EC-SPR has several unique a
138  asymmetries of the pars triangularis, these convolutions were measured on volumetric magnetic resona
139 gnment, length, and width but their combined convolution with a customizable basis set.
140 onor/acceptor pair and the DNA bridge, or by convolution with other processes.
141 a cell or organelle that has been blurred by convolution with the microscope point spread function.
142                                              Convolution with the rod release function also produced
143 n for a given AFM tip size and minimises tip convolution with the sample.
144 T images were converted to dose maps through convolution with voxel S values generated using MCNPX, a

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