


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 kening of the geomagnetic field and climatic cooling.
2 both modalities provided a similar degree of cooling.
3 cation; the nanorod is reduced to hafnium on cooling.
4 urther elevated by a lack of transpirational cooling.
5 ctic sea ice loss to cause Northern European cooling.
6 s of escape from translational inhibition on cooling.
7 ween weakened geomagnetic field and climatic cooling.
8  of different sizes through heating and then cooling.
9 ically forced conditions despite atmospheric cooling.
10 and the driving force for growth supplied by cooling.
11 ioxide that was outgassed during magma ocean cooling.
12 rocesses, such as thermal spraying and spray cooling.
13 tures and avoiding structural changes due to cooling.
14 ed the gel stability of both starches during cooling.
15  very similar to those observed with uniform cooling.
16 le compared with those who received no scalp cooling.
17 the winter amplification of the European LIA cooling.
18 the change of atmospheric longwave radiative cooling.
19 tal storage, punctuated by rapid heating and cooling.
20 eat, in conjunction with reduced evaporative cooling.
21 e with additional Bain distortion on further cooling.
22 ed to undergo melting and vitrification upon cooling.
23 ir to East Asia and thus causes severe local cooling.
24 eraction was found between longer and deeper cooling.
25 temperature changes and less during constant cooling.
26 ernative refolding pathways might occur upon cooling.
27 chnology of choice, because they do not need cooling.
28 ing early Holocene warming and late Holocene cooling?
29 on and thermal strain but higher evaporative cooling [16 (6) W m(2) ; P < 0.01].
30 ses that have been predicted to enhance leaf cooling [2-5].
31              Of patients who underwent scalp cooling, 27.3% (95% CI, 18.0%-36.6%) reported feeling le
32 reservation was found in 48 of 95 women with cooling (50.5%; 95% CI, 40.7%-60.4%) compared with 0 of
33                                              Cooling a mechanical resonator mode to a sub-thermal sta
34             We introduce private Evaporative Cooling, a stochastic privacy-preserving machine learnin
35 gases almost exclusively rely on evaporative cooling, a time-consuming final step associated with sub
36 the FSRS spectrum is assigned to vibrational cooling accompanied by partitioning of the dark state be
37  resistance-based correction, (iii) rational cooling adjustment, (iv) elimination of the nonthermosta
38          Here we report temperature and lava cooling age maps of the entire patera floor at a spatial
39 ,200 degrees C in some locations), and rapid cooling, all of which likely resulted from impact-induce
40 exploiting new flexible and room-temperature cooling alternatives.
41                                              Cooling alters the membrane lipids from the fluid to gel
42              The identified modest low-level cooling and anomalous atmospheric subsidence in response
43 revealed the relationship between heating or cooling and charge transmission characteristics.
44 line to chemotherapy cycle 4 among the scalp cooling and control groups.
45 ss does not lead to Northern European winter cooling and daily cold extremes actually decrease.
46                                              Cooling and hypothermia are profoundly neuroprotective,
47 rse weathering may be responsible for global cooling and increased seawater Mg/Ca over the past 50 mi
48 low prescribed design temperatures, both for cooling and operational efficiency.
49         A positive association between scalp cooling and reduced risk of hair loss would be demonstra
50 n the mechanism behind anomalous heating and cooling and suggest that it should be possible to observ
51                             Only with global cooling and the onset of glacial cycles some 3 Mya, towa
52                                        Laser cooling and trapping of atoms and atomic ions has led to
53  Results indicate that more stations exhibit cooling and warming than predicted by random chance and
54 igned with a diamond-embedded tip (for rapid cooling) and 6 surface thermocouples to reflect tissue t
55 ced C60(++) (under NO dosing and with sample cooling) and argon cluster ion beams (using Ar1500(+) io
56  vulnerable reproductive stages, evaporative cooling, and gas exchange across airway membranes.
57 have shown promising behavior for adsorption cooling applications.
58  external perturbations, such as heating and cooling, are applied.
59         This region even experienced a rapid cooling around 1970, raising a debate over its potential
60 rial, which is vital for promoting radiative cooling as a viable energy technology.
61                   Remarkably, the widespread cooling at 8.2 kcal BP is not seen very well as a temper
62                                 Rapid global cooling at the Eocene - Oligocene Transition (EOT), 33.
63                                              Cooling atoms to ultralow temperatures has produced a we
64 terconversion is thermally irreversible, and cooling back to 3 K does not change the singlet to tripl
65 wth mode where crystallization occurs during cooling behind the scanning laser focus.
66     The energy produced, and the benefits of cooling beyond local PV installation sites, would reduce
67 re to cold temperatures, resulting in tissue cooling but not freezing.
68 on strategy, not only results in significant cooling, but can also meaningfully decrease outdoor wate
69 istent with the effect of enhanced infra-red cooling by increasing greenhouse gases.
70 t enhanced GCR flux might lead to a climatic cooling by increasing low cloud formation, which enhance
71 ion water vapor pressure and hence radiative cooling by water vapor in clear-sky regions.
72                  It is argued that radiative cooling by water vapor plays an important role in govern
73  in acute respiratory distress syndrome, but cooling causes shivering and increases metabolism.
74 s, which cannot be attained through sideband cooling.Chiral transport can provide robustness against
75 .5% of the models (7/40) project a rapid SPG cooling, consistent with a collapse of the local deep-oc
76                                  Heating and cooling cycles (5-95 degrees C) can be repeated without
77 appear below Tmix, over multiple heating and cooling cycles.
78 ble states and tunable resistance in heating-cooling cycles.
79 aired performance due to reduced evaporative cooling despite matched WBGT and (3) behavioural respons
80                    To assess whether a scalp cooling device is effective at reducing chemotherapy-ind
81                                      The new cooling device is more efficient and compact than existi
82                               We developed a cooling device with a high intrinsic thermodynamic effic
83         Scalp cooling was done using a scalp cooling device.
84                               Although scalp cooling devices have been used to prevent this alopecia,
85 ytes, as well as the parallel development of cooling devices.
86                            We show that upon cooling down the resistance first decreases linearly wit
87 y, an exchange bias effect was observed when cooling down the samples below room temperature under an
88                            Passive radiative cooling draws heat from surfaces and radiates it into sp
89 ild headache and 3 (2.8%) discontinued scalp cooling due to feeling cold.
90          Results suggest that North Atlantic cooling during Heinrich stadial 11 (HS11) affected surfa
91 versing the temperature ramp from heating to cooling during the MIT.
92 al evolution are consistent with hot carrier cooling, during which state filling induced bleaching of
93 ly increases mesospheric long-wave radiative cooling efficiency, causing unusually cold temperatures
94  a thermostat that controls both heating and cooling elements to regulate temperature, redundancy and
95                                              Cooling elicited greater increases in SSNA (NTN: +64 +/-
96 derestimates the chance of future abrupt SPG cooling, entailing crucial implications for observation
97 stem V404 Cygni, showing a rapid synchrotron cooling event in its 2015 outburst, we present a precise
98                                     As laser cooling experiments continue to bring massive mechanical
99 ed in similar drops in performance as in the cooling experiments.
100 e sign of EB depends on the magnitude of the cooling field.
101 s (heart-cut volume, head-cut volume, pH and cooling flow rate of the internal partial condenser duri
102 ated with a further TSCR rise, compared with cooling for 10 min.
103                              To determine if cooling for 120 hours or to a temperature of 32.0 degree
104 These results support the current regimen of cooling for 72 hours at 33.5 degrees C.
105  system, here we report a slower hot-carrier cooling for C-excitons, in comparison with band-edge exc
106 e or severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, cooling for longer than 72 hours, cooling to lower than
107                                    Prolonged cooling, for 60 min, was associated with a further TSCR
108 stantaneous stimulus to measure the need for cooling, for example, it should be easy to match the num
109 traweak light detection with solid-state and cooling-free photodetectors is important for both fundam
110 rption and X-ray diffraction measurements on cooling from 300 to 4 K.
111  to the spectra, we measured the photosphere cooling from [Formula: see text] to [Formula: see text]
112 single crystal nickel-base superalloy during cooling from casting relevant temperatures has been stud
113                                      We show cooling from sidewalls increases the efficiency for Bi v
114 logite facies boundary has a positive dP/dT, cooling from supra-solidus conditions (T > 950 masculine
115                                The dynamical cooling from the changed NAO is 'missing', because it is
116 t with random forest and private Evaporative Cooling give comparable accuracies.
117 ated if 50% or more of patients in the scalp cooling group achieved treatment success, with the lower
118 ycline and taxane (106 patients in the scalp cooling group and 16 in the control group; 14 matched by
119                 No participants in the scalp cooling group received anthracyclines.
120 %-75.4%) evaluable for alopecia in the scalp cooling group vs 0 of 16 patients (0%) in the control gr
121             Of the 106 patients in the scalp cooling group, 4 (3.8%) experienced the adverse event of
122 cted; 54 adverse events were reported in the cooling group, all grades 1 and 2.
123 h after the end of chemotherapy in the scalp cooling group.
124  were performed in a 3 T MR scanner during a cooling/heating cycle.
125 se tissue in microscopic level, an identical cooling/heating procedure was replicated on a small piec
126                            More importantly, cooling HVC alters the transition probabilities between
127 ies between the syllables can be affected by cooling HVC in either hemisphere to varying degrees.
128                                              Cooling HVC reduces the number of repetitions of long-re
129 Here we assess the risk of future abrupt SPG cooling in 40 climate models from the fifth Coupled Mode
130 ic species in use, for high-efficiency laser cooling in critical conditions.
131             However, observations of Peltier cooling in molecular junctions-a critical step for estab
132  direct experimental observations of Peltier cooling in molecular junctions.
133 rved-the highest reported so far for optical cooling in quantum dots.
134                          We study mechanical cooling in systems of coupled passive (lossy) and active
135  response to freshwater input and associated cooling in the North Atlantic region.
136 ming response in the Northern Hemisphere and cooling in the Southern Hemisphere.
137 stiffness, facilitating low-power mechanical cooling in the vicinity of gain-loss balance.
138                         Volcanically induced cooling in tropical Africa weakens the West African mons
139                          Greater terrestrial cooling indicates that a reduction of insolation is play
140 ice, knockdown of RTN3 expression eliminated cooling-induced neuroprotection.
141 vation with targeted strategies that counter cooling-induced platelet activation.
142                       Thus, RTN3 both evades cooling-induced translational elongation repression and
143 ch mRNAs encoding cold shock proteins escape cooling-induced translational repression are unknown.
144                           Here, we show that cooling induces reprogramming of the translatome, includ
145                             On-chip magnetic cooling is a promising approach to meet this challenge.
146 iciently large, such that evaporative helium cooling is capable of kinetically quenching the nonequil
147 r the decrease in dislocation density during cooling is essential.
148        Here we show that the recent Atlantic cooling is likely to persist, as predicted by a statisti
149 nic species and to systems where evaporative cooling is not possible.
150                              This hyperbolic cooling is particularly efficient, giving picosecond coo
151 other planets, but detection of post-equinox cooling is so far unique to Titan.
152 ver, the global terrestrial response to this cooling is uncertain.
153                                    Air-water cooling kept disk temperature below the critical thresho
154                               Whereas direct cooling leads to the formation of documented morphologie
155 ibute this expansion to multi-decadal summer cooling likely driven by volcanic and/or solar forcing,
156  changing temperatures may alter heating and cooling loads.
157 s offset has a direct environmental benefit, cooling local maximum temperatures, but also a direct ec
158 edicted theoretically, suggesting an unknown cooling mechanism.
159 volution upon cyclic rapid laser heating and cooling mimicking the direct energy deposition of Ti-6Al
160        Participants were randomized to scalp cooling (n = 119) or control (n = 63).
161 ivers have been suggested to explain the LIA cooling, no coherent mechanism has yet been proposed for
162 nt results in an average surface temperature cooling of -77 mK (20 mK to -278 mK) in 2050, which incr
163                  We demonstrate direct laser cooling of a gas of rubidium-87 ((87)Rb) atoms to quantu
164 th a high-density spin ensemble, enables the cooling of a mechanical resonator from room temperature
165                                         Mild cooling of area HVC in the Bengalese finch brain-a premo
166 l statistical physics concept of Evaporative Cooling of atomic gases to perform backward stepwise pri
167 , "in-chip" microstructures for microfluidic cooling of chips, vias, MEMS, photovoltaic applications
168 ymmetric resonator enables a dramatic chiral cooling of clockwise and counterclockwise phonons, while
169                                         Deep cooling of electron and nuclear spins is equivalent to a
170                   We demonstrate significant cooling of electrons in a nanostructure below 10 mK by d
171 re synchronous within age uncertainties with cooling of Greenland, and changes in global monsoon syst
172 us emission data for optoelectrical Sisyphus cooling of H2CO and CH3Cl are discussed.
173                                   Unilateral cooling of HVC shows that control of syllables is mostly
174            Heating and subsequent controlled cooling of individual particles with a two-wavelength la
175                   We demonstrated that rapid cooling of milk enhances the mechanisms of nucleation an
176                  Slow solvent evaporation or cooling of nanocrystal solutions (over hours or days) is
177 chanisms include injection, acceleration and cooling of particles, with possible intervention of shoc
178                   In hybrid perovskites, the cooling of such thermal carrier distributions occurs on
179  This process is faster than the vibrational cooling of the Franck-Condon excited state, indicative o
180      We interpret this dispersion to reflect cooling of the magma reservoir margins below approximate
181 al reduction in heat load leading to optical cooling of the mechanics without added damping, an effec
182  membrane structural changes since in silico cooling of the membrane alone, while maintaining the hig
183  quantum dot electron spin qubits where deep cooling of the mesoscopic nuclear spin ensemble is used
184 ised demagnetisation process, we demonstrate cooling of the on-chip electrons from 9 mK to below 5 mK
185  of watermass changes involved in the recent cooling of the subpolar gyre.
186                                We found that cooling of V4 or V2|3 did not lead to consistent changes
187 e show that waiting periods, which create a "cooling off" period among buyers, significantly reduce t
188  high electricity demand to support building cooling on hot days.
189 ean conditions, the net impact of warming or cooling on predator-prey interactions was not determined
190 o its coupling to an acoustic mode, sideband cooling, or levitation of microscopic objects.
191  reveal a strong winter amplification of the cooling over central and northern continental Europe dur
192 agement strategy for adult patients included cooling patients to a minimum of 33 degrees C for 72 hou
193 ss than 36 degrees C for 92% of the 48 hours cooling period without adverse events, and was lower tha
194            The EC device produced a specific cooling power of 2.8 watts per gram and a COP of 13.
195  the metamaterial shows a noontime radiative cooling power of 93 watts per square meter under direct
196                The inferred electron-phonon "cooling power spectrum" exhibits sharp peaks when the Fe
197 systems, but few devices offer high specific cooling power with a high coefficient of performance (CO
198 tive for diverse technological areas such as cooling, power generation and waste heat recovery with u
199                                          The cooling process determined a significant improvement of
200 hemical stability after 100 times of heating-cooling process.
201 n of the principle that applies to arbitrary cooling processes, even those exploiting the laws of qua
202 e loss of electronic coherence and hot state cooling processes.
203 onitored in real-time throughout the heating/cooling program using a classical one-dimensional T1 met
204 ic theoretical framework for quantifying the cooling properties of rich EC materials including normal
205 ray beam, a fast detector and unidirectional cooling provide the spatial and temporal resolution to s
206 xist between attributes, private Evaporative Cooling provides higher classification accuracy without
207  glasses (MGs) is quantified by the critical cooling rate (R C).
208 fraction of the fine eutectic decreased with cooling rate and completely ceased to exist at cooling r
209 ction enables a reasonable estimation of the cooling rate and phase transformation rate, and the diff
210 y relevant solidification front velocity and cooling rate of 10.3 mm/s and 4500 K/s, respectively.
211 eutectic volume fractions by controlling the cooling rate of the laser solidification process has bee
212 ticles, whose population is sensitive to the cooling rate, are found to make the dominant contributio
213 r, the underlying mechanisms leading to this cooling-rate-induced softening of amorphous solids have
214 antify freezing response of cells to various cooling rates and solution compositions.
215                                         Slow cooling rates are necessary to sufficiently separate mix
216   The asymmetry between critical heating and cooling rates disappears for small MG nanorods.
217 oling rate and completely ceased to exist at cooling rates greater than [Formula: see text].
218 bstantially larger solar heating and thermal cooling rates than gas molecules, dominating the atmosph
219 om fewer immobile particles formed at higher cooling rates.
220 ofter when vitrifying the melts under higher cooling rates.
221 evelopment of various technologies including cooling (refrigeration) and heat-to-electricity conversi
222  but retreated immediately upon cessation of cooling, regardless of the temperature.
223       Here, we reveal an ultrafast radiative cooling regime between neighboring plasmon-supporting gr
224 ct that an ultrafast (femtosecond) radiative cooling regime takes place in plasmonically active neigh
225 te the required single-site measurements and cooling remain problematic, while only ensemble measurem
226  less than or equal to 4 hours of initiating cooling, remained less than 36 degrees C for 92% of the
227 ons and analytically relates the macroscopic cooling responses in EC materials with the intrinsic dif
228                                  Evaporative cooling results in condensation of water in a breath fig
229 ally measured and calculated stresses during cooling show a good agreement when creep predominates.
230                                              Cooling since the late Miocene resulted in an expanded p
231 tic oscillations following early Pleistocene cooling, so the timing and amplitude of changes in Ne di
232 uced substantial peripheral sensitization to cooling stimuli in Adelta-fibers is particularly retriev
233 mise for stroke neuroprotection, but current cooling strategies cause undesirable side effects that l
234   Prior intracranial stimulation or cortical cooling studies have investigated musical abilities rela
235 w that the prompt phase is produced via fast-cooling synchrotron radiation in a large-scale magnetic
236                                 An efficient cooling system and the superconducting magnet are essent
237     Herein, we report a solid nitrogen (SN2) cooling system as a valuable cryogenic feature, which is
238                                   In the SN2 cooling system design, a wide temperature distribution o
239           To evaluate whether use of a scalp cooling system is associated with a lower amount of hair
240             The rationally designed MgB2/SN2 cooling system was first considered by conducting a fini
241                               Use of a scalp cooling system.
242 gressive policies aimed at upgrading heating/cooling systems and appliances could result in electrici
243 show that the performance and cost of hybrid cooling systems are affected by a range of environmental
244 Continued emphasis on development of thermal cooling systems is being placed that can cycle low grade
245 offers potential advantages over traditional cooling systems, but few devices offer high specific coo
246 acteristics, enrollment time, methodology of cooling, target temperature, duration of hypothermia, an
247 The more recent application of sophisticated cooling techniques to molecules, which has been more cha
248 that can be reached using conventional laser cooling techniques.
249 so lead to the increased adoption and use of cooling technologies in buildings.
250 han existing surface-conformable solid-state cooling technologies, opening a path to using the techno
251 estrial temperatures show for many regions a cooling that started well before the EOT and continued i
252                                 In contrast, cooling the downstream motor area RA (robust nucleus of
253  Asia to prevent mosquitos from entering and cooling the house, could be integrated in a more sustain
254                  This is achieved by rapidly cooling the ink solution below its freezing point using
255 nally ordered nematic phase that emerge upon cooling the isotropic phase.
256                                              Cooling the premotor nucleus HVC (proper name) slows dow
257                                  First, upon cooling the sample to intermediate temperature, [Formula
258                       Upon rapid heating and cooling, the beta <--> alpha' phase transformation is ob
259                                       During cooling, the compound first transits into a magnetically
260                                        After cooling, the methylamine complex is re-formed, returning
261 etting and optimizing exchange bias involves cooling through the Neel temperature of the antiferromag
262                            Recently, carrier cooling time up to 100 picoseconds was observed in hybri
263 erature can scale as an inverse power of the cooling time.
264 is particularly efficient, giving picosecond cooling times for hexagonal BN, where the high-momentum
265                                              Cooling to 34-36 degrees C for 48 hours.
266                                   On further cooling to 48 K, a type-II multiferroic phase induced by
267 ease the density, followed by Raman sideband cooling to decrease the temperature.
268 n (C2H2)n(+) isomers and provide evaporative cooling to dissipate the excess internal energy and stab
269 halopathy, cooling for longer than 72 hours, cooling to lower than 33.5 degrees C, or both did not re
270 x kinetics in the glass by rapid shaping and cooling to obtain a snapshot of the thermodynamically un
271                 In previous studies of scalp cooling to prevent chemotherapy-induced alopecia, conclu
272 hways in the macaque brain, we used cortical cooling to silence inputs to posterior IT and compared t
273 n applications ranging from industrial spray cooling to the thermal regulation of animals in cold rai
274                                       During cooling, toric focal conic domains arise through a seque
275 vely similar behavior when made viscous upon cooling toward the glass transition, suggesting a common
276 ctivation energy for eta changes little with cooling towards the glass transition temperature, Tg.
277 bular thermal exchanger was used for a rapid cooling treatment (CT) of olive paste after crushing.
278 eakening of the AMOC in line with the global cooling trend, with possible contributions from the cons
279 rillion tons and bend the warming curve to a cooling trend.
280 eight 78.4 +/- 10.7 kg) underwent whole-body cooling via a water perfusion suit at 5 degrees C, on fo
281 o a bath of refrigerated nuclei, rather than cooling via phonons in the host lattice.
282  early-stage breast cancer, the use of scalp cooling vs no scalp cooling was associated with less hai
283 cancer, the use of scalp cooling vs no scalp cooling was associated with less hair loss at 4 weeks af
284                                        Scalp cooling was done using a scalp cooling device.
285             Visco-plastic deformation during cooling was found to be dependent on the stress and cons
286                                        Scalp cooling was initiated 30 minutes prior to each chemother
287 ficant interaction between longer and deeper cooling was observed (P = .048), with primary outcome ra
288 er, in 2012 unexpected and rapid mesospheric cooling was observed.
289 sum of foot) were measured during whole-body cooling (water-perfused suit).
290 from 8 healthy men subjected to water-jacket cooling were directly compared.
291 acycline, or both, those who underwent scalp cooling were significantly more likely to have less than
292 (YDS) was an episode of northern hemispheric cooling which occurred within the Last Glacial Interglac
293 ints imposed to component contraction during cooling, which mechanistically comprises creep and stres
294 optical heating is supplemented by radiative cooling, which typically takes place at an even lower pa
295  with random forest, and private Evaporative Cooling, which uses Relief-F feature selection and rando
296 ulsant agent (e.g. diazepam) and/or physical cooling with an aim to relieve the symptoms.
297 g energy consumption for building heating or cooling with numerous smart design.
298 (-1) K(-1), and corresponding magnetocaloric cooling with reversible shape changes as high as 5.6% un
299 ransport, disorder suppression and anomalous cooling without damping in an asymmetrically-pumped opto
300          We hypothesized that (i) whole-body cooling would elicit greater cutaneous vasoconstriction

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