


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  high latitudes, based on a greater need for cooperation.
2 ng among hunter gatherers may be to organise cooperation.
3  a key emotion to appeal to when encouraging cooperation.
4 lism and ultimately is detrimental to global cooperation.
5 d for the first time via chiral ligand metal cooperation.
6 on is repaired resulting in higher levels of cooperation.
7 roduced to games to explain the evolution of cooperation.
8 otential to shape astrocyte-neuron metabolic cooperation.
9 echanism for the evolutionary maintenance of cooperation.
10 od storytellers is associated with increased cooperation.
11 e past but also on the respective context of cooperation.
12 cohols was achieved through 1,6 metal-ligand cooperation.
13 ly affect the ability of cheats to undermine cooperation.
14 on structures for their propensity to favour cooperation.
15 ment of two-tier models for the evolution of cooperation.
16 ncy of periodic spatial disturbances affects cooperation.
17  to diversity disfavors defection but favors cooperation.
18 res, such as sexual conflict or reproductive cooperation.
19 nomic game environment that measures ToM and cooperation.
20 tion of epithelial progenitors via Wnt-Fgf10 cooperation.
21 duals also heavily influence their levels of cooperation.
22 important process affecting the evolution of cooperation.
23 ternative identities in enhancing high-level cooperation.
24 ch on interspecific as well as intraspecific cooperation.
25 ing responds adaptively to a human signal of cooperation.
26 isunderstanding leading to the appearance of cooperation.
27 re the strongest determinants of participant cooperation.
28 a prerequisite to the evolution of kin-based cooperation.
29 enotypic diversity best promoting contingent cooperation.
30 rtner switching preference can coevolve with cooperation.
31 wo different mechanisms for the evolution of cooperation.
32 stem-mediated interbacterial competition and cooperation.
33 tion potential without involving any partner cooperation.
34 ive, and cross-cultural research about human cooperation.
35 amics of phenotypic diversity and contingent cooperation.
36 ctions can become norms and institutionalize cooperation.
37 rucial step on the path to large-scale human cooperation.
38 tial structure can both promote and suppress cooperation.
39 owing challenges that require trans-national cooperation.
40 ns is weakly beneficial for the emergence of cooperation.
41  prevent antisocial rewarding from deterring cooperation.
42 ust engage in maximally effective intragroup cooperation [1-3].
43 surprisingly rare, making the persistence of cooperation a fundamental paradox in evolutionary biolog
44 h Council, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, German Ministry for Education and Re
45                                              Cooperation, although widespread, is fundamentally chall
46 The evolution of multicellular life requires cooperation among cells, which can be undermined by intr
47 lating both protein complexes and functional cooperation among complexes and pathways.
48 vel selection framework, where selection for cooperation among emergent groups can overcome selection
49 lly evolved over several millennia to enable cooperation among genetic strangers in the spiraling com
50 tive action benefits that result from social cooperation among group members - and uses insider-outsi
51                             In both species, cooperation among group members is essential for individ
52 thod consider the well-known competition and cooperation among miRNAs when attempts to discover targe
53                                     However, cooperation among non-relatives also permits fast-growin
54 works, we find dynamic networks only promote cooperation among prosocials.
55 tion to address structural barriers to care, cooperation among services, proportion of all men who ha
56          This was achieved by means of close cooperation and communication between clinicians and bas
57  in affecting their capacity for conspecific cooperation and communication.
58                                              Cooperation and competition for the benefits of multicel
59 a new approach called CCmiR, which takes the cooperation and competition of multiple miRNAs into acco
60  roles to their social environments, in both cooperation and coordination.
61                                              Cooperation and culture began - and begins - in mother-i
62 deplete and replete environmental states and cooperation and defection behavior states.
63  dynamics, we find an oscillatory pattern of cooperation and defection that maintains cooperation eve
64 g diversity to costly punishment favors both cooperation and defection, but not vice versa.
65  interaction of any two strategies, not only cooperation and defection.
66  As a consequence, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries have wide v
67  epitomized by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Ready Biodegradabilit
68 e interdependence [12, 13], thus stabilizing cooperation and fostering divisions of labor even in inf
69 cell surface receptors act simultaneously in cooperation and independently to mediate phagocytosis.
70 nvasion of defector mutants, suggesting that cooperation and phenotypic diversity can mutually reinfo
71 into better understanding the coevolution of cooperation and phenotypic diversity.
72  However, the interchangeability, functional cooperation and relative contributions of Wnt versus RSP
73 different parts of the network, facilitating cooperation and social influence in unpredictable ecolog
74 e origins of agriculture, the scale of human cooperation and societal complexity has dramatically exp
75 e inflammation by facilitating LIMR and AHRR cooperation and the AHRR activation, which eventually ac
76 which ongoing-but fragile and limited-health cooperation and training arrangements cannot stand in fo
77 ain contempt: relational value, predicted by cooperation, and agentic value, predicted by status.
78 ho live independently without competition or cooperation, and colonists, who engage in competition, c
79 d hopeful light on the long-term dynamics of cooperation, and demonstrate the importance of long-run
80  should favour the evolution of public goods cooperation, and empirically support this prediction usi
81 n, and colonists, who engage in competition, cooperation, and long-term habitat destruction.
82 bute to population structure, maintenance of cooperation, and strain diversification.
83 uality during the 2014 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit.
84  risk reduction reciprocity, three levels of cooperation argued to be fundamental in human societies
85 her support the consideration of target site cooperation as a fundamental characteristic of miRNA fun
86 e free-rider problem-critical for sustaining cooperation as a viable strategy-emerge later in develop
87            We show that anger is damaging to cooperation as it leads to retaliation and an increase o
88  that spatial structures may not be favoring cooperation, as is the widely-accepted notion, but rathe
89 ty should be placed on enhancing stakeholder cooperation at the major basin scale towards preventing
90                      Theoretically, however, cooperation based on pay-it-forward reciprocity is not s
91  being unrelated, should show nearly perfect cooperation because each gains equally through the produ
92 ves under a wide range of conditions so that cooperation becomes "instinctive." Norm internalization
93 ion to erroneous expectations, participants' cooperation behavior is driven by (shared) social prefer
94 ears of research has revealed differences in cooperation behavior of males and females, the underlyin
95 nding, thus further reinforcing the need for cooperation between calcium and kinase signaling in the
96                   These data suggest a novel cooperation between cancer cell-extrinsic TGFbeta signal
97 ns and the surrounding microenvironment, and cooperation between clonally distinct cell populations,
98 or triggered fusion to start, explaining the cooperation between complexin and synaptotagmin-1 in syn
99 , like normal tissues, demonstrate metabolic cooperation between different cell types.
100  explain fine-scale population structure and cooperation between different social units across a broa
101 H4 tetramers by CAF1 requires a hierarchical cooperation between DNA binding, H3-H4 deposition and hi
102 in oncogenic Ras-mediated overgrowth and the cooperation between Egfr and Hedgehog.
103 nsistent with a previously proposed model of cooperation between EZH2 WT and Y641N mutants to promote
104 family living is underpinned by conflict and cooperation between family members.
105 d" CEC model proffers opportunity for robust cooperation between general nephrology practices, dialys
106  by non-human mammals is rare and, moreover, cooperation between males in the pursuit of an indivisib
107                                              Cooperation between microbes can enable microbial commun
108                         We further show that cooperation between miRNA target sites is necessary for
109 we provide a biochemical explanation for the cooperation between p16 inactivation and Kras activation
110 ent study provides mechanistic insights into cooperation between p17 and sigmaA proteins of ARV to ne
111                                          The cooperation between SAM and magnesium in stabilizing imp
112 agonism toward non-self bacteria and promote cooperation between self bacteria, with self being defin
113               Enhanced case management, good cooperation between services, and directly observed ther
114 tions between intracellular biomolecules and cooperation between signaling pathways that together mak
115 standing the coexistence, competition and/or cooperation between superconductivity and charge density
116 get genes in hepatic stellate cells, and the cooperation between the JAK1-STAT3 and SMAD pathways is
117 is process, termed efferocytosis, depends on cooperation between the phagocyte and the dying cell.
118 e, we establish the mechanism of synergistic cooperation between these activities.
119 sting that there is a level of cross talk or cooperation between these events that has not yet been d
120 , but the molecular mechanisms mediating the cooperation between these molecules remain unclear.
121                                              Cooperation between these two complexes enhances kinetoc
122 ent is the only general solution stabilizing cooperation, but all known mechanisms structuring microb
123 creased access to an autoinducer can enhance cooperation, but can also reduce ecological resistance,
124 Dynamic networks have been shown to increase cooperation, but prior findings are compatible with two
125 Cultural group selection helps explain human cooperation, but social selection offers a complementary
126   Cultural norms vary, change, and influence cooperation; but that is not group selection.
127 Maintenance of the progenitors thus requires cooperation by PRMT1 and CSNK1a1 to sustain proliferatio
128                             Cheaters disrupt cooperation by reaping the benefits without paying their
129 rphisms predict partner-specific patterns of cooperation by underlying variation in partner-specific
130                   This result indicates that cooperation can be exhibited by the poor in some chicken
131             Previous studies have shown that cooperation can evolve only under highly limited conditi
132 s, human participants often show conditional cooperation (CC) behavior or its variant called moody co
133                                       In the cooperation condition, players' interests were matched:
134 their performance was markedly better in the cooperation condition.
135       Identifying transcription factor (TFs) cooperation controlling target gene expression is still
136 a contributive mechanism regulating in-group cooperation during intergroup conflicts in humans involv
137 ur between-group aggression and within-group cooperation (e.g. parochial altruism).
138      It may be that dynamic networks promote cooperation even in networks composed entirely of egoist
139  of cooperation and defection that maintains cooperation even in the absence of well known mechanisms
140                        However, whether such cooperation exists and how it may work remain unknown.
141                                 We find that cooperation flourishes most in societies that are based
142 al disturbances affect bacteria dependent on cooperation for survival.
143  of the unusual levels of egalitarianism and cooperation found in human hunter-gatherers [4], compara
144 reat of free-riding makes the marshalling of cooperation from group members a fundamental challenge o
145              It helps explain how multiscale cooperation from the community to the watershed scale co
146 eories about the two major problems posed by cooperation: generating and distributing benefits.
147   We explore the proposal that for sustained cooperation, guilty repair needs to override angry retal
148  based on the concept of preorganization and cooperation has been designed for a superior capacity to
149                                        Human cooperation has been explained through rationality as we
150 virus interactions, ranging from conflict to cooperation, have evolved.
151 wn how global network characteristics affect cooperation; however, it is difficult to understand how
152 hen exhibiting stronger followership in task cooperation, humans coordinated more with the partner's
153 een-group competition increased within-group cooperation (i.e. how much of a resource children were g
154 ensity of connectivity interact to influence cooperation in a biological network.
155 nd decreasing density of connectivity favors cooperation in a biological network.
156  the risk of cheater's invasions and loss of cooperation in an evolving community.
157                                              Cooperation in collective action dilemmas usually breaks
158 y conservation of J-protein complexation and cooperation in disaggregation.
159                                  We analyzed cooperation in five domains (meat sharing, produce shari
160        In this report we assess who pays for cooperation in global health through an analysis of the
161 tive and negative moral judgments encourages cooperation in groups and prosocial behavior between gro
162  which mechanisms would increase large-scale cooperation in human societies.
163 ther light on the emergence and evolution of cooperation in hunter-gatherer societies.
164 environments, while defection is faster than cooperation in non-cooperative environments.
165  costs has implications for the stability of cooperation in pathogenic and non-pathogenic environment
166  prevent antisocial rewarding from deterring cooperation in public goods dilemmas.
167 eration, instead of changing the tendency of cooperation in response to cooperation of other particip
168 s have provided a novel mechanism to promote cooperation in social dilemmas in both one-shot and repe
169  ecological and evolutionary implications of cooperation in social species.
170 s of degree heterogeneity impact the fate of cooperation in structured populations whose individuals
171 ard themselves (antisocial rewarding) deters cooperation in the absence of additional countermeasures
172  influence that resource availability has on cooperation in the context of hunter-gatherer societies.
173 jor theoretical insights on the evolution of cooperation in the early biosphere.
174 s, demonstrating the need for multi-national cooperation in the management of this species across its
175 e report a pathogenic role of the FGF2-IL-17 cooperation in the pathogenesis of autoimmune arthritis.
176  of small-world topologies arising alongside cooperation in the real world.
177               Here we study the evolution of cooperation in three exemplars of key social dilemmas, r
178 ion can actually contribute to the rescue of cooperation, in a clear illustration of how ecology and
179 ed beneficial to the evolution of contingent cooperation, in which cooperators channel their help pre
180                                 Within-group cooperation increased with age.
181 ted previously affected the overall level of cooperation, instead of changing the tendency of coopera
182                             The evolution of cooperation is a fundamental problem in biology, especia
183 vasions result instead in the persistence of cooperation is a prospect that has yet remained largely
184 y funding is made available, and interagency cooperation is achieved and serves as a paradigm for pre
185 l insects such as honey bees and ants, where cooperation is critical for survival and reproductive su
186 tently faster than non-reciprocal decisions: cooperation is faster than defection in cooperative envi
187 n between-group competition and within-group cooperation is found in 3-10 years old children and the
188                                              Cooperation is fundamental to the survival of many bacte
189 increase of defection, while, through guilt, cooperation is repaired resulting in higher levels of co
190                                  Large-scale cooperation is required to maintain contiguous air conta
191 that a key to the evolution and stability of cooperation is the ability of those with prosocial prefe
192  Together, our results characterize MYCN/ALK cooperation leading to neuroblast proliferation and surv
193  is introduced, and hence reduce the overall cooperation level.
194                                         Such cooperation may be important to consider in the fight ag
195 tations and their influence on the degree of cooperation may be more complex than presented by Richer
196     One important way that religion promotes cooperation may be through improving self-control.
197 e from insects and vertebrates suggests that cooperation may have enabled species to expand their nic
198                       Thus, the evolution of cooperation may not be as limited as has been suggested
199 vior or its variant called moody conditional cooperation (MCC), with which they basically tend to coo
200                              The benefits of cooperation, measured by mean individual fitness, can be
201  this field and increasing multidisciplinary cooperation, micro/nanomotors with integrated multifunct
202 gulate one another's self-interest and build cooperation, moral judgments have most often been studie
203 rograms on biological construction (e.g., on cooperation, multilevel selection, self-organization, an
204 ration during phagocytosis by repressing the cooperation of 14-3-3zeta with specific phosphatidylinos
205 tration along transmembrane helix 1 with the cooperation of a polar residue (Y147 in transmembrane he
206 ults from a continuous turnover based on the cooperation of an actin-dependent retrograde flow and an
207                        This release requires cooperation of Cdc48 with a deubiquitinase, which trims
208                    Our data suggest that the cooperation of G4 and the adjacent putative protein-bind
209      Our analyses rationalise the functional cooperation of HD-PTP with ESCRT-0, ESCRT-I and ESCRT-II
210 el IL233 hybrid cytokine, which utilizes the cooperation of IL-2 and IL-33 to enhance Treg- and ILC2-
211 n EMR due to the motivation, engagement, and cooperation of immunization staff and decision makers ac
212 stasis is maintained by the highly organized cooperation of intracellular trafficking systems, includ
213  nidulans by anterograde transport involving cooperation of kinesin-1 with myosin-5 and can move away
214                     Cytokinesis requires the cooperation of many cytoskeletal and membrane regulators
215 ity of the phenomena, which usually involves cooperation of many degrees of freedom including orbital
216 Dols), designed to quantitatively follow the cooperation of MVA and MEP reprogrammed upon osmotic str
217 g the tendency of cooperation in response to cooperation of other participants in the previous time s
218 inded conditional cooperators, who match the cooperation of others, and selfish noncooperators.
219 l DC network allowed for the interaction and cooperation of pDCs and XCR1(+) DCs, thereby optimizing
220           Protein function originates from a cooperation of structural rigidity, dynamics at differen
221                                          The cooperation of the mevalonate (MVA) and methylerythritol
222                                          The cooperation of these transcription factors may influence
223 ular pumping has also been designed with the cooperation of two amphiphilic copolymer gates.
224 ial pathogenesis and support the notion that cooperation of two FFAT motifs may be a common feature o
225  mathematical model showing how conditioning cooperation on previous shared experience can allow indi
226 e expect that dynamic networks will increase cooperation only when nodes are occupied by persons with
227 ided key insight into how synchronised Na/Fe cooperation operates in these transformations.
228 ibute disproportionately to the breakdown of cooperation over repeated interactions.
229 eraging local interactions to enforce global cooperation: Participants reduce PD cooperation with nei
230 sfer, and dehydration, in which metal-ligand cooperation plays a central role.
231 th so-called moody and non-moody conditional cooperation, prisoner's dilemma and public goods games,
232 l boundaries offers an efficient solution to cooperation problems and promotes prosocial behavior bet
233                 Resulting from their greater cooperation, prosocials' relations are more stable, yiel
234 (3) a representative telephone survey (17.4% cooperation rate) of 957 adult Berkeley residents.
235 sideration of alternative models that assume cooperation rather than competition between formation of
236 fectiveness in organizing in-group trust and cooperation, rather than winning (in)direct intergroup c
237  action evolve when individuals benefit from cooperation regardless of whether they pay its participa
238 bout the tendency for recognition to promote cooperation, relatively little is known about whether su
239       Learning in finitely repeated games of cooperation remains poorly understood in part because th
240 ing behaviour in a foraging ecology, such as cooperation, sex equality and egalitarianism.
241 onments will be safeguarded if international cooperation succeeds and degraded or even destroyed if i
242 ain coherence was positively correlated with cooperation task performance.
243 eties provide a better biological market for cooperation than do small-scale societies, allowing indi
244  could make moral judgments achieved greater cooperation than groups with no capacity to sanction, le
245   Cooperative breeding is an extreme form of cooperation that evolved in a range of lineages, includi
246 ework for the psychological origins of human cooperation that harnesses evolutionary theories about t
247 investigate a prominent example of bacterial cooperation, the secretion of the peptide siderophore py
248                                    We deploy cooperation theory and a novel synthetic system involvin
249       Some key motivations involved in human cooperation thus may have deeper phylogenetic roots than
250 nce among stakeholder priorities; facilitate cooperation to align objectives; foster agreement on the
251      Furthermore, we demonstrate 53BP1-USP28 cooperation to be essential for normal p53-promoter elem
252 hat utilizes ligating acids and metal-ligand cooperation to effect this conversion without external r
253 hibit assortment and limit the potential for cooperation to evolve.
254 to ask how complex strategies need to be for cooperation to evolve.
255  ethanolic fermentation were active and that cooperation to provide ATP depended on the concentration
256 ts and highlights the need for international cooperation to slow their spread.
257 dations for how to proceed with research and cooperation to tackle the vast number of PFASs on the ma
258 rd') and recognise and preferentially direct cooperation towards other tag carriers.
259 enotypic diversity coevolves with contingent cooperation under a wide range of conditions and that th
260 creasing their opportunities of establishing cooperation via novel phenotypes, as these new phenotype
261 anipulate the ropes simultaneously, and once cooperation was initiated, rapidly learned to coordinate
262 ave been the result of human interaction and cooperation, we are not yet able to quantitatively predi
263 ertain the global extent of GR and NF-kappaB cooperation, we determined genome-wide occupancy of GR,
264  tolerance, wakefulness during sedation, and cooperation were similar in both groups.
265 e negative effect of the scale-free graph on cooperation when effective payoffs are used.
266 system, potentially engendering cohesion and cooperation when facing an out-group threat, may not be
267                We found greater within-group cooperation when groups of four children were competing
268 pherotype exploits the majority, but resumes cooperation when its frequency increases.
269 turns on investments are low, but it hinders cooperation when returns on investments are high.
270 ult, increased behavioral choice facilitates cooperation when returns on investments are low, but it
271 s are more likely to engage in uncalculating cooperation when their decision-making process is observ
272                      The evolution of costly cooperation, where cooperators pay a personal cost to be
273 gated plasticity in leader-follower roles in cooperation, where members choose the task toward a shar
274 t low blood sugar causes greater participant cooperation - which, in combination with other experimen
275 s" that may exploit quorum-sensing regulated cooperation, which begs the question of how quorum sensi
276  results report a novel mode of integrin-RTK cooperation, which we term 'inside-in signalling'.
277 gy agents while spending less time signaling cooperation with adaptive agents, indicating a preferenc
278 roperties of BAR domains, FAM92A and -92B in cooperation with Cby1 induce deformed membrane-like stru
279 ecific beta-catenin activity is regulated by cooperation with cell type-specific transcription factor
280 uring development and upon wounding suggests cooperation with distinct TFs in different contexts.
281 scribe a community-based protocol to improve cooperation with Ebola testing as well as contact tracin
282 al gene silencing in heterochromatin through cooperation with HP1 proteins.
283 e fewer system, but nonetheless, resume full cooperation with its kin when it is fixed in the populat
284 tions potentially favouring the evolution of cooperation with kin.
285                                           In cooperation with Munc18, Munc13 additionally ensures the
286 ficient to induce clinically relevant HCC in cooperation with mutant beta-catenin.
287 e global cooperation: Participants reduce PD cooperation with neighbours who contribute little in the
288  physically, and the activation of GATA4, in cooperation with NKX2-5, is essential for stretch-induce
289  requires immune-suppressive inflammation in cooperation with oncogenic mutations.
290 r identifying and creating opportunities for cooperation with others early: Infants and toddlers alre
291 e xenophobic sentiment and foster altruistic cooperation with outsiders is scarce.
292 1 DNA helicase and ERCC1-XPF endonuclease in cooperation with PARP1 poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and R
293 als under increased memory load, possibly in cooperation with perceptual systems of the occipital cor
294 aling how Rabphilin-3A C2 domains operate in cooperation with PIP2/Ca(2+) and SNAP25 to bind the plas
295                 Finally, Wnd shows oncogenic cooperation with Ras(V12) to trigger tumor growth in eye
296 eting critical differentiation regulators in cooperation with SOX10 for myelination.
297 t the Department of Clinical Pharmacology in cooperation with the Center for Medical Physics and Biom
298  role in developmental processes through its cooperation with the RBR E3 ARI-1 (HHARI in humans).
299  interrupts TACI signaling via NF-kappaB and cooperation with TLRs, thereby hampering IgG production
300  genes involved in microbial competition and cooperation within the cryptoendolithic habitat.

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