


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 l, histone modification patterns were highly coregulated.
2  traits previously assumed to be genetically coregulated.
3 he same upstream region and are likely to be coregulated.
4 T3SS and loci involved in T3SS synthesis are coregulated.
5  different enzymes, indicating that they are coregulated.
6       PYE and BTS expression is also tightly coregulated.
7  chromosome regions that are colocalized and coregulated.
8 rans-factors and the mechanism by which they coregulate 5'TOP mRNAs have remained elusive.
9 67 genes, LuxR regulates 625 genes, and they coregulate 77 genes.
10                              Both BR and Glc coregulate a large number of genes involved in abiotic/b
11 bsequently, Sox9 and NFIA form a complex and coregulate a set of genes induced after glial initiation
12  pleiotropic transcriptional regulators that coregulate a subset of virulence genes.
13                                    FHY3 also coregulates a number of common target genes with PHYTOCH
14 nding sites are cobound by C/EBPalpha, which coregulates a number of downstream target genes involved
15 estion of how the network of 5'TOP mRNAs are coregulated according to amino acid availability, thereb
16 tion and translation are tightly coupled and coregulated according to need.
17 t, we can identify a group of genes that are coregulated across the BXD RI strains.
18 how that PAR4 and P2Y12 directly interact to coregulate Akt signaling after PAR4 activation.
19         In this study, we show that TRPV1 is coregulated along with the NADPH oxidase isoform, NOX3,
20 phate pathway, and glycogen metabolism, were coregulated and maximally expressed at distinct phases d
21 clusters of genes that are transcriptionally coregulated and therefore likely to have interacting rol
22  components are frequently transcriptionally coregulated, and (3) physical clustering of nonhomologou
23 entify groups of transcripts that are likely coregulated, as demonstrated in a study of diabetes in m
24 target EXPANSIN3 are repressed by DELLA, and coregulated at single-cell resolution during seed germin
25 ting that early steps in SL biosynthesis are coregulated at the transcriptional level.
26                            Hence, osteocytes coregulate bone and glucose homeostasis through a PPARga
27                         We find that CLUH is coregulated both with genes encoding mitochondrial prote
28        These findings identify a second gene coregulated by 16E6 and NFX1-123 and the protein motifs
29  and could suppress Cat8 dependence at genes coregulated by Adr1 and Cat8.
30 Gene modulation revealed these effects to be coregulated by AGER1 and SIRT1.
31        We found that a large set of genes is coregulated by all EFNAs.
32 at AMP and barrier lipid production could be coregulated by altered permeability barrier requirements
33 ion and meiotic initiation, were known to be coregulated by an extrinsic signal, retinoic acid (RA).
34 enhances expression of critical target genes coregulated by androgen receptor and MYC.
35 haracterized locus, Rv1813c-Rv1812c, that is coregulated by both MprA and DosR.
36               Odz4 and mir-708 expression is coregulated by CHOP, and the two transcripts are coexpre
37                                     At genes coregulated by CTCF and TFII-I, we find knockdown of TFI
38                            We chose 44 genes coregulated by DNMT3B and PRC1/PRC2 to test whether thes
39 assemble into heterologous complexes and are coregulated by DYRK1A phosphorylation in binding to amph
40 ysis revealed that transcription of bfrH was coregulated by ecfI, ecfR, and fur1, one of two fur homo
41         Although most CRP family members are coregulated by effector molecules, the activity of FixK2
42 S, and yjhBC operons in Escherichia coli are coregulated by environmental N-acetylneuraminic acid, th
43 eq analysis identified target genes that are coregulated by EpICD and its transcription partner, LEF-
44       The expression levels hpf and hflX are coregulated by general stress and stringent responses in
45         Muskelin subcellular localization is coregulated by its C terminus, which provides a cytoplas
46 ssion and identified a large cohort of genes coregulated by Ldb1 complexes and Klf1.
47 hat many important Isl1-activated genes were coregulated by Ldb1, including MafA, Arx, insulin, and G
48           We discovered that many genes were coregulated by lsrK and lsrR but in a distinctly differe
49        Identification and knockdown of genes coregulated by Myc and MondoA have allowed us to define
50 s effects on IFN-gamma promoter activity are coregulated by NF-kappaB.
51 onfirmed that shedding mediated by ADAM17 is coregulated by O-glycosylation controlled by the GalNAc-
52 t least 12 of these proteins are potentially coregulated by O-glycosylation.
53 pH was only observed when adiA and adiC were coregulated by rhamnose and depended on the presence of
54 d uncovered novel gene targets and functions coregulated by Sap-1 and Net.
55 mals, possibly because tandem duplicates are coregulated by shared genomic elements.
56       Thus, IFN-induced miR-21 expression is coregulated by STAT3 and NF-kappaB at the level of the m
57 ecretions, or "public goods," are frequently coregulated by stress and starvation responses.
58 s predicted to encode lipoproteins and those coregulated by temperature were overrepresented among bo
59  suite of multi-domain CAZy enzymes that are coregulated by the CebR transcriptional regulator.
60  of germline-expressed genes that are likely coregulated by the E2F transcription factor.
61                          These two MAPKs are coregulated by the E3 ubiquitin ligase RPM-1(Phr1) via t
62 '-UTR region of an unknown host gene and was coregulated by the host promoter.
63                         Exoprotein genes are coregulated by the quorum-sensing signal, N-acyl homoser
64 1 and possibly other NR subunits and COX are coregulated by the same transcription factor, nuclear re
65 s revealed that fumagillin and pseurotin are coregulated by the supercluster-embedded regulatory gene
66 ion is the Hippo signaling cascade, which is coregulated by the transcription factors Yes-associated
67 ion of E2F3 target genes are synergistically coregulated by these aberrant ETS proteins.
68 ene profile, to identify genes that might be coregulated by these cytokines and determine how synergi
69                Moreover, STAT3 and C/EBPbeta coregulate c-Myc through interactions with the c-myc pro
70 -Phe154 epitopes control E. coli invasion by coregulating CD55-MT complex expression.
71 a suggest may be attributable to genetically coregulated changes in fruit morphology or the impact of
72             Many of these transcripts form a coregulated cluster in a broader analysis of T-cell diff
73 tions could be assigned to transcriptionally coregulated clusters of nutrient-responsive genes in the
74  analysis of Treg signature genes identified coregulated clusters that respond similarly to genetic a
75 f other hormonal and light pathways but also coregulates common target genes with light-signaling tra
76        This framework identified 72 putative coregulated complexes in yeast and allowed the predictio
77 k to a cross-species setting, identifying 24 coregulated complexes that were conserved between yeast
78 ta splicing and provided a possible means to coregulate COX1 and COX3 expression.
79 r in distinct CRMs, or in different parts of coregulated CRMs.
80 with the phytochrome photosensory pathway to coregulate directly the activity of the PIF transcriptio
81 sms by which oncogenes and tumor suppressors coregulate downstream targets and pathways remain largel
82 at the likelihood that genes in a domain are coregulated during differentiation is also maximized at
83 wever, the contribution of virulence factors coregulated during the yeast-to-hypha transition is unkn
84 me in which both the HdrRM and BrsRM systems coregulate each other and ultimately determine whether b
85           Although Twist1 and Twist2 did not coregulate each other's expression, they cooperated to e
86 erase and sigma(K)-associated RNA polymerase coregulate each other's expression.
87 ion are possible, including the formation of coregulating EBP transcriptional complexes.
88 de GalNAc-transferase (GalNAc-T) isoforms to coregulate ectodomain shedding mediated by the A Disinte
89  wide repertoire of HOX cofactors, which may coregulate enhancers through distinct mechanisms.
90 red that Ciz1 protein, a DNA-binding factor, coregulates ER by enhancing ER transactivation activity
91 itation studies demonstrated that PGC-1alpha coregulates estrogen-related receptors to activate the t
92 ven that many tandem gene pairs in yeast are coregulated even though context-specific UAS sequences a
93               Importantly, a number of these coregulated events are aberrantly spliced in mouse model
94 ing DNA binding proteins, Cra and KdpE, that coregulate expression of the locus of enterocyte effacem
95  is required for metabolic engineering, i.e. coregulated expression of all genes in a metabolic pathw
96 ture CD56(bright)CD16(+) NK cells displaying coregulated expression of NCR and NKG2D activating recep
97                                              Coregulated expression of WRKY transcription factors and
98                            In zebrafish, Fgf coregulates expression of Gsc and Ngn1 in partially over
99                    We conclude that IGF1 may coregulate female sexual maturation and longevity; wild-
100  nonmotile ciliary signaling roles of parkin coregulated gene (PACRG), a protein linked to ciliary mo
101                                              Coregulated gene clusters are the hallmark of fungal sec
102                         PAP was tested using coregulated gene clusters collected from the literature.
103                               The pattern of coregulated gene expression facilitated discovery of the
104                                    Moreover, coregulated gene loci have been shown to relocate to the
105 were identified in promoter regions of these coregulated gene sets.
106          S100P silencing markedly diminished coregulated gene transcripts and reversed aggressive tum
107               Now, we report on a homologous coregulated gene, allergen 2 (ALL2).
108           We previously characterized 10 acr-coregulated genes (ACGs), all of which belong to the Dev
109   Geronemo automatically constructs a set of coregulated genes (modules), whose regulation can involv
110 besides ytxAB and prompted us to investigate coregulated genes and gene products by using transcripti
111 epistatic interactions between nine of these coregulated genes and the transposon-disrupted Sema-5c g
112                                  Analyses of coregulated genes and transcriptomic data from TFs mutan
113 d, highlighting the existence of clusters of coregulated genes as a key feature of global gene regula
114 veral transcription factor modules and known coregulated genes as differentially expressed, implicati
115                    Furthermore, we find that coregulated genes cluster nonrandomly in spatial interac
116 overexpression of a subset of Myc and MondoA coregulated genes correlates with poor outcome of patien
117 known marker genes and the expression of the coregulated genes could be confirmed in human ischemic c
118 ised interest in the nuclear associations of coregulated genes from different chromosomes, often evok
119 ady state with distinct dynamics, to express coregulated genes in a given order, and to activate a re
120 mutual information (MI) to build networks of coregulated genes in both treated and untreated individu
121 aled considerable overlap among ensembles of coregulated genes in the different mutants, but also dis
122  categories: (1) a relatively small group of coregulated genes including previously described targets
123 lants permitted identification of a suite of coregulated genes involved in synthesis and further meta
124  presence of VDR ligands, VDR binding to the coregulated genes reduces SMAD3 occupancy at these sites
125 upport the hypothesis that transcriptionally coregulated genes tend to colocalize, but strongly suppo
126 f the GMAS approach is to identify groups of coregulated genes that explain complex traits from a sys
127 the two subsets revealed several clusters of coregulated genes that suggest distinct functions for th
128 cluding triggering of type I interferons and coregulated genes via induction of TBK1, IRF3, nuclear f
129 le resource of 572 abiotic stress modules of coregulated genes with functional and regulatory informa
130 n activation and repression of the CtrA-SciP coregulated genes yielding filamentous cells and loss of
131 nding motif in the promoter sequences of the coregulated genes, point to WRKYs as the most prominent
132 topoiesis according to their distribution of coregulated genes, suggesting cell-specific nuclear orga
133  and protein half-life within some groups of coregulated genes, suggesting that cells coordinate thes
134 but does not extend to the Parkin and Parkin coregulated genes, which are affected in the qk allele.
135 regulation of IL-7Ralpha and a collection of coregulated genes.
136 erchromosomal interactions in the control of coregulated genes.
137 rtant differences in the expression of these coregulated genes.
138  and LacD.1 had antagonistic effects on most coregulated genes.
139               Using these motifs, we predict coregulated genes.
140  immune system but also of many, if not all, coregulated genes.
141 without involvement of the Parkin and Parkin coregulated genes.
142 12A2-dependent GABA depolarization and DISC1 coregulate hippocampal neuronal development, and 2 SNPs
143 e HMs, or the histone codes, are believed to coregulate important biological processes.
144                                Expression of coregulated imprinted genes, H19 and Igf2, is monoalleli
145 nalysis indicated that the homoeoalleles are coregulated in a complex manner.
146                           The interactome is coregulated in developing human neocortex.
147               Cytokines in semen were highly coregulated in HIV-negative men; however, this network w
148 ic excitation and intrinsic excitability are coregulated in individual neurons through CaMKIV signali
149 at activities of AE1 and the sodium pump are coregulated in kidney.
150             We also identified genes tightly coregulated in peripheral white blood cells and in lung
151  how a group of mRNAs can be translationally coregulated in response to changes in the cellular envir
152 s was performed to identify miRNAs that were coregulated in response to distinct exosome-generating c
153 ellular localization of both Mask and Yki is coregulated in response to various stimuli.
154  and indicated that leak and IMI are closely coregulated in the biological system to enable stable mo
155 gulatory circuits whereas other clusters are coregulated in Treg, but not Tconv, cells, suggesting Tr
156 nes with similar function and genes that are coregulated in vivo, thereby suggesting both the biologi
157 rally have opposing effects in cancer cells, coregulate induction of proinflammatory genes in primary
158 encoded pyrin domain-containing protein M013 coregulates inflammatory responses mediated by both the
159 ants and that these two proteins function to coregulate lipid metabolism and signaling, particularly
160 pping functions during mouse development and coregulate lymphocyte homeostasis and apoptosis in a non
161 nidase (GUSB), a member of a large family of coregulated lysosomal enzymes, as a key regulator of Lym
162 mic CAREs in a mutually dependent manner and coregulate many ISR genes.
163 gment (AIS) where they bind to ankyrin-G and coregulate membrane potential in central nervous system
164 es are shaped by horizontal gene transfer of coregulated metabolic pathways.
165 X transcription factors, suggesting roles in coregulating MGE gene expression.
166 twork-level analysis revealing a rewiring of coregulated modules of NK cell transcripts.
167  predicted to causally modulate the state of coregulated networks in response to peanut.
168 Through this analysis, we show a pan-cancer, coregulated oncogenic microRNA 'superfamily' consisting
169                  Surprisingly, FciA and FciB coregulate only three genes within the Synechococcus gen
170 egions of a user-specified group of possibly coregulated operons, using motif-finding tools.
171 brain alpha1AR activation is not measurable, coregulated peripheral alpha1AR activation could provide
172 nizing maps were used to identify modules of coregulated phosphorylation sites within the network.
173 g in darkness, may serve as a dark signal to coregulate photoreceptor coupling through modulation of
174      We conclude that adenosine and dopamine coregulate photoreceptor coupling through opposite actio
175 ificantly less cholera toxin and fewer toxin-coregulated pili than the wild type and was unable to co
176 e and did not require cholera toxin or toxin-coregulated pili.
177                                        Toxin-coregulated pilin A (TcpA) is the main structural subuni
178 ermore, the OMCC cap and a pilus tip protein coregulate pilus extension but are not required for chan
179 ust produce two virulence factors, the toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP) and cholera toxin (CT), whose ex
180 es produce the major virulence factors toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP) and cholera toxin (CT).
181 on of the two major virulence factors, toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP) and cholera toxin (CT).
182 e responsible for the synthesis of the toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP) and cholera toxin through the ac
183  relies on two main virulence factors--toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP) and cholera toxin--to cause the
184 rulence factors cholera toxin (CT) and toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP) are capable of pandemic spread o
185 d reductions in cholera toxin (CT) and toxin coregulated pilus (TCP) expression in a DeltatoxT V chol
186                   This GI contains the toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP) gene cluster that is necessary f
187 rulence factors cholera toxin (CT) and toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP) in O1 El Tor Vibrio cholerae str
188                                    The toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP) is one of the major virulence fa
189                                    The toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP), a type IV pilus required for V.
190 the genes encoding cholera toxin (CT), toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP), and other virulence genes.
191 addition to cholera toxin (CT) and the toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP), other cytotoxic proteins in Vib
192 holerae express cholera toxin (CT) and toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP), two main virulence factors requ
193 pathogenesis that requires the type IV toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP).
194 y Vibrio cholerae requires the type IV toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP).
195 virulence factors: cholera toxin and a toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP).
196 ion are the cholera toxin (CT) and the toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP).
197 ce expression of cholera toxin and the toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP).
198 CT) and the major colonization factor, toxin coregulated pilus (TCP).
199 al virulence factors for colonization (toxin-coregulated pilus [TCP]) and toxin production (cholera t
200 polysaccharide and lipopolysaccharide, toxin coregulated pilus A, sialidase, hemolysin A, flagellins
201 nce factors tcpA and ctx and prevented toxin-coregulated pilus and cholera toxin production.
202  virulence factors of Vibrio cholerae, toxin-coregulated pilus and cholera toxin, is initiated at the
203  infection of V. cholerae requires the toxin-coregulated pilus and the periplasmic protein TolA.
204 minates in cholera toxin secretion and toxin coregulated pilus expression.
205                                        Toxin-coregulated pilus is involved in formation of microcolon
206 hine we analyse is the Vibrio cholerae toxin-coregulated pilus machine (TCPM).
207 rkable increase in cholera toxin (CT), toxin coregulated pilus major subunit (TcpA), and HapA product
208 olerae strain that does not encode the toxin-coregulated pilus or cholera toxin but instead causes di
209 ce factors, cholera toxin (CT) and the toxin coregulated pilus, by inhibiting the virulence transcrip
210 hment is followed by expression of the toxin-coregulated pilus, microcolony formation, and cholera to
211 es, which encode cholera toxin and the toxin coregulated pilus, the Vibrio cholerae O1 virulence dete
212 nd B subunits of cholera toxin and the toxin-coregulated pilus, were identified in human stool.
213 f the genes encoding cholera toxin and toxin coregulated pilus, which are required for virulence by t
214 periplasmic TolA through retraction of toxin-coregulated pilus, which brings the phage through the ou
215 ich directly causes diarrhoea, and the toxin-coregulated pilus, which is required for intestinal colo
216 protease and repress cholera toxin and toxin coregulated pilus.
217 annose-sensitive hemagglutinin and the toxin-coregulated pilus.
218          Indeed, we find that Taf7l and Trf2 coregulate postmeiotic genes, but none of Taf4b-regulate
219 re common to Mmp20 and at least two of three coregulated predominantly tooth-specific genes that enco
220 NF-YA and limits the expression of NF-YA-E2F-coregulated proliferation-promoting genes, PANDA depleti
221         In silico analyses of the subsets of coregulated promoters have identified overrepresented pr
222     Our results indicate that NKX3.1 and MYC coregulate prostate tumorigenesis by converging on, and
223 ggest that the interplay of two secreted and coregulated proteases--GelE and SprE--is responsible for
224 inosa encodes three distinct T6SS haemolysin coregulated protein (Hcp) secretion islands (H1, H2, and
225                    We report that haemolysin coregulated protein (Hcp), a ring-shaped hexamer secrete
226 tion of the T6SS hallmark protein, hemolysin-coregulated protein (Hcp).
227 signal sequences but are linked to hemolysin-coregulated protein and valine-glycine repeat protein G
228 of its associated effectors, e.g., hemolysin-coregulated protein.
229 tion in B. burgdorferi will help to identify coregulated proteins that may cooperate to allow the org
230                                       3) The coregulated Puf4 target set in filamentous fungi expande
231  by drawing particular proteins into tighter coregulating relationships.
232                                    Even when coregulating shared targets, ATX1 and ATX2 may employ di
233 n alternative mechanism for how CagA and ROS coregulate SHP2 activation but may also explain their ro
234 As have functional targets beyond RUNX2 that coregulate skeletal development.
235 ols interferon-stimulated gene expression by coregulating STAT1 by phosphorylation at serine 727.
236 revealed that bexarotene has the capacity to coregulate subsets of Nurr1 target genes including the r
237 els of the signaling molecule cyclic-di-GMP, coregulate swarming motility and biofilm formation as P.
238 nd the guanine exchange factor protein Ric8a coregulates synapse number and probability of neurotrans
239 receded ETV1 binding and activation of other coregulated target genes in vivo.
240 uration, mirroring NFI temporal occupancy of coregulated target genes.
241 The exocyst, a eukaryotic tethering complex, coregulates targeted exocytosis as an effector of small
242 ptional regulatory network through a path of coregulated targets and miRNAs that share targets, sugge
243  itself followed by activation of downstream coregulated targets as ETV1 expression increases.
244 , H3K4Me2, and H3K36Me2 were enriched at the coregulated TEs in the met1 and hda6 met1 mutants.
245                     p53 has been reported to coregulate the induction of PANK1 and miR107.
246                We also find that SYT and CPX coregulate the kinetics and Ca(2+) co-operativity of neu
247 herefore provide a feed-forward mechanism to coregulate the levels of other ribosome components.
248 his manner, these so-called "mitotic" motors coregulate the microtubule patterns of axons and dendrit
249 y generate and remodel extracellular matrix, coregulate the vasculature, help maintain and restore th
250                                Mig1 and Mig2 coregulated the filamentous growth pathway in response t
251 volved in the same mechanism or pathway that coregulates the viral late genes as a group.
252  and MvaU bind the same chromosomal regions, coregulating the expression of approximately 350 target
253 ed stickleback fish (Gasterosteus aculeatus) coregulate their cortisol levels in shared environments.
254  do not function in isolation but rather are coregulated through transcriptional cross talk.
255 , in particular EBNA-2, which is presumed to coregulate transcription with EBNA-3C.
256 hat Nhp6A stabilizes chromatin structure and coregulates transcription.
257                                     Although coregulated transcriptional networks do not provide info
258 ipts in wild-derived inbred lines to predict coregulated transcriptional networks.
259 sed self-organizing maps to define groups of coregulated transcripts and applied regulatory element a
260 allows custom data mining, identification of coregulated transcripts and correlated phenotypes, cross
261 apped into their biologic context by testing coregulated transcripts for enriched pathways.
262 rotein CsrA and the tryptophan permease TnaB coregulate tryptophanase activity, through mutually excl
263 ment, and they suggest that ORF57 and K-bZIP coregulate viral gene expression during lytic infection.
264 rs (e.g., sigH and sigE) were differentially coregulated with a large number of genes depending on th
265                                     PRMT5 is coregulated with a set of 1,253 genes that shows alterat
266            The highly conserved acrZ gene is coregulated with acrAB through induction by the MarA, Ro
267                          TSAR1 and TSAR2 are coregulated with and transactivate the genes encoding 3-
268 merase chain reaction suggested that PSS1 is coregulated with ATG8a (At4g21980), a core gene in autop
269  lacking functional annotation, but that are coregulated with cellulolytic genes, suggests functions
270 estigated whether GNG12-AS1 is imprinted and coregulated with DIRAS3.
271                         Arabidopsis JMJD5 is coregulated with evening-phased clock components and pos
272 blasts, EMILIN-1 and -2 are deposited on and coregulated with fibrillin.
273      This allowed the identification of HUPs coregulated with genes associated with anaerobic metabol
274 iles shows that SIN1 and PCBP2 are generally coregulated with large numbers of genes implicated in bo
275 phagy and the unfolded protein response, are coregulated with neurotoxicity and actin cytoskeletal st
276  common precursors or from pathways that are coregulated with or regulate the carotenoid biosynthetic
277 opanoids is tightly linked to and putatively coregulated with other genes encoding proteins involved
278 includes Polycomb genes and additional genes coregulated with Polycomb genes was recently identified.
279  antioxidant chlorogenic acids were strongly coregulated with SA, while soluble sugars and other phen
280 herol-core pathway genes is trancriptionally coregulated with specific genes of the upstream pathways
281 ession of Hcp1 of T6SS-1 and TssM, a protein coregulated with T6SS-1.
282                                      Brf1 is coregulated with TBP through the JNK target, Elk-1.
283 llus sp. strain JDR-2 operates as a regulon, coregulated with the expression of xynA1, conferring the
284                                  Three genes coregulated with the Hrp T3SS system in P. syringae pv.
285 bacterium Bradyrhizobium japonicum as a gene coregulated with the inner membrane Mn(2+) transporter g
286 ly conserved and in Drosophila is temporally coregulated with the lin-4 homolog, miR-125.
287 in synthesis operon and its transcription is coregulated with the other biotin operon genes.
288 ynthetic operon and its transcription is not coregulated with the other biotin synthesis genes.
289 the npl4 mutant and transcription of GET3 is coregulated with the proteasome, illustrating a function
290                           AhR expression was coregulated with the transcription factor PU.1 during my
291 ble to identify large sets of genes that are coregulated with the transcription factors that regulate
292 ent, suggesting that global miRNA levels are coregulated with the translational capacity of the cell.
293 e components of the Vibrio cholerae PTS were coregulated with the vps genes, which are required for s
294                           FT1 expression was coregulated with transcripts involved in nutrient transp
295 us genes from yeast and A. thaliana that are coregulated with yeast rei1 or with A. thaliana REIL2, r
296  because it contained gene clusters that are coregulated with, but not transactivated by, Foxp3.
297 um frcB (bll3557) as a gene adjacent to, and coregulated with, the pyoR gene (blr3555) encoding the o
298  physically linked to, and transcriptionally coregulated with, the T6SS gene cluster.
299 alysis identified gene sets that were highly coregulated within modules.
300 expression of genes previously thought to be coregulated within the neural crest gene regulatory netw

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