


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 iation, and a specialized form of apoptosis (cornification).
2 sslinking enzymes essential for keratinocyte cornification.
3 sions of the oviduct; and persistent vaginal cornification.
4 g little or no sebum and undergoing abnormal cornification.
5 parently brought about by early keratinocyte cornification.
6 cts on infundibular keratinocytes to promote cornification.
7 ln/Lys-rich domains, and is likely to impair cornification.
8 cation (which decreases SP activity) blocked cornification after barrier disruption.
9 gmenting JNK activity could be used to delay cornification and enhance wound healing, whereas attenua
10 ed with execution of the genetic programs of cornification and epidermal barrier formation, to a full
11 ed by ARNT, which have critical roles in the cornification and epidermal barrier function of the skin
12 ogical analysis showed that all EFNAs induce cornification and keratin genes while suppressing wound
13 imination by shedding, keratinocyte death by cornification, and cell-cell cannibalism by entosis.
14 er, the pan-Casp inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK delayed cornification, and corneocytes were structurally aberran
15 ating calcium homeostasis, tissue integrity, cornification, and lipid biogenesis.
16  sensorineural hearing loss and disorders of cornification, and screening of several connexin genes w
17 ,15-EET epoxygenases in regulating epidermal cornification, and they have important implications for
18 t Cx26 hemichannels perturb normal epidermal cornification are poorly understood.
19 by two unrelated methods initiated a wave of cornification, assessed as TdT-mediated dUTP nick end-la
20                                 By contrast, cornification-associated DNA breakdown was not compromis
21 -mediated hydrolysis of phospholipids during cornification, contributes to stratum corneum acidificat
22                                              Cornification could only partially be rescued with the g
23  due in part to stimulation of apoptosis and cornification death.
24 eciphering of the molecular basis of various cornification disorders, less is currently known about t
25 perproliferation of the epidermis, disturbed cornification, fragile cornified envelope (CE, a skin ba
26           These studies provide insight into cornification, identifying transcriptional regulatory ci
27 rders characterized by erythema and abnormal cornification, including erythrodermic psoriasis, atopic
28  target of Blimp-1 repression indicates that cornification involves suppression of normal osmotic reg
29                                              Cornification is the final differentiative step for epid
30 al differentiation in vivo: transcription of cornification markers, inhibition of motility, withdrawa
31 ulated by NF-kappa B, except, curiously, the cornification markers.
32                                          The cornification of keratinocytes on the surface of skin an
33  the breakdown and degradation of DNA during cornification of lingual keratinocytes and aberrant DNA
34 tial therapeutic implications for preventing cornification of the corneal epithelium in response to t
35 y skin disorder characterized by an aberrant cornification of the epidermis.
36 T formation (p = 0.002) and spontaneous cell cornification (p < or = 0.001).
37 ition to blistering and a severe disorder of cornification, patients typically display an abnormality
38 etic variations in genes of relevance to the cornification process.
39          Cytokines and apoptosis-related and cornification proteins belong to the "early" NF-kappa B-
40 g an alternative route of cell death, namely cornification rather than apoptosis.
41 that inhibit JNK production downregulate the cornification response of PCHCE cells to osmotic stress.
42                                      Because cornification was blocked by occlusion, corneocytes form
43                                   Similarly, cornification was delayed in PAR2(-/-) mice.
44 ase inhibitor z-VAD, suggesting that reduced cornification was not entirely because of premature apop
45 f a complex differentiation process known as cornification, which culminates with the formation of th
46 roup of rare autosomal dominant disorders of cornification with overlapping features including hyperk

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