


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  connected to those of 'efference copy' and 'corollary discharge'.
2 vements and to monitoring one's own actions (corollary discharge).
3 nd, therefore, their presumed recruitment of corollary discharge.
4 pamine hyperfunction; and fifth, deficits in corollary discharge.
5 ereby effectively serving as a call-duration corollary discharge.
6  negative but generally biphasic, widespread corollary discharge.
7  suppression is generally assumed to involve corollary discharges.
8 niquely among self-generated movements, lack corollary discharge [23].
9    The sense of movement was equated with a 'corollary discharge', a nulling mechanism originally pos
10 tudying the neurophysiological action of the corollary discharge, a mechanism that allows animals to
11  frequent quick, or saccadic, eye movements: corollary discharge about each saccade would permit the
12                                              Corollary discharge and efference copy may also play a r
13 esis that these two components-a pathway for corollary discharge and neurons with shifting receptive
14 experiments establish the first link between corollary discharge and visual processing, delineate a b
15 missing link has been the connection between corollary discharge and visual processing.
16 , we hypothesized that the gating actions of corollary discharge are absent during twitching.
17                   Neurons carrying the vocal corollary discharge are specifically adapted for the tra
18                                    To do so, corollary discharges are conveyed to sensory areas and g
19 ause of HVC(INT)-HVC(RA) interactions, and a corollary discharge can be detected in the basal ganglia
20             The properties of the oculomotor corollary discharge can be probed by asking subjects to
21 th associative synaptic plasticity acting on corollary discharge can solve the complex and ubiquitous
22 iving the eye movement, now referred to as a corollary discharge (CD) or efference copy.
23                      These signals, known as corollary discharge (CD), enable compensation for sensor
24                               Disruptions in corollary discharge (CD), motor signals sent to sensory
25                               Disruptions in corollary discharge (CD), motor signals that send inform
26  signals related to motor commands, known as corollary discharge (CD), sensory feedback, or some comb
27 vey a copy of each motor command, known as a corollary discharge (CD), to brain regions that use sens
28                                       Such a corollary discharge circuit for eye movements has been i
29 ertebrates, like some insects, have a robust corollary discharge conveying call duration.
30 receptive fields-form a circuit in which the corollary discharge drives the shift.
31 ntials were used to test whether failures of corollary discharge during speech contribute to the path
32 patients with schizophrenia may be a sign of corollary discharge dysfunction, which may potentially c
33 he period of inhibition lead to increases in corollary discharge-evoked excitation.
34 ckade of inhibition, we provide evidence for corollary discharge-evoked inhibition that exerts potent
35  occurrence of B spikes causes depression of corollary discharge-evoked synaptic responses and a redu
36                                              Corollary discharge facilitates the selective gating of
37 ormed in a monitoring center on the basis of corollary discharge from an intention center, is violate
38 ous system and are therefore the result of a corollary discharge from the singing motor network.
39 hey were the result of a centrally generated corollary discharge from the stridulatory motor network.
40 r spatial visual processing is impaired when corollary discharge from the thalamus is interrupted.
41 Here we show that such a link is formed by a corollary discharge from the thalamus that targets the f
42 he convergent basilar pontine pathways carry corollary discharges from upper body motor cortical area
43 ptic and circuit basis for the motor-related corollary discharge hypothesized to facilitate hearing a
44 wn reduced motor output and probably reduced corollary discharges, implies that the sensorimotor appa
45 lum, satisfying predictions about the use of corollary discharge in cerebellar computations, we studi
46 bility, and provide a framework for studying corollary discharge in other sensory systems.
47 match of sensory (proprioceptive) and motor (corollary discharge) information.
48 matched with, and functionally dependent on, corollary discharge input from the thalamus.
49                                              Corollary discharge is essential to an animal's ability
50                 The successful action of the corollary discharge is seen when the response of the aud
51 eptive-vestibular interactions, coupled with corollary discharge of a motor plan, allow the brain to
52       Speaking is hypothesized to generate a corollary discharge of motor speech commands transmitted
53 , neurons in the mediodorsal nucleus relay a corollary discharge of saccades from the midbrain superi
54       This updating is presumably based on a corollary discharge of the eye movement command.
55                                     Both the corollary discharge of the oculomotor command and eye mu
56 vement is by monitoring an internal copy, or corollary discharge, of motor commands.
57 cal distinction, animals generate copies, or corollary discharges, of motor commands [4, 5].
58  way to do that is to monitor correlates, or corollary discharges, of neuronal movement commands.
59 ds, suggests that the striatum may integrate corollary discharge or confirmatory response signals dur
60 ed by the cerebellum are hypothesized to use corollary discharge, or copies of outgoing commands, to
61 rlying synaptic activity of a neuronal vocal corollary discharge pathway in the hindbrain of a highly
62 n the electromotor system, two nuclei in the corollary discharge pathway showed labeling: in the para
63 that constitute an experimentally accessible corollary discharge pathway within the cerebellum.
64              MCA is part of the electromotor corollary discharge pathway, and its projection to VP su
65 N and receives input from the electric organ corollary discharge pathway.
66 indings suggest that linking vocal motor and corollary discharge pathways with pattern generating, ca
67 known spatial and temporal properties of the corollary discharge predict the dynamic changes in spati
68                        We conclude that this corollary discharge provides a critical signal that can
69                            Inhibition by the corollary discharge reduces the neural response to self-
70 tions have been suggested to occur through a corollary discharge sent from the motor system, although
71  signals related to motor commands, known as corollary discharge, serve to generate such predictions,
72                      In humans, an important corollary discharge signal is generated by oculomotor st
73  of errors could be modeled as an overdamped corollary discharge signal that encodes instantaneous ey
74 entations and elucidate the contributions of corollary discharge signals and eye proprioception.
75                                              Corollary discharge signals are found in the nervous sys
76 lectrosensory input are strongly affected by corollary discharge signals associated with the motor co
77 fects to assess the potential dysfunction of corollary discharge signals in people with schizophrenia
78 ally originating predictive signals, such as corollary discharge signals linked to motor commands, re
79 sh's own movements based on ascending spinal corollary discharge signals.
80 from brainstem to frontal cortex might carry corollary discharge signals.
81 n of the primate Macaca mulatta that conveys corollary discharge signals.
82 ve and expressive speech, with frontal lobe 'corollary discharges' suppressing low-level receptive co
83 nication, although direct demonstration of a corollary discharge that both conveys a vocal motor sign
84 ide direct neurophysiological evidence for a corollary discharge that dampens sensory responses to se
85              Spreading waves are produced by corollary discharges that render planned and visually re
86 ability invokes a signal within the brain, a corollary discharge, that informs visual regions of the
87                       Identifying sources of corollary discharge, therefore, is critical for testing
88        In the frontal eye field, neurons use corollary discharge to shift their visual receptive fiel
89 ited superior colliculus activity, deficient corollary discharges to the frontal eye fields, dysfunct
90 in medium and large ganglion cells after the corollary discharge was paired with depolarizing, intrac
91                         Responses to the EOD corollary discharge were different in the three cell typ
92                               Therefore, the corollary discharge will reduce desensitization by suppr
93 ential eye movements consistent with loss of corollary discharge without affecting single eye movemen

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