


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 , few VNNE cells are OMP reactive as view in coronal sections.
2 udal axis (1.4-4.2 mm anterior to bregma) in coronal sections.
3 grained grid mapping procedure on successive coronal sections.
4 ges from MALDI-TOF IMS datasets of rat brain coronal sections.
5 sured on hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained coronal sections.
6 types appeared different in 30-microns thick coronal sections.
7                                              Coronal sections (40-100 microm) through the LC were exa
8        The MPOA was micropunched from frozen coronal sections (500 microm), and concentrations of DA
9 nization imaging MS data sets of a rat brain coronal section and human larynx carcinoma and discussed
10            HRP-labeled cells were counted in coronal sections, and data from four animals with diverg
11 scent tracer, and subsequently immunoreacted coronal sections for ZII.
12 ngth (240 microm) of olfactory epithelium in coronal sections from six different anterior-posterior l
13 ges of metal distribution with corresponding coronal sections from the Allen Mouse Brain Reference At
14 ppa1- and total kappa-receptors, in adjacent coronal sections in fore- and midbrain and in sagittal s
15 nstrated by blunted STAT3 phosphorylation in coronal sections in response to an intracerebral ventric
16 -silver and peroxidase detection approach in coronal sections in the dorsolateral segment of the stri
17 allosum (mid-sagittal) and amygdala (largest coronal section) in MRI images from juvenile to adult ma
18 riform and parietal cortices, as observed in coronal sections located 3 mm rostrally from the center
19  Using standard autoradiographic techniques, coronal sections obtained from 12-week-old SHR and WKY w
20   The pubococcygeal muscles were analyzed on coronal sections obtained through the middle part of the
21    The puborectalis muscles were analyzed on coronal sections obtained through the perineal body.
22   The iliococcygeal muscles were analyzed on coronal sections obtained through the rectum.
23 even anatomical regions of an MSI image of a coronal section of mouse brain were modeled.
24 3) was determined by analysis of TTC-stained coronal section of the brain.
25                                              Coronal sectioning of e13.5 and e14.5 heads revealed tha
26 unostained and hematoxylin-and-eosin-stained coronal sections of decalcified heads.
27 was used to detect serotonin within axons of coronal sections of formaldehyde fixed forebrain from P.
28        These experiments were carried out on coronal sections of postmortem brains from Alzheimer's d
29  molecular and cellular events using serial, coronal sections of right and left ventricles.
30                              By using frozen coronal sections of serially sectioned brains of normal
31                                              Coronal sections of the brains were lyophilized, pieces
32                              In sagittal and coronal sections of the central nervous system, immunost
33                                              Coronal sections of the hamster hypothalamus inclusive o
34                 H&E histological analysis of coronal sections of tissue was performed and compared wi
35 n for 5-HT(7) receptor mRNA was performed on coronal sections prepared from the brains of young, midd
36  old cohort, immunohistochemical analysis of coronal sections reveals that plaque burdens were reduce
37                               When viewed in coronal section, some neurons had a radial dendritic tre
38 amined its anatomical organization in serial coronal sections stained alternately with Nissl and Gall
39 he subiculum in computer images of 10-micron coronal sections stained with cresyl violet.
40           Vessel perimeters were measured on coronal sections stained with endothelial cell-specific
41                               In consecutive coronal sections the density of [3H]cytisine binding sit
42                               In consecutive coronal sections, the density of [3H]cytisine binding si
43                                           In coronal sections, the different retrogradly labeled habe
44       The amygdaloid complex was outlined on coronal sections then partitioned into five reliably def
45 take throughout the layer at fixed angles in coronal sections through the bulb.
46  x Brown Norway male rats were perfused, and coronal sections through the dorsal hippocampus were imm
47                                              Coronal sections through the dorsal hippocampus were pro
48                         Serial Nissl-stained coronal sections through the medial preoptic area and an
49                          Light microscopy of coronal sections through the NTS at the level of the are
50 ve plexus in the IC were determined for five coronal sections through the right and left IC.
51 n underestimation of dual labeling in single coronal sections through unmyelinated axons and terminal
52  profile within the cytoplasm, on all serial coronal sections under a confocal microscope, a total of
53 ssessment of dopamine neurons stained in the coronal sections used in these studies confirmed that th
54  identified, in every fifth 20-microns-thick coronal section, using an antibody against tyrosine hydr
55                        In the same series of coronal sections, we then determined the total volume of
56                                              Coronal sections were analyzed utilizing in situ hybridi
57                                     Adjacent coronal sections were cut from the brains of +/+, +/- an
58 rats were perfused, brains were removed, and coronal sections were cut through the midbrain raphe nuc
59                                       Serial coronal sections were prepared from a rostrocaudal direc
60                          In addition, frozen coronal sections were processed for comparative quantita

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