


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                   Apart from correlation of SF3B1(mut) with 11q deletion (P = .029),
2          We analyzed cross-sectional partial correlations of 1316 metabolites with 4 diet quality ind
3                                          The correlation of histologic results with (68)Ga-PSMA PET i
4 s presented in our study, allow for a better correlation of clinical signs with a known genotype and
5 e to tumor hypoxia is further illustrated by correlation of its expression with a hypoxic signature i
6 l, and a solid carbon SECM electrode enabled correlation of surface activity with accurate topographi
7                                          The correlations of model predictions with actual expression
8 These data on resynthesized B. napus and the correlation of fertility with additive karyotypes cast l
9  a biomarker for YAP1 activation and explain correlations of RASSF1 methylation with advanced invasiv
10 correlation analysis was used to examine the correlation of ADC values with age and memory test score
11 h association studies have unveiled numerous correlations of biochemical markers with age and age-rel
12 showing distinct frequencies of seizures and correlations of repeat length with age at onset.
13 cer while maintaining clinically proven poor correlation of tumor size with aggressive phenotype in T
14 GBCr) values were computed as the average of correlations of each voxel with all other gray matter vo
15    Weak, but highly significant (P < 0.001), correlations of rLTL with ALM (r = 0.248), ALMBMI (r = 0
16 antages include improved sensitivity; direct correlation of PET signal with an established biomarker
17 an, 7,500 CTCs) per patient and identified a correlation of CTC numbers with anatomic disease spread.
18                                              Correlations of motor signs with anatomic MRI (aMRI) mea
19                                 There was no correlation of baseline HbA1c with any visual or anatomi
20                  However, there is almost no correlation of rate constants with any of these measured
21 ngle-cycle HCV growth assay to determine the correlation of HCV assembly with apoB and apoE expressio
22 e are supportive of this notion, because the correlation of entropy change with apolar surface burial
23                                  The precise correlation of metal dissolution with applied potential/
24                                          The correlation of PD with ASVD outcomes and surrogate marke
25 ecadal quasi-periodic dynamics, and stronger correlations of ice seasonality with atmospheric CO2 con
26                                          The correlation of IP with Barrett's esophagus hints to a pa
27                  There were modest, positive correlations of cortisol with baseline symptom severity,
28  important in neuroscience because it allows correlation of neurotransmission with behavior, disease
29 ourses of cortical oscillatory power and the correlations of oscillatory power with behavior between
30 dinal tracking of spine density that enabled correlation of synaptic changes with behavioral outcomes
31                                 Although the correlations of age with behavioral performance on the S
32  tumors before and after PET imaging enables correlation of functional efficacy with biodistribution
33  localized bladder cancer, which allowed for correlation of drug administration with biomarkers in bo
34 co-expression analysis identified an inverse correlation of DRD2 expression with both miR-326 and miR
35 ons differ in that marsupials lack a partial correlation of BMR with brain size.
36 uantify the EMT spectrum, to investigate the correlation of EMT score with cancer treatment response
37 mechanism, via invadopodia, for the reported correlation of tissue density with cancer aggressiveness
38     These recent discoveries, in addition to correlations of L1 expression with cancer progression, p
39    The aim of this study is to determine the correlation of HFRS incidence with capture rate and hant
40 undergoing ICA (n = 621), there was a strong correlation of ICA with CCTA findings (OR: 9.09, 95% CI:
41 e SNP, CHRNA5*rs16969968) would moderate the correlation of personality with CD, ND and cocaine-induc
42                                              Correlation of these regions with cell-type-specific gen
43 ncy table analysis was used to determine the correlation of punctate spots with cells removed by the
44             These properties and an intimate correlation of hRes expression with cellular stress prom
45                            Additionally, the correlations of symptom severity with cerebellar morphol
46 ercentage and postinfarct LVEF, and positive correlation of CD34 percentage with change in LVEF after
47                          We investigated the correlation of cytokine responses with changes in CD4 T-
48                                              Correlations of RWGS reactivity with changes in FTIR spe
49                               We studied the correlation of COA with chemical tracers at a rural site
50              We could not observe systematic correlation of data quality with chemical similarity or
51                                Computational correlation of experimental values with chemical models
52                                A significant correlation of HAAs with chemical oxygen demand and THMs
53                                              Correlations of BPD with chorioamnionitis are clouded by
54 thelial injury, despite the close histologic correlation of each with CKD.
55                                   The direct correlation of rC with climate was significantly weakene
56                                              Correlation of BG with clinical outcome was assessed in
57                                              Correlation of coreceptor use with clinical, viral and e
58 metastatic disease setting, which allows for correlation of drug administration with clinical outcome
59                We therefore investigated the correlation of FOXA1 expression with clinical parameters
60                                    Voxelwise correlation of GM change with clinical outcome measures
61                                              Correlation of miRNA ratios with clinical characteristic
62 atients were observed for 7 to 25 months for correlation of molecular information with clinical respo
63 ntitis patients, and we also observed strong correlation of this bacterium with clinical parameters,
64 e now report full pharmacokinetic (PK) data, correlations of PK with clinical outcomes, and final res
65 fter a given mean open time, but we found no correlation of termination time with cluster size indepe
66 this variation was assessed by examining the correlation of clinical outcomes with CNV load.
67 atal and extrastriatal brain regions and the correlations of these displacements with cognition and s
68                                          The correlation of carotenoid changes with colour degradatio
69 erceived air quality have been attributed to correlation of indoor CO2 with concentrations of other i
70                                      The low correlation of C0 with CsA AUC could be responsible for
71 n enables the simultaneous visualization and correlation of membrane morphology with cytoskeletal act
72                              There is a good correlation of log(k) with DeltaG degrees , with only on
73 he CAP256-VRC26 antibodies showed an inverse correlation of neutralization potency with dependence on
74                                              Correlations of neuron number with deviation in brain we
75                                              Correlation of imaging abnormalities with disease sympto
76 neoplastic and adjacent tissues and (c) seek correlation of methylation patterns with disease status.
77 e in patients with various risks, and in the correlation of microbiome changes with disease exacerbat
78                                          The correlation of XIAP expression with disease stage, as we
79 apoptosis protein (XIAP) in melanoma through correlation of XIAP expression with disease stage, RAS/R
80                                  We examined correlations of HRQoL with disease, treatment, and cogni
81    Correlation analyses revealed significant correlations of miR-133a with disease severity, classica
82                                          The correlation of MICs with disk diffusion zone diameters w
83                         By investigating the correlation of breakpoints with DNA methylation, Hi-C in
84  with known biology and find a novel spatial correlation of CAGE clusters with donor splice sites and
85                                 The positive correlation of inflammation with duration of infection a
86 s provided temporal resolution necessary for correlation of network modules with dynamic changes in s
87  of this suppression and, in particular, the correlation of this suppression with dynamic disorder.
88                                              Correlation of spindle architecture with dynamical behav
89 evaluated by using kappa statistics, and the correlation of pathologic results with each of the two s
90 analytic methodologies as well as the strong correlations of the subfractions with each other and wit
91 uptake value from 65 to 75 min), whereas the correlation of K with early uptake was weak.
92                                              Correlation of neovascularization with echogenicity, deg
93                  Significant inverse genetic correlation of ASB with educational attainment (r = -0.5
94                                     The poor correlation of dune orientation with effective sand-tran
95 ates (R = 0.33, P = .003) but no significant correlation of inpatient surveillance with either postdi
96 s direct evidence for the rationality of the correlation of packing factors with electron transport i
97                                 Although the correlation of this activity with EMGs of proximal arm m
98 niline from 3-bromonitrobenzene, and inverse correlation of log kobs with energy of the lowest unoccu
99                         To test the possible correlation of selective constraint with enhancer activi
100                                              Correlation of silencing efficiency with expression leve
101                                              Correlation of T with FACT-P showed significant reductio
102  preparatory activation in the VLPFC and the correlations of error rate with FEF, DLPFC, and VLPFC ac
103        Although biallelic CNPs show a strong correlation of copy number with flanking SNP genotypes,
104 O (e.g., 1a) and N...H-O bonding (e.g., 1b), correlation of NMR with fluorescence data reveals that t
105                                              Correlation of origins with functional elements of the g
106 on with gene expression, 54% with an inverse correlation of DNA methylation with gene expression and
107                                              Correlation of motif occurrences with gene expression in
108                                              Correlation of motif parameters with gene-normalized exo
109                                          The correlation of phenotypic outcomes with genetic variatio
110 oid action can be identified through spatial correlation of steroid receptors with genome-wide mRNA e
111            Moreover, we observed significant correlations of BRCA score with genome instability and n
112 near regression was performed to analyze the correlation of dose with gestational age and anatomic me
113                         There was a stronger correlation of Gleason pattern with gland component volu
114 HO grade I-IV tumors) revealed a significant correlation of NRP1 expression with glioma progression.
115                     There was no significant correlation of PCSK9 staining with grade of tumor, but t
116                                There were no correlations of R2* with grade.
117 mmonly used in loess deposits preclude exact correlations of paleosol horizons with Greenland interst
118 e observed similar expression-clinical trait correlations of genes associated with GWAS loci in both
119                                          The correlation of healthy states with heart rate variabilit
120        Analysis of cleavage products and the correlation of affinities with helix destabilization sug
121 ivation and systemic alpha4beta7 expression; correlation of the latter with highly HIV-susceptible CD
122 ed for multiple analyses, especially for the correlation of proteomics data with histology and immuno
123                                          The correlation of null alleles with human phenotypes can pr
124 ely, uncharged FAA exhibited strong positive correlation of AA with hydrophobicity whereas charged FA
125                                    Nonlinear correlation of excretion rates with hydrophobicity indic
126 fically, we find for fumed silica a positive correlation of toxicity with hydroxyl concentration and
127  solution-state conformational ensemble, and correlation of that with ideal secondary structures and
128 ain a lack of correlation or even an inverse correlation of treatment response with IFNL4 genotype in
129 -negative children with AD, and there was no correlation of BDNF with IL-31 and Th2 cytokines includi
130  showed a statistically significant positive correlation of chemerin with IL-6, glycated hemoglobin,
131  evaluate in vivo contact force (CF) and the correlation of CF with impedance during left atrial 3-di
132   Although little is known about CNKSR3, the correlation of protein expression with increased surviva
133                                          The correlation of these genes with integrin alpha6beta4 was
134                               We studied the correlation of genetic polymorphisms with interindividua
135 od for assignment of resonances based on the correlation of resonance intensities with isotope ratios
136 tients who had advanced EA, we evaluated the correlation of miR-196a with its in silico-predicted tar
137  individuals with PPCD and controls; and the correlation of ZEB1 mutation with keratometric value.
138 ls were prioritized for mutation analysis by correlation of their expression with known cartilage-sel
139                                          The correlations of richness with latitude and temperature w
140 silencing in cis, we did not find consistent correlation of silencing with level of expression or evi
141 e in sensitivity in PDAC, and showed a close correlation of sensitivity with levels of tyrosine-phosp
142 ls and revealed a strong, nonlinear, inverse correlation of cell growth with lipid droplet accumulati
143 ersial findings of a 2006 study suggesting a correlation of mortality with lower intraoperative bispe
144 se activity among patients and a significant correlation of shorter telomeres with lower 25-hydroxyvi
145  of lung adenocarcinoma proved a significant correlation of LSD1 overexpression with lung adenocarcin
146                     A critical factor is the correlation of clinical symptoms with magnetic resonance
147  This strategy has been used to evaluate the correlation of ST activity with malignancy and cell surf
148                                              Correlation of LGE with maximal intimal thickness using
149 available regarding the detail processes and correlation of cavitation with membrane disruption at th
150                                These involve correlation of oscillatory properties with memory states
151    The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation of IA with metabolic parameters and its effe
152                           Exploration of the correlations of these metabolites with microbial counts
153 nes of miR-9 exhibited a significant inverse correlation of expression with miR-9 in a series of leuk
154                                              Correlation of observed reflectance with modeled tempera
155       Mediator model analysis found a strong correlation of Drosophila survival with molecular type a
156 , these data provide direct insight into the correlation of molecular design with molecular magnetic
157 ues were still on the order of 10 s, and the correlation of T(1) with molecular weight was not exact
158                Finally, the registration and correlation of IMS with MRI is presented.
159                                      Partial correlation of TV with mRS controlling for ICH volume yi
160 uld not be mitigated because of the positive correlation of lipophilicity with Mtb potency.
161 TWP in winter 2014, we find strong, positive correlations of O3 with multiple biomass burning tracers
162                                   The direct correlation of testosterone levels with muscle strength
163 lin-Fbxw7 axis and provide insights into the correlation of CSN6 overexpression with Myc stabilizatio
164                                              Correlation of response with neck dissection pathology i
165                                  The inverse correlation of Abeta levels with NgR levels within the b
166  odd oxygen in many locations, but the lower correlation of anthropogenic oligomers with odd oxygen i
167                                   However, a correlation of OES number with OES size (P = 0.01) and m
168 ell types in human, including human-specific correlation of presenilin-1 with oligodendrocyte markers
169             By comparing pairwise expression correlations of all genes with one another in wild-type
170 ignals from large swathes of tissue and easy correlation of activity with other structural or functio
171 tistically grounded tool for determining the correlation of genomewide data with other datasets or kn
172                                              Correlation of these findings with other quantitative ap
173                              We examined the correlation of APOBEC expression with overall survival (
174                        In addition, a strong correlation of H(L) with overall formal symmetry is conf
175  they acquired HIV and assessed the temporal correlation of these changes with overall CD4(+) T lymph
176 xpression of DeltaNp63; however, there is no correlation of DeltaNp63 expression with p53 mutation st
177                                          The correlation of Ptf1a dosage with pancreatic phenotype in
178 nservation in all parasite strains, and good correlation of antigen levels with parasitemia and its c
179 al variables probit model of the association correlation of ECT administration with patient risk of 3
180                                              Correlation of microarray data with patient survival and
181 on of treatment, safety of paracentesis, and correlation of keratitic precipitates with PCR positivit
182 orrelation of salivary leptin and a positive correlation of serum leptin with PD (P <0.05).
183 firmed by end-capping reactions and a linear correlation of molecular weight with percent conversion.
184  arm somatomotor network, and determined the correlation of FC with performance obtained in a separat
185                                              Correlation of genotype with phenotype was made with Map
186                       The unexpected lack of correlation of OKT testing with photoreceptor degenerati
187  provides a powerful platform to investigate correlations of patient outcome with planned therapy.
188 here were statistically significant but weak correlations of fibrosis with platelet count, albumin, b
189                             Given the strong correlation of RD with poor outcome, preserving renal fu
190 s in contrast to CLL, in which a significant correlation of short telomeres with poor prognostic subg
191  mining revealed that the strongest positive correlation of diabetes with POPs occurred with organoch
192                                          The correlation of surface NO2 with population is significan
193 ted at 8-mm slice thickness showed excellent correlation of infarct size with post-mortem pathology (
194 rganisations and disease sites), prospective correlation of TAME endpoints with predefined outcome me
195 lammation, which is further supported by the correlation of Ktrans with proinflammatory cardiovascula
196                                 The clinical correlation of CD151(free) with prostate cancer progress
197 e IgG; and the possibility that the previous correlation of ADCC with protection was augmented by cel
198          Our findings indicate a significant correlation of PSMA uptake with PSA, GS, and risk classi
199 rt, unjustifiably increasing its importance; correlation of reported ADRs with public events, regulat
200  across a spectrum of EDs and to examine the correlation of PRS scores with quality measures.
201      The aim of the study was to analyze the correlation of ultrasound with radiographs in imaging of
202                                              Correlations of STIs with rectal viral load were explore
203                Exploratory analyses included correlations of outcome with recurrent mutations identif
204                                              Correlation of edema reduction with reduction in the PPF
205                                              Correlations of initial measures with repeat measures (n
206                                     Adjusted correlations of plasma carotenoids with reported dietary
207  providing visual signatures of multivariate correlations of genetic markers with respect to a phenot
208    Key secondary end points included safety, correlation of CD30 expression with response, response d
209        Controversy exists regarding possible correlation of periodontal disease with rheumatoid arthr
210                                       Strong correlations of GP with RRH (r = 0.722, P = 0.001) and M
211                            Furthermore, mild correlations of SMP with RRH (r = 0.290, P = 0.020) and
212                                 Finally, the correlation of this effect with scene-selective activity
213                                          The correlation of HF with SD-OCT features of AMD progressio
214                                          The correlation of atrophy with semantic processing impairme
215  to explain senescence, based in part on the correlation of oxygen with senescence, postulates that i
216                                            A correlation of miRNA quantification with sequencing freq
217                                          The correlation of photocycle kinetics with side-chain confo
218                    cis association refers to correlation of methylation with SNPs within 1 Mb of a Cp
219 -WID) (subsequently transposed into IED) and correlations of PM10 with SO2, NOx, heavy metals, polych
220                              The significant correlation of CA/OA with some orbital parameters confir
221 ts with focal epilepsy, we confirm a similar correlation of temporofrontal IEDs with spindles over an
222 heir interspikelet interval) showed that the correlation of spikelet number with SS firing rate prima
223                                              Correlations of the subscales with standardized measures
224               Further studies evaluating the correlation of BiS with stereopsis, visual field expansi
225                          First, we observe a correlation of such markers with stimulation-evoked resp
226 tions of valve biology and biomechanics (eg, correlations of function with structure at the cell, tis
227 essed in a clinical context by comparing the correlation of each metabolite with subject survival tim
228 a pyramidalized transition state geometry; a correlation of cycloaddition rates with substrate distor
229                               Product-moment correlations of satisfaction with surgery with visual sy
230            There was excellent agreement and correlation of CT staging with surgical findings for T l
231 esult was pathogen-specific, as there was no correlation of spleen size with survival following Y. ru
232                                        Cross-correlation of FeNO with symptoms and autocorrelation of
233     On chromosome 15q, a suggestive negative correlation of European ancestry with TG and positive co
234 014); the same location also showed positive correlation of European ancestry with TG levels.
235                         We also found strong correlations of SULF1 expression with TGF-beta expressio
236              Results RED had a Spearman rank correlation of 0.61 with the initial area under the curv
237 the anxiety severity estimate and maintain a correlation of 0.94 with the total 431-item test score.
238                                         Good correlation of ADCs obtained with the single-value metho
239 lcy to cancer, showing the strongest inverse correlation of any gene with the increasing expression o
240                                              Correlation of brain uptake with the relative density of
241 ew of the medical records and determined the correlation of clinical variables with the fluconazole c
242 s (N=83 and N=58; age range, 5-57 years) the correlation of cortical thickness with the magnitude of
243                                              Correlation of ECD with the presence of an Ahmed glaucom
244                       mainoutcomemeasure(s): Correlation of ECD with the presence of an Ahmed glaucom
245 nce of multiple copper centers has precluded correlation of EPR signals with the crystallographically
246  just 30 AIMs are needed to obtain very high correlation of estimates with the entire set (r = 0.89;
247 t genes that exhibited a significant inverse correlation of expression with the miRNAs.
248  A novel strategy was developed to allow for correlation of immunofluorescence data with the ultrastr
249  improving outcome has been supported by the correlation of increased survival with the presence or a
250 trast to our preconceptions, there is little correlation of inhibitor chemistry with the calorimetric
251                                          The correlation of its abundance with the virulence of clini
252 1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) revealed the correlation of med12 phenotype with the activity of the
253 minance of 1 unit in double-unit CBT and the correlation of MMc with the NIMA effect.
254                                 However, the correlation of MRI-PDFF with the underlying hepatic trig
255                                 Further, the correlation of neuropsychological deficits with the volu
256 s single constraint accounts for much of the correlation of phosphorylation events with the oncogenic
257 diatric Readiness Survey (PRS); however, the correlation of PRS scores with the quality of simulated
258 d alkaline phosphatase (ALP), as well as the correlation of PSA changes with the results of prostate-
259 the diagnostic dose in most patients, but no correlation of Rx/Dx with the mCi in the diagnostic dose
260 icroRNAs by the lines' tissue of origin, and correlation of specific microRNAs with the doubling-time
261 5% CI, 0.78-0.91), respectively, whereas the correlation of the algorithm with the reference standard
262 c syndrome, as well as the assessment of the correlation of the images with the phase of transformati
263            In Parkinson's disease, increased correlation of the insula with the default mode network
264 patients with NPSLE, as well as the positive correlation of these diffusivities with the systemic lup
265                            Nevertheless, the correlation of these results with the potential for nega
266                  We also demonstrated a high correlation of this change with the specific ss-lap-indu
267 eration over 1 week and established a strong correlation of this parameter with the L-LTC-IC frequenc
268  in patients with systemic arthritis and the correlation of TLR8 expression with the elevation of IL-
269 strategies for HCC treatment in light of the correlation of topoIIalpha overexpression with the aggre
270               Another striking result is the correlation of treatment response with the amount of orb
271                               We studied the correlation of TTD with the risk of transmission of infe
272           Recent studies indicate a possible correlation of zinc levels with the cancer risk; however
273 e two groups differed significantly in their correlations of age with the magnitude of regional brain
274 o obtain a system-level understanding of the correlations of apolipoproteins with the plasma lipidome
275                                              Correlations of baseline measures with the Dissociative
276         In contrast to peptides, we found no correlations of DeltaTm with the identity of the substit
277 For 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium ILCs, linear correlations of ionic volumes with the occurrence of LC
278                       HCC microarrays showed correlations of nuclear MEF2C with the angiogenesis-asso
279                        We then evaluated the correlations of polymorphisms with the transcription of
280 s showed high trypanocidal activity and good correlation of activity with their stability in fresh mo
281        FCS measures the spatial and temporal correlation of individual molecules with themselves and
282                                           No correlations of PM10 levels with these cardiovascular ma
283              Histologic studies demonstrated correlation of retinal features with those seen on SD-OC
284                                   We use the correlations of CO2 with trace elements to define an ave
285 iants and other AAV serotype vectors and the correlation of this property with transduction points to
286  of three 24-h urine samples could provide a correlation of >/=0.8 with true long-term urinary excret
287 io, average correlation coefficients for the correlation of reported intake with true intake on the F
288 ay of human HCC patients revealed an inverse correlation of adiponectin expression with tumor size.
289                                          The correlation of cfDNA levels with tumor metabolism, but n
290                                          The correlation of MRI with two different behavioural measur
291                                              Correlation of individual genotypes with unique rates of
292 of RT in patients with DME and slightly less correlation of either measure with VA.
293                        However, quantitative correlations of optical assessments with variations in t
294                   We further investigate the correlation of TBP activity with various lengths of DNA
295                                              Correlations of RA with VF thresholds tended to be highe
296 fusion experiments, which directly probe the correlations of DsbB with water and lipid acyl chains.
297 n particular, we do not fully understand the correlation of kinase activity with Y(551) phosphorylati
298                                          The correlation of reduced binding with years of alcohol abu
299                         Furthermore, a clear correlation of ee with ylide stability was observed in r
300                        However, the moderate correlation of amphotericin MICs with zone diameters (-0

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